Why did Goryeo start sending troops at this time! Maybe, there are hidden secrets and strangeness in it.
Goryeo is a confidant, they lead troops to attack, of course Ying Changge is very worried.
But the battle report said that Zhang Dahu, the general who defended the city, repelled them one by one and defended the city.
This is naturally something to be happy about, so as soon as it came, Ying Changge was relieved, and he was very happy.
Ying Changge and his team are dedicated to alleviating the famine disaster of the refugees, and Ying Changge can keep them stable.
Many refugees received food seeds, and they immediately began to cultivate, so that they could wait for a good harvest.
As long as there is a good harvest of food, the self-supporting people will get rid of the disaster of famine.
For a while, Ying Changge was at his wits’ end, so it was naturally impossible for him to pay attention to the war on the border.
Since the Goryeo army was repelled, there are basically no other problems (the money is good).
Ying Changge still trusts the security of the border very much, but he is concentrating on continuing to escort the food.
There is very little food, but there are still a lot of seeds, and Ying Changge must send them all out.
The Goryeo army lacks enough troops, but they may not be able to break through the border, they can’t!
Allowing his soldiers to continue distributing seeds door to door in the city, Ying Changge himself is also very busy.
Chapter 950 It is the person involved in the famine!
But he didn’t know that this time, the war of ignoring the border lands caused a very important disaster.
Knowing that the frontier land had already won the battle, Zhang Dahu was even more ecstatic, very elated.
Imagine that he is about to be promoted and make a fortune, Zhang Dahu is working hard day and night to train soldiers.
As long as these soldiers are brave and fearless to meet the enemy, it will be easy to kill them when the time comes.
The continuous Koryo army was already afraid of Zhang Dahu, so they didn’t dare to continue to show up to fight the enemy.
That one stop made Zhang Dahu directly famous, he felt that he had the talent of the world.
With extraordinary strength, killing the 083 Army of Koryo is easy! Zhang Dahu has the winning ticket!
Staying in his own city, Zhang Dahu’s people were very eager to fight another day.
The battle with the Goryeo army was really fierce, but it boosted Zhang Dahu’s morale.
In this way, Zhang Dahu is like a tiger with wings added, he will definitely guard the city wholeheartedly.
Now Ying Changge is still going to rescue refugees in Jinghai County, in order to ensure their survival.
Refugees are the most important, and they are the ones involved in the famine.
As long as the refugees don’t die, Ying Changge’s trip is worthwhile, and he must save this famine disaster.
While Ying Changge was working hard to cure the famine, there were many changes in the situation.
When Zhang Dahu got up today, he heard his soldiers scolding him, as if he was very anxious.
After careful identification for a moment, Zhang Dahu understood that it was another offense by the Goryeo army.
It’s funny that so many enemy troops are outside the city, but they didn’t attack directly.
Showing a contemptuous expression, Zhang Dahu stood on the city, looking even more vigorous.
“A bunch of mobs dare to appear in front of me again, they don’t know how to live or die!”
After yelling, Zhang Dahu waved his hand, “If he wants to fight, I will fight, and I must kill them!”
“It’s ridiculous that such a group of useless people dare to come here again!”
Standing on the city, Zhang Dahu had his arms akimbo, and his eyes shot out a breathtaking look, very brave.
As long as the Goryeo army came to attack, he would definitely rush forward and kill them all.
Seeing that many people appeared in front of him, Zhang Dahu was still waiting patiently.
Because the enemy army just appeared, but there is still a little distance from your own city, so there is nothing to be afraid of.
Just gather all the army in your hands together, at this moment, there is no danger.
He and his own people quickly formed an array, so that they could deal with the enemy’s surprise attack.
As for the loss, many people came here in one go, and they might not be able to kill themselves and break into the city.
After winning a battle, Zhang Dahu was very proud, and felt that he was not an ordinary person.
So, standing on the city, Zhang Dahu raised his sword, with a vigorous posture.
Sure enough, Zhang Dahu still saw the Goryeo army approaching his city in a rampage.
How could he sit idly by! Ever since, the attack started immediately. A counterattack began.
and own taxiThe soldiers once again came in groups, Zhang Dahu opened the city gate, and quickly attacked up.
Chapter 951 Protect the Borderlands!
