Fighting with a few guards, Ying Changge, who was able to handle all tasks with ease, would not suffer any damage.
Walking with the sword in hand, he attacked with great fanfare. Every sword of his was extraordinarily fierce and unstoppable.
With a quick charge and a stern sword strike, Ying Changge neutralized the attacks of several guards.
Zhang Zhaonan’s guards were not to be outdone, they didn’t believe that Zhang Zhaonan was dead, and continued to besiege him.
The guards rushed up one by one, so as to behead Ying Changge and bury him here.
If they can’t stop him, I’m afraid they will die because of this, and they will lose this place.
Chapter 909 Detain Meng Tian and guard the courtyard!
The mission of the guards is to guard Meng Tian. Since it is Ying Changge who is here, he must act.
Walking unscrupulously, attacking quickly, every sword in his hand is extraordinarily fierce and powerful.
In the fierce battle, a group of people quickly entangled and even brandished their weapons quickly.
This sword was so powerful that Ying Changge easily repelled them all.
The crowd couldn’t confront him, so Ying Changge continued to move forward quickly, waving his weapons.
Confronting the enemy one after another, making continuous attacks, the guards couldn’t resist the power of this sword.
They all fell down one by one, staggering, unable to resist such vitality at all.
So, continuing to walk with the sword in hand, wherever Ying Changge went, there was blood and blood.
Such a bloody smell wafted into the road, and Ying Changge made the guards back away in a panic.
None of them could stop this battle, and the competition between them was unexpectedly fierce.
The guards guarding Meng Tian were still rushing forward and following up, intending to surround Ying Changge.
Even if the guards came aggressively, they couldn’t easily kill Ying Changge.
Fighting hard, the people guarding this place are still unremittingly continuing to fight.
The sword in his hand was really majestic, and it struck out domineeringly, causing a mighty offensive.
A series of attacks couldn’t stop him, and such a sword strike would naturally kill him completely.
If the guards continued to rush forward beyond their limits, they would surely die on the edge of Ying Changge’s sword.Down.
Such a blow is useless. The guards look aggressive, but they are actually vulnerable.
Almost not many people can intercept him, and the swordsmanship he wields is even more mighty and powerful.
Compared with these guards, every sword of Ying Changge is extraordinarily mighty and vigorous.
The guards guarding this place are trying their best to fight, but they may not be able to stop Ying Changge’s progress.
Holding his own sword and continuing to attack quickly, Ying Changge will not be intercepted at all when he walks here.
Always drawing the sword quickly, Ying Changge’s waving posture is really mighty, which can be called a unique skill.
Even if the guards came in groups, they were still blocked by Ying Changge’s sword.
Few people could block such an attack from the guards, the power of a sword is really incomparably powerful.
Knowing that Meng Tian is here, Ying Changge would not panic and continue to stride forward.
A majestic strike with a sword, each of his swords has a murderous opportunity.
With one’s own strength, one counts as ten, relying on Ying Changge’s ability is really fast, and he can’t relax at all.
Stepping forward quickly and attacking with all their strength, the guard refused to retreat, and continued to fight.
They carried their own weapons, swore to the death, and guarded the courtyard to ensure safety.
Imprisoning Meng Tian and guarding the courtyard, the guards must attack together to intercept any enemies.
Breaking into this place alone, what Ying Changge has to do is very simple, that is to rescue Meng Tian.
Both Meng Tian and the grain and grass disappeared, obviously they were treated unfairly and were in danger.
At this moment, Ying Changge is like a god descending from the earth, a divine soldier descending from heaven! Invincible.
Several guards were still persistently confronting the enemy, and the swords in their hands were clanging loudly.
But even so, such a gesture is useless, it cannot block Ying Changge’s impact at all.
A series of guards rushed up aggressively, but were quickly repelled by Ying Changge.
They really couldn’t resist such a blow, the blades crisscrossed, and the cold light flickered.
If there is such a confrontation, the guards will die sooner or later, which is inevitable.
The more the stalemate continued, the guards would not be able to win from Ying Changge’s hands.
Zhang Yang’s sword was really fierce, and the guards all approached with murderous intent.
They wield their swords, always in one go, in order to kill Ying Changge.
Ying Changge’s swordsmanship turned the tide, and surrounded by so few people, there was no sign of timidity.
