Although it is only Ying Changge alone, if he continues to chase the enemy, Chen Erbao will be cut into pieces!
Continuing to escape in a panic, through the back door, Chen Erbao slipped into the street and continued to escape.
As long as he can escape from Ying Changge’s hands, he will definitely be able to leave this place and save his life.
If he doesn’t die, he will be able to make a comeback, and naturally he will be able to wipe out Ying Changge at that time.
Otherwise, continuing to hunt down will only leave Ying Changge covered in scars and cuts and bruises all over his body.
Chapter 933 Refugees are ignored!
Raising his sword and swinging it with all his strength, every move of Ying Changge was blocking Chen Erbao’s path.
As a person who acts on behalf of the heavens, Ying Changge is full of righteousness, so naturally he can let him escape and do his best.
Blocking Chen Erbao’s escape, the sword in his hand was always waving recklessly.
Under the great sword, full of murderous intent, they chased after them aggressively, so as to break through them.
Otherwise, without interception, Chen Erbao would easily escape from here.
As a county magistrate, Chen Erbao did nothing and did nothing.
Not only are the refugees starved, but even tens of thousands of refugees are indirectly expelled from this place.
Jinghai County is already a place of human Shura, because the people who stay here will starve to death.
05 Their death is helpless. Without relief food and grass, the people would be worse off than dead.
Some starved to death on the street, and some died in their own homes. They were all living beings.
However, Chen Erbao, who pressed on every step of the way, controlled the life of the refugees in the palm of his hand.
what is this? It’s not because there is an opportunity to take advantage of, Chen Erbao is simply unscrupulous in order to seek benefits!
Regardless of the safety of these people, Chen Erbao still bought and sold the relief food privately and used it to make a fortune.
How vicious this is, such a vicious person should have died. Ying Changge quickly pursued.
His figure continued to entangle, and he couldn’t wait to come to catch Chen Erbao’s whereabouts.
After slipping out through the back door, Chen Erbao fell into the streets and alleys, in a complicated place.
Concentrated and concentrated, Chen Erbao chose a path, and then quickly escaped.It was a narrow alley, and it was easy to escape. Chen Erbao immediately ran around the walls.
Ying Changge, who was behind him as light as a swallow, let out a cold snort of disdain, while Chen Erbao was just dying.
When the time comes, when Chen Erbao is captured, Ying Changge must kill him and make him apologize for the refugees.
There are so many refugees that life is worse than death.
Refugees wandered the streets. They were hungry and hadn’t eaten for a long time.
In such a state, if he died, it would only make the food supported by Ying Changge even more useless.
Worried about the safety of the people in Jinghai County, Ying Changge divided up all his food and grass.
Such a large amount of food can always protect some refugees and ensure that they will not starve to death.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s food and grass have arrived, but there is no trace, but the involvement is extensive.
As a county magistrate, Chen Erbao joined forces with the local gentry to buy and sell grain to earn a living.
Ignoring these refugees, they are even more impoverished because they have no food.
Many people died because of this, and after the refugees had no support, it was even easier to starve to death.
In the face of the catastrophe, Chen Erbao ignored so many refugees, his heart was to blame, so Ying Changge took action naturally.
Quickly chasing after, the two figures are still quickly entangled, chasing endlessly.
In the narrow streets and alleys, Ying Changge once again blocked Chen Erbao’s path while stabbing his sword at a brisk pace.
Even if Chen Erbao wanted to escape, he couldn’t escape from Ying Changge’s palm.
Panting and sweating profusely, Chen Erbao turned his head with a ferocious face, “You are really strong!”
Chen Erbao thought he could escape, but he was forced by Ying Changge, and there was really no way.
Trying his best to fetch water from a bamboo basket was in vain, Chen Erbao’s face was full of anger.
“If you continue to persecute me, I will kill you with a single sword!” Chen Erbao said nonchalantly.
But with such a posture, he just smiled slightly in front of Ying Changge, “Overestimating one’s abilities!”
“Yelang is arrogant, do you really think you can kill me!” Ying Changge was full of confidence, and he was sure of winning.
“Catch it with nothing! As long as you can disarm and not kill, then you will be able to keep the whole body.”
Chen Erbao made a big mistake, he must die, this is a matter of course, Ying Changge will not show mercy.
Killing Chen Erbao smoothly will enable 070 to save Ying Changge from the dire situation in Jinghai County early.
Otherwise, Chen Erbao would continue to resist and fight back endlessly, and it would not be easy for Ying Changge to kill him.
Facing Ying Changge’s question, Chen Erbao smiled coldly, “Do you really think I have no martial arts?”
