Once fighting with Ying Changge, I’m afraid that Zhang Zhaonan will find his own death, and he can’t stop Ying Changge at all.
The strategy of delay is especially important. Zhang Zhaonan is now using the strategy of delaying the army to delay Ying Changge and his party.
Chapter 896 Leave the barracks safely!
But Ying Changge is not a fool, he already knew about Meng Tian through clues.
In this battle, Meng Tian killed many soldiers of Zhang Zhaonan, and then disappeared again!
This kind of person will not die recklessly because of this! There must be another universe!
Therefore, Ying Changge will not give up, and even continue to search, circling in the barracks.
Avoiding the eyes and ears of many soldiers, Ying Changge entered the deepest part of the barracks at this time.
The soldiers came and went, the footsteps were disorderly, and Ying Changge could easily hear their movements.
With just a few steps, Ying Changge can avoid the search of these soldiers,No surprises.
Having found evidence of the battle between Zhang Zhaonan and Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge has nothing to fear.
He was bound to win, therefore, he and his men quickly searched, and they pursued from all directions.
The encirclement of the barracks was impenetrable, and Ying Changge only needed to give an order to wipe out the barracks.
However, Ying Changge is not such a anxious person. In a short period of time, he wandered around the barracks.
After going around carefully, Meng Tian couldn’t find it, nor did he find any food, but it wasn’t surprising.
Everything was expected by Ying Changge, after all Zhang Zhaonan is not a stupid person.
It is too conspicuous to leave all the criminal evidence in the barracks. This is not a good time.
So, he dispatched all the people in his hands around, and Ying Changge’s strength alone was enough.
Continuing to wander around Zhang Zhaonan’s barracks, Ying Changge soon found a small group of soldiers.
All of Zhang Zhaonan’s soldiers are very lazy, and they are only here to steal and play tricks.
They were supposed to be night watchmen, and they were all sitting here, whispering to each other.
Holding his own sword and continuing to walk slowly, Ying Changge avoided many eyes and ears.
Having escaped the soldiers’ patrol, Ying Changge’s search is not over yet, and he still has something to gain.
There is no Meng Tian, ​​no trace of food and grass, but Ying Changge is already a step proof of control.
Meng Tian had already fought against Zhang Zhaonan, but he was defeated, and then disappeared without a trace.
This shows that Zhang Zhaonan put Meng Tian under house arrest! But in front of Ying Changge, it was useless to kill him directly.
He had to find more evidence of Zhang Zhaonan’s crime. In order not to startle the snake, he had to search secretly.
Listening, hiding in the dark, Ying Changge hoped to hear some useful information.
Not only were the soldiers whispering, but they were dereliction of duty when they were discussing the same things.
You don’t need to do anything, just wait patiently. Ying Changge hides in the dark just to listen to the intelligence.
All the soldiers were very happy, chattering and discussing what had happened in the past few days.
In the battle of Mengtian, the battle for food and grass, the soldiers were very happy, because there was more food and grass to attack.
It is very important for the soldiers to feed themselves. Zhang Zhaonan will be stronger if he has such a force.
The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, and it is extraordinarily powerful to kill them together. This is Zhang Zhaonan’s deliberate goal.
Otherwise, even if Ying Changge’s army came to pursue him, they might not be able to kill Zhang Zhaonan.
Only by cultivating one’s own sufficient military strength can one be able to put oneself in a comfortable situation.
In his own city, many soldiers were able to obey Zhang Zhaonan’s orders and act according to circumstances.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Seeing Zhang Zhaonan’s intentions, Ying Changge was still very patient, just to wait for a useful opportunity.
After learning the information from the soldiers, Ying Changge immediately knew where the food was hidden.
Knowing what he wanted in a blink of an eye, Ying Changge left immediately.
There is no benefit in attacking Zhang Zhaonan’s barracks now, he must proceed step by step.
Therefore, he quickly evacuated, and he went to the distance, and retreated from the barracks unharmed.
In the barracks, there was nothing, no sign of Meng Tian and no trace of food.
But Ying Changge was not disappointed. He and his men immediately retreated and headed to the south of the city.
Because he had news in the south of the city, he knew that the food and grass might be hidden in the southern boundary of the city.
Therefore, it is necessary to investigate carefully and further control such evidence.
In order to make Zhang Zhaonan speechless, the soldiers in Ying Chang’s singers continued to make public.
