Chen Gou didn’t come alone, he and a group of his little brothers robbed Chen Er’s food and grass.
He even killed Chen Er with them, and even defiled Chen Er’s wife together.
As long as they don’t have any power to fight back, it will be Chen Gou who will die at that time.
Swinging the sword vigorously, Ying Changge beheaded all the entourage around Chen Gou as the sword edge came down mightily.
They knew that Ying Changge’s swordsmanship was very superb, so they didn’t dare to confront him at all.
If they have no way out at every step, Ying Changge is already full of killing spirit and invincible.
Chen Gou ignored his brothers, they were just cousins ​​anyway, not that blood is thicker than water.
Trembling with fear, Chen Gou was already panting and sweating profusely.
He was still running away along the mountain forest, passing through many trees, trying to leave.
However, Ying Changge, who was behind him, swung his sword wildly, cutting many trees unevenly.
Such a battle has already made Chen Gou feel frightened, and his face showed a weak pale color.
Knowing that he could not escape from this place, Chen Gou immediately looked for a tree and hid behind it.
Trying his best to hold his mind, he didn’t say a word, just to hide himself completely.
Hiding quietly behind the tree, Chen Gou looked at Ying Changge furtively, trying to avoid Ying Changge.
Trying hard not to say a word, Chen Gou tried to hang around here, to hide from others, and to hide on tiptoe.
It’s just a pity that Ying Changge is really quick-witted, he already expected that Chen Gou didn’t run away.
Since he hid in the woods, it meant that he must have hidden quietly.
There are trees everywhere, concealed, and it is impossible to disappear smoothly from here without a trace.
At this time, the most important thing is Chen Gou. Facing the ruthless and unjust people here, he must be killed.
Ying Changge and Chen Ersu have never met, but he must avenge Chen Ersu.
“Such a lonely guy lives with his wife and children, but you actually killed him!”
Walking in the forest, Ying Changge scolded, “Chen Gou, you are really a dog! That’s your cousin!”
“You not only stole their food and grass abruptly, but also beheaded Chen Er and took his wife!”
“At the moment of disaster, no one can escape this famine, but you have committed such evil deeds.”
“I’m going to kill you and behead you for public display, so that I can punish evil and promote good!” Ying Changge scolded, his voice resonant.
His voice is so thick, it is even more shocking to rippling back and forth in the forest, full of murderous intent.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Chen Gou was even more timid and flustered, not knowing what to do.
The people who accompanied him were dead, he was already left alone, and Chen Gou regretted it too much.
Singer Ying Chang held the sword and continued to walk up slowly, looking for the trace of Chen Gou.
“It’s not terrible for a person to be hungry, what’s terrible is that he commits crimes.”
“Not only to eat for my own bite, but also to get blood on my hands. This is the worst thing!”
Staring at Ying Changge intently, Chen Gou, who was hiding in the corner, trembled angrily, but did not dare to answer.
And Ying Changge walked all the way, his figure didn’t stop at all, and he still avoided these trees.
In the forest, only Chen Gou and Ying Changge were left, so naturally he couldn’t escape.
Chen Gou gritted his teeth, and snorted indifferently, “I will do anything to survive!”
“People don’t kill heaven and earth for themselves.” Chen Gou held his own kitchen knife, extraordinarily powerful.
“If you can let me live, then I will repay the kindness of dripping water, how about it!”
Up to now, Chen Gou has no thought of introspection, he still wants 053 to escape.
But Ying Changge was unmoved, “You made a mistake and killed someone, but now you still want to escape?”
“That’s your own guilt. It’s only right and proper to kill and pay for life.” Ying Changge followed Chen Gou’s voice.
Listening to the sound, it didn’t take long for Ying Changge to get close to the tree where Chen Gou was hiding.
Seeing him approaching quietly, Chen Gou thought he hadn’t been exposed, and a happy look appeared on his face.
When Ying Changge was getting closer, he raised his kitchen knife above his head.
Ying Changge, who is determined to do justice for the heavens, must kill the villain Chen Gou.
His behavior is bad, even if there is a famine, but he can’t ignore human life and bully other people’s wives.
Since he was bumped into by Ying Changge today, he couldn’t live, so he immediately raised his sword and walked.
hum! The sword edge struck out quickly, and the mighty and powerful sword pierced through the trees.
Chapter 919: The Dagger Splits In Two!
Chen Gou, who was hiding behind the tree trunk, was very surprised, but he had no potential to fight back.
Must act! So, Chen Gou raised his kitchen knife and hit Ying Changge hard on the neck.
