The most important thing for him to do is to send the food and grass back to Xianyang safe and sound, so that the battle can be settled quickly.
And with Meng Tian’s blocking to resist Zhao Yiming’s pursuit, this gave Ying Changge a chance to leave.
Meng Tian’s figure is very fast, always chattering, and quickly surrounded the enemy.
Ying Changge withdrew and Meng Tian faced the battle. There was a tacit understanding between them, without any ties or embarrassments.
The mighty Meng Tian walked with all his strength, and beat Zhao Yiming’s pursuers to pieces.
Meng Tian and Ying Changge separated from this place, and they volatile the army in their hands to the extreme.
Walking impatiently, attacking with resentment, every move has a mighty posture of chattering.
Escorting food and grass, the whole army marched, Ying Changge and his people quickly rushed to Xianyang on the road to 0…
Changing with each passing day, after a long journey, Ying Changge, who was full of dust along the way, finally returned to Xianyang.
If the food and grass were successfully escorted back to this place, then there would be no problem.
Gathering all their troops quickly, so many people put their food and grass together in the city.
There is a lot of food and grass, which is what the army needs most, and Ying Changge immediately shares it generously.
Many armies needed food and grass, so Ying Changge separated so much food and grass.
Such a large amount of food and grass is enough to feed everyone. Ying Changge made a quiet plan to divide the food and grass fairly.
Countless soldiers are grateful to Ying Changge, admire him very much, and are even more grateful.
This kind of food and grass is really a timely help, it is just timely rain, alleviating the worries of the army.
With so much food and grass brought back by Ying Changge, the army can continue to support for a while.
No matter how much food and grass it is, the more the better, after all, no one would dislike too much food and grass.
With such a situation, he was very relieved, Ying Changge must be 5.0 to ensure that his soldiers are strong.
When so many people are preparing to attack, there will be no crisis, after all, there is food and grass to rely on.
Ying Changge’s donation of food and grass made the army very happy, they were very happy.
Walking in the streets and alleys, wherever Ying Changge went, there were praises for his loyalty, and he was overjoyed.
The people also admired Ying Changge’s name very much, but Ying Changge soon heard other news.
Sitting in the teahouse, Ying Changge drank tea, the figures were scattered, and the shouts of several common people came from behind.
Chapter 913: Life doesn’t distinguish between high and low!
They were talking about things in the distance, “Have you heard that! The number of refugees has increased again!”
“Yes, yes! My seventh uncle is in Jinghai County, and I heard that he starved to death!”
“Hey, we were born at the wrong time, and we didn’t have enough to eat. Fortunately, we didn’t stay in Jinghai County!”
A few people fled away chattering everywhere, how strong Ying Changge’s hearing is, you can tell just by hearing it.
Keeping in mind what they said, Ying Changge immediately launched an investigation.
The rumors heard from the people in the streets are often more true. Ying Changge is convinced.
After carefully investigating the matter in Jinghai County, Ying Changge was even more shocked.
It turned out that because of the famine that broke out in Jinghai, tens of thousands of victims were recruited, and they were all lost.
They had no food to eat, and they were starving. Tens of thousands of victims had nowhere to go, and their fate was bleak.
This is really a day of suffering, and it is impossible for Ying Changge to let the victims continue to suffer.
Isn’t there a lot of food among Ying Chang singers? He immediately issued an order, “Take out half of the food.”
“With so much food and grass, as long as it can help the people, I can be satisfied.”
With Ying Changge’s instructions, they immediately followed suit and cut off half of the grain and grass they had escorted back this time.
To transport more than half of the food and grass out, the people in Jinghai County must be relieved.
A few officials were called, and Ying Changge carefully asked what happened in the disaster area.
Several officials are also in important positions, and they are very careful when facing Ying Changge.
They also knew everything, and told everything about Jinghai County, without missing a single word.
It turned out that the famine in Jinghai County had been going on for a long time, and it took some time for it to reach Xianyang.
During these days, the victims in Jinghai County had nowhere to go, they could only flee around.
In order to be able to leave this place, those victims of the famine are all going to the surroundings so that they can leave this place.
Otherwise, wouldn’t it be very unworthy to starve to death, and the victims would be in groups.
There are a large number of disaster victims in Wuyang, all of whom are wandering around for their livelihood.
Otherwise, there will be no way out in Jinghai County, and these people will starve to death on the streets!
