Chapter 883 Charge towards the granary!
Acting fiercely and fighting recklessly, a series of them soon began to fight.
You chase each other, the enemy advances and the enemy retreats, the man in black and Meng Tian’s soldiers have pulled out all the stops.
The rapid attack, the charge as always, the battle between the two armies was very fierce and sturdy.
All of a sudden, wars broke out everywhere, and many people were fighting with all their strength because of the food and grass they had escorted.
The two gangs were huge, in groups, attacking quickly, they were really brave and masculine.
Such a battle is really fierce, and it is not easy to defeat it at all.
Food and grass are the top priority, and they are still doing their best to attack, attacking recklessly.
Under the sword’s edge, the corpse fell to the ground, and blood sprayed out. This place is the word 05, which is too horrible to look at.
Many people were injured because of this, Meng Tian’s soldiers and these men in black were injured respectively.
But such a blow is really useless, at least, it is impossible to wipe out Meng Tian’s soldiers directly.
These loyal soldiers are brave and resourceful, and they are still fighting back quickly and resisting vigorously.
He picked up his own sword and quickly confronted the enemy. Many people died because of this, and they were completely defeated.
But the aggressive men in black had long been prepared, they were bound to win, and they must kill each other.
The men in black came very quickly, they were always charging quickly, and a series of people were attacking quickly.
The sword’s edge swept across, a group of people punched to the flesh, and the sword’s edge swept across, it was too fast.
It is impossible for such a battle to end hastily. They are all fighting together with all their strength.
The unscrupulous attack, the cold light flickered, and the surroundings fell into a chaos of fierce fighting.
These men in black with unknown origins came prepared and acted recklessly, even robbing Meng Tian of food and grass.
They knowingly commit crimes, and the crime is aggravated, especially when so many people are still attacking one after another.
Many people attacked because of this, they always rushed quickly, breaking each other and fighting as usual.
Otherwise, once surrounded by so many people, there are not many remaining plans, and that is to kill!
Come one to kill one, come ten to kill ten! The man in black persisted and continued to charge.
They are in groups, and a large group of people are always running rampant eagerly, punching and kicking.
Such an attack was unexpected, and the soldiers rushed to notify Meng Tian to be alert.
After entering the city, there are soldiers guarding it. It stands to reason that there is no danger for the food and grass, and it is very safe.
But there are still men in black who don’t know how to live or die, colluding and aggressively attacking to snatch food and grass.
One of the soldiers immediately got on his horse, just to be able to quickly notify Meng Tian to come to support.
Seeing this scene, a man in black rushed forward with great strides, very quickly.
He raised his own sword and counterattacked vigorously, and the blade directly broke through the soldier’s back.
To capture a thief first capture the king, to shoot a man first shoot a horse. The sword of the man in black beheaded the soldier who had informed him and got off his horse.
In this way, the soldiers have no chance to report to Meng Tian, ​​the situation here is very serious.
The men in black, who were buoyant, didn’t have any intention of stopping, and continued to march in, fighting here.
When they all came bravely and fearlessly, Meng Tian’s soldiers were a little overwhelmed, they were hard to guard against.
There are only a few soldiers guarding the food and grass, but they are not very abundant and strong.
But these men in black are different. There are many people, and the number obviously has an advantage.
The two sides fought fiercely and charged unscrupulously. The man in black took the initiative and always attacked quickly.
Many men in black continued to attack because of this, and a series of people ran rampant quickly, very domineering.
Dead or injured, the men in black are always in the majority, and they are attacking quickly.
Continue to charge, can’t wait to go, they have a lot of people, but they don’t have much strength.
It can be seen that the men in black are well-trained, but they are not as elite as Meng Tian’s soldiers.
020 So many soldiers are always lining up the human wall, trying to defeat the man in black with all their might.
However, this group of men in black was not to be outdone, and they were still hostile in the face of soldiers’ resistance.
With cold lights flickering, sword lights and sword shadows, the men in black continued to charge towards the granary from far to near.
Meng Tian’s soldiers knew that they all came here to plunder food and grass, but unfortunately the soldiers had more than enough heart but not enough strength.
So many soldiers are still charging recklessly, but they may not be able to stop such an attack.
The people in black were in groups, and they were so inconspicuous in the dark night.
These people who intend to plunder food and grass are directly confused with the darkness, making it difficult for soldiers to guard against.
Charged in an orderly manner and attacked quickly, the army of men in black was already approaching the city.
The camp guarding the food and grass fell, and a few men in black fished in troubled waters and entered this place directly.
