Otherwise, it would be very dangerous to let Zhang Zhaonan take the lead in gathering troops and taking the first step.
“Retreat!” Ying Changge and his party immediately left the yard where the grain and grass were hidden, without making a sound.
With a wave of his sleeves, without taking any food and grass, he retreated and left here.
With the evidence of food and grass, Ying Changge had nothing to worry about, and he sent someone to follow this place immediately.
As long as there is any disturbance in the grain and grass, Ying Changge must be notified and let him control everything.
All of this is nothing to justify. Zhang Zhaonan’s criminal evidence is very important and must be eradicated.
5.0 People were sent to follow Zhang Zhaonan’s army, and some people went to pay attention to Zhang Zhaonan’s movements and hide.
After hearing a lot of news, Zhang Zhaonan always felt restless, as if he was always in unusual danger.
Although Ying Changge had expired, Zhang Zhaonan might not be able to hide it, which is very important.
If you gather all your troops, it will be very conspicuous, and it will be easy to scare the snake.
Therefore, Zhang Zhaonan fell into deep thought, just made himself cautious and did not dare to act rashly.
“Send someone to guard the surrounding area, and notify me immediately if there is any disturbance!” Zhang Zhaonan ordered in a low voice.
Chapter 898 Do what you can and get a lot!
When he made an order, many people naturally carried it out, and Zhang Zhaonan’s people were also loyal to him.
With so many people always on guard, the situation in the city is extremely turbulent and uneasy.
The arrow has to be fired, and now the relationship between Zhang Zhaonan and Ying Changge seems to be surging.
Internal and external troubles, Zhang Zhaonan is now being targeted by Ying Changge’s people, so he is extremely flustered.
Knowing that this matter will not be settled simply, Zhang Zhaonan must show his attitude.
The great battle is at this very moment, everything is ready and only the east wind is needed. If there is a real fight, we must be vigilant.
Zhang Zhaonan was worried about his own life and his head, this is very strange.
You know, these things are not so easy for 05 to compromise, Zhang Zhaonan has already made a mistake when he took down Meng Tian.
Going astray, fighting first, everything must be the first to be strong, so that you can survive.
Zhang Zhaonan concentrated on staying in his mansion and did not dare to go out casually.
He was afraid that as soon as he went out, various assassinations would follow one after another, which was really dangerous.
Hiding his edge, Ying Changge is ready to go. He looks down on people like Zhang Zhaonan, he is really a beast.
As long as he kills such dangerous people with one sword, there will be no problems.
It’s a pity that Zhang Zhaonan will not continue to submit, he is a traitor and likes to do whatever he wants.
Contempt for the king’s law, act recklessly, Zhang Zhaonan is so lawless, sooner or later he will be beheaded to death.
Ying Changge controlled Zhang Zhaonan’s every move, opened up the predicament, solved the confusion, and became conscious.All that is left now is that Ying Changge has to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit, and invite you into the urn.
Zhang Zhaonan plans to move later, if he wants to win Meng Tian, ​​it will definitely be disadvantageous to Ying Changge.
Everything is within Ying Changge’s calculations.
Ying Changge began to investigate Zhang Zhaonan in order to find Meng Tian’s whereabouts and figure.
The cautious Zhang Zhaonan immediately investigated it, he was very panicked, and even panicked.
But even so, he didn’t have any panic, and he must be punished severely.
Either be killed by Ying Changge, or kill Ying Changge, Zhang Zhaonan knew that he had no way out.
When he heard that Ying Changge’s people were investigating him, he immediately dispatched troops to be on guard.
Let many people protect him by his side, Zhang Zhaonan is afraid that he will be beheaded to death.
Holding his own weapon, he walked slowly, without any panic, very calm and calm.
Walking in this mansion, the long night was long, Zhang Zhaonan didn’t want to sleep, he was always preoccupied.
Not only was it difficult for Zhang Zhaonan to fall asleep, but Ying Changge also did not fall asleep because of Meng Tian’s incident.
Ying Changge was worried about Meng Tian, ​​what would happen to such a majestic general if he fell into the enemy’s hands!
The situation is indescribably embarrassing, Meng Tian is nowhere to be seen, there is no whereabouts.
This made Ying Changge extra careful. In order to avoid Meng Tian’s accident, he had to proceed step by step.
Otherwise, if he went all out to surround Zhang Zhaonan, maybe he would be able to hold Meng Tian hostage.
I believe that Mengtianji people have their own aura, and they will not die under Zhang Zhaonan’s sword so easily.
Grasping the movement of the grain and grass, Ying Changge began to investigate the clues around Zhang Zhaonan, being cautious.
Is there any hiding place for Meng Tian in Dongcheng County? Ying Changge must go to save Mengtian first.
