Riding the horse gallops, Zhang Dahu rides on the horse, he can be called a god of killing, invincible.
Even with so many people fighting each other, Zhang Dahu is still able to handle it with ease, he can be called invincible.
Riding on a horse, with one blow with all your strength, you can destroy many enemy troops one by one.
The enemy army fell in a pool of blood, Zhang Dahu faced the encirclement of the enemy, he could be said to be calm and composed.
Patiently guarding this place, Zhang Dahu guards his own city, and must completely repel the enemy troops.
He has a lot of soldiers in his hands, and each of them looks fierce, even aggressive.
Zhang Dahu naturally knew that these were the army of Goryeo, but these were not tigers coming out of their cages, but bugs.
He had won battles before, and Zhang Dahu felt that the Goryeo army was all like dogs, and it was not easy to attack the city.
It is easy to defend the city and difficult to attack the city. Facing the siege of the Goryeo army, Zhang Dahu is still rushing as usual.
wield his soldiersZhang Dahu beheaded several guys, and the enemy seemed to be retreating steadily.
Constantly attacking, constantly chasing and killing, Zhang Dahu’s army is extraordinarily powerful, and it is bound to win.
With an advantage on the battlefield, killing the Goryeo army is naturally easy and under control.
Without taking his eyes off, watching all directions and listening to all directions, Zhang Dahu saw many people coming to 0  …
This is the army of Goryeo. They have to kill Zhang Dahu to give up and retreat.
It’s just that it can’t be disintegrated so easily, Zhang Dahu’s manpower is very abundant.
All the soldiers came to outflank Zhang Dahu beyond their limits, so as to kill him.
Even so, will Zhang Dahu die? impossible! He has a lot of troops in his hands.
Moreover, Zhang Dahu himself is highly skilled in martial arts, and his hard work is rarely known in the battlefield.
The most important thing is to keep this place and get praise from Ying Zheng and Ying Changge.
Zhang Dahu is loyal, and the offensive is open and closed, and he can’t wait to come to chase the enemy.
He and his own soldiers are doing their best to chase the enemy, Zhang Dahu has already run far, far away.
The gates of the city are closed tightly to make the city behind him safer, so Zhang Dahu can fight with confidence.
Otherwise, if you let yourself lose the city, wouldn’t it be very bizarre, and let Zhang Dahu fall short!
Ever since, the patient enemy directly pursued aggressively, Zhang Dahu wanted to make the opponent completely defeated.
Chapter 953 The city gate is under attack!
It is very easy to annihilate the entire army. Zhang Dahu has already made the Korean army suffer.
Concentrating on chasing the enemy, Zhang Dahu can be said to be aggressive, and he will never let the Goryeo army leave.
Under the eyes of everyone, Zhang Dahu’s offensive is still so powerful, it is really powerful.
Many people died under Zhang Dahu’s sword, such a breath is really embarrassing.
It is really sad that the Koryo army came in such a powerful manner, but was beaten dizzy by Zhang Dahu.
Seemingly aware of Zhang Dahu’s difficulty, the Goryeo army was about to retreat again.
They were used to being deserters, so it was not difficult to escape from Zhang Dahu’s hands again.
Seeing that they are still continuing to retreat, by coincidence of timing, there are already many people blocking them.
Zhang Dahu’s soldiers are also elite, and he has imitated Ying Changge’s method of arranging troops for a long time.
Faced with Ying Changge’s strategies, Zhang Dahu always followed them one by one, especially the drill method for training soldiers.
In this way, the soldiers under Zhang Dahu’s command can be more brave, which can be called excellence.
A sincere battle, eager to annihilate the entire Goryeo army, Zhang Dahu is very mighty.
Holding a sword and riding a horse, wherever Zhang Dahu went, there was blood flowing, and there were many scars.
Many people died at the hands of Zhang Dahu, who else is Zhang Dahu’s opponent now?
After guarding the border land, when the time comes, Zhang Dahu will be satisfied with Ying Changge’s compliments.
Without finding Zhang Dahu’s flaw, the Goryeo army seems to be preparing to retreat and never dare to attack again.
When he saw that the enemy troops had retreated, Zhang Dahu rode on his horse and burst out laughing.
“Good! It’s really good! A bunch of cowards have already died under my hands, and no one will be left!”
Just when Zhang Dahu was complacent, he heard a report from a soldier, “General, something is wrong!”
“The city gate is under attack!” Hearing what the soldiers said, Zhang Dahu’s expression changed, and he suddenly realized!
It turned out that it was time to tune the tiger away from the mountain, but it was too late! Zhang Dahu was about to turn his head and run away!
