As long as there is an order from Ying Changge, it must be fully implemented, and the officials are very careful.
Offering all their own hands, many officials tried their best to serve Ying Changge.
He will go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants. Ying Changge dispatched them to reorganize the refugees in these cities.
It’s not because of Ying Changge’s prudence, but because he understands that the wise work hard, and those who work hard rule over others.
He wants to control the overall situation, so that the officials can be balanced and the refugees in the city can survive.
Let the refugees survive completely, so that they will not die or starve to death.
When a disaster occurs, everything is very dangerous, and no one expects them to be so embarrassed.
But even so, there are still quite a few officials who add insult to injury and ignore the safety of refugees at all.
Knowing the plight of the refugees already, how could Ying Changge have the heart to stand by and watch! Impossible!
Ever since, he set off with the officials, personally contacted the nearby grain, and dispatched them together.
More and more food is being supported in a hurry. If one party is in trouble, all parties will support it. It is really wonderful.
Waiting patiently, Ying Changge is sitting here, letting the grain move quickly in the city.
It is his own wish to save all these refugees!
Ying Changge Zhai has a kind heart. In order to help these refugees, he can’t wait to distribute food.
070 From south to sea, from north to south, food is rushing to be transported.
So much food, it looks like a lot, but it really needs to be helpedTens of thousands of refugees are still not enough.
Mere grains, within a few days, can always let these grains sit on the mountain, Ying Changge still needs to find a way.
These grains are under Ying Changge’s control, and he has to do it himself and supervise carefully.
Otherwise, with just a few officials, it would be even more excessive if food was withheld again.
Ying Changge didn’t trust these officials, the only thing he cared about were the people in these cities.
The refugees are very embarrassed, and the situation is even more difficult. Only a steady stream of food can save them.
Personally urging, Ying Changge ordered that all the food be distributed under the dispatch of officials.
Food and grass go first, so much food is still being distributed one by one for disaster relief, and it is given to refugees and ordinary people as rations.
Refugees just want to eat, but they don’t have any chance to eat food.
Chapter 939 Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope!
Without any way to retreat, the refugees can only be forced to starve and let themselves barely survive.
It is a rare and good opportunity to fluctuate food and grass first, and then distribute it to refugees.
As long as they can all have a meal to satisfy their hunger, Ying Changge will be considered to have made great merit!
Especially being stared at by Ying Changge’s men and horses, the officials one by one did not dare to be careless and distributed them patiently.
Disaster relief is the top priority. With Ying Changge’s instructions, naturally there will be no mistakes or mistakes.
The officials are doing their best, and they are numerous, distributing their own food in a hurry.
Once the food is in the hands of the refugees, they will have a chance to survive.
How difficult it is to eat a meal to satisfy hunger, the refugees are ecstatic about this, they are very excited.
Get up quickly, and quickly go to collect their own food, so that they can go home and cook.
The grain and grass were still being distributed, and Ying Changge personally followed them, and these officials were not allowed to be short of catties.
At this moment, it is also very important to be able to feed all the food, otherwise it will be dangerous.
He wanted to rescue the refugees by himself, but Ying Changge didn’t have a chance because he didn’t have many skills.
In desperation, Ying Changge wanted all these officials to do it carefully.
Distributing food and rescuing the people, the refugees were especially grateful to Ying Changge, they were very excited.
Many people are still chattering about distributing food, and the food transported is extremely important.
Special personnel must be assigned to take care of the distribution of the food, and Ying Changge must ensure that the refugees can get it.
Pay attention to everything, he doesn’t have any panic, Ying Changge pays attention to the movements slowly.
Any danger was within his prediction, and in just a few days, many people were able to receive relief food.
Noticing that the people in the city had a short period of hunger, Ying Changge was very relieved.
After all, he also has his own calculations. What Ying Changge hopes most is to keep these common people alive.
Food is distributed in the streets and alleys quickly, everyone can get a little relief, and there is food at home.
It’s just that the refugees still don’t have food in stock. They are just full and hungry, and they are very embarrassed.
It is precisely because there are so many refugees with so much food, it is not a short while for Ying Changge to rescue them.
