Kacha, the Broken Sword broke again, this time, it wasn’t even as long as Chen Erbao’s palm.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Holding such a broken sword, Chen Erbao finally showed a look of panic and turned pale.
Holding his weapon, he retreated quickly, keeping a certain distance from Ying Changge, a few steps away.
A few steps away, Chen Erbao assured that it was impossible for Ying Changge’s sword to kill him.
Throwing away his broken sword, Chen Erbao looked cold and stern, “If you have the ability, fight me with bare hands!”
“What do you think!” Ying Changge smiled lightly, “Am I such a simple and honest person!”
0 …… 0
“Your sword was cut off by me, but at this moment, do you still want me to fight with empty hands!”
Ying Changge shook his head contemptuously, “It’s such a pity that you are dying but don’t know it!”
“Stop talking nonsense!” Chen Erbao became furious, “I must kill you!”
Standing here without any offensive, Chen Erbao raised his fist, “Okay!”
“Since this is the case, then I will go all out and watch me grab the blade with my bare hands and kill you!”
He waved his arms and came eagerly, in order to snatch the weapon from Ying Chang’s singer.
Without any chance to kill Ying Changge, Chen Erbao relied on his fists to kill Ying Changge.
It would be great if he could kill Ying Changge alive, but I was afraid that Chen Erbao didn’t have such ability.
Concentrating on the attack and rampaging quickly, the fist in his hand greeted Ying Changge’s face.
The punch looked so powerful, but it was superficial, and it was impossible to kill Ying Changge with serious injuries.
With a calm expression on his face, Ying Changge raised his sword, and accurately embellished the upper and lower swords.
Chapter 937 The anger and spurn of the common people!
hum! The sword edge whimpered, and pierced Chen Erbao’s chest, causing him to vomit blood from the pain, and screamed loudly.
In one go, the sword’s edge was so powerful that it directly made him die without a place to bury him, punishing evil and promoting good.
Such a sword was so powerful that Ying Changge finally beheaded Chen Erbao, the hateful county magistrate.
Chen Erbao is the chief culprit for ignoring the refugees and letting the people live in dire straits.
As long as he is killed, the entire city is under his control, and everything is expected.
Standing here patiently with peace of mind, Ying Changge yelled, “If you don’t give me a hand, I’ll arrest you!”
“Zero 70” As a result, Chen Erbao’s staff stopped, and then he obeyed Ying Changge’s control.
Under such an offensive, not many people could survive, they died and were injured.
Especially after Chen Erbao was beheaded by Ying Changge, the dragons had no leader, and these yamen servants naturally surrendered.
Finally, everything was under Ying Changge’s control, and he eradicated this evil county magistrate.
Let the county magistrate die because of this, and Ying Changge can solve the problem of these refugees in the city.
They must be alive, and only if they are alive can they continue to live without any danger.
Refugees are people too, Ying Changge will not let these lonely guys starve to death like this.
Maybe the county magistrate Chen Erbao can do it, but Ying Changge is not a cruel guy.
Not only that, Ying Changge is sympathetic to the people, and sooner or later they will all be full and hungry and survive.
Dragging Chen Erbao’s body, Ying Changge walked all the way to the street, and then abandoned him here.
With a calm expression on his face, Ying Changge threw Chen Erbao’s body here.
In the busy city, people came and went, and many people saw Chen Erbao’s end, and they felt lingering fear.
However, Ying Changge with a calm expression stood here and shouted loudly, “Everyone!”
“Come and see! This is Chen Erbao, the county magistrate!” Ying Changge yelled, and the people around him moved closer.
They all rushed to see what happened to Chen Erbao.
Ying Changge stood with his sword in his hand, “You can see clearly, this is the end of Chen Erbao’s corruption and perverting the law!”
Because Chen Erbao withheld all the food, there were such disastrous consequences.
Slowly speaking, Ying Changge talked to these refugees and people carefully.
Chen Erbao, who has done a lot of evil, abandoned these refugees. It is really abominable, and one stone caused a thousand waves.
After telling all the reasons before and after, it immediately aroused the anger and spurn of the people.
They immediately cursed, scolding Chen Erbao for his dishonesty, and even Chen Erbao’s hard heart.
Faced with such a county magistrate who exploited the people’s fat and anointment, the people naturally couldn’t wait to scold and scold.
