Repelling foreign enemies is a very important thing, beheading them will surely win glory for the country.
The land cannot be ceded, and the city cannot be ceded to the Goryeo army. Everything must be taken back.
Ying Changge united his troops together for the sake of the local Goryeo army.
At this moment, everything is ready for the plan and the way out, Ying Changge must fight.
Chapter 966 Safety in the city!
In particular, the Goryeo army attacked its own cities one after another, and many soldiers died as a result.
Their deaths were tragic, not to mention that under the chill of the Goryeo army, the city was hard to guard against.
Many soldiers died of injustice. Under such battles, they could not survive on the battlefield at all.
The death of one person will only cause the army to lose one soldier, but what about a city?
But if a city is broken open like this and occupied by the Korean army, the consequences will be serious.
The overwhelmed city cannot withstand the onslaught of the Goryeo army, and their deaths are timely.
But even if the loyal Qin army continued to resist, it did not stop the progress of the Goryeo army.
The dense sound of horseshoes was always approaching, and Ying Changge saw thousands of troops attacking.
Such a scene is really too much, Qin Jun will guard the city to the death, and will not retreat at all~.
Attack quickly, kill with one sword, many soldiers fell in a pool of blood in the shadow of swords and swords.
Their deaths were expected, after all, the Goryeo army was extremely fierce, even cruel and ruthless.
The soldiers were eradicated one by one, their blood flowed like rivers, and they lost to the pursuit of the Goryeo army.
If they were to be destroyed, they would be killed in a single battle. In the city, there would be almost a large number of people from the Goryeo army.
Attacking with the Qin army and going all out, even if it is not able to trap the safety of this city.
The battle was bloody, and many soldiers were injured. Everything will be bloody and bloody, and it is not easy to fight against the enemy.
What’s more, the Goryeo army in full swing did not stop at all, and was always attacking the city in a steady stream.
Cities fell one by one and were buried in the hands of the Goryeo army. The Qin army was already powerless.
Many generals obeyed Ying Changge’s order, which was also Ying Zheng’s order.
Keep a promise, and with Ying Zheng’s order, the other generals will follow Ying Changge’s lead.
After Ying Changge heard that the Goryeo army was doing whatever they wanted, he naturally wanted to catch them all.
Especially since Ying Zheng had already issued an order, he must be impatient to act.
In order to fight against foreign enemies, Ying Changge must protect his frontier.
On a temporary basis, to mobilize troops and horses, Ying Changge naturally had to make foolproof preparations.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
The generals all knew that Ying Changge was leading the army, so they all came here because of the reputation and wanted to join Ying Changge.
The national war is a great war, which is an important battle, and we must go all out to kill it.
The offensive behavior of the Goryeo army was weird, fighting everywhere, which caused a lot of disasters.
To deal with the Korean army, it is necessary to take a long-term plan. After all, Ying Changge is a person with a reputation.
. 0 0
Once the war starts, it will be earth-shattering, rare in the world! Ying Changge is also bound to win this.
Full of confidence, Ying Changge was also waiting patiently, just to join forces with many generals.
One side is in trouble and all sides support it. Ying Changge’s move has even called on many generals in the ruling and opposition parties.
The threshold of Ying Changge’s mansion was almost smashed, and many people joined Ying Changge’s command.
As long as he can follow Ying Changge to fight on the battlefield, he must be able to withstand the Goryeo army.
Ever since, under Ying Changge’s call, many generals defected and were willing to serve together.
Under Ying Changge’s arrangement, many generals brought their troops and wanted to go out with Ying Changge and…
Chapter 967: All the way through!
To prepare troops, many generals were dispatched to the display to jointly resist the Goryeo army.
As long as it can block the invasion of foreign enemies, Ying Changge must take back all these cities.
This is my own city, how can I let the Goryeo army rob my own territory!
They were really worried that their city would be plundered, so they started fighting.
Leading thousands of troops and horses, Ying Changge stepped forward at a speed of “one zero and one zero zero”. Ying Changge embarked on the road of conquest.
The other soldiers are still entrenched, but Ying Changge’s men are the only ones who will go to the battlefield first.
