Fighting with their own soldiers with all their strength, they are just to stop the fighting of the army.
However, such an army offensive is really useless, at least it cannot reverse the situation at all.
Powerless, they can only persevere in this battle and fight rampantly.
The soldiers collided back and forth, and the weapons in their hands were all attacking vigorously, constantly fighting.
The situation of such a fierce attack is really strong. Many people in 5.0 want to fight back, but they have no power to fight back.
Especially Zhang Dahu personally led the army, he deeply felt his own powerlessness, the soldiers were at the end of their strength.
He and his soldiers moved forward in one go, but they couldn’t kill these Korean troops.
If I already knew that the Goryeo army was so insidious, I wouldn’t have continued to open the city gates to fight.
Chapter 958 Enmity between the country and the land is irreconcilable!
At this moment, Zhang Dahu regretted it too much, but he didn’t have any chance to avoid the enemy’s attack.
More and more people are rampant unscrupulously, and the corpses of soldiers are also falling down in groups.
They were dead, wounded, without any chance of turning around, and they were able to fight back against these people.
Can’t wait to go, fight as usual, under the great battle, it really broke out ferociously.
The fierce battle had the last stubbornness, Zhang Dahu fought for his own city.
For Ying Zheng, for Ying Changge, Zhang Dahu will not bow his head, nor will he ever become a deserter.
The Korean army invaded again and again, attacked the border, and broke the city in a blink of an eye.
More than half of the city has fallen into the hands of the Goryeo army, which is a very dangerous thing.
Zhang Dahu saw it in his eyes and knew that it was impossible for him to block the invasion of the Goryeo army.
Looking terrified and impatient, Zhang Dahu immediately ordered his people, “Pass the letter to Feige!”
“Be sure to inform the battle situation here, let the soldiers in other cities be vigilant and get ready!”
In a hurry, Zhang Dahu and his own people were retreating quickly, just to block the Goryeo army.
The enemy army came very quickly, especially since they had already attacked and entered the city, and the city gate fell.
The Goryeo army is mighty and mighty, and a series of soldiers are dark, like black clouds pressing down on the city.
The city tower was crumbling and almost collapsed. This was Zhang Dahu’s last chance.
Ever since, Zhang Dahu colluded with his soldiers, and they formed a human wall in groups.
The city wall guards this place, and the soldiers guard the city wall. Zhang Dahu has no way out, so he can only do his best.
Within half a month, Ying Zheng heard the news that the frontier had fallen.
After hearing this, he was furious, so Yingzheng scolded, “The Korean army is too much!”
“Conceited, overestimated one’s own strength!” Sitting cross-legged in the hall, Ying Zheng was very resentful.
“If possible, we must conquer Goryeo, subdue him, and expand the territory.”
The Goryeo army is all of this brave generation, and a group of people can’t wait to take precautions, and they are on guard.
However, the Koryo army finally attacked and continued to offend the border lands, which is really daring.
In particular, Goryeo’s bold and reckless actions turned out to be frequent attacks in order to compete for border territory.
The enmity between the country and the land is irreconcilable, and it is impossible to let Goryeo snatch it like this!
Ying Zheng was furious, he overturned the desk, and shouted, “You guys have a good idea!”
Above the main hall, many ministers knelt down in front of Ying Zheng, shocked and silent.
They were all hesitant to speak 083, but they knelt under Ying Zheng’s eyes, but they didn’t know what to say.
Is it possible that you want to personally lead the army to attack the Goryeo army? This is impossible.
The ministers pretended to be deaf and dumb, pretending to be stupid and stunned, and would not speak out about anything.
Originally thought that the Goryeo army would continue to attack, but they temporarily occupied the city and took a rest.
Ying Zheng’s face was cold and stern, and Ying Zheng didn’t show any joy, it was already gloomy beyond words.
“Don’t say it yet! What do you guys have to do! Say it out, and you can deal with these enemies!”
There was no sound, there was no sound in the hall, and the ministers were silent and kept silent.
Chapter 959 Know about the frontier!
“A bunch of drunks and rice bags!” Ying Zheng scolded mercilessly, “Hurry up! Go to protect the border.”
Under Ying Zheng’s dispatch, a lot of troops went out with the general.
