This place has been surrounded by men in black, they are so numerous that they directly trapped Meng Tian’s soldiers.
Even if Meng Tian’s soldiers continued to move forward, it was impossible to block the charging posture of the man in black.
The crowd is turbulent, you come and fight, the number of men in black is still so abundant and powerful.
On the contrary, Meng Tian’s soldiers, who were suddenly attacked, could not stop the sneak attack and charge of the men in black.
Crowds of men in black continued to attack, and the swords in their hands did not stop at all.
Continue to swing, quickly fight, the sword’s edge is dazzling, and the cold light is always flickering to attack.
Chapter 885 Take away all food and grass!
From far to near, the gang of men in black beat Meng Tian’s soldiers to the point where they were twisted and bruised.
Even so, the men in black who were covered in bruises did not escape, and they were still fighting unremittingly.
For food and grass, for Meng Tian, ​​the soldiers will not retreat, but continue to attack and resist quickly.
The soldiers were masculine, they fought back with all their strength, and quickly swung the swords in their hands.
A series of offensives came bravely, almost surrendering the situation of the men in black, evenly matched.
Regardless, at the end of the battle, the number of Meng Tian’s soldiers was damaged, and their casualties were already very serious.
The defense was incomplete, and many men in black rushed straight forward and began to snatch food and grass.
Turning Meng Tian’s soldiers into nothing, the men in black began to carry grain and grass, preparing to pull them away.
It’s really deceptive and extremely arrogant, Meng Tian’s soldiers are not to be outdone, they are still fighting.
A group of men in black 037 didn’t know how to keep their hands, but continued to snatch food and kill soldiers.
They escorted them all the way and transported the grain and grass to this place, but they were still caught by the men in black.
Isn’t this the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind! Meng Tian’s soldiers were not to be outdone, but they still had to die.
They are always fighting persistently, with a quick blow, and bravely fighting, and they will never give up.
With Meng Tian’s soldiers guarding this place, it is not so easy to rob food and grass, and it is very difficult.
The soldiers were still resisting unremittingly. Surrounded by the men in black, they fell into the slaughter.
Even if they wanted to break through them, Meng Tian’s soldiers couldn’t resist them at all, and couldn’t kill them.
All the men in black were still fighting the enemy quickly, and they couldn’t wait to defeat Meng Tian’s soldiers.
They retreated steadily, and under such fighting, they were already powerless to resist and fell into a fierce battle.
In a deadly battle, they were bound to be injured, and Meng Tian’s soldiers had no room to fight back, so they died.
Soldiers died in battle one by one, and they failed to protect the food and grass, so that the men in black could snatch it smoothly.
The last soldier guarding the food and grass also died in battle, and they were unable to escape from this place until their death.
Without a chance to inform Meng Tian, ​​all of Meng Tian’s soldiers died because of this, and their corpses were scattered all over the field.
The man in black was very mighty, and his attack was a domineering blood slaughter, with blood flowing like a river, without any power to fight back.
There were no guarding soldiers for the grain and grass, so that the men in black were walking unimpededly, transporting grain and grass.
It is too much for the grain and grass that Meng Tian escorted in to be taken away by the men in black.
Isn’t this a naked bully and bandit?
These bold and reckless guys have already killed all the soldiers guarding the grain and grass, leaving no one behind.
Trampling on the soldiers’ corpses, the men in black were quickly carrying food and grass, ready to transport them away.
The men in black who came and went mysteriously couldn’t give up because of this, and they continued to carry food and grass.
As usual, the rampant and fast plundering, a lot of food and grass were searched and plundered.
Can’t wait to carry, the men in black are aggressive, with quick hands and feet, and quickly emptied the food and grass.
This kind of food and grass is really not enough to plunder, and it was completely emptied by the men in black in a few strokes.
They came quietly, and then the men in black left quickly, taking away all the food and grass.
As a result, the men in black with unknown origins defeated Meng Tian’s soldiers. They hid their achievements and fame and disappeared.
As the night dissipated and dawn ushered in, Meng Tian prepared to carry food and grass with his men and continue on their way.
Ying Changge has been waiting for a long time, Meng Tian has to go and deliver all his food and grass.
Otherwise, if the food and grass stagnate, Meng Tian might delay the big event!
When Meng Tian came here, he found that his food and grass had been moved away, and even soldiers were killed or injured.
