However, after hearing what Ying Changge said, Chen Erbao immediately shook his head, “What’s wrong with me!”
“I am a clean and honest official, and I have a clean sleeve. I have been conscientious all my life, and I am walking on thin ice.”
“No one can help these refugees.” Chen Erbao sighed, “I am helpless.”
Tens of thousands of refugees are wandering here, homeless, and don’t even have a chance to have a full stomach.
It would be a very cruel thing for so many people to starve to death – it is really spectacular.
Chen Erbao is just an ordinary official, how can he help the world at the same time? impossible!
whereAfraid that Ying Changge was asking, Chen Erbao still looked serious, as if he was innocent.
Chen Erbao sighed, “Looking at these refugees, I really don’t have enough manpower!”
Chen Erbao in front of him was still pretending, Ying Changge snorted shamelessly, “Then you are too much!”
“Eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, a person like you, withholding all the food and grass, is filling your own pocket!”
“Nonsense, a bunch of nonsense!” Chen Erbao was upright and passionate, “I’m not that kind of person!”
“Even if you belittle me so much, I still have a clear conscience!” Chen Erbao retorted.
Immediately waving his hand, he shouted, “Stand back! This place is not where you come here!”
They wanted to drive Ying Changge and his party away, but they would not just sit back and watch.
The yamen servants stood here aboveboard, and immediately surrounded Ying Changge, ready to kill the enemy at any time.
Seeing such a scene, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he raised his weapon, ready to go.
Chen Erbao waved his hand away, “Leave as soon as possible! This place is not a place for you to mess around.”
At this moment, several figures came busily.
It turned out that Wang Defa was brought here, and he was staggering, with a panicked look on his face.
As a master merchant in this place, Wang Defa makes money here, but he is handy and can do whatever he wants.
Now that Wang Defa was forcibly brought here by Ying Changge’s people, he was naturally very flustered.
Seeing Ying Changge, Wang Defa couldn’t wait any longer and wanted to curse, but Ying Changge ignored it.
Raising his weapon, he asked indifferently, “How about it! This is a desperate struggle!”
Ying Changge put one hand on Wang Defa’s head and said, “Tell me all about your crimes!”
Wang Defa was terrified. His own food and grass had been taken away by refugees, so he was naturally resentful now.
“My lord! Take down this kid! All the food you sold to me was snatched away by lowly refugees!”
“It’s really unreasonable! Therefore, I can’t bear it, and I must kill him!”
He was confident, after all, this was Chen Erbao’s residence, and they had business contacts and had a close relationship.
On the contrary, Ying Changge smiled slightly, “It seems that your crimes have been completely confessed.”
“If I can kill you, then I will do justice for the heavens, and it will be regarded as an immeasurable merit!”
With a yell, Ying Changge’s sword rested on Wang Defa’s head, “This is disaster relief food!”
“You people, ignoring the sufferings of the common people, actually filled your own pockets and took them for your own. It’s really hateful!”
Chen Erbao looked stern, glanced at Wang Defa and scolded him for being stupid, “Do it!”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Since it was discovered, there was no way to hide it. Chen Erbao had to act first.
He strode aggressively, and the servants around him surrounded Ying Changge in a swarm.
How dare they resist at the moment of death, these people are really arrogant! Ying Changge snorted coldly.
The sword in his hand stabbed out quickly, impatiently coming, so as to repel these people.
This place is Chen Erbao’s mansion, so he has the upper hand, and under the power, everyone is his.
0 …… 0
The soldiers of Chen Erbao next to him were all loyal men, they surrounded Ying Changge and stabbed him in the chest.
There are so many sword blades, they almost hit Ying Changge’s body.
Although Ying Changge is made of flesh and blood, his feet are nimble and he can always dodge and leave quickly.
Fighting with so many people, the sword in his hand took out a mighty offensive to fight back.
Quickly slashing and slamming hard, several soldiers have already arrived in front of Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge will not panic, the sword in his hand is his only use for fighting.
Swinging quickly, the sword’s edge is cold, coming continuously, always facing the enemy aggressively.
With a single strike, the sword edge of one of the servants was cut off. Ying Changge was upright and capable.
“Still not retreating!” Ying Changge’s voice was resonant, full of an upright attitude.
“You are like raccoon dogs, working as minions for tigers, I can’t wait to kill you all!”
Standing in this siege, Ying Changge remained motionless, “I only want one person!” and…
Chapter 932 Can only retreat in embarrassment!
