“You said, shouldn’t you take back your own food!” Ying Changge scolded and asked solemnly.
When so many refugees heard this, they all naturally looked excited, “Yes!”
“Give us food!” “Give us back our food! We need to eat!”
A group of people who were suffering from hunger were already frantic with hunger, so they immediately surrounded Wang Defa’s mansion.
Wang Defa saw such a scene, so he was very frightened, “Come here! Close the door for me!”
Standing at the door, Ying Changge did his part, and immediately raised his sword and walked, “Folks, take back your food and grass!”
Accompanied by Ying Changge’s urging, many refugees rushed into Wang Defa’s mansion immediately.
Full of confidence and staying out of the way, Ying Changge scolded, “You must take back your own food!”
“Look for Wang Defa’s granary, everything in it belongs to you!” Ying Changge yelled.
Under such a stalemate, the common people raised their voices and immediately rushed in aggressively.
Knowing that his food and grass were in danger, Wang Defa never expected that the refugees would be provoked to riot.
It’s really hateful! Ever since, Wang Defa immediately sent someone secretly to the granary.
Naturally, the granary was no longer in Wang Defa’s courtyard, but on the contrary, it was a few streets away from his mansion.
Wang Defa was worried about the safety of his food and grass, so he had to send someone to strictly guard it.
At this moment, Ying Changge quietly backed away and disappeared into the crowd.
Narrow-minded and unwilling to give up his own food, it was all bought by himself.
Even if it is burned with a fire, it cannot be eaten by these refugees! Wang Defa looked embarrassed.
Hastily ordered his own people to guard the granary, he must keep his own grain.
When Wang Defa began to tell his servants, Ying Changge actually predicted everything one by one.
Because he already knew that these guys couldn’t let it go, it was a treasure.
Now that there is a famine in Jinghai County, the only food and grass is the supreme wealth, which is unparalleled in the world!
Therefore, since there was a refugee riot, Wang Defa was naturally worried about the safety of his food and grass.
When Ying Changge encouraged the people to rob food, he had already set up a trap of heaven and earth.
As long as Wang Defa can be flustered, Ying Changge will know where the granary is.
All the way forward, followed quietly, and soon Ying Changge followed Wang Defa’s servant.
There are so many guys, always rushing through the streets and alleys, flustered, just to guard the granary.
On tiptoe, Ying Changge’s whereabouts were not exposed in any way, and he followed directly behind this group of servants.
Soon, after passing through two streets and alleys, the silent Ying Changge came to a huge house.
These servants are also very cunning, it is impossible to enter through the main entrance of the house, but through the back door.
The servant sneaked around, immediately opened the back door and squeezed into the courtyard, and then there was no sound.
This is it! Ying Changge is very sure that this is where Wang Defa hides his grain and grass.
Walking up quickly and approaching quickly, Ying Changge turned over and browsed directly from the wall.
Climbing on the top of the wall, Ying Changge moved so quickly, stepped on the ground, and then sneaked into the house.
In this courtyard, grain and grass are everywhere, and the place is piled up in a variety of beautiful things, and the quantity is huge.
So much food and grass can save many people! But Wang Defa hid it privately.
What a selfish guy, he actually took all the food and grass for disaster relief from this ear as his own.
Hurting others and benefiting oneself, people like Wang Defa should really stand up and kill them! It is too much!
Ying Changge entered this place and shouted in the yard, “`〃Come on, get out! No one will be left〃`!”
Being an upright person, Ying Changge yelled (of Zhao’s) and yelled, which naturally attracted many servants to come.
They are all Wang Defa’s housekeepers, and they guard the place now to ensure the safety of food and grass.
Now that Ying Changge appeared here, several of Wang Defa’s servants came out in a panic.
“Who are you!” The servant yelled, just to stop Ying Changge and ensure the safety of food and grass.
“No need to say more, you all stand back!” Ying Changge waved his hands impatiently, “Leave the food here!”
“It’s so self-indulgent!” “The mantis is like a car, and it’s beyond its control!” Wang Defa’s family members are all arrogant and domineering.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, they rushed forward without any hesitation, and came to attack.
Chapter 930 For the sake of the common people!
The swords in his hand struck out quickly, and Ying Changge tried to eradicate them all and fell to the ground.
It’s just that I never expected that these servants also have fists and feet, and they can fight Ying Changge.
They punched and kicked, two-pronged, and quickly rampant, full of such powerful strength.
A sweep of the sword failed to kill them all. This kind of offensive is really ordinary.
