“The more the better!” The big man immediately stepped up, ready to get the food by himself, but Ying Changge was unwilling.
“Stop!” Ying Changge came out to stop, “If you want to survive, you must queue up!”
“Protect the order in the city, so that you can survive with food and grass.”
“Nonsense, a bunch of nonsense!” The big man snorted coldly, “I must kill you!”
“I’ve been hungry for a long time, if you dare to delay me, I will definitely make your life worse than death!”
It turns out that it is a pity that people are forced to such a situation when they are hungry.
Shaking his head secretly, Ying Changge said, “Don’t worry, once I say something, it’s hard to follow, and I won’t lie!”
“As long as you can survive, you can continue to have food to eat, don’t act recklessly!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, the big man still shook his head (affa), “Impossible! You lied to me!”
“I haven’t eaten for more than ten days. I eat horse feed and drink stream water every day!”
“Now that there is so much food, I will have a full meal!” The big man became impatient.
He shot quickly, grabbed a bag of food immediately, and was about to throw the food on his shoulder and leave directly.
Ying Changge stood up calmly and stood in front of the big man, “Put down the food in your hands!”
“The food that everyone receives is limited, and it is absolutely impossible for you to plunder more supplies!”
“People don’t do it for themselves!” The big man shouted, “My Wang Erniu has never read a book!”
“However, I also know this truth.” He immediately began to refute, after all, it was a dead end.
Wang Erniu is just a farmer, he will not let himself starve to death.
He was still very young, especially at a young age, wouldn’t it be a pity to starve to death so early.
Noticing the person behind Ying Changge, Wang Erniu asked, “You seem to be some noble son!”
“You have a lot of food, why don’t you give me more!” Wang Erniu scolded.
However, after hearing Wang Erniu’s words, Ying Changge was exceptionally calm, “You’re joking!”
“I tried my best to dispatch a lot of food and grass, so that you can have a full meal.”
“Big mistake!” Wang Erniu shook his head, “Nonsense, get out of the way!”
Walking up quickly, facing Ying Changge, Wang Erniu pushed and shoved, just to push Ying Changge away.
Seeing Wang Erniu being so rude, the people behind Ying Changge wanted to attack, but were blocked.
Ying Changge, who didn’t care, waved his hands lightly, and then stood in front of Wang Erniu.
“Put it down! It’s not only your food, it’s also the food of other refugees.”
“You can’t take it for yourself, you have to distribute it generously, what do you think!”
Ying Changge’s every word was extremely deep and powerful, and it was especially clear when it fell into Wang Erniu’s ears.
Chapter 941: The Illiterate Guy!
“Haha!” Laughing three times, Wang Erniu turned his head and stared at Ying Changge intently, “Just kidding!”
“With just a few words of yours, you canEnough to persuade me! It’s ridiculous! ”
Wang Erniu is not willing to guard against these grains, which can allow him to eat for several days.
“I am almost starving to death myself, how can I care about others! Get out of the way!”
He raised his hand again, and put his thick arm on Ying Changge’s body.
At this moment, Ying Changge was still very calm, and immediately raised his hand to fight back.
boom! The fists of the two collided together, such an offensive, menacing, how mighty.
This kind of quarrel is just ordinary, at least Wang Erniu will not kill Ying Changge.
Therefore, Ying Changge also left behind his strength and hit it out with one palm, which is really unexpected!
After staggering back a few steps, his face was extremely cold, and Wang Erniu let out a loud shout.
“Okay! I never expected that you are really a real master who doesn’t show your face!”
Throwing away the food on his shoulders, Wang Erniu approached Ying Changge, waving his fists.
With such a heavy fist, I wish I could hit Ying Changge’s face, causing his head to bleed.
But Ying Changge and the others also have superb martial arts skills, and they are always able to patiently confront the enemy when facing Wang Erniu.
Bang, he punched out firmly with a fist, this punch was really irritable, and even more murderous.
With such a murderous intent coming, no one could block Ying Changge’s fist counterattack.
Obviously it was Wang Erniu who struck first, but he fell behind in front of Ying Changge.
He was very surprised, with a terrified expression, he quickly raised his arm, and immediately grabbed Ying Changge’s fist.
But such a punch has no chance to counterattack at all, Ying Changge’s fist is full of mighty power.
