Any enemy army that dares to offend our own borders cannot be left behind, and all of them must be killed, and the entire army will be wiped out.
Still charging aggressively, the troops are staggered and crowded, so many soldiers are very brave.
The army is rampant, soldiers are fighting, fighting bloody battles, and the shadows of swords and swords are everywhere.
Chapter 947 All of them are human, which is really rare!
The screaming was so loud that it could be called earth-shattering, and even the roar of the tiger was really terrifying.
Without any delay in this, they immediately charged and surrounded the enemy in one go.
It was precisely because of the enemy’s collision that everything was in his hands, and he showed the most mighty posture.
Zhang Dahu is a man of masculinity, and every time he attacks aggressively, he can be called a lore.
Under the “083” dispatched by the soldiers, Zhang Dahu is like a tiger with wings added. He is really invincible and invincible.
Even if there were some enemy troops in front of Zhang Dahu, he did not stop and continued to kill them one by one.
The enemy force was forcing Zhang Dahu to take action, so he naturally wouldn’t stop, and immediately started to attack and kill him.
A group of people walked aggressively, and the soldiers shot frequently, just to kill the enemy.
So many enemy troops seem to be imposing, but in fact they are nothing but ordinary!
Seeing this, Zhang Dahu laughed with relief, feeling that everything was so mediocre.
He and his men were still attacking vigorously, repelling the Goryeo army with ease.
Showing a comfortable smile, Zhang Dahu and his soldiers continued to pursue the victory.
In his own eyes, many soldiers were nothing more than mediocre, so Zhang Dahu continued to chase and kill them.
He and his own soldiers tried their best to chase and kill them, and many people died under the swords of their own soldiers.
Nodding his head very satisfied, Zhang Dahu continued to march and continue to attack.
He and his own troops are in cahoots, continuing to attack each other in groups, so that he can make meritorious deeds.
He is also a person who imitated Ying Changge, and he is loyal to the ruling and opposition parties.
As long as it can kill the opponent, it doesn’t take much troops to defeat the opponent.
With all his strength on the battlefield, Zhang Dahu killed a lot of people and let them all be eradicated.
In the borderlands, no one is in a panic, and it is even quiet. There is no war, and it has always been peaceful.
But now, the Goryeo army came here, and they wanted to offend Zhang Dahu.
Isn’t this a very stupid thing to do! It is impossible for him to let these armies dangle in front of him.
Ever since, a series of people are still aggressively attacking, killing 0…
After fighting bloody battles and being caught in this mighty attack, Zhang Dahu’s men were still in a stalemate.
many enemy troopsThey were all repelled by Zhang Dahu, and he saw it, and even mocked the incompetence of the Goryeo army.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Dahu continued to chase with his soldiers in order to surround them.
Let their entire army be wiped out, and Zhang Dahu will be able to make military achievements in the border area without leaving any one behind.
Military merit is so important, life and death can be determined in a battle, Zhang Dahu will not let the enemy come and go.
Since it is a battle with all of your own soldiers, you must wipe out all the enemy troops.
The battle was at a stalemate, and many people were still rushing out in an endless stream, which could be called a rush.
Domineering pursuit, Zhang 5.0 Dahu’s team is vast, and a large area is all human, which is really rare.
He and his troops are confident, so what about the Goryeo army? In fact, it is also orderly.
As he retreated patiently and continued to retreat, many soldiers fought fiercely with him.
There were countless fights, and the soldiers fell one by one, in a pool of blood.
Chapter 948 The talent of a great general!
With a happy smile on his face, Zhang Dahu laughed three times, “Good! Really good! Keep hunting!”
Since the enemy army in Korea no longer has any fighting spirit, Zhang Dahu needs to continue to hunt down.
Chasing unscrupulously, Zhang Dahu has many men and horses, and they are still impatient.
The battle was bombarded, blood flowed, and there were many dead enemy soldiers, all of whom were trampled underfoot.
In the midst of chaos, Zhang Dahu was still fighting the enemy patiently, unwilling to let the enemy army stay alive.
The brave and fearless charge, and the resistance of his own soldiers with all their strength, is very powerful.
Come one to kill one, come ten to kill ten! Zhang 05 Dahu’s army has already gained the initiative.
Can’t wait to fly over, Zhang Dahu rode on the horse, and eradicated several people together.
