The seed distribution policy is a good thing, and many officials have received orders from Ying Changge.
They followed suit one after another and distributed all the grain seeds in their inventory.
The refugees who got the news came non-stop, and they approached this place in groups.
After receiving the seeds in an orderly manner, the refugees ran back home and immediately started their own self-help.
Ying Changge naturally understands the truth that teaching a man how to fish is worse than giving him a fish.
That’s why he came up with a plan to distribute grain seeds so that the people could satisfy their own hunger.
Famine is in full swing and food is scarce, so there are still some uses for so many food seeds.
The people and refugees lined up like a dragon, and the crowd was surging. So many refugees were working day and night.
Distributing food seeds is very important, Ying Changge sent many soldiers to watch.
Food seeds are distributed one after another, and the refugees will be very happy and overjoyed when they have the seeds.
The joyful look of the refugees will also make Ying Changge happier and more satisfied.Huan and help the world.
As long as the refugees have the guarantee of seeds, Ying Changge will not panic, and he must take precautions.
To avoid the riots of refugees and the shortage of seeds, he must do his best to continue mobilizing seeds.
With so many seeds, once they are vacant, the people will fall into a panic situation even more.
Busy day and night, Ying Changge distributed a lot of seeds to the refugees, and many people benefited from it.
Countless officials are full of praise for Ying Changge’s actions, and they admire them very much.
With the efforts of the refugees, there will be a great harvest of food tomorrow autumn.
Food is very important. Wouldn’t it be great if so many people could get a bite of food.
Therefore, the distribution of seeds is very important, and Ying Changge can’t wait, ordering the soldiers to work day and night.
A lot of food seeds were distributed, and the refugees cheered and were overjoyed.
Everything has been decided, what Ying Changge did has completely stabilized the refugees.
Refugees began to reclaim the land. For their own survival, the people must of course ensure sufficient food.
The story was passed on from ten to ten, and everyone knew about it and admired Ying Changge’s quick wit.
Tens of thousands of refugees finally have a solution, which is to lend out the seeds and then take back the seeds.
Countless officials have donated their own food seeds (the money is good) for tens of thousands of refugees, allowing them to maintain their families.
Hungry, hungry for so many days, they are already starving to death, the refugees are very poor.
Ying Changge’s strategy was clever enough that the officials admired him very much, and they were very satisfied.
Let so many refugees have seeds, they start to grow food, start a new preparation.
Tens of thousands of refugees are grateful for what Ying Changge has done, and they are so excited beyond words.
Chapter 945 The city guard general will not give in!
When the name of Ying Changge spread, the officials all admired him from the bottom of their hearts, and even cast their eyes on him.
With such results, everything will not be particularly dangerous, at least, there is nothing to hesitate.
As soon as there was a response, with Ying Changge’s words, many people began to distribute the seeds.
In the government and the opposition, after hearing the news, many ministers praised Ying Changge without hesitation.
They knew that not only was Ying Changge not a murderer, but he was even a benevolent lord who helped the world.
When Ying Changge was going all out to fight the famine, he never expected that something unexpected would happen.
Because the displacement of tens of thousands of refugees is still very serious, and this matter has been widely spread.
Not only in the country, but even Korea has heard about this matter, and they are very happy.
Famine is rampant, refugees are everywhere, and the people are in dire straits. It is impossible for Goryeo to sit idly by such a great thing.
Now that we know that there are many famines and food shortages, this is a weakness and a weakness.
National power is hard to guard against.
Marching and fighting, the most important thing is food and grass, but now, there is not much food among Ying Chang singers!
Isn’t this a great opportunity! Be sure to plunder all the (affa) border lands one by one.
Goryeo will not sit idly by, they have long been eyeing the border land, and they have been planning for a long time.
So, after hearing about the famine in Jinghai County, Koryo naturally wanted to send troops to attack.
Under the calm dispatch, Goryeo dispatched her own elite soldiers, ready to go.
Soon, Goryeo’s army quickly went to the border and started a new round of war.
With the deployment of elite soldiers, Goryeo’s soldiers were extraordinarily brave, and all of them were like wolves and tigers.
They came from thousands of miles away, and immediately launched a frenzied attack on the border land, beating violently.
The Koryo army, with a large number of people, went to the border city.