This kind of manpower is unable to guard against the men in black’s charge, they will always have any flaws and incompleteness.
Chapter 884 The momentum is like a rainbow, strike bravely!
Everyone is unremittingly resisting, the sword edge strikes, the blade rampages, the battle is really fierce.
Many people fell down and died in battle, but more people rushed forward so that they could turn defeat into victory and reverse the situation.
There was an endless stream of men in black, and Meng Tian seemed to have been targeted by them as soon as he entered the city.
Otherwise, how could it be possible that Meng Tian would be attacked by men in black on the first night he escorted the grain and grass here.
They are still charging quickly, can’t waitWaiting to go, the continuous counterattack is very powerful.
The fire light impacted and came down quickly. This kind of sword was so fierce that Meng Tian’s soldiers were caught off guard.
Those who were attacked by the men in black retreated steadily. At this moment, Meng Tian’s soldiers were devastated and unable to defend themselves.
Behind them is food and grass, which is their only protection.
After hard work, Meng Tian escorted him all the way, but the man in black got there first.
So many men in black must have been prepared, and Meng Tian had been following them since the moment he entered the city.
When they robbed the food and grass, the men in black attacked angrily. They attacked in an orderly manner with ferocious faces.
A series of men in black almost didn’t stop at all, always chattering around.
Quickly attacking, the sword is rampant, this kind of attack is really powerful, and it caused heavy losses to Meng Tian’s soldiers.
Naturally, Meng Tian would not live in the same place as the grain and grass, and the same principle applies to the Three Caves of the Rabbit.
All the food and grass that was escorted were dedicated to Ying Changge, so naturally they had to be left in the safest city.
In the city, how could anyone dare to snatch food and grass without hesitation! Meng Tian thought it was very safe.
But the world is unpredictable, and there are really reckless and sloppy guys who come straight to the food.
The food and grass in the city became the target of public criticism, and many men in black rushed forward to follow up.
Walking recklessly and approaching quickly, the people in their hands have already become an extra advantage.
Wherever the men in black went, they set off bloody storms, and they continued to behead Meng Tian’s soldiers.
The soldiers guarded the place loyally, and they continued to confront each other in the face of the onslaught of the men in black.
As in the usual collision, many people are always chattering and attacking, taking out the offensive.
People are like sharp edges, men in black are approaching, they attack in groups and continue to kill Meng Tian’s soldiers.
The soldiers guarding the food and grass were all alarmed, and many of them fell to the ground and died. It was a crushing defeat.
Retreating steadily, the soldiers have been defeated and fought repeatedly, always continuing to attack, so as to charge forward as always.
It’s a pity that no matter how prepared the soldiers are, they can’t block the attack of the man in black.
Attacking in an orderly manner, their manpower is extraordinarily ruthless, always chasing and killing soldiers quickly.
The soldiers tried their best to defend themselves, but they were still slashed and fell to the ground. They fell in a pool of blood.
Meng Tian’s soldiers are only going to die in battle, they can’t be deserters, they are still insisting on fighting.
A group of people were still chattering and walking down without any restraint, and the men in black were menacing.
The murderous men in black are always breaking through quickly, wishing to kill all the soldiers here.
Stretching their fists and continuing to approach, it is impossible for their series of people to stop because of this.
Imposing like a rainbow, he attacked bravely, and men in black emerged one after another, repelling all Meng Tian’s soldiers.
They were forced to defend, so as to avoid the men in black and protect the grain and grass escorted by Meng Tian along the way.
Meng Tian didn’t know this, he was still resting, and was preparing to set off to meet Ying Changge the next day.
With a lot of people in his hands, everyone is extraordinarily energetic, Meng Tian has nothing to worry about.
It was absolutely impossible for him to imagine that tonight, there would be a daring guy who would just snatch his food and grass like this.
They are always running rampant quickly, and after breaking through Meng Tian’s soldiers, they continue to go straight for the grain and grass.
So many people are very arrogant and domineering, and the people in black are so arrogant that they will not stay at all.
Always walking recklessly, attacking impatiently, trampling over the corpses of Mengtian soldiers.
The target of the man in black is food, but if Meng Tian’s soldiers continue to guard the food, they will be killed.
The man in black with unknown origins is well known for his sinister intentions.
Taking out a cruel and ruthless offensive, the men in black continued to approach the food and grass to eliminate dissidents.
Meng Tian’s soldiers were still resisting. They (obtained) tried to inform Meng Tian, ​​but it was difficult to escape.

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