0 ….. …
Such a sword has no killing intent, but Ying Changge must intercept the charge of these refugees.
If surrounded by such refugees, Ying Changge might be eaten without even the bones left.
In order to find a way out, the refugees are still stalking and surrounding Ying Changge with all their might.
In such a situation, he swept across thousands of troops with one sword, and knocked down several people with ease.
These are just ordinary refugees, not real materials, and there is no unique knowledge.
Facing Ying Changge’s sword, they all staggered and fell to the ground, unable to fight back.
The blade stabbed fiercely and domineeringly, but Ying Changge’s sword only blocked the refugees’ attack.
Ying Changge wouldn’t kill these lonely refugees, but he couldn’t let himself die either.
One by one, the refugees came aggressively with knives, guns and sticks, wishing to kill him.
As long as Ying Changge is killed, food and grass can be robbed, and the refugees can have a full meal.
They are still eager to come, chattering and attacking, how flamboyant, very vicious and…
Chapter 922 Don’t Know Martial Arts, Not Good at Learning!
Raising the edge of the sword in his hand, Ying Changge resisted vigorously, knocking back several people with a single strike.
Every move is full of murderous intent, and every sword of Ying Changge is precise and well controlled.
Blocking the refugees and falling into siege, Ying Changge was upright and calmly dealt with the refugees’ suppression.
Surrounding them in an endless stream, with so many guys, they always have inexhaustible strength.
He is clearly a refugee, but like a bandit, he persists in coming to surround Ying Changge.
For a bite to eat, they put out all their strengths, with murderous intent in their hearts, so resentful.
But it is impossible to kill Ying Changge with such a “zero five three” blow. His sword protects his life.
Even if he was surrounded by refugees in one go, Ying Changge always looked like he was sure of winning, calm and calm.
It is impossible to die because of this. Ying Changge is always patiently confronting and fighting back.
He waved the sword in his hand to his heart’s content, and fought with all his might.
Even surrounded by so many refugees, Ying Changge found a way out of it.
Fighting hard, the sword’s edge was cold and stern, such an offensive broke through the siege of refugees in a blink of an eye.
They were all very terrified. They thought they could win Ying Changge with their numbers.
With several rounds of confrontation, the refugees were still unable to break through the man of Ying Changge under such a collision.
There are so many of them, each one of them filed in and rushed forward.
In order to be able to win Ying Changge, the refugees always pounce on them persistently, using all their murderous intentions.
It’s just that they are just ordinary people, let alone hungry and full.
Such refugees are like tigers coming out of their cages, approaching Ying Changge unscrupulously.
Putting it to death and then reviving, Ying Changge’s sword was still steady, and he attacked it with his own weapons.
Ping ping pong pong, sword light and sword shadow, such offensives, Ying Changge was still intact and protected himself.
Such menacing, intertwined murderous intentions are really irresistible, how sad.
If they cannot be captured, I am afraid that in the future, more refugees will join their ranks.Because of their own power, they slaughtered a lot, and these refugees are also evil people.
They committed crimes, went astray, and always wanted to kill Ying Changge and rob him of his food.
But is such a line really necessary? Naturally it is impossible! Refugees are dying.
Such people always approached and surrounded Ying Changge unscrupulously, and their strength was very weak.
Ying Changge, who is excellent in swordsmanship, is really brave, but he can’t be cruel enough to kill these refugees.
All the guys were extremely chicken thieves. They knew that Ying Changge couldn’t be killed, so they retreated immediately.
They formed an array, but groups of refugees still formed a circle, blocking Ying Changge.
As long as Ying Changge can be caught, wouldn’t it be wonderful to carry all the food away by then.
When they are hungry to the extreme, they become very crazy. In such a situation, refugees might even be able to eat people!
Refugees always come with weapons in their hands, but they have no chance to kill Ying Changge.
They don’t know martial arts at all, and they are not good at learning arts, they just rely on their tyrannical strength.
Unlike the refugees, Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is superb, and his mind is much more agile and dexterous…
These refugees are daring, and in order to be able to kill Ying Changge, they all came one after another.
Even so, so what! With all his cultivation, the sword in his hand is extraordinarily powerful.
