Holding a sword and walking up quickly, Ying Changge was still asking, “Where is Meng Tian!”
A few guards stood by, holding weapons in their hands, still staring at Ying Changge intently.
In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, they all came here impatiently, wielding swords in their hands.
If Ying Changge could be killed, the guards would rush up and kill him.
On the contrary, Ying Changge came quickly, and he easily defeated many guards.
Let them all stand here, Ying Changge swept away with a sword, and then retreated several guards in shock.
With a terrified expression on his face, he didn’t dare to confront him, and the guards guarding Meng Tian couldn’t continue to approach him.
No guard replied, because they swore to the death that they must guard this place, and they refused to evade it at all.
Without any pity, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer continued to swing, beheading them all one by one.
Everyone fell to the ground, but the guards guarding Meng Tian didn’t have any real materials to stop Ying Changge.
No one can win Changge, especially the mediocre bodyguards.
They fought to the death! He died under Ying Changge’s sword, and there was no one left in the courtyard.
Ying Changge has swept the place, leaving no one behind, and they all died in a complete defeat.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge walked up quickly and immediately entered several rooms.
He sent his own soldiers to search together, and soon, Ying Changge found Meng Tian in the firewood room.
Meng Tian was tied up in a big way, and he was very embarrassed, covered in dust and dirty.
Chapter 911 Grain and Grass Recovered, Meng Tian Rescued!
But even so, Meng Tian still has a tough figure, and he will not erase the edges and corners at all.
The whole person is very tenacious. After being rescued, Meng Tian immediately thanked Ying Changge and pleaded guilty.
Ying Changge, who didn’t care, waved his hands, “All of this is not what you expected, no problem.”
So, they got up immediately, and then turned around and left the empty courtyard.
The county magistrate was beheaded, Ying Changge is the sky here, who else would dare to stop him-! nobody!
After rescuing Meng Tian, ​​they went to completely rescue the robbed food and grass.
Meng Tian was first ambushed by Zhao Yiming’s army, and then fell to such a point in Dongcheng County.
After so many experiences, Meng Tian’s army was powerless and easy to be captured.
Now, Meng Tian is also relieved to be treated in the hands of Ying Changge, very grateful.
Since they were going to defeat Zhao Yiming, time waited for no one, and they had to escort food and grass on the road.
Standing beside Ying Changge, Meng Tian knew that Zhao Yiming seemed to control every move of his army.
He is as silent as a poisonous scorpion.
The same is true for sending troops to ambush Meng Tian before, which shows that Zhao Yiming is really insidious and cunning!
He couldn’t be attacked by Zhao Yiming, so Meng Tian decided to take the initiative to attack Zhao Yiming’s army.
Ying Changge is going to escort the grain and grass back to Xianyang, and Meng Tian plans to say goodbye to Ying Changge from here.
In such a line, the troops must be divided into two groups, and the two will fight on their own, with difficulties and dangers.
With Meng Tian’s suggestion, I have to say that this is a good thing, Ying Changge must delay Zhao Yiming’s army.
Otherwise, it would be a pity that Zhao Yiming’s army will always grow as it pleases, and it will cause endless harm.
Such a battle was full of unexpected insidiousness, and Zhao Yiming was best at leading troops to sneak attacks.
If you don’t pay attention, Ying Changge and Meng Tian will be caught off guard by his army.
Facing Meng Tian with a serious face, Ying Changge warned, “If you are like this, it is also a good thing!”
“At the very least, we won’t be wiped out by Zhao Yiming’s army, and we will have a way to survive if we split up.”
Everyone knew that Zhao Yiming was going to rebel, but it was not that simple to take Zhao Yiming down.
Therefore, Ying Changge decided to separate himself from Meng Tian and let Meng Tian go to meet Zhao Yiming’s army.
This is a rare and good opportunity, and they must act accordingly to resist Zhao Yiming together.
Meng Tian volunteered to delay Zhao Yiming’s army so that he could avoid the attack.Sinister and cunning.
After hearing Meng Tian’s words, Ying Changge naturally agreed, and he nodded immediately.
“Okay! If that’s the case, we must do our best!” Ying Changge patted Meng Tian’s shoulder.
The grain and grass were retrieved and Meng Tian rescued, so Ying Changge didn’t have anything to worry about.
They immediately dispersed, and their own people quickly fled, and the troops were divided into two groups to divide their forces.
Escorting so much food and grass, Ying Changge set out on the road, and immediately headed back to Xianyang.