However, Ying Changge was still unaware of all this. He stayed in Jinghai County, specializing inDedicated to fighting famine.
As long as the famine can be survived, there will be no other dangers, and the refugees are proud to be saved.
Is it true that Yingzheng dare not kill Goryeo! He must go to crush this small country!
Ever since, Yingzheng dispatched a lot of troops to guard the border areas with strict precautions.
In Jinghai County, Ying Changge’s famine control has already achieved a lot of results, and everyone can have a full stomach.
After eating the food and planting the grain and grass seeds into the ground, the people showed a long-lost and comfortable smile.
Unaware of the war in the borderlands, Ying Changge had already gotten along with these refugees and had a good time.
The Goryeo army was still rampant impatiently, and many soldiers attacked the city in one go.
If Ying Changge had known about the border, he would have personally led the attack no matter what.
But Ying Zheng was afraid that Ying Changge would not be able to do his own thing, so he didn’t directly mobilize Ying Changge.
Staying in Ying Changge in Jinghai County, taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Zheng mobilized his elite soldiers.
Let them go to guard the border, then maybe there is a chance to block the offensive of the Goryeo army.
As long as Yingzheng is asked to dispatch soldiers, it shows that what the Korean army has done is already resentful.
Still going all out to attack, the Goryeo army is still chattering to attack Yingzheng’s territory.
Protecting the country is a very important thing. Ying Zheng still doesn’t know where Ying Changge has gone.
Therefore, Ying Zheng sent people to investigate Ying Changge’s whereabouts at one point, while resisting the attack of the Korean army.
If the Goryeo army continued to attack, it would not take long before more cities would be lost.
Internal and external troubles, Yingzheng is really a headache, so he looks unhappy, his face is full of gloom.
If it weren’t for the impact of the Goryeo army, wouldn’t the Dajiang land be about to change dynasties!
Ying Zheng, who looked displeased, ordered the ministers to get away, and he returned to the study.
The charge of the Goryeo army is really powerful, and it is unreasonable, always attacking as always.
Knowing the wolf ambitions of the Goryeo army, Ying Zheng couldn’t wait to mobilize his troops.
Only with sufficient troops to attack can the Goryeo army be easily repelled.
Knowing nothing about the war, Ying Changge is always patiently distributing food seeds.
As long as there are enough food seeds, the people will not continue to live hungry.
In the distant borderlands, the Goryeo army is still rapidly attacking the city, wanting to capture more land.
Especially when the enemy army is attacking, the cities in the borderlands (the money is good) have already hoarded a lot of troops.
When it was learned that the Goryeo army was coming, the army in the city began to be on guard.
As long as the enemy troops continue to attack, they must be hit violently to make them die completely.
Otherwise, they will not be able to completely defeat the Goryeo army, and they will be in more danger.
How important the frontier is, especially after learning of Ying Zheng’s death order, the soldiers are loyal.
Chapter 960 It is easy to cause a bloodbath!
Worried, Ying Zheng was already very bored and anxious about the border matter.
But fortunately, Yingzheng’s city government is very deep, and he will not be shocked by small things.
These methods are very direct. In order to resist the Goryeo army, Yingzheng has always kept his word.
If you want to kill the Goryeo army, you must let the Goryeo army be completely killed, leaving no one behind.
When the army in the city began to guard, many soldiers had already seen the soldiers of the Goryeo army approaching the city.
The Goryeo army was so arrogant that it even led the army under the city.
Layers of attacks, approaching again and again, this makes the 100 Borderlands very dangerous.
However, the Korean army was not to be outdone, and even continued to attack the city in one go.
A group of people marched fiercely, and the soldiers stood on the city wall, all of them staring at each other.
As long as it can kill them and repel the enemy, this is the most worthwhile situation.
Otherwise, if the Goryeo army is allowed to continue to go its own way, I am afraid that it will attack all the way to Xianyang!
After Yingzheng was angry and angry, the natural consequences were very serious, and it was easy to set off a bloodbath.
Ever since, under the mobilization of Ying Zheng, more and more troops were put on hold at the border.
The Goryeo army was so mighty that they couldn’t wait to attack them grandiosely.
There are so many of them, and each one of them is vigorous and invincible.
There are thousands of changes in this kind of manpower, and it is impossible to avoid a fight, because Goryeo is bound to win.

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