The enemy was killed in battle, Zhang Dahu won a complete victory, but he refused to stay, but continued to chase and kill.
Seeing the Goryeo army running away, Zhang Dahu giggled and continued galloping to chase.
Taking out his mighty posture, Zhang Dahu and his soldiers were all moving forward in one go.
After beheading many soldiers one by one, Zhang Dahu’s horse trampled on the corpses of the enemy soldiers and continued to chase.
The border war is easy to quell, Zhang Dahu thinks he is really a great general!
Approaching here, Zhang Dahu’s pursuers continued to chase and kill the Goryeo army!
As long as the army is completely assassinated to death, the army will definitely die, and even none will remain.
Many enemy troops are still fleeing, and they seem to be unable to stop Zhang Dahu’s pursuit.
At the border, what Zhang Dahu has to do is very simple, that is to kill these enemy troops.
After beheading the enemy, he will naturally be able to report to Ying Changge and Ying Zheng, and be rewarded for his military exploits.
Otherwise, such a confidential matter and a premature report will only put this place in danger.
Right now, at this moment, Zhang Dahu is only concentrating on fighting, trying to kill them all.
Seeing that the enemy was still escaping, Zhang Dahu and his troops continued to charge forward.
In order to defend his own city, Zhang Dahu, of course, used offense as defense, and started to attack swaggeringly.
Can’t wait to fight and attack bravely, many people died in his hands, a complete defeat.
Holding a sharp sword in his hand, the murderous Zhang Dahu still took the risk to attack, in order to keep them.
Under Zhang Dahu’s watchful eyes, a group of large troops had no chance of escape, and were directly trapped here to death.
Yelling and yelling, Zhang Dahu and his own soldiers continued to gallop forward brazenly, fighting fiercely.
Every sword cut off the enemy’s head, and Zhang Dahu’s sword was covered with blood.
It won’t end so easily, he must wipe out all the Goryeo army to set the record straight.
For Zhang Dahu, this is a good opportunity to make an example of others! He killed it immediately.
One by one the soldiers died in his hands. Zhang Dahu was so brave that he seemed to be invincible.
The Goryeo army had no choice but to retreat quickly under Zhang Dahu’s pressure.
Zhang Dahu’s majesty was displayed, and their faces were full of different gestures.
Still moving forward as always, there are many people in the hands, and each of them has a lively attitude.
Chapter 949 Don’t care at all!
Going deep into the enemy’s army, Zhang Dahu fought unhindered, always eager to chase.
Zhang Dahu became arrogant as he easily trampled many soldiers under the horses.
It is impossible for him to be defeated, ruining his reputation is not something Zhang Dahu hopes for, he is a fierce general.
As always, Zhang Dahu beheaded dozens of enemy soldiers under the rippling of the sword’s edge.
But the army continued to escape, and it seemed that they would not stay and fight at all, and they were already frightened by the news.
With joy on his face, Zhang Dahu smiled happily, and immediately returned to his city with his soldiers.
There is nothing to show, the Korean army is really mediocre, and there is no chance of defeating Zhang Dahu.
With a proud face, Zhang Dahu returned to his mansion with his soldiers, “Come here, write a letter!”
This explains the great opportunity to make meritorious deeds. After all, Zhang Dahu has just repelled a lot of enemy troops, which is really mighty.
Ever since, Zhang Dahu reported all the affairs here carefully, and then informed the government and the public.
All of a sudden, the Korean army’s offense against the border lands will be thoroughly known.
In the streets and alleys, everyone knows that Gao Li’s offense is really ridiculous!
Ying Changge also knew about Goryeo’s repulsionLove, he sneered at it even more, he didn’t care at all!
They are still concentrating on fighting the famine in Jinghai County. In this way, the situation of refugees will be stabilized for the time being.
Without any danger, Ying Changge can be regarded as having rescued all the refugees in Jinghai County.
Although it is only a temporary measure, it can also support the refugees and satisfy their hunger.
A lot of people were used to distribute food and grass seeds, so that the refugees were grateful to Zhang Yingchangge.
When the letter was sent back, Zhang Dahu of course reported everything that happened here.
In Jinghai County, Ying Changge also received a secret report immediately, knowing about this past incident.
Goryeo actually offended the border, damn it! Ying Changge thought carefully and fell into deep thought.
After thinking like this, Ying Changge immediately knew that there must be something wrong.

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