Although it was said that Meng Tian wanted to leave, he was not in a hurry to leave Dongcheng County.
Ying Changge’s men escorted so much food and grass away, at this time, they were the target of public criticism.
Everyone can see this army, but they may not be able to stop Ying Changge and his party.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
What about Zhao Yiming? Of course he dares! He and his team are ready to move, staring at him.
Knowing that Ying Changge escorted the food and grass on the road, Zhao Yiming decided to snatch all the food and grass from Ying Changge’s singer.
Walking fast, Ying Changge didn’t delay along the way, but moved forward quickly and continued on the road.
On the marching road, there was no rest at all, they were all hurrying with one heart and one mind, so as to leave this place.
However, such a large army will not be able to return to Xianyang overnight, they have a large number of people.
The more troops there are, the harder it is to block them, but it is also impossible to go into battle easily.
0 ….. …
They have continued to move forward, and many people are following Ying Changge, preparing to stay away from Dongcheng County.
Ten miles away from the city, Ying Changge saw a group of people coming.
Menacing and murderous, they were naturally not Ying Changge’s reinforcements, nor were they Meng Tian’s men.
There are so many people, all in groups, approaching quickly, wishing to kill Ying Changge directly.
Who is that? The answer is obviously opinion, it must be Zhao Yiming’s army! Everything was as Ying Changge expected.
There was no accident, and his expression was calm. At this time, Ying Changge waved his sleeves, patiently and calmly.
“The whole army continues to move forward, speed up!” Ying Changge didn’t intend to pay attention to the enemy behind him.
Even if Ying Changge’s army came aggressively, they couldn’t kill them easily.
Ying Changge’s army was in front, and Zhao Yiming’s soldiers caught up from behind, only able to catch up with Ying Changge.
If they can catch up, then the big battle is about to break out, and it must start a deadly battle, and they will never die.
Chapter 912 Divide food and grass fairly!
But Ying Changge’s men were doing their best, and Zhao Yiming’s men couldn’t catch up for a while.
Still concentrating on advancing, at this time, there are not many opportunities left for Zhao Yiming’s army to make a surprise attack.
Even if they come here in a large number, they are still far from killing Ying Changge.
All the guys are very mighty, so many people are always approaching quickly, showing their teeth and claws.
The menacing group of people vowed not to give up in order to kill Zhao Yiming, and they galloped on horses.
Coming in a hurry, and making a move with great fanfare, such a sword is really powerful.
But in Ying Changge’s view of “Zero Five Three”, these people are just superficial and have no chance of winning.
Escorting food and grass, Ying Changge didn’t even have to turn around to pay attention to Zhao Yiming’s pursuers along the way.
If he said he was going to Xianyang, then he must be going to Xianyang, and he would not stop for a moment.
Still walking along the road, Zhao Yiming’s army behind him was already several miles away from Ying Changge.
Seeing that they are about to kill, but they may not have the chance to fight Ying Changge to the death.
Ying Changge was full of confidence and had the chance to win. He didn’t show any panic at all, and was still very calm.
At this moment, Zhao Yiming’s army saw another group of troops appearing suddenly.
Killing halfway, going down with all your strength, this kind of battle is really mighty, unexpectedly powerful.
They all came aggressively, and in order to take down each other, they even used their own power to kill and kill.
Attacking quickly and rampant impatiently, the army that appeared suddenly intercepted Zhao Yiming and his party.
Because of this, they were stalemate, and Zhao Yiming’s army could not continue to chase and kill Ying Changge smoothly.
On the contrary, the emerging army was naturally led by Meng Tian. He already knew that Zhao Yiming would not let it go.
Therefore, I have been lurking around all the time, in order to catch the turtle in the urn and wait for the rabbit, and now it has achieved results.
Zhao Yiming’s army, who came in a panic, started to attack Meng Tian without any fear.
But with the leadership of Meng Tian’s army, this is a situation that can be stalemate, and they immediately counterattack.
Quickly charging, fighting with all his strength, Meng Tian confronted the enemy with his own strength in the shadow of swords and swords.
He and his own army are all colliding aggressively, in order to kill them, they have already gone all out.
This is the strategy Ying Changge discussed with Meng Tian a long time ago. They have a clear division of labor and each perform their duties.
With Meng Tian to deal with Zhao Yiming’s army, he was in a hurry, and he was sure of winning, defeating the opponent’s hands.
And Ying Changge didn’t stay idle, and continued to evacuate with his own staff, preparing to leave this place.

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