“I am very capable, and my swordsmanship is superb. Although I am a county magistrate, I still have the demeanor of a general.”
He boasted that Chen Erbao was so mighty, with the sword in his hand, he couldn’t wait to strike back.
Sweeping with a sword, coming mightily, the impact of the big sword is so powerful, it always runs rampant in one go.
With such a posture, no one can stop Chen Erbao, because he is full of murderous aura.
In order to kill Ying Changge, Chen Erbao spared no effort and immediately stabbed him in the chest with the sword in his hand.
Chen Erbao, who didn’t know how to live or die, was always attacking in resentment, and the weapon in his hand showed a ferocious momentum.
This kind of swordsmanship looks mighty and domineering, but it’s actually not worth mentioning. Ying Changge embraced it as much as he wanted.
Chapter 934 Fight with all your strength!
The soldiers came to block the water and the soil, and the figures of Ying Changge and Chen Erbao were always entangled.
This kind of sword mark is mighty, and under the flickering cold light, it naturally has a murderous posture.
A sword approached, and the big sword struck. This kind of sword has a high-spirited murderous intent.
Chasing the enemy bravely, sweeping the sword in his hand, it can be said that the waves are turbulent, it is really stumbling.
Knowing everything about Chen Erbao’s offensive, Ying Changge is a man with a keen mind and extraordinary wisdom.
After several rounds of fierce fighting with the county magistrate, at this moment, Ying Changge had already explored his sword skills.
With his own wisdom, Ying Changge knew that Chen Erbao’s swordsmanship was strong and he was good at attacking first.
If such a sword edge can break through his body, it is only because Ying Changge carelessly underestimates the enemy.
But fortunately, his figure is always counterattacking quickly, and each of his swords is full of fierce gestures.
The attack with great fanfare was broken with his own sword, and Chen Erbao’s sword did not hurt Ying Changge.
They were all dodging again and again, relying on their own sword, they had already come up with a mighty duel.
After fighting bloody battles and approaching with strides, Chen Erbao’s figure appeared just one step away from Ying Changge.
The sword’s edge was trembling, and under Chen Erbao’s control, the sword swung like a cold light and as fast as a gust of wind.
hum! Jianfeng pierced Ying Changge’s chest in the blink of an eye, almost piercing his heart.
Fortunately, Ying Changge’s gait was dexterous, he brushed past Chen Erbao’s sword, and then dodged.
Standing firmly on the ground, Ying Changge struck with his sword, and Chen Erbao was repelled with a ping-pong sound.
With five fingers together, he held his sword firmly, but Chen Erbao still felt the tremor on his wrist.
With a surprised expression on his face, he hastily raised his hands to be on guard. Chen Erbao held the sword in both hands, and only then did he suppress the whisper of the sword’s edge.
I have long heard that Ying Changge’s swordsmanship seems to be rare in the world, but looking at it now, it really is not what it used to be.
Staggering against the enemy, the sword in his hand swept across vigorously, but he was unable to take down Ying Changge.
Not only that, but under such a fierce battle, the sword in his hand still tore through his body.
Staggering and trembling, Chen Erbao jumped over the wall in a hurry and continued to attack in anger.
Swinging his sword vigorously, every sword of Chen Erbao hit Ying Changge vigorously.
A sword stabs out, all the vital points, every sword of hisHe wanted to tear Ying Changge into pieces.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge is not an ordinary person, his sword is extraordinarily light, and he blocked every strike of Chen Erbao.
“Still surrender〃’?” Ying Changge asked angrily. He didn’t like guys who didn’t know themselves the most.
“Why surrender!” Chen Erbao raised his head and snorted coldly, “I must kill you!”
“Now on my territory, if you come to attack me, that would be treasonous!”
“If possible, I’ll kill you, anyway, other people don’t know your identities at all.”
“Kill you, when the time comes, no one will come to chase your whereabouts!”
Laughing loudly, Chen Erbao is always so proud, he is very happy, “I was still me at that time!”
“I’m fighting with my own hands with all my strength, and today I just don’t do anything.”
Ying Changge responded indifferently, “Do you think I will die in your hands! You are hitting a rock with an egg.”
Hearing Ying Changge’s ridicule, Chen Erbao shook his head indifferently, “Who do you think I am!”
“I am the magistrate of this place, so many people can be used by me, so that I can kill you!”
His sword is so fast that most people can’t react, full of vigorous and resolute attacks.
Chen Erbao made a sneak attack, but Ying Changge had expected it, and immediately turned around with a sword, and counterattacked from behind.
Ping pong, Chen Erbao’s sword trembled, and his arms were extremely sore from the vibration.

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