After a few slaps, Wang Erniu was covered with bruises all over his body, and the mark of his fist was very clear.
Hearing Ying Changge’s fists and kicks just now, Wang Erniu knew that he was extremely powerful.
Gritting his teeth, and quickly confronting the enemy, Wang Erniu’s fist hit Ying Changge hard on the head.
It is lawless! Ying Changge sighed helplessly, and he immediately fought back.
Fist bumps, you come and go, they don’t stop at all, continuing to fight closely.
In order to be able to kill the opponent, the afterimage of the fist in his hand was shining with an unusual sharpness.
It’s obviously just boxing skills, but in Wang Erniu’s view, Ying Changge’s fists are really tough.
boom! A fist came forcibly, and Wang Erniu’s fist was blocked again.
This is not a fair battle, because Wang Erniu’s martial arts are not very strong.
Let him continue to attack, every time his fists are rushed, even with great fanfare.
With a bang, the fist hit, and Ying Changge punched him in the face with precision.
Covering his face in pain and wailing, he staggered and fell down.
Such a punch was so powerful that it almost made him unable to guard against it, which is really a pity.
Bang, there are heavy marks on the fist. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the attack from Ying Changge’s blow.
But he couldn’t dodge easily, this is the strength of Ying Changge.
What’s more, now that Wang Erniu is carrying food on his shoulders, his figure is even more cumbersome, unable to fight against the enemy.
Ping ping pong, punching and kicking, the two are fighting closely, you come and go, it is really fierce.
Unable to easily surrender Ying Changge, such a mighty posture is always sure to win.
With an invincible attack and a quick stab, Ying Changge’s fist was like a sword, with a cold light shining.
Snapped! With another fist, Wang Erniu, who was hit by Ying Changge, retreated again and again, unable to block it at all.
In such a long and bitter battle, he didn’t have any chance to get close to Ying Changge.
Under the charge of every move, every step of his is just right, arbitrarily doing 0…
He continued to walk and brushed past Wang Erniu’s fist. At this time, he was still motionless.
On the contrary, Wang Erniu had already suffered a dark loss and could no longer block Ying Changge’s fierce fist.
The two men’s close discussions only made Wang Erniu more and more embarrassed.
Dumbfounded, with a terrified expression, he was still fighting vigorously with his fists and feet, chattering back and forth.
The crackling attack, carried out with great fanfare, this fist is really fierce and unexpected.
Accompanied by the explosive impact of each punch, one punch directly knocked Wang Erniu dizzy and dizzy.
Gritting his teeth, Wang Erniu didn’t kneel down in front of Ying Changge because of his blunt fighting strength.
But at this moment, Wang Erniu was still dizzy and had no chance to get up.
At this moment, Ying Changge snatched the food from Wang Erniu’s shoulder and returned it to its original place.
Wang Erniu saw it and was very resentful.
Food for disaster relief is the top priority, Ying Changge will not let these food 5.0 have any damage.
Wang Erniu, a tyrannical refugee, fought violently for the sake of his own satiety, which is really wrong.
Ying Changge then stopped him. He walked quickly and hit Wang Erniu with one fist.
Such a tall and thick man was beaten back a few steps, he was dumbfounded.
Staring at Ying Changge in disbelief, Wang Erniu admired him very much, as expected of a practicing family.
Without any hesitation, Ying Changge continued to catch up, because he must take the grain.
Returning the food to the distance, Ying Changge approached with strides and hit Wang Erniu on the chest.
Chapter 943: Four seasons are needed!
After coughing, Wang Erniu bent down, feeling really dizzy and dizzy.
Kneeling on the ground, he begged for mercy, so Wang Erniu waved his hands, “I won’t come! I can’t beat you!”
“It’s good to know!” Ying Changge’s expression was still calm, “It’s really rare to rein in the horse!”
“Quickly go to the queue and get the relief food you deserve!” Ying Changge would not scold the refugees.
After Wang Erniu understood Ying Changge’s words, he was very grateful, “Okay! You are a man!”
“I admire you!” Wang Erniu stood up, and then obediently followed the team.
Ying Changge was very satisfied with Wang Erniu’s attitude.
