“Your family stayed behind closed doors, but you didn’t starve to death. You must have hidden a lot of food!”
“Search for me!” The cousin shouted, and immediately asked the people behind him to search the corner of Chen Er’s house.
Seeing that everyone was so brazen and ruthless, Chen Er was furious, “How dare you!”
“This is my home, that’s my food!” Chen Er hurriedly stopped them, blocking them immediately.
But in the face of such an offensive, Chen Er’s cousin was not in a hurry, “Get out! Don’t force me!”
“We are all brothers, since we can store food and grass, why don’t you give me some!”
With a scolding, Chen Gou immediately pushed Chen Er away, “We are half brothers!”
“All of us have been hungry for more than ten days and haven’t eaten a bite of food. Why don’t you help us!”
Chen Gou is bound to win, and he and his own people rummaged through Chen Er’s house and made a mess.
Chen Er saw it, and it hurt.
Ying Changge knew that the life of the victims was difficult, so he mobilized a lot of food and grass to go there.
But the grain and grass can’t reach Jinghai County directly in just a few days, it needs a journey before.
Before Ying Changge’s food and grass arrived, many accidents and mistakes would occur.
Especially at this moment, Chen Er, an ordinary villager, was in danger.
The cousin I hadn’t seen for several years rushed in like this, and opened the door of Chen Er’s house at once.
It is abhorrent to lead a group of people to break in abruptly and fight arrogantly and domineeringly here.
Seeing that none of them could leave his yard, Chen Er panicked.
“What are you doing! You are no different from robbers if you act like this!”
Chen Er’s cousin naturally couldn’t do it, they were engrossed in rummaging through boxes and cabinets here.
A lot of things were thrown away in a mess. At this time, Chen Er’s house was raided in all directions.
Watching them walk towards their kitchen, Chen Er hurriedly got up to stop him, “` 〃 Stop!”
“Go away!” Chen Er’s cousin, Chen Gou, pushed Chen Er abruptly, “Otherwise I will kill you!”
“We haven’t eaten for a long time! If you are still going to stop me, I will cut off your head!”
“That’s the food I planted so hard, why should I give it to you! Leave my house!”
Furious and flushed, Chen Er was still persistently blocking them, trying to take them down.
“If you dare to rob me of food, I will kill you (Li Hao)!” Shouting, Chen Er raised his hoe.
Chen Gou had known for a long time that there was food here, so after being blocked, he immediately drew out his kitchen knife!
“We didn’t eat food for several days, and we were almost starved to death! It’s disgusting that you don’t want to save yourself!”
“Your life and death have nothing to do with me! The food in my family is not enough for a family of three!”
Chen Er waved his hoe angrily, “Get out of the way! Otherwise, I’ll kill you! And you!”
Smiling contemptuously, Chen Gou yelled, “Brothers! Grab the food!” A few people around him rushed into the kitchen.
But Chen Er was dumbfounded, with a resentful expression on his face, “Shameless!” He rushed up wielding a hoe.
Chapter 915 There is a way to deal with it!
But the aggressive Chen Gou took a step ahead, and the kitchen knife in his hand slashed on Chen Er’s neck.
Blood sprayed, Chen Er yelled in pain, and fell to the ground, unable to fight back.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Gou gritted his teeth and rushed forward, waving his kitchen knife continuously.
puff! After five steps of blood spattering, Chen Gou slashed at Chen Er several times before killing him alive.
With Chen Er’s body here, Chen Gou hurried away with food and a group of people.
The famine in Jinghai County has become so severe that the people are in dire straits, and they are persecuted with nowhere to go.
After Ying Changge heard about the disaster here, he immediately dispatched grain transportation.
Relevant officials accepted Ying Changge’s grain and grass and were responsible for sending them here for disaster relief.
Food can feed people, such a way of survival is the most important thing.
As long as the people can be kept alive, even if Ying Changge runs out of food and grass, 053 is willing to do so.
He immediately took action to save the catastrophe in Jinghai County, and he had to make them all safe enough.
Nothing can distract Ying Changge, the most important thing for him is to pay attention to the changes in Jinghai County.
Tens of thousands of victims, what a huge number, if there is no relief, tens of thousands of victims will starve to death.