Meng Tian escorted the food and grass, but the people disappeared, and the food and grass were gone! This is a conspiracy!
I just don’t know whether this villain and bully is for the purpose of killing Meng Tian, ​​or for the food and grass of the first team!
Ying Changge sent people to guard, started a silent search in the south of the city, and continued to investigate.
What he didn’t know was that Liang Caoyuan was in Zhang Zhaonan’s residence, but Meng Tian found out.
Zhang Zhaonan and Meng Tian started a fierce battle, Meng Tian disappeared, and the food and grass were also lost.
Since there is news in the south of the city, Ying Changge will start his own exploration in the south of the city.
In order to be able to find food and grass, Ying Changge, who took the lead, took the lead and turned around in the streets and alleys.
He found many clues and.
Chapter 897 Worried, hurry up!
Ying Changge knew that the place where food and grass were held must be very spacious.
It is particularly important to have a spacious land boundary to be able to hide so much food and grass.
Therefore, the target was very conspicuous, and Ying Changge ordered people to continue dispatching to search for food.
Hidden in the south of the city, intending to destroy the corpse, but Zhang Zhaonan’s actions are really humble and unremarkable.
It seems that there are many tricks, but in fact, Zhang Zhaonan’s plot is full of loopholes, which is really ordinary.
It is not an easy task to continue searching in the streets and alleys in the south of the city, finding a needle in a haystack.
Even though a lot of people were chattering and searching, “037” couldn’t find the food and grass successfully.
All the food and grass were hidden in one go, and there was no trace of it being covered by Zhang Zhaonan.
However, this is not a difficult task for Ying Changge, he perseveres and continues to search.
People and horses are all side by side in groups, eagerly searching for the location of food and grass.
The south of the city is so big, in such a big place, it is a bit difficult to find the food and grass that Zhang Zhaonan plundered.
Ying Changge’s men and horses were still searching, and they checked many places in a short time.
One place after another is lost, and these places areWithout traces of food and grass, there is really no harvest.
In order to ensure that his team will not fail, now Ying Changge must narrow his scope.
Mobilizing all his troops around, Ying Changge immediately checked several places, and there were suspicions here.
There are many suspicions in these places, Ying Changge must personally investigate to avoid crisis.
Otherwise, it is not acceptable for Ying Changge to give his food to others.
There are crowds of people, and they act separately. They are constantly searching, and they will not stop their footsteps at all.
I found quite a few courtyards, but they were all empty, with nothing in them.
The hiding place of grain and grass must be far away from the busy market and wells, so as to avoid water and fire, and ashes will be wiped out.
Therefore, Ying Changge chose a lot of places, all of which were remote and comfortable places, suitable for hiding food and grass.
Many of Ying Chang’s singers followed suit, they searched side by side, and went to all the streets and alleys.
After checking many courtyards, finally, Ying Changge finally got the information and made a new discovery.
Immediately dispatched people to go there, and soon, the place where Zhang Zhaonan stored grain was discovered, and this place was an empty courtyard.
After climbing over the wall, Ying Changge fell to the ground. The courtyard was empty and there was nothing.
But Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he immediately walked up, pushed the door open, and entered the courtyard.
There are no objects in this inhabited house, all are piles of grain and grass.
After careful inspection, Ying Changge soon found out that the grain and grass belonged to him.
It seems that Meng Tian and Zhang Zhaonan were defeated in the first battle, but they just don’t know how Meng Tian is now.
Worried in his heart, he walked quickly, and then, he quickly rummaged through the grain and grass for a while.
There is a lot of food and grass, and the whole yard is piled up everywhere, all of which are escorted by Meng Tian.
Sure enough, Zhang Zhaonan had a problem, Ying Changge did not hesitate, and immediately began to prepare to investigate Zhang Zhaonan.
How dare such a county magistrate have the guts to attack Meng Tian and rob Ying Changge of food?
He really has the guts to eat a bear’s heart and a leopard, to act so recklessly, he really deserves to be damned! Ying Changge was filled with righteous indignation…..
Let all his troops retreat, Ying Changge will not take the lead in dealing with the traces of these food and grass!
Grain and grass are dead things after all, and if they stay here, it is impossible to lose them for a while, but people are different.
Especially the county magistrate Zhang Zhaonan, who committed such a crime must be killed before he can be heard.
It is enough to neutralize Zhang Zhaonan’s troops first, and then let this guy show his feet.

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