Extremely ferocious, impatient to strike, Zhang Zhaonan continued to fight back with a murderous look.
The sword in his hand swung cracklingly, vigorously, every sword tried to stab Ying Changge to death.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge is really good at dealing with Zhang Zhaonan, and always resists with his own sword.
Ping ping pong pong, ringing continuously, such a sword always has a high-spirited posture.
In order to win Zhang Zhaonan, Ying Changge spared no effort, but will not hurt the killer.
The sword in his hand always strikes with resentment, every sword is extraordinarily powerful, so fierce.
With great fanfare and a slash of swords, Zhang Zhaonan double-pronged “Zero Five Three”, his hands waving non-stop.
It’s a pity that such an offensive is just mediocre, Zhang Zhaonan’s ability is at the end of his strength.
Quickly raising the sword to fight back, Ying Changge’s sword was extraordinarily fierce and powerful, making it difficult to guard against.
With a bang, Zhang Zhaonan’s figure was knocked far away.
Hit by Ying Changge’s sword, Zhang Zhaonan staggered and fell under the table.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge strode up and put a sword on his neck.
“Finally! Where is General Meng Tian!” Ying Changge needs to know this right now!
However, after hearing Ying Changge’s question, Zhang Zhaonan shook his head calmly, “I don’t know!”
boom! Hitting Zhang Zhaonan’s arm with the hilt of his sword, Ying Changge looked as usual, “Answer again!”
He was in great pain from the beating, grinning his teeth, Zhang Zhaonan still shook his head, “I won’t say anything!”
Snapped! Ying Changge stepped forward, bumped Zhang Zhaonan’s head with his knee, and kicked hard.
This time, Zhang Zhaonan’s nose was bruised and his face was swollen, bloody and bloody. It was really hard to guard against.
Falling to the ground so weakly, such an impact is really hard to stand on.
The more powerful the attack, the stronger it is, now Ying Changge is invincible.
Ying Changge didn’t need to show mercy to Zhang Zhaonan. He bumped his knee several times, which made Zhang Zhaonan say he couldn’t stand it.
Spitting out blood and losing a tooth, Zhang Zhaonan lowered his head, coughed, and finally spoke, “I say!”
Meng Tian was imprisoned in a courtyard by Zhang Zhaonan, he opened his mouth to answer, telling his location directly.
After hearing Zhang Zhaonan’s answer, Ying Changge nodded in satisfaction, “That’s the best!”
“If I knew why today, people like you are doomed to commit crimes on their own!” Ying Changge scolded.
Now I can’t answer Ying Changge’s words, because Zhang Zhaonan is so dizzy that he really can’t stand still.
The figure wobbled, and then he lost his strength, and immediately fell in front of Ying Changge, unable to speak anymore.
It is possible to kill him easily with a sword to seal his throat, but Ying Changge didn’t do that.
Zhang Zhaonan is already in a coma, the most important thing now is to take him out and leave the restaurant.
Throwing Zhang Zhaonan outside, Ying Changge scolded, “Who else! Zhang Zhaonan has already been defeated!”
A group of people are still being defeated quickly, and Zhang Zhaonan’s soldiers and horses are still chattering and continuing to attack.
But seeing Zhang Zhaonan’s figure collapsed, they couldn’t continue to fight in a stalemate.
Seeing Zhang Zhaonan collapsed here, Zhang Zhaonan’s soldiers stopped helplessly.
The main general has been captured, how can we continue to attack now? There is no doubt that he must die!
So, under the threat and reprimand of Ying Changge’s gang, they began to abandon their weapons and surrender…
Reluctantly put down their weapons, it was impossible for their group to continue fighting.
The crowd couldn’t fight back, they all put down their weapons, and they didn’t dare to confront Ying Changge.
It is acceptable for them to be defeated because of this. If they are killed by Ying Changge, the soldiers will not dare.
Under Ying Changge’s scolding, they stopped immediately, and each of them put down their weapons.
Unable to attack with weapons and looking helpless, the situation has been controlled by Ying Changge.
He easily controlled Zhang Zhaonan’s life and death, and Ying Changge even controlled his army.
Knowing Meng Tian’s location, Ying Changge doesn’t need to spare Zhang Zhaonan’s life.
Standing in front of them with Zhang Zhaonan in hand, they were all so shocked that they dared not speak.
Ying Changge raised his sword, and placed it on Zhang Zhaonan’s neck in a particularly cold manner.
“Zhang Zhaonan deserves to be punished for his crime! He is a guy with sinister intentions!”
Ying Changge yelled at 5.0, the sword edge rested on his neck, and then slid it hard, “Damn it!”
hum! The sword edge whispered, and then easily beheaded him, causing Zhang Zhaonan’s head to fall off his neck.
