Following behind Ying Changge, the group of them immediately found a flat place with a wide field of vision.
Immediately set up camp here, and a group of people traveled a long distance, so naturally they want to take a good rest.
Chapter 920 Showing a long-lost smile!
So many people live in the open air, so the most important thing now is to recuperate.
He and his own people are still rectifying here, and Ying Changge saw many refugees in a hurry.
They looked like this, it seemed that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and none of them paid attention to Ying Changge.
The refugees Ying Changge met before were all very slow and weak, and they always walked slowly.
Now, looking at these people who just came out of Jinghai County, they are in groups, but in a hurry.
Trying to get around from here, they just want to leave, and they don’t intend to stop at all.
After realizing the strangeness of the refugees, Ying Changge knew that this place was a dangerous place.
The more disasters occur frequently, the more extreme and insane people will become.
For a morsel of food, they will do all sorts of evil, even if it is to kill someone.
“Be careful!” Ying Changge warned, and the sword in his hand never left his side.
Closer to where this famine occurs, there will be more difficulties without refugees able to flee.
Resting here, Ying Changge is going to sleep here tonight so that he can recharge his batteriesContinue on your way.
Just as they stopped, they didn’t know that someone was already starting to move on the nearby hillside.
A group of ragged refugees hid on the mountain, staring at Ying Changge and his group.
They are also from Jinghai County, and they can do everything because they are poor and crazy.
“Those people seem to have a lot of background!” “Yes, everyone must have a lot of food!”
“We robbed them!” a group of people whispered, greedy looks on their faces.
Ying Changge didn’t know this, but he didn’t know that one day he would also become a shackle!
Lie down and rest with his own people, Ying Changge is going to visit those refugees tomorrow.
There are always a lot of refugees, and it is not easy to feed them.
Sitting here, Ying Changge concentrated his mind, closed his eyes and rested his mind. He was still thinking about ways to rescue the refugees.
Concerned about the country and the people, he will not give up, but is thinking about such good strategies in one go.
It is better to teach people to fish than to give them fish. If Ying Changge wants to change the famine, he must increase the production of food.
Ying Changge, who was still thinking hard, realized that it was time to eat before he knew it.
This is a good opportunity for Ying Changge to use his rations to save the passing refugees.
Boil water and cook porridge, Ying Changge set it up here, and then greeted the passing refugees to eat.
But to anyone who is willing to stay and have a sip of hot porridge, Ying Changge will generously give them a meal.
Ying Changge, who understands righteousness, is really enthusiastic, and even took care of many refugees.
They were so grateful to Dade, and even knelt in front of Ying Changge (affa) to thank them, all of them were very excited.
After having such an opportunity, they felt more at ease, at least they could eat porridge to fill their stomachs.
There were quite a few refugees around Ying Changge, looking like they were devouring food. They had been hungry for a long time.
After eating a lot of food, they were all very happy, and even showed long-lost smiles.
Ying Changge donated a lot of porridge, which was enough to keep the victims full for a while.
The old-fashioned and warm-hearted Ying Changge has the world in mind, and treats any refugees in front of him equally.
After sending them all away, Ying Changge had a chance to rest and wipe off his sweat.
After being busy with such a group of people for a while, Ying Changge was so busy that he couldn’t do anything at all.
Sitting down on the ground next to him, Ying Changge sighed, there are so many refugees, it is too many to count.
The refugees who could not see the end were still chattering and rushing towards this side.
This kind of famine made their life worse than death. Everyone was very frightened, for fear that they would starve to death.
The refugees were pale and emaciated. If the stalemate continued, they might die in a short time.
There are quite a few corpses on the side of the road, they are piled up like a mountain, even if they are abandoned in the wilderness, they cannot be buried.
So many people have forgotten their hometown and their own lives, and are fleeing with their heads smashed.
As long as you can leave and have a bite to eat, then there will inevitably be many ways out.
In order to make a living, these refugees are running around, wandering around, and have no homes of their own.
The refugees are so desolate, under the famine, tens of thousands of refugees have become a surging disaster.