This matter still needs a long-term plan! Ying Changge must give the common people a healthy and peaceful life.
The disasters of the victims are even more difficult, especially the lack of clothing and food, and tens of thousands of refugees are homeless.
Those who wandered about were begging honestly, and some even left their hometowns so that they could stay away from this place.
As long as they leave the city, there may be a glimmer of life, and the refugees must try their best to do so.
In order to survive, they can do anything, it is impossible for them to starve to death here.
The refugees should not be underestimated. Ying Changge is very kind, and he must get them out of this sea of ​​suffering.
Otherwise, so many refugees would starve to death together, how many innocent people would be lost.
Having obeyed Ying Changge’s order, many officials are doing their best to carry out the order.
Ying Changge came here to order them to distribute food, they dared not disobey, they had to do it.
Words must be followed, this is Ying Changge’s order, and the officials naturally have to obey them one by one without making mistakes.
Because Ying Changge beheaded Chen Erbao, he already established a lot of majesty in the city.
But anyone who defies Ying Changge will have no good end, this is an inevitable truth.
Otherwise, after offending Ying Changge, I’m afraid that if he moves his head, he might ruin this place.
Therefore, in order to save tens of thousands of refugees, so many refugees must be rescued one by one.
The refugees are densely packed, walking in groups on the streets and alleys, so many of them are the same number.
Without any food support for the huge number of people, I am afraid that there will be starved corpses appearing in the streets and alleys.
Patrolling inside and outside the city, Ying Changge was busy day and night, training himself for the common people.
What’s more, there are still many people who are patiently dealing with the matter of grain and grass joints. They are loyal to Ying Changge.
These officials are not fools, if they don’t obey Ying Changge’s order, the end will be terrible.
Therefore, (Zhao’s) must let them all know what happened to him, and he did his best.
Running back and forth, busy carefully, Ying Changge received a lot of food.
With so much food in my hands, there is no delay or lingering in the slightest.
As the saying goes, giving roses to others has a lingering fragrance in your hands. Ying Changge directly transferred the food and distributed it to the common people.
Refugees are provided with food day and night, and there are so many officials, many soldiers guard the food day and night.
this foodGrass is the most important thing for tens of thousands of refugees, so we must be careful.
Therefore, these soldiers are conscientious and watch carefully, for fear of any accidents.
Chapter 940 Naturally, a full meal!
Many refugees are still queuing in an orderly manner. They are grateful, so they line up to receive.
Once there are any violators of discipline, they must be completely beheaded to set the record straight.
It is already late at night, but these refugees are still obediently continuing to collect food.
At this moment, a big man of eight feet rushed up aggressively, “Get out of the way!”
With a wave of both hands, the big man pushed four or five people to the ground with ease, and he immediately stepped forward.
“Is food distributed here? Push me away! I’m hungry!” He walked up immediately.
Putting aside the people next to him, he walked up quickly, with a loud and loud voice.
Shouting, flaunting his power, this big man is really arrogant and can do whatever he wants.
He looked at no one, and drove straight in from far and near.
A boy with a high position and authority is nothing more than that, it’s ridiculous that a commoner 070 is still so rampant!
Ying Changge passed by here and happened to meet this matter, so he walked up slowly.
“Stop! Who are you!” Several guards beside Ying Changge immediately surrounded the place.
Concentrating on queuing up and keeping an orderly appearance will allow the people to receive food faster.
It’s just that I never expected that there are so many guys, all of them are arrogant and domineering, and they don’t even know how to line up.
Ying Changge walked up quickly and asked patiently, “Don’t fight and wait in line, you will have food naturally.”
“This time there is a lot of food, I guarantee that each of you will be able to eat so much food to satisfy your hunger.”
Patiently reassuring them, Ying Changge knew that they were all hungry, that’s why they were so arrogant.
It is enough to just hope that they can be well and not be starved to death.
But this big man didn’t listen at all, he looked arrogant, no one was staring at them, “None of your business!”
“I’m hungry, so I have to eat! If I don’t eat, I’ll be so hungry!” The big man waved his hands impatiently.
“Now, the most important thing is to snatch the food!” The big man laughed loudly, “Give me the food!”

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