A large group of mighty men, all looking menacing, must kill the Goryeo army.
As long as he kills the enemy army, Zhang Dahu can be promoted all the way and become a great general in his own right!
Ever since, Zhang Dahu, who was eager for meritorious service, quickly led his army to charge, and a large group of people were chasing bravely.
Many people were still behind Zhang Dahu, and their army was so powerful that they directly approached the battlefield.
In front of the Goryeo army in this barren mountain, Zhang Dahu’s men attacked aggressively.
Rapid charge, rampant as always, he felt that it would be easy to kill the Goryeo army.
He and his own troops charged up aggressively, Zhang Dahu had drawn his sword out of its sheath, fighting fiercely.
Fighting bloody battles, clashing big swords, ping-pong-pong, they fell into this entanglement.
Even though they knew the strength of the other party, the Gao Li army was still not afraid of Zhang Dahu, and continued to attack.
According to the plan, Zhang Dahu’s men faced the enemy directly, just to kill him.
Wearing armor and majestic, Zhang Dahu rode on the horse but did not stop and was still ready to go.
When the army came to the enemy, many people came in front of Zhang Dahu. They could be said to be vigorous.
But even so, Zhang Dahu is still not afraid. He has won battles and is already proud.
Zhang Dahu and his own soldiers were charging unremittingly, and Zhang Dahu had already rushed into the inside of the enemy army.
Surrounded by the army, many people came to assassinate Zhang Dahu, as if they knew he was a general.
Fortunately, Zhang Dahu is not an ordinary person, his skill is very powerful, he directly swept away thousands of troops, and hit with a single sword.
After beheading a few enemy soldiers easily, he rode on the horse and continued to fight.
The Korean army would not let Zhang Dahu live, and more cavalry came to surround Zhang Dahu.
Seemingly aware of Zhang Dahu’s bravery, many archers were ready to start shooting.
These are the elites of Goryeo, and their archers are exceptionally elite, so shoot them directly.
However, Zhang Dahu did not die so easily, he admired Ying Changge and his like.
Ying Changge’s prestige is outside, Zhang Dahu naturally admires him very much, and also wants to follow Ying Changge.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Kill the Goryeo army and annihilate them all, then Zhang Dahu will be able to make meritorious service.
Contributions are very important, and Zhang Dahu also wants to be as happy as Ying Changge!
That’s why he was chattering and attacking, and the sword in his hand was constantly beheading the enemy.
Enemies one by one died under Zhang Dahu’s sword, and he wanted to protect the borderlands.
0 ………..  
Ying Changge, who has no skills at all, doesn’t know that the Goryeo army is coming again, so he is very relieved.
Staying in Jinghai County, facing tens of thousands of refugees wandering around, Ying Changge has always been earnest.
In the face of so many refugees, it is very important to be able to save one person.
As long as they are not in any danger, Ying Changge will save them from the dire straits.
No matter what the situation of the refugees is, as long as they grow food and harvest seeds, that is enough.
Tossing and turning, the food is rolling in, and there will be more harvests. Ying Changge’s strategy is also useful.
When he was still busy working for the refugees in Jinghai County, he would never have thought of the dangers of the Borderlands and…
Chapter 952 It is easy to defend the city, but difficult to attack it!
Especially on the border city, Zhang Dahu personally defended it, and even opened the city gate to start a battle.
The army of Gaoli and Gaoli are still charging quickly, and Zhang Dahu is riding a horse to charge quickly.
The entanglement and war between you and me, the bloody battle, many people have already been beheaded by Zhang Dahu.
In terms of martial arts and skills, Zhang Dahu is not bad either, he is always impatient to kill the enemy.
Using two prongs, sword light and sword shadow “083”, this kind of fighting has already made Zhang Dahu even more powerful.
His body was stained with blood, and he was always chattering about attacking, the blade was so mighty and powerful.
If the confrontation continues, Zhang Dahu will definitely catch them all and kill them.
With vigor and vigor, the first battle broke out, and Zhang Dahu and his men were still fighting with all their strength.
The impact of the blade was indescribably dangerous, but Zhang Dahu still carried the sword in his hand to destroy it.
boom! Another enemy general beheaded, the menacing Zhang Dahu entrenched on the horse, how majestic.

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