In a blink of an eye, the Goryeo army continued to attack and surrounded the city.
In Jinghai County, Ying Changge had already heard a lot of things, but most of them were about refugees.
Famine is very tormenting, life is worse than death, especially the feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable.
Many refugees died because of this, and their death was more important to Ying Changge, and he refused to back down.
No matter what (affa), the people and refugees must be fed, so Ying Changge will concentrate on sorting out.
As long as there is any disaster, there will be Ying Changge to uphold justice.
Ying Changge’s every move involves the well-being of the people, so naturally he will not give up halfway.
When Ying Changge was busy with the refugee famine, and the border lands began an unscrupulous campaign.
The war started, and the fighting was endless. Many people died because of it. They died here, and they suffered a crushing defeat.
Many soldiers became extremely chilling, their faces were deserted, and they couldn’t wait to guard the city.
Smiling triumphantly, the soldiers of the Goryeo army turned out to be so mighty and unstoppable.
Without the slightest hesitation, the menacing army directly attacked the border and attacked the city.
All of a sudden, the flames of war raged, the city was devastated, and many soldiers died because of this, and blood flowed like rivers.
Under the great battle, the soldiers came in dense numbers and fought back unscrupulously.
Even if there are many Korean troops coming, the soldiers must guard the city here and refuse to give in.
Every move is very important, and the fighting in the borderlands has become more and more serious.
There have been rumors for a long time, but they are not easy to suppress. Once it is spread, it will soon become known to everyone.
Chapter 961 Possibility of one-shot annihilation!
Since there is such an offensive, it will be easier for the big guys to fight. This is facing the enemy head-on.
Charge into battle, fight on the battlefield, there is no conspiracy, but endless attacks.
Either live or die, such a battle is really sad, but it can’t stop this situation at all.
Under the great battle, the mental strength is exhausted, I am afraid that the Korean army will directly destroy this city~.
In the borderlands, wars are raging everywhere, and this evening is not as good as in the past. It is really too embarrassing and difficult to move.
If it was normal, the army would guard this place mightily and domineeringly, there would be no difference.
The famine was prevalent and involved a lot, and there was not much food for the army’s paws, thanks to Ying Changge’s timely solution.
But this cannot be solved in a short while, and it also requires the cultivation and harvest of food.
In a short period of time, it is impossible to secure and plentiful so much food.
Especially at the beginning of marching and fighting, the food in the army is not sufficient, and it is impossible to stand still.
Once the confrontation continues and the unscrupulous charge, the army will not block the Goryeo army.
The Korean army continued to move forward, surrounded the city, and showed a chilling look.
Arriving as always, eager to charge, many soldiers could hardly hold on to the stalemate to continue the battle.
With the winning ticket in hand, like a tiger with wings added, the Goryeo army was invincible and continued to fight.
When Ying Changge learned the news of the border land, he was already very surprised.
Because several cities in the edge land were attacked one by one by the Goryeo army.
This is a very serious matter, maybe there is a possibility of being wiped out in one fell swoop!
After hearing about this incident, Ying Changge didn’t stop, and immediately contacted the spies to inquire about the information.
For all the defeats in the borderlands, Ying Changge couldn’t miss them, and had a panoramic view of them all.
After inquiring about many things, Ying Changge knew a lot about the battle situation, which was extremely tragic.
Under the offensive of the Goryeo army, there were hardly many people who could block such an attack, which was very embarrassing.
They died in the hands of the Goryeo army, and many of them forcibly became the souls of the dead on the battlefield.
Loyal soldiers stood firm for their homeland, only to die at the hands of the enemy on the battlefield.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
What a tragic battle this is! It is impossible for Ying Changge to let them sacrifice in vain.
These are all loyal people, and when they died on the battlefield, Ying Zheng must avenge them.
As a result, Ying Changge immediately wrote a letter and started contacting the soldiers in the ruling and opposition parties to explore the border affairs.
Everything happened too fast, there was no chance for the army to hover, and they would be defeated one by one.
. 0 0
The Koryo army now has a bright future and seems to be invincible, directly attacking the depths of the border.