With just such a punch, Wang Erniu’s arm went numb, and he staggered back.
His face was pale and bloodless, Wang Erniu knew immediately that he had met a master.
“Okay! Come and fight me for another 300 rounds!” Wang Erniu laughed and continued to come with fists clenched.
He is a practicing family, so his arms are rough, and he is very burly, tall and big.
If he can continue to attack, Wang Erniu believes that he can still subdue Ying Changge.
He came quickly, and punched down Ying Changge’s Tianling Gai with one fist.
It’s just a bag of food, Wang Erniu will not directly kill the killer, but will fight back.
Wang Erniu was originally an illiterate guy, a man of Kongwu and strength, he just liked to fight and kill.
With every fist, Wang Erniu attacked with all his strength, and Wang Erniu moved his hands up and down, even left and right.
A pair of arms has a fierce offensive, wishing to directly knock Ying Changge to the ground.
However, Ying Changge’s figure flickered, and his gait was nimble, so he would never be intercepted just like that.
With a patient blow and a quick shot, Ying Changge once again blocked Wang Erniu’s fist.
boom! Wang Erniu’s fist landed in his palm, and Ying Changge remained motionless.
Immediately catching Wang Erniu’s fist, Ying Changge immediately continued to fight back in an orderly manner.
For the sake of the overall situation, in order for the refugees around here to have food relief to survive.
Therefore, Wang Erniu’s selfish method is very wrong, and Ying Changge must stop it.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Don’t look at Wang Erniu’s five big and three rough, but Wang Erniu is not a scourge.
He was still chattering, and every attack hit Wang Erniu’s body.
Such a ferocious attack was so ferocious that ordinary people couldn’t resist it at all, and Wang Erniu was as powerful as a bull.
Although Wang Erniu is mighty, Ying Changge is not an ordinary person, and the tricks in his hands are very dexterous.
The figure dodged and easily avoided, and Ying Changge brushed past Wang Erniu’s casserole-sized fist.
0 …… 0
Unwilling to give up, but still persevering, Wang Erniu yelled, his fists were extraordinarily powerful.
boom! The fist hit Ying Changge’s head abruptly, but the mark of the fist failed to drop.
Because Ying Changge had already raised his arm, easily blocking Wang Erniu’s huge fist.
I have known Ying Changge’s dexterity for a long time, so now Wang Erniu is fighting with all his strength!
The fist in his hand charged quickly, and with a bang, it hit Wang Erniu’s abdomen.
The ribs are a very vulnerable place to be injured. Wang Erniu was injured by Ying Changge just like this, and he was in great pain.
After grinning and taking a few steps back, he turned around and continued to carry the food.
A lot of food can support Wang Erniu to live, but he is hungry and knows it is uncomfortable.
In order to survive, he had to steal the food here. Wang Erniu felt that he was very kind.
Because there is so much food here, Wang Erniu didn’t snatch all of these things together.
A lot of things are left here, enough for other common people and refugees to have a full meal.
Chapter 942 Disaster relief food is the top priority!
“Get out of the way!” Wang Erniu shouted, reaching out and pressing Ying Changge’s shoulder again.
But Ying Changge is not a good stubble, his fists and feet are so powerful, it’s like a tiger coming out of its cage.
With a quick blow, Ying Changge’s fist was fast and accurate, and directly hit Wang Erniu’s abdomen.
Grinning his teeth in pain, Wang Erniu bent down and lowered his head, spitting out a lot of bitterness.
“Wow! Your fists and feet are so heavy, you are He and others, how can you be so powerful!”
Wang Erniu raised his head, and then he couldn’t wait to approach, shaking his fist vigorously.
However, before Wang Erniu could make a move, Ying Changge “083” acted first, and he immediately counteredhit.
Coming from behind, showing great ambitions, every punch of Ying Changge anticipated Wang Erniu’s offensive.
Fist to the flesh, a powerful counterattack, such a blow is really fierce, completely unexpected.
The fast-paced pursuit came unscrupulously, and every attack by Ying Changge was extraordinarily passionate.
Dealing with Ying Changge, Wang Erniu didn’t stop breathing, he would go all out for his own food.
But such an offensive cannot defeat Ying Changge, let alone allow him to continue to survive like this.

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