“Believe me, with me here, all of you refugees can get the guarantee of life!”
Ying Changge is a gentleman whose words are hard to follow. His words are naturally worth a word, very precious.
Already admired by Ying Changge, Wang Erniu, a big and thick guy, was extraordinarily calm.
Nodding in satisfaction, Ying Changge turned and left, disappearing into the streets with his people.
indifferent turnAfter leaving, Ying Changge continued to maintain order in the city, keeping the food in order.
They already have better countermeasures, and with Ying Changge’s supervision, there will be no mistakes.
The food entered the city continuously, and Ying Changge immediately distributed it to the refugees.
As long as the refugees have a bite to eat, their lives can be guaranteed, which is very important.
Ying Changge has made a difference, so that the refugees have a certain level of living security and can satisfy their hunger.
The refugees love Ying Changge very much. Everyone admires Ying Changge and praises his reputation.
But even so, Ying Changge’s expression remained the same, still full of gloom, because he still had something on his mind.
The famine cannot be solved so easily, and Ying Changge knows that there are still tens of thousands of refugees wandering around.
So many refugees cannot be solved overnight, and fundamental treatment is still needed.
After thinking hard and thinking carefully for a while, Ying Changge still couldn’t find any way to cure it.
This is how to do! Ying Changge immediately called several officials, and they began to discuss cautiously.
There are many refugees, so many refugees, once any food is interrupted, they will starve to death.
The duration of the famine will be very long, and the most important thing now is to solve the problem of food!
He and many officials are located here, and their careful inquiries are for the sake of the lives of tens of thousands of refugees.
How to obtain food is naturally to reclaim the land and sow food, but food cannot be harvested in a day.
But it needs all seasons of the year.
It will take a long time for food to be harvested, and this matter must be resolved quickly.
The sooner the better! Thinking of this, Ying Changge smiled and immediately discussed with the officials.
How many grain seeds are there? After a detailed understanding, Ying Changge knew that there were seeds!
However, food can be eaten, but seeds can satisfy hunger and hunger! This is a real difference.
In a hurry, Ying Changge immediately had a solution, which was to distribute these seeds.
Temporarily lend the seeds to the refugees, and then wait until the harvest, and then let the people return a certain amount of seeds.
After hearing about this, the other officials nodded their heads in agreement.
Thanks to Ying Changge’s strategy, there is such a plan, which can temporarily solve food and clothing.
Far water can’t cure near fire, but Ying Changge still has to arrange it quickly, just for the sake of the people and refugees.
As long as the refugees can eat a bite, any refugee will not starve to death.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge and the officials immediately rectified and asked them to start distributing seeds to refugees.
After hearing the news, the refugees all looked shocked and surprised, and they admired it very much.
With seeds, food can be sown, and when the time comes, there will be a harvest, which can alleviate the disaster of famine.
The officials got busy again. They registered a lot of seeds and distributed them to the people.
Now that the famine is in full swing, is food worth it? Of course it is very valuable! It’s hard to buy food with an inch of gold!
With food, you can survive! With seeds, there will naturally be food! This is very important.
The people and refugees got a lot of seeds, and they immediately started to prepare to cultivate the land and sow food.
As long as there are seeds, there will definitely be a lot of grain harvest next year. This is a long process.
For the current plan, the seeds must be handed over to the refugees so that they can continue to live.
Ying Changge and his people are busy distributing food seeds, making the people busy.
Once you have the seeds, start to cultivate the land, and then there will be a lot of food in return.
Those who withhold food are shameless, Ying Changge would not do this, he has been working hard.
In order to keep these people and refugees alive, he had a lot of opportunities and painstaking efforts.
Chapter 944 Distributing food, a new strategy!
After letting the people get the seeds, Ying Changge urged them to plant land inside and outside the city immediately.
If the people were to starve to death, Ying Changge would be killing them. It really shouldn’t be!
There are many seed distributions, and they are all scrambling to get the seeds.
Refugees dream of being able to live with seeds, and they are grateful to Ying Changge.
Thanks to the efforts of Ying Changge and his team, many seeds have indeed fallen into the hands of refugees.

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