He fell vigorously, impatiently attacking, each sword was extraordinarily cold and severe.
In the face of refugees, Ying Changge does not need to show mercy, because they are all evil and sinful people.
For the sake of one’s own livelihood, to mutilate others and slaughter other people’s lives, what kind of thing is this!
Don’t do to others what you don’t want to be done to others, so Ying Changge must teach these refugees a lesson and act quickly.
A sword is approaching, domineering, such a sword is only to break them, but it will not kill them.
One by one, the daring refugees were always making unscrupulous attacks, surrounding Ying Changge in one go.
Even if Ying Changge didn’t kill them, it would be a very stupid thing for them to seek their own death!
In order to rob food, refugees swarmed in, and they acted quickly, really fast and impulsive.
The reckless group of people don’t even know that they will retreat to 5.0. All the refugees want is food in their mouths, and that’s all.
A sneak attack in the middle of the night, approaching Ying Changge, the refugees are all tiger-headed and tiger-headed, and they won’t stop at all.
Always besieged unscrupulously, and then facing Ying Changge, the refugees chattered and shot again.
The sword in his hand wielded a different kind of light, and Ying Changge fought against so many refugees with his own strength.
Even if they wanted to kill Ying Changge, they might not be able to stop his fight.
Under the great sword, there are menacing murderous intent everywhere, and the refugees are forced to retreat in fear.
Anyway, this group of refugees are nothing but ordinary people, Japanese pirates.
Chapter 923 Retire in the face of difficulties and leave as soon as possible!
Intercepting Ying Changge, wanting to kill people for money, this kind of momentum is really extremely domineering, vicious and cunning.
He must be killed, and then the refugees will have the opportunity to divide up so much food and grass.
Refugees are not fools, they can tell that Ying Changge looks like a lot of food.
Since it is possible to find the other party, it is possible to plunder the other party, leaving no one left.
The extremely hungry refugees were still scrambling to catch up, in order to kill Ying Changge.
Under the famine, everyone is suffering. They can’t live in stalemate at all, and they can easily starve to death.
A dead-or-I-live scene where refugees struggle for their own hunger.
Ying Changge understands that the situation is very dangerous at this time, but there is no chance to solve it all at once.
Because of the lack of food, it is impossible to save tens of thousands of refugees with so much food!
Tens of thousands of refugees wandered about. They had no food and were starving.
Because of this, the refugees wanted to escape, just to be able to leave Jinghai County and have a chance.
But there are also many refugees around Jinghai County, and they have no way out.
Either starve to death, or become a bandit, the refugees have already made their own choice.
Ever since, a swarm of people came forward, eager to do so, just to win Ying Changge.
Grabbing money and food, and even killing people by unscrupulous means, their offensive is really invincible.
The unstoppable group of people are still eager to fight, just to cut off Ying Changge’s head.
This kind of situation is already impossible to start, at least, it is not something that ordinary people can block.
One man guards the gate, ten thousand men can’t open it, such an offensive is so powerful, it always goes down quickly.
Ying Changge broke through many defenses with a single sword strike, and their deaths were already doomed.
If he can kill the killer, all these refugees will die under Ying Changge’s sword.
But he didn’t, because Ying Changge knew that they were all forced, and it was a last resort.
There is no way out for such a field of fighting, murdering and extorting money just to make a living.
Knowing that the refugees will continue to counterattack, the sword in his hand is swung vigorously, and it is even more accurate.
With a sound of ping-pong, Ying Changge’s sword edge knocked away these refugees, causing their swords, guns and sticks to fall.
A group of refugees, do they really think they can kill themselves? It’s just a mediocre martial art.
Stabbing out with the edge of his sword, Ying Changge followed him like a shadow, with a murderous aura, so flamboyant.
Even if several refugees came in front of him, Ying Changge would sweep away thousands of troops with a single blow.
Several people can’t stop Ying Changge, so his offensive is just a concession.
don’t want these guysThey were all killed, Ying Changge only injured them more or less.
The skin was damaged and scarred. Several refugees had already fallen to the ground, unable to get up.
Accompanied by such an attack, the great sword came, full of unusual ferocity and impact.

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