I saw many refugees on the streets and alleys. They were all hungry and had no food at all.
Everyone is hungry, their complexion is yellow and thin, and it can be seen that many people have not eaten.
If they continued to suffer for a few more days, they might starve to death. Seeing this, Ying Changge couldn’t bear it.
Going around in the city, Ying Changge has gone to many places without any doubts.
Ying Changge was half-believing before, but he sent a lot of food to rescue Jinghai County.
There are many refugees in Jinghai County, so many people must be treated.
Otherwise, Ying Changge felt that he would be very guilty if he let them starve to death on the street.
Therefore, Ying Changge must investigate, and none of the officials here can be let go, they must be investigated.
He asked the refugees to find a place to rest, and he himself started a more in-depth investigation, tiptoeing around.
With the miserable appearance of the refugees, he saw that many refugees were lying on the streets and alleys.
Not only that, what they ate was feed, not even a grain of rice, and their lives were worse than pigs and dogs.
After groping for such a situation, Ying Changge knew that the whole city was treated like this, making it even more difficult for refugees.
Standing in the corner of the street with a stern look on his face, Ying Changge was filled with righteous indignation and gritted his teeth.
These Jinghai County officials are really hateful, It is too much not to treat these refugees as human beings.
Everyone is still struggling to survive. The scene of refugees is really appalling!
If it is possible to catch all the officials here, then a few good officials will be killed by mistake.
Therefore, Ying Changge has to pay attention to the evidence, that is, to check them all carefully first.
Ever since, Ying Changge went to investigate immediately, and the whereabouts of the grain and grass were very easy to find out.
First of all, the most important thing is to find out the movement of grain and grass carefully.
With the delivery of food, everything is very easy to control, Ying Changge began to look for signs of them.
There are soldiers and horses first, and there are movements of grain and grass. Soon, they know when the grain and grass will arrive.
It turned out that the food had already arrived in Jinghai County before, so the county magistrate here must have taken over.
Since so much food has been obtained, why didn’t the county magistrate send these things out!
A lot of food can save many refugees, and the refugees need food to satisfy their hunger.
Especially the tens of thousands of refugees, so many people need to be full, wouldn’t it be easy to save them.
Ying Changge, who came all the way, donated a lot of food and grass to save so many refugees.
But the refugees are not only not full, they even continue to be hungry, which is very sad.
Knowing that the refugees are in such a situation, Ying Changge sympathizes with them very much, and is heartbroken.
The food is here, but the county magistrate did not distribute it, which is really suspicious, and Ying Changge is annoyed.
Chapter 926 Follow the streets to the granary!
Be sure to investigate carefully. Soon, Ying Changge heard some clues.
Chen Erbao, the county magistrate of Jinghai County, has been an official here for a long time, controlling the affairs inside and outside the city.
The matter of food this time, of course, had nothing to do with Chen Erbao, and was involved.
Be sure to investigate them carefully, and the whereabouts of the food in the investigation office is particularly important.
After all, with so much food, Ying Changge knew that Chen Erbao couldn’t eat it all by himself.
Food is the most important thing in disaster relief. As long as the refugees are kept alive, there will be no worries.
But it is a pity that these grains disappeared without a trace, and there was no movement after entering Jinghai County.
Why is this, there must be something strange! Ying Changge began to think deeply, sitting cross-legged in thought.
The movement of the food and the whereabouts of Chen Erbao, I want to search carefully and control them together.
Otherwise, how could they fool Ying Changge’s eyes and ears-! There must be fraud.
There is something strange about it, but Chen Erbao is not willing to show his flaws easily, he is also a county magistrate after all.
A county magistrate has been in the officialdom for many years, and Chen Erbao’s every move is also pretending to cover up.
This guy, every time he makes a move, he has no flaws, hides everything, and fills his own pockets.
“What a good official!” Under the cynicism, Ying Changge started to leave.
He went straight to the county magistrate Chen Erbao, because he knew that Chen Erbao must be the guilty person.
Since so much food was gone, it must have been divided up and sold one by one by Chen Erbao.
During the silent investigation, Ying Changge walked back and forth in the streets and alleys, just to look for signs of them.
