“Who! Get back!” The servant waved his hands urgently, “Do you know where this is!”
“I know, this is Wang Defa’s mansion! I’m going to see him!” Ying Changge looked calm.
However, the servant was so powerful that he immediately surrounded Ying Changge, “Back off!”
“You are so brave, let us teach you a lesson!” They punched and kicked immediately.
It’s just a bunch of servants, but they bully others.
However, who is Ying Changge? He is upright and upright, raising his sword to fight back, the sword is not out of the sheath.
Facing the enemy with the scabbard, Ying Changge made a bang and knocked down several servants to the ground.
They were in a panic, screaming in pain, and then hurriedly avoided Ying Changge’s blow.
He wanted to break into the mansion, but there were servants inside and outside the mansion, they blocked this place and refused to go forward.
Attacking in one go, they punched to the flesh, wishing they could directly beat Ying Changge to death.
One’s own strength naturally has a skill, so Ying Changge took his time and continued to fight back with his sword.
Ping pong pong, sword light and sword shadow, under such entanglement, Ying Changge is still extraordinarily powerful.
With ease, he used the scabbard to fight against the enemy, and overturned several servants to the ground.
Stepping over their bodies, Ying Changge directly opened the door and broke into Wang Defa’s mansion.
With a cold snort, Ying Changge stood in the courtyard and asked loudly, “Where is Wang Defa!”
This was originally Wang Defa’s mansion, but now that he was shouted at like this, all the servants rushed over after hearing the news.
People’s words are awesome, and they are passed on from ten to ten, and everyone knows that there is a person who is beyond his control.
The servants were buzzing and came here in one go, just to surround him.
At this moment, someone appeared next to him, and came straight to Ying Changge, “Where did you come from the presumptuous guy?”
A fist came hard, trying to beat Ying Changge until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.
However, Ying Changge turned around nimbly and hit the scabbard with his palm, knocking the servant into the air.
Standing here calmly and calmly, Ying Changge stood with his hands behind his back, “Wang Defa? Come out and see me soon!”
At this moment, a guy in a fancy dress came out slowly, with an arrogant expression on his face…
“Who dares to call me by my first name? No big or small guy!” This person is Wang Defa.
Ying Changge turned around and took a few steps forward with his sword in hand, but was intercepted by many servants.
All the guys came here with a vow, and surrounded Ying Changge all at once.
Caught in siege, Ying Changge looked calm and calm, “You are Wang Defa!”
“I heard that you bought a lot of grain from the county magistrate, is it true or not!”
Facing Ying Changge’s questioning, Wang Defa looked calm, “What are you talking about! Nonsense.”
“Don’t listen to the fact that the wind is the rain. It’s just a rumor on the street. Don’t take it seriously.” Wang Defa chuckled.
He looked very gentle, “I am a kind-hearted person, and I like to convince people with virtue!”
“If I have extra food in my hands, I must go to the relief of the people, so that the victims of the disaster will have an extra grain.survive. ”
“Really!” Ying Changge said slowly, his whole body was very calm, “Is that your attitude 5.0?”
Never expected that this Wang Defa is actually a compassionate and kind person! Ying Changge came straight.
He walked over quickly, but the servant next to him didn’t agree, but stood together and surrounded him closely.
Alone, Ying Changge looked weak at first glance, but he still looked calm.
“However, you people all have ruddy complexions and are full of confidence. You can see that you are full of food and drink.”
“I’m afraid you still have a lot of food and grass in your mansion!” Ying Changge asked aggressively.
However, Wang Defa frowned slightly, “Why do you say that, who are you!”.
Chapter 928 Any trace of hoarding!
“You don’t need to know who I am. I came today to ask about your sins.”
Ying Changge was confident, and even more arrogant, full of indescribable confidence, and he was sure of winning.
It’s rare that Wang Defa has a good temper, and even in such a situation, he doesn’t lose his temper.
With a laugh, Wang Defa bent over, “This statement is wrong, it’s just because my family has a great career.”
“Because I have a lot of fields on weekdays, I have surplus grain reserves. Is this also my fault!”
Smiling slightly, stroking his beard, Wang Defa looked indifferent, “Is it possible that you are a robber!”
“Wrong, I’m nothing, just an ordinary commoner.” Ying Changge denied.
“Since you keep saying that you have never bought or sold grain, let me go to 05 to see how it goes!”
Hearing what Ying Changge said, Wang Defa finally became displeased, “What are you looking at!”