The swords in their hands continued to attack, and several guards were full of confidence, thinking that they could kill Ying Changge.
But in the end, he still died under Ying Changge’s sword, and he sealed the guard’s throat with blood.
The guards who are overconfident always come continuously, but they are defeated by their own offensive.
Yi (Li Hao) moved forward as usual, and the sword in Ying Chang’s singer kept waving, always crackling and hitting.
The more fierce the sword’s edge, the more he can control the situation here, and Ying Changge will drop ten times with one force.
Several guards were still stumbling forward, he was full of resentment and frightened.
None of the guards could block Ying Changge’s swordsmanship, they were panicked and flustered.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge’s continued circling, the guards would have already escaped.
It was because of the mission that the guards refused to retreat, but continued to attack unremittingly.
The sword in his hand is always swung unscrupulously, each sword is full of powerful attacks.
Chapter 910 Walked to the depths of the courtyard!
Groups of guards overwhelmed themselves and surrounded Ying Changge with pebbles and rocks.
“Stand back, spare your life!” Ying Changge’s expression was calm, and he stood motionless on the spot.
On the contrary, the few of them didn’t listen to Ying Changge’s words at all. They were really persistent and would rather die than surrender.
“Impossible! We have to guard this place!” “Anyone who breaks into this place without authorization will surely die!”
Shaking his head helplessly, Ying Changge sighed, “I really don’t cry when I see the coffin.”
The guards guarding Meng Tian refused to give in, and they were always persistently coming to encircle and suppress Ying Changge.
Since they were reckless, Ying Changge could only beat them back one by one.
Holding the sword in his hand, his figure was dexterous, and he walked quickly, completely blocking them all.
Blocking the guard’s stabbing sword, the guard quickly stepped forward, trying to overwhelm Ying Changge.
Ying Changge was not superhuman, and was still a little lacking in the unanimous impact of several guards.
The figure unconsciously took two steps back 053. At this time, Ying Changge turned around to avoid his sharp edge.
Whoosh! The sword edge landed on his side all of a sudden, and easily avoided the sharp blow of the sword edge.
If there is such a confrontation, this is not a matter of one sword and one sword! Ying Changge took his time, and the chances of victory are within his grasp.
The guards rushed up in a swarm, and it was not easy to repel them.
Because of their large numbers, Ying Changge seemed to be in an ambush now, with no way out.
Ying Changge didn’t need to retreat, he continued to assassinate steadily with his sword in hand.
With the mighty attack of his own sword, under the cold light, Ying Changge took the head of a guard Xiangshang.
Blood was sprayed and heads fell to the ground. In order to save Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge forced a bloody path.
None of the guards were Ying Changge’s opponents, they retreated in a hurry, dripping with blood.
When the sword continued to swing down, Ying Changge’s figure was erratic, dodging to his heart’s content.
Leaving quickly, circling quickly, facing several swords from the guards, Ying Changge was so vigorous.
Fleeing quickly, stepping quickly to avoid, his sword edge stabbed a guard in the back again, beheading him.
when he always fought bravely, the rest of the guards really couldn’t stop this murderous intent.
There may be many guards in charge of guarding Meng Tian, ​​but they are not skilled enough to block Ying Changge’s sword.
Walking like flying, with a steady balance, Ying Changge beat all the guards back, they were very embarrassed.
Holding his own sword, his face was ugly, the guard had already fallen into a weak position, unable to fight back.
The few guards who were out of breath still refused to back down, they stepped forward knowingly, and continued to approach Ying Changge.
Swinging his sword, Ying Changge repelled the three guards at the same time with a cold glow all over his body.
Those who were slightly unprepared died in a panic under Ying Changge’s sword, blood spattering five steps away.
There are quite a few guards imprisoning Meng Tian, ​​and each of them is still rushing forward aggressively.
Such troops are very abundant, and they are all fighting here not to be outdone.
But with Ying Changge’s intrusion (affa), several guards were already at a loss and flustered.
With his own strength, Ying Changge successfully repelled all of them and fell down staggeringly.
Concentrated, Ying Changge continued to attack, and continued to stab with the sword in his hand.
Whoosh, the sword edge swept away, and Ying Changge beheaded another guard, blood sprayed on the ground, ferocious and bright red.
He had already reached the depths of the courtyard. At this moment, he was extraordinarily calm and aggressive.

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