Knowing that there is such a tendency to fight, Ying Changge must have acted cautiously and came in stride.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blades crisscrossed, and one of his servants was killed with one strike.
A catastrophe is ahead, but Wang Defa still takes the food and grass as his own and refuses to let go.
Such a selfish person deserves to be killed. Ying Changge came here with a sword in hand, and went out with great fanfare.
Few people are really able to block themselves, especially with such a posture 070, it is simply a rush.
Ying Changge moved forward, and the blade struck, such a sword was full of chattering posture and fierceness.
The bloodthirsty sword fell, and Ying Changge killed another servant who was overwhelmed.
“Don’t back down!” With a scolding, Ying Changge questioned, “If you don’t back down, you will surely die!”
“We won’t back down!” Jia Ding was not afraid of death, they faced Ying Changge’s continuing resistance.
Quickly making a move in this house, these servants showed their momentum and attacked quickly.
Under the edge of Ying Changge’s sword, people always came aggressively one by one, showing their aura.
They are just a bunch of useless servants, but they may not be able to kill themselves. Ying Changge was full of confidence.
He walked forward with his sword in hand, and the blade of the sword directly broke on the head of one of the servants, decapitating his head to show the public and spraying blood.
Such a sword is really mighty, under the light of the big sword, almost not many servants can block it.
The imposing Ying Changge continued to attack, and the sword in his hand came domineeringly, ever-changing.
hum! The edge of the sword flickered, and a sword came, and then easily avoided the servant’s resistance.
Wherever Ying Changge went, there was blood and blood. Such a battle had already torn the servant’s skin.
These people are just flesh and blood, how could they fight Ying Changge in a dignified manner.
Continuing to fight, Ying Changge raised his sword, and under the cold light of the sword, none of them showed any offensive posture.
boom! Another family member died in battle, and Ying Changge must kill all those guarding the granary.
A group of servants who are unarmed, even with knives, guns and sticks, are still servants, nothing special.
Walking in the courtyard, the big sword came, and the sword in Ying Chang’s singer was still stabbing out quickly, which can be called a life-threatening pursuit.
For the sake of the common people, and for the common people to fight, Ying Changge must take all these food and grass away.
Still chasing quickly, Ying Changge is the only one who can stand in the way, and no one can stop him.
The sword in his hand was really fast, beheading several guys (affa) to the ground in a blink of an eye, they were very embarrassed.
Wiping the blood on the edge of his sword, Ying Changge turned around slowly and opened the gate of the house.
None of Wang Defa’s servants remained here. After they died, only this pile of food and grass remained.
Standing outside the door, Ying Changge yelled, “Distribute the food! Come quickly!” He yelled.
After such a loud voice, Ying Changge put his sword back into the scabbard.
Hiding merit and fame, Ying Changge turned and left, returning Wang Defa’s food and grass to the refugees.
Following the clues, Ying Changge quickly found evidence of the county magistrate’s crime of buying and selling grain, which was very serious.
So, after leaving the grain and grass, Ying Changge went straight to the county government office, and must ask the county magistrate for questioning.
It’s really abominable for such a guy to be lawless, corrupt and pervert the law! Can’t bear it.
Ying Changge acted on behalf of the sky, so he and his own people quickly went to surround the county magistrate.
The county magistrate, Chen Erbao, accepted the food, but did not distribute it to the refugees. This was food for disaster relief.
With so much food, it can meet the temporary needs of refugees! This is very important.
As a result, Chen Erbao didn’t distribute any of the food, but took it for himself!
Damn, it’s really too hateful! Ying Changge went straight to Chen Erbao’s mansion in a threatening manner.
boom! He kicked open the gate of the courtyard, and soon, several yamen servants rushed up and surrounded Ying Changge.
Not chaotic in the face of danger, with a calm expression, Ying Changge scolded, “Let your county magistrate Chen Erbao come out to see me!”
His menacing appearance was really mighty, but the few people beside him didn’t care at all.
Everyone raised their weapons, and the yamen servants surrounded Ying Changge and his party in one go.
Standing here with a calm expression, Ying Changge held his sword hilt with one hand, looking annoyed.
“Where is Chen Erbao! Come out! I want to ask you how to cure this disaster!”
Accompanied by Ying Changge’s scolding, Chen Erbao soon came out in a panic.
“Buying and selling food and embezzling food for disaster relief are serious crimes, you know your mistake!” Ying Changge asked.
Chapter 931 Take down this kid!

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