Rumors are spread from the private market, which is a source of reliable information.
Ying Changge arrested several people, all asking if they had seen the matter of grain and grass.
Soon, Ying Changge had clues, and the escort of food and grass was naturally the focus of attention and everyone knew about it.
From the market, Ying Changge heard a lot of news, and they all saw the escort of grain and grass.
A lot of food and grass entered the city, but it was not distributed to the people.
With 50,000 catties of grain, Chen Erbao would not foolishly escort all the grain and grass to the city.
Not only that, but he only brought in a small portion to distribute to the people and refugees.
However, the people did not see the food either! Where did so much food go?
Feeling puzzled in his heart, he naturally expressed his feelings. Soon, Ying Changge knew where the grain and grass were being held.
So he went down the street to the granary, so that Ying Changge could see what new discoveries he had made!
Unimpeded and coming smoothly, he stood outside the granary, ready to go.
There are quite a few soldiers guarding the granary, and they are all serious, standing aside, working hard.
But such a state was nothing more than that, Ying Changge easily saw through their disguise.
Don’t look at these guys who are serious, but I’m afraid there is nothing in the granary!
Strolling in the courtyard, Ying Changge walked up quickly, and smiled lightly, “Gentlemen, excuse me!”
“I want to buy food!” Ying Changge threw out a money bag, “There is a lot of money in it!”
“I don’t know how much food I can buy.” Ying Changge asked patiently, “I haven’t eaten for several days.”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
There is no relief food in Jinghai County, so Ying Changge naturally has to investigate carefully.
Regardless of the cause and effect, Ying Changge must dig out his secrets.
Not only because of the shortage of food, but also because of the inaction of the county magistrate here, this matter is of great importance.
So, he found this place, came to the granary, and wanted to see what was going on.
Ying Changge came to buy food, but the soldiers guarding the food naturally couldn’t sell it to him.
0 …… 0
Opening the granary without permission is very difficult, and it will definitely be beheaded for public display. The soldier immediately scolded.
“Where did you come from, leave me quickly! “”The granary is important, don’t get close!” ”
They kept scolding, all in one go, and they didn’t pay any attention to the money in Ying Chang’s singer.
“I just want to know if there is still food in the granary!” Ying Changge asked slowly.
However, these soldiers turned out to be sincere people, so they spoke honestly.
“Of course not many! Half of them have already been transported out!” “Yes, food and grass are life-saving.”
Hearing what they said, Ying Changge was very puzzled and shocked at the same time.
“However, the people in the city only eat feed for horses, why don’t they have food and grass!”
The soldier was proud, “What are the people! Refugees are not human at all, so don’t worry about it.”
“Many of the grain and grass we guarded have been sold at high prices, so that we can survive.”
Standing here, after careful understanding, Ying Changge suddenly realized, “So that’s how it is!” and…
Chapter 927: People Who Don’t Know What They Can Do Come!
Chen Erbao, the county magistrate of this place, did not help the victims at all after receiving the relief food.
Not only that, it turned out to be privately buying and selling grain, which is really abominable! Ying Changge was filled with righteous indignation.
These soldiers seemed very sincere, and even confessed everything one by one.
Ying Changge was very satisfied, so he threw the money bag in his hand to them, “Take it.”
Although money may not be able to buy food now, it is still useful to give them.
It was learned from the soldiers guarding the granary that the county magistrate Chen Erbao actually sold the grain.
A small half of the food and grass went to a “070” palace, and that man was Wang Defa, a wealthy gentry.
It seems that he colluded with the county magistrate here, so he swallowed a lot of food for himself.
Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, Ying Changge must punish Chen Erbao for his crime, but he must go and find out right now.
Wang Defa of the royal residence has a lot of contacts in this place to win over the noble gentry, and he is really powerful and can do whatever he wants.
Thus, Ying Changge went to the palace. He walked through the streets and alleys, and saw such a huge mansion.
In the spacious mansion, this family member came and went everywhere, it seemed that it was very lively and full of people.
Ying Changge wanted to enter the mansion, but was stopped by his servant, who was confident and arrogant.

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