Hearing that several officials knew Jinghai County so well, Ying Changge was also very disappointed, “It’s a pity!”
“Hateful!” Ying Changge turned his head, “Didn’t you move the food to save them?”
The officials were very helpless, “There are so many victims, the entire Jinghai County may not have much food!”
“Far water can’t cure near fire. The people of Jinghai County are destined to suffer setbacks!”
It is really insignificant to move the food in the past. For tens of thousands of refugees, life is worse than death.
Under such a situation, the death of Jinghai County has become doomed, and food cannot be saved.
After Ying Changge heard it patiently, he was even more disappointed, very disappointed, and really sad.
“No rush! I will allocate 50,000 catties of grain to solve the urgent needs of Jinghai County.”
With an upright spirit, what Ying Changge said was upright and upright, and he knew that Jinghai County was in a hurry.
The situation in Jinghai County is not so easy to save, especially when tens of thousands of refugees are displaced.
Relying on his own food and grass is only a short-term rescue to meet a temporary need, but he has to do so.
Therefore, Ying Changge did not hesitate to give up part of the food and grass that he had worked so hard to escort back.Most of the food and grass were handed over, and Ying Changge must let the people in Jinghai County be rescued.
The lives of the people in the world do not distinguish between high and low, and Ying Changge will not let these people starve to death.
Therefore, all the food and grass must be sent out, just to hang the people and let them take a breath.
As long as they can be kept alive, Ying Changge must do whatever it takes to keep them safe.
Otherwise, if the people in Jinghai County and tens of thousands of refugees starved to death, it would only cause turmoil in the world.
This is a rare opportunity. Ying Changge knew that if he was late, more victims would starve to death.
It is necessary for 053 to deliver his food and grass in time, otherwise, the situation will be even more difficult to control.
Everything was expected by Ying Changge, because he knew that the victims had gone through hardships and dangers.
In Jinghai County in the distance, the people are struggling to survive, mourning, and victims of the disaster are everywhere.
So many of them were extremely embarrassed, wandering in the streets and alleys, far away from the gate of Jinghai County.
Fleeing or dying, the movement of the victims will affect many people.
When Ying Changge ordered to move his food and grass, there was already a riot in Jinghai County.
Without food and grass, people will be hungry, and when people are hungry, they will go crazy. This is an inevitable trend and cannot be controlled.
In Jinghai County, there are not many people who can survive in such a huge city.
The door is closed, and everyone is worried about the rebellion, so they can’t shrink back to protect their own lives.
Chen Er is a native of Jinghai County, born and bred, but he is diligent, nimble, and economical.
Chapter 914 It’s a Mess!
Now that there is such a famine in Jinghai County, thanks to Chen Er, there is still a little surplus food in his family.
He is helpless, because no one in Jinghai County can live for a long time.
Not only because of the lack of food and grass, but more importantly, the people are suffering and going crazy.
Taking precautions and being extra cautious, Chen Er stayed behind closed doors day and night, hiding here.
Otherwise, Chen Er would be in great danger if news of the food leaked out.
Even though Chen Er was so cautious, someone still knocked on his door today.
Bang bang bang, the knocking on the door was so fierce that Chen Er was terrified, “Who is it!”
Hearing Chen Er’s words, the people outside became even more excited, “It’s me, your elder brother!”
“I’m the only son, where did the elder brother come from!” Chen Er waved his hand, making the wife and children behind him back down.
After letting them all hide in the house, Chen Er continued to scold, “Brother, you went the wrong way.”
“Wrong? That’s right! Are you Chen Er?” The voice outside was still so loud, “I am Chen Gou!”
“So it’s my cousin, I don’t know what you can do!” Chen Er asked, “We haven’t seen each other for a long time!”
“Nowadays there is a famine, we are all about to starve to death, what are you still doing here!”
The cousin outside shouted, “Hurry up and go out of the city together with us, and go to Xianyang to join our uncle!”
“He’s an official there, it’s not a problem to feed us! Do you want to starve your family〃’!”
Hearing such shouts from his cousin outside, Chen Er was overjoyed, there is such a good thing?
So he immediately opened the door, only to see a huge crowd of people outside the door, it was really too many people.
The leader was Chen Er’s cousin Chen Gou, but he did not come alone, and he was aggressive.
Pushing open the door, knocking over Chen Er, the cousin walked in with a hideous look on his face, “Hmph! You brat who eats alone!”

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