“This is my mansion, what do you need to see, it’s really presumptuous!” Wang Defa scolded.
Seeing Wang Defa’s reprimand, many servants came up aggressively immediately.
They were all eager to move, wishing to beat Ying Changge to death so that they could vent their anger.
Ying Changge looked calm, and immediately drew his sword out of its sheath, revealing his murderous intent in an instant.
In order to be able to kill them, Ying Changge finally showed the edge of his sword, showing his sharpness.
The servants were more or less afraid of death. They looked at Ying Changge’s weapon, but they dared not go forward.
It’s useless to say more, Ying Changge felt that it was better to use violence to control violence, so he did it immediately.
Walking with the sword in hand, he came quickly, and his sword pierced a light and shadow in an instant, so swiftly and resolutely.
Under the edge of the sword, there are mostly murderous intentions. It is impossible for them to block Ying Changge’s offensive.
With such an advantage, Jianfeng went away recklessly, and Jianfeng broke through the defenses of several servants.
They were scarred and bloody, and under Ying Changge’s sword, Jia Ding was completely defeated.
No one can block Ying Changge’s charge, and his sword is always extraordinarily powerful.
The guard’s battle was nothing more than that, and he had no power to fight back in front of Ying Changge.
Ping pong pong, under the impact of the sword, each of them was directly seriously injured by Ying Changge.
Coming quickly, Ying Changge stood in front of Wang Defa, but did not threaten with a sword.
“Tell me! Did you buy grain from the county magistrate? Fill your own pocket!” Ying Changge scolded.
However, Wang De did not change his face, and was even very confident, “Wrong! I am not such a person.”
“I am merciful, how could I do such inhumane things! Of course it is inappropriate.”
Wang Defa turned around and took a step back, “If you don’t believe me, search here carefully.”
“If you can find a lot of food and grass, then I will give it to you!” Wang Defa was full of confidence.
Hearing what Wang Defa said, he was not in a hurry, so he immediately turned and went to the backyard.
However, even so, Ying Changge didn’t expect much, he knew that Wang Defa was insidious and cunning.
The merchant has a lot of eyes in the city, so he came here just to find out the truth, and he didn’t care about anything else.
Ever since, walking around Wang Defa’s backyard, Ying Changge found nothing after a while.
He didn’t see any grain and grass, and there was no trace of hoarding, but he still wouldn’t give up.
The rumors were not groundless, Ying Changge already knew that Wang Defa was notorious, and the people mourned.
For such a guy, buying and selling food and grass privately for his own desire to satisfy his hunger is really the most important thing.
Their crimes must be made public, and all food and grass must be distributed to the people to satisfy their hunger.
After walking around Wang Defa’s backyard, there was nothing to gain, but Ying Changge was not in a hurry.
“Wonderful!” Such a guy with a deep city, it seems that he has no flaws.
In this huge and wide courtyard, there is nothing, and there are not many things in the stove and woodshed.
Disappointed, with a sigh, Ying Changge stood in the front yard, still surrounded by servants.
Smiling calmly, Wang Defa asked, “Young Master, can you be at ease? Get back as soon as possible!”
“Otherwise, if you get angry, you may easily die without a place to bury yourself!” Wang Defa threatened.
Naturally without any fear, Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, “You are making a big mistake!”
“I am not afraid of heaven and earth, but I am afraid that the wicked will get away with it and do whatever they want!” Ying Changge laughed.
“Okay! Although I don’t know whose son you are, you must have a different background and a great background.”
Wang Defa nodded, “If that’s the case, then I won’t send you far away.” He started to drive people away.
However, Ying Changge’s trip was fruitless. He needed to catch the county magistrate’s evidence and the people who colluded with him.
It’s really too much for these guys to make profits from disaster relief food.
at the mansionAmong them, Wang Defa was complacent, with a face of a villain who was successful, and he was being stupid.
Chapter 929 A refugee riot has occurred!
Ever since, Wang Defa patted Ying Changge’s shoulder, “It’s useless for young people to be too presumptuous.”
Taking a step back, Ying Changge walked to the gate, he was indifferent and calm, knowing everything clearly.
Immediately, he opened his mouth to speak, and immediately yelled at the street, “Folks! Are you hungry!”
“Hungry!” Many people came immediately, and these refugees gathered together in fear.
“Then do you know that this Wang Defa is not as good as a pig or a dog, and he actually bought your disaster relief food!”

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