As long as Meng Tian is rescued, then Zhang Zhaonan will not have anything to rely on, so he will not be confident.
This is a very important matter, so we must seize the opponent’s flaws so that we can catch them all in one go.
So, dispatching the people around him, Ying Changge is always looking for Meng Tian’s trace.
Zhang Zhaonan will not kill Meng Tian so easily, and Ying Changge has a lot of confidence in this.
As long as he knows where the other party is hiding Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge must fight bravely and fearlessly.
If Zhang Zhaonan killed Meng Tian, ​​there would definitely be traces left, and the corpses of Meng Tian and his party would also be hidden.
037 This is not an easy task, so Ying Changge is sure that Zhang Zhaonan will not have time to kill and bury the corpse.
Ying Changge’s people launched an investigation quietly, and they always acted secretly here.
In the end, Zhang Zhaonan discovered such a thing, and Ying Changge did it?
Since he was walking quietly in the streets and alleys of the city, it meant he was suspicious of himself!
This is not an opportunity that can be kept for a long time. If you stand by and watch, you will dig your own grave.
Therefore, Zhang Zhaonan made a quick move and immediately dispatched troops to let the troops outside the city take action.
The soldiers stationed outside the city were all about to move, they began to gather and began to turmoil.
Many secret sentries had been left in Zhang Zhaonan’s barracks long ago, so Ying Changge also got the news.
This daring Zhang Zhaonan actually wants to send troops to him! it is good! Then wait for the rabbit!
Ying Changge, who was not in a hurry, was calm and composed, and gathered all the people in his hands together.
Chapter 899 Catch the turtle in the urn and take down Zhang Zhaonan!
However, Zhang Zhaonan started an active attack. He began to dispatch troops and generals to intercept and kill Ying Changge.
Since it was Ying Changge who discovered his secret, there is no need to say more, he must be killed.
Kill people to silence the mouth, destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces, then after today, Zhang Zhaonan can still be the county magistrate.
Otherwise, when all his crimes were captured by Ying Changge, he would just die.
This is a crime that is difficult to get rid of, Zhang Zhaonan must act first.
He left the city quietly, avoiding Ying Changge to avoid getting hurt.
Walking patiently, a group of people left the city and came to the barracks under the leadership of Zhang Zhaonan.
Seeing that many soldiers gathered, he nodded with great satisfaction, “The war is about to start!”
“You just need to know who changed the killing, otherwise, you will definitely die!”
“In this battle, only success is allowed and no failure is allowed!” Zhang Zhaonan reprimanded vigorously and resolutely.
The soldiers in his hands are kept secretly outside the city, in order to facilitate the deployment of troops.
Every time he dispatched troops, he was able to avoid the eyes and ears of the common people, “Shoot soon!”
“When the time comes, you can just follow my orders!” Zhang Zhaonan vowed that he would win.
At this moment, Zhang Zhaonan saw a soldier coming on horseback, and quickly rushed to him.
“What’s the matter!” He asked immediately, could it be that something changed in the city!
The messenger came to report that it was Ying Changge who wanted to entertain Zhang Zhaonan tomorrow at a restaurant in the city.
Hearing this incident, Zhang Zhaonan was very happy, “God-sent, this is just the right opportunity〃`!”
“Listen!” Zhang Zhaonan turned his head and looked at the soldiers, “Ambush in the city tomorrow!”
“When the time comes, I will throw a cup as a sign, and you will start to attack, and take down the people in the restaurant in one go!”
Zhang Zhaonan thought that his chance had come, and the timing was just Ying Changge’s smooth sailing.
Since he knew that Zhang Zhaonan wanted to kill him, he might as well lure the snake out of the hole and give him a chance.
In the name of a banquet, when the time comes, you will be able to catch the other party’s flaws and wipe out the other party!
Ying Changge did it on purpose, he really couldn’t wait for Zhang Zhaonan, a villain, to dawdle.
You must act first and kill himAfter that, it is natural to be able to die, leaving no one behind.
Otherwise, when Meng Tian was imprisoned by Zhang Zhaonan, when would it be a head! He must be rescued.
Take Zhang Zhaonan down and ask about Meng Tian’s whereabouts, so that Ying Changge can escort his food and grass away.
Otherwise, Zhang Zhaonan could eat so much food with one mouth! Overreaching!
The murderous intention was revealed in advance, and Ying Changge revealed his strength, which only made Zhang Zhaonan even more flustered.
This is a meaningless thing, Ying Changge must hide his murderous intentions and fight patiently.
There will be a game in the restaurant tomorrow, Ying Changge will be ready to catch the turtle in the urn and take down Zhang Zhaonan.
Everything is ready, only owed to Dongfeng, the unhurried Ying Changge waited patiently, ambush his own hands.

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