Chen Gou is also just a farmer. He is naturally brave, but he doesn’t have much ability.
On the other hand, Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is at its peak. How could ordinary people block Ying Changge’s sword.
hum! It was still Ying Changge’s sword that was so fast that it easily broke through the tree trunk and stabbed Chen Gou’s arm.
The arm was injured and the pain was unbearable. The kitchen knife in Chen Gou’s hand was thrown on the ground at once.
Already without the weapon in his hand, the unarmed Chen Gou panicked.
Staring wide-eyed, looking at Ying Changge, Chen Gou immediately stood up.Ke knelt down in front of him, “I was wrong!”
“Please spare my life! I will definitely work hard and never dare to commit disasters and mistakes again!”
Kneeling down in front of Ying Changge, Chen Gou cried bitterly, and the whole person was very panicked.
Chen Gou was terrified, but with his posture, could he avoid Ying Changge’s sword of justice?
He smiled lightly, with a calm expression, and put the sword in his hand on Chen Gou’s neck, “What do you think!”
“Under the sword’s edge, there are all evil people. Your behavior is bad, and you have killed many people.”
“You are such a guy, I will definitely not show mercy, and I will kill you!”
Ying Changge did what he said, and kept his word.
The murderous Ying Changge is full of righteousness. He can’t bear the ugliness of the world, especially Chen Gou, who is so despicable and vulgar.
For a morsel of food, they burned, killed, looted, and killed people! Keeping the old dog will only cause endless troubles!
Therefore, he must take action and try his best to deal with villains like Chen Gou.
“Do you regret it now〃`!” Ying Changge asked, “But how can the person you killed regret it?”
“I was wrong! I don’t dare to do it again! I’m obsessed with everything! Woohoo!” Chen Gou yelled.
He kept crying, always bowing his head, but abruptly no tears fell.
Such a situation is really obvious, Chen Gou has already fallen into a downward trend, and he might die.
Therefore, at this time, the most important thing is to lift the sword, maybe there is still a chance to resist.
He knelt down on the ground, but Chen Gou looked sullen, and immediately got up, ready to fight back and kill him.
He was empty-handed, but there was still a dagger hidden in his waist, he immediately drew it out and attacked quickly.
The weapon in his hand pierced his body with a swish, such a sword is really mighty and menacing.
The dagger is a dagger, small and exquisite, but very sharp, capable of piercing a person’s chest.
Fortunately, Ying Changge is smart and comfortable enough, he is indifferent and calm, everything is under his own applause.
He had expected that Chen Gou would not beg for mercy so honestly, so he swung his sword vigorously.
The sword’s edge struck, and with a ping-pong sound, Ying Changge easily cut off Chen Gou’s dagger.
Kacha, the dagger in his hand was split into two, and Chen Gou was very frightened when he saw it.
How could this be so? Ying Changge’s skills were too high to be guarded against. Chen Gou was scared.
Ignoring Chen Gou’s terrified appearance, he stepped forward with ease and blocked the opponent with a sword.
If there was no such crisis, Chen Gou would have fled long ago, but he saw the cold light of Ying Changge’s sword.
For a while, unable to avoid, he could only kneel down immediately, “I…”
There is no need to listen to Chen Gou’s thousands of words, his death is necessary, Ying Changge wants to eradicate the dangers in the world.
The cunning and insidious Chen Gou is always fighting back, and every attack has unexpected effects.
Shameless person, don’t take it seriously, he raised the knife and slashed at Chen Gou’s neck immediately.
Blood sprayed, and Chen Gou was so painful that he didn’t even have time to snort, and then fell to the ground and died.
The body was separated, his head and neck were separated, and villains like Chen Gou were already dead.
On behalf of the heavens, Ying Changge sent Chen Gou to see Chen Er, and then sent someone to settle down Chen Er’s wife.
This is an unstoppable disaster, and the famine is raging, and there is not much room for solution.
Food and grass went first, and they had already gone to Jinghai County. Ying Changge was even more worried when he realized that there was such a turmoil.
You must go there to see what will happen. He (Li Hao) hurried on his way immediately.
Continuing to follow the road, along the way, Ying Changge passed so many refugees and went straight to Jinghai County.
After several days of traveling, soon, Ying Changge and his party arrived in Jinghai County.
Before arriving at the city, but at the border, Ying Changge was about to stop and take a rest.
It’s just a pity that before Ying Changge could find a good place to rest, a crowd approached.
I thought it was just refugees, but Ying Changge didn’t pay much attention to it.

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