They don’t want to starve to death, and neither does Ying Changge. He wants the world to be safe and the people to be healthy.
In the face of this kind of famine, in the face of disaster, how can ordinary people resist this disaster.
Knowing that the people are very desolate and hungry, the porridge in Ying Changge’s camp has never been cold.
Ying Changge gave them a chance, as if these refugees survived again.
It’s like giving them a second life, so this is a great thing for Ying Changge to do good deeds.
Chapter 921 Save my life!
There must be Yuqing in the family of good deeds. What Ying Changge did was not for himself, but also for these people.
The lives of the common people are all Ying Changge’s wish, and what he wants to do is to make the world peaceful.
Even if so many refugees continue to run around, Ying Changge can’t save them.
It can be saved for a while, but it cannot be saved forever! Ying Changge couldn’t save tens of thousands of refugees.
The porridge on the pot was still hot, and such refugees quickly emptied one of them.
This is a matter of time, because Ying Changge knows that there are so many refugees that there is no way to help them.
In a short time, the hot porridge that Ying Changge cooked was gone, and it was all eaten up.
Not a single drop was left, and the whole thing was eaten up by the refugees, but Ying Changge could no longer continue cooking porridge.
If he had to take out all his rations, then Ying Changge himself would be hungry.
Things have priorities, Ying Changge will not let these guys fall into such a predicament.
Just as Ying Changge was sitting on the edge of the campfire, about to turn around and rest, he heard a noise.
The footsteps are so dense, it seems that there are so many people, there must be some reason.
Sensing the crisis, Ying Changge immediately got up and put one hand on the hilt of his sword.
With a calm face and a calm heart, he turned his head and ordered, “Be careful! Beware of sneak attacks!”
Everywhere else is a place of darkness and no light. After all, it is after dusk, and it is almost night.
If it was just an ordinary refugee, the pace would not be so dense, and they might have come prepared.
Taking precautions, the cautious Ying Changge stood with his sword in hand, his expression very calm.
there is always a solution to a problem.
Standing here, Ying Changge looked calm, and soon the footsteps continued to approach densely.
A series of people came aggressively, blocking Ying Changge’s front, and there was a big black.
“You want to drink porridge?” Ying Changge calmly said, “PorridgeIt is gone. ”
“We don’t want porridge!” The leading group of people all looked aggressive, “We want your lives!”
Ying Changge had an unbelievable look on his face, “Do we have a grudge? Or are you being instigated by someone?”
This group of people all looked murderous, “We are just trying to snatch your food!”
“If you have money, hand over your money, if you don’t have money, take out your food, otherwise, you will be killed!”
They were all bluffing, and the appearance of arguing was really very noisy, Ying Changge snorted coldly.
Just such a gesture? It’s ridiculous to want to kill yourself too! Ying Changge shook his head, “That’s all!”
“If you insist on going your own way, you are just looking for a dead end, you should leave this place as soon as possible!”
“It doesn’t matter if you are hungry, but if you burn, kill and loot, it is an extra crime, and you are really a wicked person!”
Ying Changge’s exhortations were to make them give up such plans so that they could save their lives.
Otherwise, if they were to be killed with one sword, Ying Changge would wipe them all out and wipe out the entire army.
However, these guys are already hungry and crazy, and a group of people are not to be outdone, and continue to approach.
With a sigh, Ying Changge asked, “Don’t you have relief food and grass! Why do you want to grab it!”
“Could it be that the grain and grass haven’t reached Jinghai County yet!” Ying Changge asked sincerely.
It was impossible for these people who rushed up to ask questions calmly, and they fought on their own way.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Competing to be the first to crowd towards Ying Changge, they must have tried their best to fight.
In order to be able to kill a few of them, the swords in their hands were also swaying fiercely, with swords shining like swords.
They are facing ordinary people, but the refugees are hungry and crazy, so they will do anything by hook or by crook.
They scrambled to rush forward, waving the weapons in their hands recklessly.
Hoes and sticks were all available, so many things fell on Ying Changge’s body.
Ying Changge, who was not in a hurry, looked calm, and killed them with a sword, blocking them all.

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