This is a big deal! Ying Changge will not sit idly by, he must lead the attack.
It is already here, and the famine disaster of the refugees and the people has been almost solved, so Ying Changge feels at ease.
Immediately afterwards, he immediately embarked on his return journey, and had to meet Ying Zheng to discuss state affairs.
Ever since, he traveled far and wide, and traveled quickly, always eager to go.
In a blink of an eye, Ying Changge quickly returned to Xianyang from this remote place, and entered through the city gate.
Goryeo is really too much, especially for attacking the border unscrupulously, deceiving people too much.
Chapter 962 Personally lead the army to raid!
In order to mobilize his own troops, Ying Changge can’t act privately, but has to report to Ying Zheng.
Walking side by side with their own people, they couldn’t wait to come and returned to the main hall.
Ying Zheng met Ying Changge and asked about Xiaoyaozi, so he was naturally very concerned.
Ying Changge replied, telling all the things that happened in Jianzhou in a serious manner.
In this way, Ying “One Zero Zero” Zheng will be relieved, “What do you think of the war in the borderlands!”
Hearing that Ying Zheng asked about this, Ying Changge was naturally furious, “They are really going too far!”
“Yelang is so arrogant that he wants to attack our borderlands with his eggs. Isn’t it wishful thinking!”
Ying Changge recommended himself, and immediately patted his chest, “I am willing to lead troops to attack the Korean army!”
“This time, not only do we want to retreat from the enemy, but we also want to annihilate them in one fell swoop! No one will be left behind!” Ying Changge said confidently.
He said loudly, “No matter what! As long as you start a war, it’s wrong!”
Seeing Ying Changge’s attitude, Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction, “Very good!”
With such momentum, it is fearful to repel the Goryeo army.I’m afraid it’s even easier, very easy!
“Put all the troops in your hands. When the time comes, the whole army will be up to you to choose, and you will definitely be able to repel the enemy!”
“Korea is really cruel, we will not be merciful!” Ying Changge is bound to win.
“The more soldiers you lead, the better. It will be easier to take down Goryeo!” He strategized.
Ying Changge’s eyes were not only on the Koryo army, but on the entire Koryo country!
“If you don’t do one thing this time, it’s better to just eradicate the Goryeo army and take down the whole Goryeo!”
He kept his word and his voice was like a bell.
Ying Changge expressed his confidence, even very resolute, and Ying Zheng was very happy.
Nodding and getting up satisfied, Ying Zheng said, “Okay! You lead the army to make a surprise attack yourself!”
“When the time comes, it will definitely be accomplished immediately! This is what the ruling and opposition parties hope for! You will definitely be able to complete it!”
With Ying Zheng’s words, of course Ying Changge must win the battle, which is very important.
Not only to repel these Goryeo troops, but also to make Goryeo pay a heavy price.
What is it all about! It is nothing more than more or less, the force to suppress Goryeo is enough.
Knowing that the Korean army is still eager to attack the border, this is an insult to Ying Changge.
Therefore, Ying Changge will not let his people die like this, which is very important.
He and his own people ran rampant quickly, so Ying Changge carefully prepared some troops and arranged them in formation.
As long as there are good generals by his side, he must be able to attack the Goryeo army.
Ambitious Goryeo, in order to be able to expand its territory, did all kinds of evil, even unscrupulous.
In order to be able to break through the city, the Koryo army did not stop and continued to attack 5.0.
A group of people are fierce and fierce, and they are even more mighty. Among the soldiers, there are hidden murderous intentions, which is really brave.
If this kind of offensive fails to kill Yingzheng, I’m afraid the Korean army will lose all previous efforts!
The bustling army has no intention of stopping, and continues to attack the inside and outside of the city.
More than a dozen cities have been lost in such a series, and the Goryeo army is not a cowardly person.
Chapter 963 Long-term considerations are needed!
Since they are going to start a fight, it means that they must be aggressively attacking.
With the unscrupulous attack, many people aggressively surrounded and tried to wipe out the city.
Today, Ying Changge wants to try it out to see who can show off his strength in front of him.
Ever since, Ying Changge took orders from Ying Zheng, and must put all his troops on the front line.

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