Zhang Zhaonan is the county magistrate of this place, with power in his hands, but now that Zhang Zhaonan is dead, who would dare to fight!
The soldiers were terrified by this, and one by one fell to the ground, surrendering to Ying Changge.
Zhang Zhaonan died like this, with his throat sealed with a sword, he had no way to fight back, it was really miserable.
Seeing Zhang Zhaonan’s body fell here, they walked quickly and fled in a hurry.
Chapter 908: Mere mob!
The soldiers didn’t want to die with Zhang Zhaonan, so they became deserters and disappeared without a trace.
Ying Changge was only for Zhang Zhaonan alone, the other shrimp soldiers and crab generals were not within his scope.
Holding Zhang Zhaonan’s head on his neck, he continued to move forward, playing a deterrent role.
Killing chickens to warn monkeys, knocking mountains to shake tigers, every strategy of Ying Changge is very useful.
Nothing can stop Ying Changge’s imposing soldiers, they are fearless.
Especially when Zhang Zhaonan was beheaded, Ying Changge’s army took control of the situation in the city.
No one can stop Ying Changge from drawing his sword to help, Zhang Zhaonan is a very good example.
After beheading Zhang Zhaonan for public display, Ying Changge had already learned of Meng Tian’s whereabouts, which is very important.
He and his own people left quickly, Ying Changge wanted to quickly go to the place where Meng Tian was held.
For Meng Tian’s safety, Ying Changge was always on the fast track, and immediately found the small hut.
Zhang Zhaonan is really insidious and cunning, he will not detain Meng Tian in a place that is too conspicuous.
PlaceTherefore, imprisoning Meng Tian in this remote small hut can deceive people’s eyes and ears.
Following the clues, Ying Changge ordered people to surround the place and the courtyard.
Standing outside the door, knocking lightly, Ying Changge replied, “Master Zhang Zhaonan asked me to come!”
This place must be where Meng Tian was imprisoned, because he had already heard footsteps inside.
“Master Zhang Zhaonan asked you to come? Why!” The guard inside asked curiously.
Ying Changge calmly replied, “He asked me to escort Meng Tian! This place is dangerous!”
“That’s why Meng Tian must be transferred as soon as possible!” Ying Changge slapped the door even more hastily.
At this moment, the guard inside immediately opened the door, “Okay! Come in!”
Without hesitation, Ying Changge rushed forward in stride and hit him with one fist!
After knocking down the guard, Ying Changge stood on top of him, “Where is Meng Tian!”
The guard hurriedly got up, and immediately shouted, “A thief has broken in! Be on guard!”
Smiling, Ying Changge shook his head, “Who is the thief? Who is the bandit? It’s obviously a thief calling for a thief!”
It is naturally impossible for Zhang Zhaonan to guard Meng Tian here alone, he knows that Meng Tian is very capable.
Several officers and soldiers were dispatched here, and when they heard the movement, they ran out immediately.
A group of people were aggressive, and several guys stood at the gate of the courtyard, looking intently.
There are Ying Changge’s men and horses outside, but he is not in a hurry, he can solve the mere mob by himself.
Relying on his own strength, Ying Changge can always eradicate all these people together, leaving no one behind.
So Ying Changge walked up by himself and entered the courtyard. There were quite a few people.
Everyone looks aggressive, and they are particularly resentful, and they always come aggressively.
I never expected that these guys were extremely stubborn, and they still wanted to stand up and fight back against Ying Changge.
These Zhang Zhaonan’s guards all had ferocious faces, even more menacing.
Ying Changge, who didn’t take it seriously, immediately shouted, “Zhang Zhaonan is dead, you don’t need to be in a hurry to rein in the precipice.”
However, after hearing Ying Changge’s words, the guards guarding Meng Tian shook their heads.
“Impossible!” “My lord is so powerful here, how could he die!”
All the guards didn’t trust him, and they couldn’t wait to raise their swords for defense and attack with all their strength.
Every blow was extraordinarily fast, and they came in groups, trying to take down Ying Changge.
But who is Ying Changge, how could he be so scared? He immediately raised his sword to fight back.
The sword in his hand swung extremely quickly, and swarms came, and the sword edge directly hit several people.
Sweeping thousands of troops, the edge of the sword was cold and sharp, such a sword made the guards stagger back a few steps.
A few people couldn’t stop Ying Changge at all, and the power of Ying Changge’s sword was really fierce. 053
Ping ping pong pong, the sword’s edge colliding, such a sword always has a menacing posture.
They died because of this, and several of them took a few steps back under Ying Changge’s sword.
Such a sword is so powerful and aggressive that the guards are in a hurry.
Fear arose in their hearts. With such fear, they didn’t know what to do, so they could only retreat quickly.

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