But with the appearance of Ying Changge, Qingtian was there, and he easily killed this evil person.
Chen Erbao was beheaded for public display, and his body was left in the street, where the people and refugees continued to abuse him.
After easily killing Chen Erbao, they trampled on Chen Erbao’s body in one go.
Unscrupulously whipping Chen Erbao’s body, the refugees couldn’t wait to vent their anger.
In the streets and alleys, Chen Erbao’s body was abandoned, and Ying Changge started to get down to business, saving the refugees 0…
They must be allowed to escape from this dire situation, otherwise, how could they possibly survive!
The refugees were all hungry, and they showed their stubbornness in order to survive.
The most important thing is to dispatch food to feed the refugees one by one.
To do justice for the heavens, Ying Changge will send a message immediately, and the food must be let go again.The rescue came.
As long as the food can be dispatched to this place, the people will have a way to survive and can continue to survive.
Otherwise, once they are threatened by the predicament, these people will starve to death here.
It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, they must escape as soon as possible, but Ying Changge said, “Don’t worry, everyone!”
“With me here, then I must protect you and make sure you don’t have any worries.”
The name of Ying Changge was immediately spread and everyone knew it. “As long as I’m here, you’ll have a bite to eat!”
Speaking of ambition, Ying Changge was immediately loved by the people, and they were really eager.
5.0 After beheading Chen Erbao and letting the damn magistrate die under his own guilt, Ying Changge returned the favor.
The refugees were very excited, and they all admired them very much. They never expected that there would be Ying Changge.
As long as there is Ying Changge, there will be no crisis for the refugees here, and everything will be safe.
The county magistrate didn’t have any leeway, so Ying Changge replaced him in order to appease the refugees.
Under Chen Erbao, there are other officials, all of them have been in the same rank as Chen Erbao.
But even so, Ying Changge is not in a hurry, because he still has other plans and methods.
Chapter 938: Laborers rule over others!
As long as these officials can do things for themselves, it is also a good strategy for Ying Changge.
Immediately visited the county magistrate’s mansion, so many of Chen Erbao’s subordinates came here in fear.
These people were terrified when they heard the news, and immediately knelt down in front of Ying Changge, expressing their loyalty.
At this moment, Ying Changge’s prestige is known to everyone, and these officials are naturally very scared.
For their own survival, they surrendered to Ying Changge’s feet, and they all confessed their mistakes.
“People are not sages and sages, and there is nothing wrong with it. If you can correct your mistakes, there is nothing good about it!” Ying Changge nodded very satisfied.
“Since you are the ones who took refuge with me, it can be regarded as the return of the prodigal son!” Ying Changge asked them to stand up.
“Remember, you are just mediocre officials, not 05 or any other big shot!”
With a hehe, Ying Changge asked, “Do you know what to do now!”
“Know, know!” “Start disaster relief and relief for these refugees immediately!” These officials are very smart.
They knew that Ying Changge’s anger today was because Chen Erbao withheld so much relief food.
Therefore, it is extremely important to solve the needs of refugees, and these officials also have the city in their hearts.
Nodding in satisfaction, Ying Changge scolded, “Just know! Go dispatch your food!”
The most important thing for the current plan is to let the refugees have a guarantee of life, they must live!
How to save tens of thousands of refugees? For Ying Changge, it was an unexpected problem!
What he doesn’t understand is why these officials are so arrogant and unscrupulous!
The fact that so many guys can’t obey to allocate funds for disaster relief shows that they are really hard-hearted.
If it is possible to die, it will inevitably implicate more refugees and starve to death completely.
Death is not terrible, but the indifference of these officials made Ying Changge even more chilling.
He won’t sit idly by, that’s why he and his people came here for the sake of rectification.
After figuring out all these situations one by one, Ying Changge will drive them to rescue the refugees as much as they want.
Without hesitation, without delay, Ying Changge dispatched all the food around him.
As long as a lot of food is used to relieve refugees, they can survive hard.
Otherwise, wouldn’t it be very embarrassing if the bodies of tens of thousands of refugees died on the streets because of disasters.
Can’t bear to see such a horrible scene, so Ying Changge must extend his helping hand.
Chen Erbao was beheaded by Ying Changge, and many people were already convinced by him, and no longer dared to resist.

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