But when he rushed out aggressively, he was already a long, long distance away from the city, several miles away.
It has already been discovered, so there will be no consequences today, and it is all Zhang Dahu’s own carelessness.
“Go back to the city immediately! Withdraw quickly! Hold the city!” Shouting, Zhang Dahu ran himself.
Defending the city was an order personally issued by Ying Changge and Ying Zheng. He must stay in the city to defend.
With a quick impact, Zhang Dahu and his men galloped to surround his city.
From a distance, he really saw a lot of people outside his own city.
So many Koryo troops came by detour from the side, and then went to attack the city, and the city gate fell.
Seeing it in his eyes and anxious in his heart, Zhang Dahu didn’t dare to delay, and immediately raised his sword and quickly chased him down.
In order to kill them all, Zhang Dahu swung the sword in his hand very fast and fiercely.
Hitting quickly and charging impatiently, Zhang Dahu wanted to protect his city.
It’s just a pity that the Goryeo army came around, and many people rushed out halfway, it was really mighty.
So many people are still charging bravely and fighting recklessly, it is really too much.
Attacking at full speed, Zhang Dahu’s men arrived at the city from far and near.
Chapter 954 The battle is imminent!
“Give it to me! No one left!” Zhang Dahu yelled, and he and his own cavalry charged quickly.
In order to be able to win his own city, Zhang Dahu was always rushing to attack.
so what? It was too late for Zhang Dahu to make up for it, and it was impossible to regain control of his own city.
Many Goryeo troops came before him, and so many soldiers continued to charge.
Arriving quickly, Zhang Dahu and his men chattered endlessly to attack the Goryeo army.
He is in charge of guarding this place, so it is natural to repel the enemy army and prevent them from successfully entering the city.
Attacking the city is a scene where the two armies are anxious. Such a battle is so spectacular and fierce.
Staring at Gorye intentlyAccording to the movement of the army, Zhang Dahu and his soldiers quickly broke through.
Even with so many soldiers fighting back, Zhang Dahu remained motionless amidst the heavy siege.
He can’t be ashamed of Ying Changge, Zhang Dahu followed Ying Changge’s lead, so he must take down the rebels.
Even if the enemy army fights outside their own city, they can’t kill him, Zhang Dahu has a certain chance of winning.
He smiled contemptuously, and then struck out forcefully, the sword in his hand beating ping-pong-pong.
The soldiers rushed up one after another, and Zhang Dahu and the Goryeo army were closely entangled.
The war was about to break out, and the bloody battle continued to run rampant. Many soldiers died on the spot, directly.
When the Korean army comes to attack, it will inevitably be very powerful and full of crises.
In order to protect this place and live up to Ying Changge’s expectations, the generals defending the city continued to attack.
With a backhand blow, he couldn’t wait to fight, every sword in his hand was slashed on the enemy’s body.
Zhang Dahu is a loyal person, although he is proud and self-righteous.
Attracted by the Goryeo army, Zhang Dahu went away and left his own city, far away.
Now, back under the city, Zhang Dahu saw many Korean troops coming to besiege him.
This is a gang of mobs, shrimp soldiers and crab generals, nothing to be afraid of! Kill them directly, leaving no one behind.
I can’t wait to charge, and my own figure is coming in mighty way, I can’t wait to trample the corpse down.
Quickly attacking and slaying bravely with a single sword, Zhang Dahu, who was covered in blood, was really brave and fearless.
In order to resist the invasion of the Goryeo army, it is impossible for him to stop his footsteps, but to gallop his horse.
Fighting side by side with their own soldiers, although they are caught in a tough battle, they are not afraid.
The Goryeo army entrenched outside the city always came in one go and surrounded Zhang Dahu.
Zhang Dahu was not in a hurry, he snorted coldly, “‘ 〖Anyone who violates my border will be killed, and no one will be left〃`!”
Shouting and yelling, Zhang Dahu rode on a horse, surrounded by the Goryeo army, and killed seven in and seven out.
With an arrogant personality and having won battles, Zhang Dahu is already proud and complacent in the face of these Gao (the money is good) Li’s army.
With a contemptuous smile, he struck out quickly, and the sword in his hand beheaded several people, destroying them one by one.
These enemy troops didn’t have any attitude towards the enemy at all, they were just retreating after being hit by Zhang Dahu.
A group of people who don’t know how to live or die, actually want to break through their own defenses and destroy their own city?
Overreaching! Zhang Dahu continued to charge with his men, and must break through these talents.
Chapter 955 It’s all about God’s help!

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