In the borderlands, wars are raging, and the Goryeo army is really arrogant, always fighting the enemy quickly.
Occupying cities one by one, occupying pieces of territory, the Goryeo army foughtInvincible.
All the way is to pass the test, and their death is also expected.
It would be easy to say if the Korean army stopped, but it is a pity that there is no such offensive that can stop it.
They were all still fighting in groups, and rushed into the depths of the border in one go.
Ying Changge knew that if he didn’t continue to stop the Goryeo army, he might cause disaster.
When the tiger comes out of the cage, there will be endless troubles. So many enemy troops came to fight in one go.
If he can stop the Goryeo army, Ying Changge will fight with his own army with all his strength.
The situation on the battlefield changed, so many troops were lost, and soldiers were also lost in the city.
Many people died directly, and the soldiers died in battle. Only the Goryeo army is still attacking the city smoothly.
The brave and fearless Goryeo army captured cities one by one, but continued to penetrate deep into the hinterland.
Such an offensive, if Ying Changge does not stop it, it may directly cause damage to the city.
The nineteenth route army all loyally surrendered to Ying Changge, and they set off immediately and embarked on the journey.
However, Ying Changge’s mind is still very familiar.
Facing such a majestic battle, Ying Changge immediately recognized the overall situation.
It is useless to protect one’s own territory, Ying Changge needs to go straight.
Hit a snake and hit seven inches, capture the thief first and capture the king, Ying Changge doesn’t need to pay attention to those rampant Goryeo troops.
He only needs to lead his own people to go to Goryeo, and then attack Goryeo directly, and take 0…
Otherwise, if Goryeo is not allowed to fall into crisis, then the Goryeo army will naturally not retreat.
This is a very important matter. Ying Changge and his party headed for Korea in a mighty way.
The news spread together and soon spread to the territory of the Koreans.
Ying Changge led the army himself? Come to attack Goryeo? King Goryeo panicked immediately.
He had heard about Ying Changge’s name a long time ago, such a guy is really too powerful.
If he really wanted to attack him, he would directly kill himself if he didn’t have any chance!
King Goryeo was very serious. He looked serious and couldn’t take his eyes off. “What do you think is good!”
“Now there are so many 5.0 ministers gathered here, you can give a good way to govern!”
“We must block Ying Changge, and we must not let the Qin army step into the territory!” The king of the Korean army was terrified.
In this hall, the surrounding ministers are also serious, they are racking their brains to think.
If you can’t think of an excellent countermeasure, then wouldn’t Goryeo be about to perish! .
Chapter 968 The sound is like a bell, and it is inevitable!
The hall was chattering, surrounding the King Goryeo, they had a discussion, and they couldn’t wait.
They are not talking gossip, but are discussing seriously, how to fight against Ying Changge’s army!
If the Qin army were allowed to drive directly in, I am afraid that Koryo would fall into an unprecedented crisis.
Hearing that Ying Changge’s army would go there, the King of Korea was very frightened, for fear that he would die.
The ministers in front of them are eagerly discussing, just to find an excellent solution.
Even if you know that Ying Changge is coming to attack, how do you deal with the enemy? 05 can only send troops to stop it.
As long as Ying Changge’s army is blocked, there will be no danger! This is the law of nature.
With a sigh, the King of Goryeo clenched his fists, “Okay! If that’s the case, then there’s a point!”
“Send our generals to attack directly, and we must drive back Ying Changge’s army and wipe it out!”
The sound was like a bell, and it was sure to win. The King of Korea looked serious, “We must ensure our safety!”
With such an offensive in his own territory, wouldn’t Ying Changge’s army want to eradicate him as well!
Knowing that Goryeo’s defense is not so simple, the King of Goryeo is still afraid that his head will fall.
As a result, the King of Korea must let his generals continue to rush out to take down Ying Changge and his party.
“You said, the most important thing is who to send!” King Goryeo was very serious.
“The capable man who killed Ying Changge, among my generals, who can stand alone?”
The King of Korea knew that the general who went to fight against Ying Changge would be extremely important.

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