“You county magistrate, corrupt and perverting the law, wished to drive out all the refugees here, how could you bear it!”
“For the good of the common people, you all have to leave as soon as possible, and even hand over Chen Erbao to me!”
This is not a bargain, but Ying Changge is planning for the future of these government servants.
Not wanting to save Chen Erbao’s life, Ying Changge wanted to make an example to others, so that people would know that they deserved it.
But anyone who blocks Ying Changge from protecting Chen Erbao is helping the evildoer!
He raised his hand, waved his sword, and eradicated them all, just to kill them all and leave no one behind.
The sword in his hand was full of momentum, and the “070” of the great sword was full of murderous intent, very powerful.
Several yamen servants were knocked to the ground, but Ying Changge didn’t kill them directly.
Breaking it with a sword will only hurt them all, but Chen Erbao will be safe.
In Chen Erbao’s mansion, Ying Changge fought to punish evil and promote good.
So many yamen servants are still fighting desperately, they acted in resentment, and fought violently.
It’s a pity that the power of this sword shows the majesty of Ying Changge, as well as his mighty offensive.
No matter what kind of confrontation these are, they can’t stop Ying Changge, his footstepskeep going.
Approaching quickly, attacking with big blows, every sword in his hand is dexterous and changeable.
Charged into the battle and fought, Ying Changge’s sword moves were unpredictable, repelling them in an instant.
A few yamen servants in the area naturally couldn’t stop him, so Ying Changge came straight to Chen Erbao.
The sword in his hand was very powerful, and it pierced Chen Erbao’s chest with a murderous intent.
Such an offensive made Chen Erbao even more flustered. He retreated in embarrassment and raised his sword to fight back.
Ping ping pong pong, swords crisscrossing, under the offensive of you coming and going, there is always chattering vitality.
When danger comes, it is natural to be sincere and fearful, every sword of Chen Erbao blocks Ying Changge.
It can block Ying Changge’s sword, but it may not be able to block his subsequent attacks.
Every attack of Huhushengfeng has a huge explosion, allowing Ying Changge to attack with full strength.
He was a little embarrassed to resist with his own sword. He staggered, but he didn’t dare to kill Ying Changge directly.
Gritting his teeth, Chen Erbao snorted coldly, not to be outdone, and then turned around, only to retreat in embarrassment.
Unable to kill Ying Changge, after just a few rounds, Chen Erbao knew how much he was worth.
The swords crisscrossed, the figures collided, and you came to me to attack, there was already a little bit of a situation.
Ying Changge became stronger as he fought, but Chen Erbao, on the other hand, was extremely embarrassed and had already raised his sword to do it.
He couldn’t fight again and again, taking this opportunity, he could only turn around and run away!
Although this place is Chen Erbao’s residence, it may not be able to stop the collision of Ying Changge and his party.
Especially the many yamen servants around Chen Erbao, who came to fight back bravely and fought back.
Such a blow was so powerful that even Chen Erbao was overwhelmed and couldn’t block it at all.
In desperation, Chen Erbao turned around and ran away, in order to escape from this place completely.
Out of breath, with a cold snort, he held his sword and prepared to leave the land of Shura through the back door of the mansion.
Fighting bloody battles, spraying blood, under such an offensive, they did not sit idle, but continued to attack 0…..
With a quick shot, the sword edge swept across, and Ying Changge, who kept chasing Chen Erbao, did not stop the sword in his hand.
Continuous attacks, can’t wait to attack, under a series of attacks, it is even more powerful and free.
Chen Erbao is lazy by nature, his favorite thing is to sit and make money so that he can make a fortune.
Unfortunately, this wish still came to nothing, because with the arrival of Ying Changge, Jinghai County will have a clear sky.
After being hunted down by Ying Changge, Chen Erbao didn’t have any cover for what he did, and everything was exposed.
As an official who was corrupt and perverted the law, Chen Erbao used all the relief food for personal gain and regarded it as a sale.
There are so many refugees in Jinghai County now, they are all hungry, and they have no chance of survival at all.
Now, with Ying Changge and his party breaking into his mansion again, Chen Erbao has no way out.
Such an opportunity must be seized. Chen Erbao understood that today is life or death.
He didn’t want to die early, that’s why he escaped from Ying Changge’s hands.
Can’t wait to leave at 5.0, Chen Erbao ignored the pursuers behind him, because he knew that only Ying Changge was there.

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