But Zhang Zhaonan didn’t know this, he was full of confidence, and felt that he could kill Ying Changge.
As long as Ying Changge is killed, Zhang Zhaonan will be able to continue to be his county magistrate at that time.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge questioned how his people could gain a foothold here safely, they would surely die.
The location of the restaurant was pointed out by Ying Changge, because he thought it was a good place to ambush.
Although the restaurant is somewhat famous, the most important thing is that the place extends in all directions and the terrain is very wide.
With so many well-connected streets and alleys, once it is an ambush, it must be able to deal a painful blow to the opponent.
Ying Changge acted first, and had already set up secret whistle around the restaurant.
He understood that he was not the only one who wanted to do something, but also the villain Zhang Zhaonan.
How will the insidious and cunning Zhang Zhaonan win Ying Changge! Naturally, troops are also dispatched.
The war between the two will be inside and outside the restaurant, and an unspeakable battle will begin at that time.
Ying Changge, who was ready to go, was well prepared to catch Zhang Zhaonan by surprise.
This is a very normal thing, soldiers never tire of cheating, how could Zhang Zhaonan think of his own danger.
When they made an appointment at the restaurant, Zhang Zhaonan had already agreed, and he, the county magistrate (good Zhao), had to do something.
He and his own people fought to their heart’s content, in order to take down Ying Changge and kill him silently.
Even in the dead of night, at this time, Zhang Zhaonan was not idle, but was monitoring the traces of the soldiers.
It is because when there is no sound, the moon is dark and the wind is high, the soldiers can follow in unobtrusively.
A large group of soldiers entered through the city gate, and then lurked in Zhang Zhaonan’s courtyard. There were a lot of people.
Carefully staring at the growth of these soldiers, Zhang Zhaonan asked them to sharpen their knives and put on their armor.
Tomorrow’s restaurant is the most important battle. He took out all his troops and solemnly.
Chapter 900 Reaping the fruit of oneself, it is difficult to live!
In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, the people in his hands are seriously making various preparations.
If the army can wave out directly, it will be a piece of cake to kill them at that time.
He was afraid that his own people would never have the chance to kill Ying Changge, so Zhang Zhaonan wanted to borrow more people.
There are so many people, and the army swarms in, it will not be too difficult to kill Ying Changge when the time comes.
Looking at the lively appearance of his soldiers, Zhang Zhaonan felt that he must have the chance to win.
He showed a satisfied smile and nodded secretly, “Not bad! Walk out of a tiger!”
Seeing how powerful the army in his hands was, Zhang Zhaonan left with confidence, “Get ready!”
“As long as you can make meritorious service tomorrow, we will guarantee that you will be able to eat well and drink spicy food.”
Such an exhortation is a reward, and to Zhang Zhaonan, it is a promise to boost morale.
As long as 037 can kill Ying Changge, Zhang Zhaonan will naturally use any means.
This is the most critical battle. Tomorrow’s restaurant is destined to be filled with blood and corpses.
Leaving with excitement, Zhang Zhaonan fell asleep, and soon the next day came, the morning was bright.
The time agreed by Ying Changge was when the sun was rising, which was a time that was known in advance.
Early on, Ying Changge went to ambush all his people in one go, and arranged them inside and outside the restaurant.
The same is true for Zhang Zhaonan, he ambushed his own people in the streets and alleys, doing things cheaply.
All the soldiers pretended to be ordinary people, and waited patiently for Ying Changge here.
As long as Ying Changge enters the restaurant, Zhang Zhaonan will meet him at that time and throw a cup as a sign.
After a strange sound, Zhang Zhaonan’s ambushing people will naturally rush out aggressively and fight.
When the time comes, kill them and wash the restaurant with blood, Zhang Zhaonan will be able to guarantee the majesty of himself as the county magistrate.
He was very satisfied that everything was under his control, and Zhang Zhaonan was even more neatly dressed and proud.
Walking into the restaurant slowly, Zhang Zhaonan directly booked the restaurant.
It’s not that I’m afraid of hurting the innocent, but that there are no obstacles when I want to do it, and it won’t cause panic.
Ying Changge hadn’t arrived yet, so Zhang Zhaonan sat beside him patiently, waiting quietly.
This sword is extremely important, if you kill him, you will be able to open up your own way of life! He does it.
Looking down at his sword, Zhang Zhaonan immediately hid him under the table to avoid being discovered.
It has not yet reached the agreed time, Zhang Zhaonan arrived early just to put his own staff on alert.
Arrive early, be on guard in advance, and when the time comes to win Ying Changge, Zhang Zhaonan will be able to tear him apart.
buried with his own peopleLying inside and outside the restaurant, Zhang Zhaonan closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting patiently for Ying Changge.