They started to attack, and Goryeo’s army came aggressively, attacking quickly, showing their own posture as the enemy.
There was no defense in the border area, and it was really unexpected to see the Koryo army rushing.
The general guarding the border city was named Zhang Dahu. He was very flustered when he saw so many Korean troops coming.
Standing on the city, Zhang Dahu smiled contemptuously, “A mere Koryo dares to attack us!”
In this matter, Zhang Dahu did not do so cautiously, or even underestimated the enemy carelessly.
Seeing Goryeo’s army coming in front of him, he began to prepare to attack and attack the opponent.
“Come here! Open the city gate and fight out with me. They must be completely defeated and wiped out!”
Zhang Dahu put on his own armor. He was self-righteous and did not report the stabbing death to Ying Changge and Ying Zheng.
When the fighting started again, Zhang Dahu immediately rushed up in one go, ready to attack with a killing spree.
With the Goryeo army in front of him, Zhang Dahu was not afraid of it. He opened the city gate and immediately gathered the soldiers.
The mighty army was behind him, and then rushed out in one go, aggressively.
The attack with great fanfare and the unscrupulous attack, this kind of fight still has an imposing posture.
As the general defending the city, Zhang Dahu felt that he was invincible in all battles! Will not give in at all.
Chapter 946 Don’t leave a piece of armor behind, be confident!
Such a large army is still coming in a dazzling array, and all the troops of Goryeo rushed under the city gate.
Seeing all the situations in his eyes, Zhang Dahu felt that Gao Li was just seeking his own death, hitting a stone with an egg.
Yelang’s arrogant Goryeo came to attack the city he was guarding. Isn’t this a mantis’ arm?
Ever since, Zhang Dahu and his elite troops immediately went to charge to attack Goryeo’s army.
Both armies are entangled inTogether, chattering shots, the soldiers charged first.
Many soldiers are still eager to go, Zhang Dahu’s soldiers are all lively guys.
They came chattering and walked recklessly, blocking the army of Goryeo and stopping them.
The soldiers on both sides were on the base station together, and they couldn’t wait to make a move, hitting them hard. The soldiers were very powerful.
Even a Goryeo army of this size may not be able to stop Zhang Dahu’s army, he has nothing to fear.
After all, under Zhang Dahu’s command, many soldiers are training and chattering day and night.
Even if there is an army of Goryeo coming, Zhang Dahu feels that he will be able to kill them and repel the enemy.
Ying Changge didn’t know about the Koryo matter, because the border land was outside and there was a lot of distance.
Even if he wants to pay attention to some news, it is impossible to get any reply in a short time.
Zhang Dahu, who was guarding the border, was really arrogant and did not report this kind of war to Ying Changge.
Ying Changge, who knew nothing about this, was still concentrating on dealing with the refugees and ensuring that they had enough to eat.
The food seeds are still being transported, and many people inside and outside the city come to collect them.
Concentrating on managing the refugees here, Ying Changge wants to restore them to a stable and well-off life.
Otherwise, if the famine continues to prevail, I am afraid that more refugees will be involved, which is of great importance.
In the border area, General Zhang Dahu is still attacking as usual in order to deal with Korea.
If Ying Changge knew about this, he would definitely dispatch troops to hunt him down and take him down.
However, it’s a pity that Ying Changge didn’t know anything about what happened in the borderlands, and the news came very late.
Moreover, Zhang Dahu, the general guarding the city, did not intend to report the situation at all, he thought it was a trivial matter.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Goryeo’s invasion was nothing more than wishful thinking, it was just harassment, but it might not be able to break through its own city.
With the chance of victory in his hands, Zhang Dahu didn’t hesitate at all, and rushed straight in strides.
He and his own army are attacking unremittingly, bravely meeting the enemy’s army of Goryeo.
Many Goryeo troops are still marching unscrupulously, they spread around and surround Zhang Dahu.
0 ………..  
Zhang Dahu and his men wanted to kill Goryeo’s army without leaving any behind, so they went on a rampage.
But Zhang Dahu didn’t dare to take the risk himself, he always let his elite soldiers charge first.
In Zhang Dahu’s eyes, the enemy army is just a mob, and he has no fear at all.
Let your vanguard troops charge first, attack and kill the enemy aggressively, and let them die directly.

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