The soldiers responsible for guarding the food and grass all died because of this, and each of them became a corpse.
Meng Tian was furious, he didn’t understand at all why someone would come here to plunder his food!
Because in this empty city, there are no army soldiers stationed, and there is no threat.
But the grain and grass that Meng Tian escorted here disappeared, and they were even robbed and taken away abruptly.
The grain and grass here were carried away, without any trace at all, and disappeared.
Killing one’s own soldiers and plundering one’s own food and grass is really excessive and domineering.
With a cold snort, Meng Tian was furious, “Investigate for me, carefully, and clearly understand for me!”
The sudden massacre, eradicating them all together, is really too much!
There was nothing left of Mengtian’s grain and grass, nothing left, it was completely plundered.
Isn’t this blatantly obliterating Meng Tian’s face! He was very angry and burst into anger.
“Give me a careful investigation and see who killed my soldiers.”
In the city, he indulged in investigations and unscrupulous research just to vent his anger.
To shit on one’s own head, or even snatch one’s own food, is really a lion’s mouth.
Chapter 886 There are many hidden dangers and involvements!
He will not be indifferent, Meng Tian must first investigate clearly, so that he can regain the food and grass.
Otherwise, the damage to so much food and grass and the casualties of soldiers would only make him more unwilling.
It is impossible to let his soldiers die because of this, Meng Tian immediately took action and asked the soldiers to investigate.
Everything that happened last night must be carefully investigated, and that is a good time.
Otherwise, the food and grass that I have worked so hard to deliver will be plundered, and the bamboo basket will be empty.
In the city, without troops stationed, Meng Tian’s men and horses are the only troops.
But now, the food and grass escorted by Meng Tian himself has been looted, which shows that there are still many problems.
The army was empty, but someone came to rob him, which meant that there were still Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon troops in the city.
There must be some taboos, so I dare not show my face and stand out.
Meng Tian must avenge his hatred and take back the grain and grass.
Meng Tian’s task is to escort the food and grass to join Ying Changge to supplement the military resources.
Settling down here to rest, without any troops stationed, but the food and grass are gone.
This was a very painful thing, it was like slapping Meng Tian in the face nakedly.
This kind of thing is really too much, therefore, Meng Tian must carefully trace the clues.
Send his own soldiers to continue to investigate, so he must find a suitable opportunity.
The ins and outs, the cause, Meng Tian has to investigate thoroughly.
own soldiersYou can’t die in vain, and the many food and grass thrown out must be snatched back.
Very angry, the furious Meng Tian made his soldiers start to follow him carefully.
Don’t let go of any clues, so that you can find certain evidence and real culprits.
Meng Tian wanted to know the truth, these people came quietly and killed the soldiers guarding the food.
Immediately, they left without a sound, no one was seen, and no trace was left behind.
With such a crude calculation, he knew that it must be done by well-trained people.
Not only killing people to rob food and grass, but even the whereabouts on the ground are unimaginably complicated.
If it weren’t for someone’s guidance, these people wouldn’t have come here just like this and wiped him out.
Meng Tian’s staff continued to search for evidence in the city, and Meng Tian himself took the lead and started the investigation.
The loss of food and grass is tantamount to a very serious sin for Meng Tian, ​​and it is difficult for him to face Ying Changge.
In order to be able to catch all the lost food and grass, Meng Tian must punish them severely and go to sanction them.
No one can escape from Meng Tian’s hands, because he is a majestic general.
Feeling angry about the looting of food and grass, Meng Tian laughed it off and prepared to make a fortune.
It is impossible to be indifferent to this matter, so Meng Tian soon heard the report from his soldiers.
Escorting food and grass is something that attracts the attention of everyone, so it is not easy to keep a low profile because of this.
Especially for Meng Tian to escort so much food and grass, many horse-drawn carriages must be needed to escort it.
Meng Tian got a piece of information, that is, there was a horse-drawn carriage coming and going in and out of the residence of the magistrate of Dongcheng County.
Could there be such a coincidence? But Meng Tian felt that there must be a very serious suspicion.
Zhang Zhaonan, magistrate of Dongcheng County, actually had many carriages coming and going, he must have some dark secrets.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
The disappearance of grain and grass, Zhang Zhaonan’s movements, there must be a lot of hidden dangers and involvement.

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