Therefore, under Ying Changge’s mobilization, the food goes first, and it must be ensured that many people can be saved.
Otherwise, if it is delayed for one day, then how many people will starve to death during this day.
Such a situation cannot be saved casually, he must guarantee the people’s way of life.
The most important thing now is food. Where there is food, there will be people living, so that the people can survive.
The way of survival is so humble, with such a little food, there is not much retreat.
(affa) There is a catastrophe in Jinghai County, and a lot of food will be looted, which will easily cause riots.
Work together with the officials to solve the problem of food and grass, so that there will be no problems.
Without food and grass, the people will have no way to survive, and hundreds of victims may starve to death on the edge of the streets.
Such a matter is really serious, it is impossible for Ying Changge to let them all starve to death.
There is food and grass for disaster relief first, and now, he is going to Jinghai County to see the predicament himself.
There are so many victims in groups, so many poor people, Ying Changge will not leave them indifferent.
He and his own people were still moving forward quickly, Ying Changge packed up his things and immediately set foot on the journey.
They must go to Jinghai County and go to the most impoverished place to have a look.
Otherwise, with so many refugees having nowhere to go, wouldn’t it be that their corpses would be scattered all over the place, and no one would care about them.
Trying his best to go to Jinghai County, Ying Changge is non-stop.
He and his own people are carefully prepared, and Ying Changge already has a way to deal with the disaster.
The means of disaster relief are very direct, or in other words, very simple, that is, money and food.
Nowadays, even if one is rich, one may not be able to buy food in Jinghai County, which is very important.
Therefore, as long as there is food and grass, a steady stream of food and grass can satisfy the people’s hunger.
Every commoner is a living life, how could Ying Changge ignore it!
He and his own staff were still moving forward quickly, and in a short while, he found a lot of refugees.
Even though he had just left Xianyang, Ying Changge saw people who were displaced and ran here.
They all had no way out, so they fled everywhere, looking for a way out.
All the refugees were lying on the side of the road, looking sallow and emaciated, and hadn’t eaten for a long time.
Ying Changge, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately distributed the escorted money to them bit by bit.
This place is very close to Xianyang. With money, these victims can buy food and have a full meal.
Otherwise, wouldn’t they starve to death if they stood here? Become a lonely ghost?
He and his own people are doing their best, and every arrangement he makes is in exchange for the gratitude of the people.
They were very grateful, and even more excited, they knelt down beside Ying Changge and wept bitterly.
This is a good thing, at least, they still have the strength to cry, which means they can survive.
Ying Changge accompanied him all the way, following the trail of the victims, all the way to Jinghai County unimpeded.
This place where the famine broke out is the center where the most refugees gather, and it is an important place.
therefore,Be sure to resolve their crisis, this is an important thing.
There is no time to delay, and the urgent need needs to be resolved.
Anxious, Ying Changge is very concerned about the current situation, worrying about the country and the people.
Along the way, he saw a lot of victims, and Ying Changge would definitely lend a helping hand to those who could.
As long as it is a disaster victim that he can see, Ying Changge will immediately rescue him without hesitation.
If they can all survive, even if Ying Changge goes bankrupt, what’s the point?
I don’t want them all to starve to death, the feeling of starvation and cold is really too painful.
Chapter 916 Already escaped!
When the disaster happened, the victims were in great pain. They would rather die, but they were still alive.
Otherwise, it would be miserable and desolate to let such a common people starve to death by the roadside.
On the way to Jinghai County, Ying Changge really saw a dense crowd of victims advancing.
With so many people, even if they use food to relieve the disaster, I am afraid it is not a small number! Ying Changge has made up his mind.
The victims came chattering, and they continued to search aimlessly along the way.
As long as there is a place to stay and a chance to survive, they will seize it.
Now, seeing another wave of refugees staggering past, Ying Changge and his party gave way.
They didn’t have the strength to continue walking, and they were stumbling around, as if they could fall down and die at any time.
A small group of refugees moved forward, and one of the men was beating and cursing the women next to him.
Ying Changge frowned slightly, immediately jumped off the horse, and immediately stood in front of the man, “What are you doing!”

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