For a while, Ying Changge didn’t come, he just waited patiently, drinking tea with his head bowed.
Zhang Zhaonan couldn’t wait (affa) to kill Ying Changge, and his own impatience could not be relieved.
If he knew that Ying Changge was so powerful, Zhang Zhaonan should have destroyed the corpse and killed Meng Tian in the first place.
Now, with Meng Tian’s disappearance, Ying Changge dug up his own evidence for some reason.
This is something that makes Zhang Zhaonan very resentful, what he has to do is very simple, that is to kill without mercy!
Kill Zhang Zhaonan and let him die. Ying Changge wants to judge his crimes and will not let him go easily.
Snatching his own food and grass, detaining Meng Tian, ​​everything about Zhang Zhaonan was extraordinarily crazy.
It is really violent to do whatever he wants, and Zhang Zhaonan will find it difficult to live if he reaps the consequences.
Ying Changge, who arrived belatedly, entered the gate, and then walked up to the restaurant.
Step by step, very calm, soon, Ying Changge entered the height of the restaurant.
He saw that Zhang Zhaonan had been waiting for a long time, so he walked up in a leisurely manner, “Don’t come here without any problems!”
Zhang Zhaonan got up quickly, at the very least, he still had to do enough work on the surface, always very respectful.
Inviting Ying Changge to take a seat, Zhang Zhaonan smiled slightly and continued to pour wine for Ying Changge.
In the huge restaurant, there are only Ying Changge and Zhang Zhaonan, it is really empty.
In such a quiet place, Ying Changge is not afraid that the walls have ears. He asked slowly, “Is there any trace of Meng Tian?”
“No!” Zhang Zhaonan shook his head sadly, always pretending, “I don’t know.”
“After careful searching inside and outside the city, there is still no whereabouts of General Meng Tian!”
“Has General Meng Tian left already?” Zhang Zhaonan pretended to be innocent and asked.
However, Ying Changge shook his head with certainty, “Impossible! But let’s delay this matter.”
“Presumably General Meng Tian can turn danger into good fortune, so we don’t need to worry about him.”
The two took a sip of wine, and then continued to talk, “General Meng Tian is a hero among men.”
“Even if you are murdered by a traitor, you will definitely be able to cut off the head of that traitor!”.
Chapter 901 Already Controlled Your Evidence!
Ying Changge sat here slowly, talking eloquently, as if every sentence was not about Zhang Zhaonan.
However, Zhang Zhaonan felt extremely uncomfortable listening to it. He touched his neck and continued to speak, “Yes!”
“General Meng Tian is here to transport food and grass. The task is very important. It is not difficult for anyone to follow him!”
Zhang Zhaonan seemed to have a kind heart and almost no flaws, but what he said were all lies.
What a bumbling guy, such a kid is really ridiculous! Ying Changge nodded.
Keeping silent, with one hand pressed on the table, Ying Changge fell into deep thought, without saying a word.
Sensing the change in the atmosphere, Zhang Zhaonan hastily poured another glass of wine, “I hope Meng Tian is well.”
“It’s not good for him. I’m afraid he was killed by a traitor, and even his food and grass have been robbed!”
Ying Changge turned his head and patted the table with one hand, “But it’s very strange, I’m very confused!”
“What’s the matter!” Zhang Zhaonan raised his head curiously, not knowing what Ying Changge was going to say!
“General Meng Tian transported food and grass, how did you know about this!” Ying Changge smiled.
“I’m afraid, it’s because you have done a lot of evil, that’s why you snatched Meng Tian’s food and grass, and filled your own pocket!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Zhang Zhaonan was even more shocked, “What!”
“This!” Zhang Zhaonan was at a loss for words for a while, he didn’t know how to make an excuse, he was really flustered.
He got up quickly, then raised his fist, Zhang Zhaonan scolded, “I just found out by coincidence!”
Everything happened so fast, Zhang Zhaonan was not even ready to attack Ying Changge.
As a result, Ying Changge discovered the flaw now, which made Zhang Zhaonan even more flustered and panicked.
Pale, he got up quickly, and Zhang Zhaonan immediately raised his hand, ready to pull out the knife from under the table.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge had already made preparations, and he immediately punched Zhang Zhaonan on the arm.
The two punched to the flesh, Zhang Zhaonan was repelled, and he retreated a few steps before barely standing still.
“Where is General Meng Tian!” Ying Changge asked him patiently with his usual expression.
However, it was impossible for Zhang Zhaonan to give up because of this, he just raised his hand and scolded.
“Damn it! How could I know the whereabouts of General Meng Tian? Don’t slander me without evidence!”
“But you have a lot of evidence, and I have already mastered your criminal evidence.”
Upright, Ying Changge was indifferent and calm, “Catch it with your hands free, don’t use your arms as a cart, there is no point in struggling.”

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