This is just suspicion, but Meng Tian doesn’t know if the county magistrate Zhang Zhaonan did it, so he wants to investigate.
He didn’t understand at all, just a county magistrate, how could he have the courage to come to snatch his own food?
Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is necessary to raise a teacher to inquire about the crime, so Meng Tian led his troops to rush forward immediately.
Leading more than a dozen elite soldiers, Meng Tian came forward with great fanfare, broke open the gate, and drove straight in.
“Let Zhang Zhaonan come to see me!” Meng Tian yelled, “I want to see what the county magistrate does!”
When so many people rushed up, Zhang Zhaonan came forward in a panic, “Who is here!”
“Do you know what this place is!” County magistrate Zhang Zhaonan yelled, “Back off!”
“You are so brave!” Meng Tian smiled, “Are you Zhang Zhaonan, the magistrate of this place!”
“Yes, so what!” As he approached and saw Meng Tian’s appearance, Zhang Zhaonan was taken aback for a moment, and then stopped talking.
He seemed to know who was coming and Meng Tian’s identity, so he was immediately stunned.
Zhang Zhaonan closed his mouth, stood in front of Meng Tian without saying a word, he was extraordinarily calm, and gave up his rebuttal.
“You know me!” Meng Tian’s eyes were sharp, and he saw Zhang Zhaonan’s expression at once, knowing that there was something to be said.
“As the magistrate of this place, you seem to be doing nothing, doing nothing!”
Facing Meng Tian’s scolding, Zhang Zhaonan was very calm, he was very indifferent, “What’s wrong!”
“This place is safe, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the market is harmonious. There is nothing worth worrying about.” And.
Chapter 887: It’s really bullying!
Standing in front of Zhang Zhaonan, Meng Tian looked extremely cold, “You are so deceiving yourself!”
“Do you think that with your men and horses, you can get away with it in front of me and be unscrupulous!”
“You have robbed me of food and grass, can you still act as if nothing happened!” Meng Tian said earnestly.
However, Zhang Zhaonan shook his head, “I don’t know about this matter, but I can send people to investigate.”
“Since it’s a matter of stealing and plundering, the county magistrate must go to investigate and find out the truth!”
This is an extremely shameless lie, Meng Tian saw through his lie at a glance, but there was nothing he could do about it.
Could it be that Meng Tian’s “Zero Sanqi” wanted to go directly to kill Zhang Zhaonan and turn this place into a miasma!
The county magistrate is still an official, and he can’t startle the snake without complete evidence.
Meng Tian is not a reckless person, he will not kill Zhang Zhaonan until he catches any evidence.
But now that he has come here, he must investigate and search for Zhang Zhaonan’s criminal evidence.
“If I’m not mistaken, many of the food and grass that I was robbed are still in your place!”
“Let me search carefully, and I will definitely find your crime!” Meng Tian said seriously.
However, Zhang Zhaonan shook his head, “What do you think this place is! I’m the county magistrate!”
“The people who let you come here non-stop, they just stop moving forward!”
“I don’t want your people to treat this place as no one’s land and come in and out freely.”
Zhang Zhaonan also has his own temper, but he has his own dignity and status, and stands above him.
Facing Meng Tian without any timidity, Zhang Zhaonan opened his mouth and insisted on rejecting Meng Tian’s request.
“Leave as soon as possible, I don’t want to face the enemy with your people and start a bloody battle!”
OnlyIt was because he hoped that he would not be involved in the battle, that Zhang Zhaonan and his men would not start a fierce battle.
But Meng Tian would never agree, his face was extraordinarily serious, “Are you going to die or not?”
“You made a big mistake, and now you are caught without a fight, then you still have a certain chance to go to prison and live!”
“Otherwise, if you continue to resist, I will kill you, leaving no one behind!”
Meng Tian held his own sword in one hand, ready to unsheath anytime, and then start killing!
Seeing Meng Tian’s murderous look, Zhang Zhaonan shook his head calmly, “No need!”
“If you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it. As a county magistrate, I enforce the law impartially, and I am upright!”
“If you have evidence, I welcome it! But if you make trouble for no reason, I will catch you directly!”
Zhang Zhaonan started his own demonstration, he was extraordinarily domineering, as if he was not afraid of anything.
Even if Meng Tian leads these people to break in, Zhang Zhaonan always looks confident and confident.
Seeing his appearance so confident, Meng Tian already had extra guesses in his heart.
It must be Zhang Zhaonan, looking at him knowingly committing crimes, he must have robbed his own food and grass.
It is too much! Seeking death, Meng Tian drew his sword out of its sheath without hesitation.
And Zhang Zhaonan’s people also started to be alert, they all raised their weapons and stood in a row to protect Zhang Zhaonan.
Among the guards of so many people, Zhang Zhaonan didn’t panic at all, he stared straight at Meng Tian.
“If you lead these men and horses, if you continue to entangle unreasonably, I will kill you all!”
Zhang Zhaonan was just talking nonsense, Meng Tian would not be afraid of his threat at all, so he just laughed it off…
“You are a thief calling for a thief! A mere county magistrate dares to provoke me like this, it is really reckless!”
Don’t care what Zhang Zhaonan will do, Meng Tian just wants to get back his own food and grass.
Moreover, Zhang Zhaonan coveted his own food and grass, and plundered all his own food and grass, which is really a bully’s behavior!
What kind of county magistrate is Zhang Zhaonan? Just a bandit! Such behavior is nothing more than hitting a pebble with a pebble.
Meng Tian was still dubious about what Zhang Zhaonan did before, but now he believes it.
From Zhang Zhaonan’s eyes, from his every move, Meng Tian knew the mistake he made.
Snatching his own food and grass, and even pretending to be nonchalant, Zhang Zhaonan is too arrogant!
“If you don’t hand over my food and plead guilty, I will kill you all!”
The serious Meng Tian scolded, “Put down the butcher’s knife, turn around and do it, don’t force me to do it!”
“You 5.0 dare to bully the Yamen! I am the county magistrate, but you! What right do you have to question me!”
Continuing to refute, Zhang Zhaonan pleaded not guilty, he was extremely resentful and seemed very innocent.
“If you continue to insist, then do it! Because I will kill you traitors.”
It can be seen that he is extraordinarily arrogant, but he may not be able to fight against himself! Meng Tian was full of confidence.
He snorted coldly, swung the sword in his hand, and then stabbed it out quickly, the cold light flickered.
Such a sword is really fast, and the two sides seem to be about to start a fierce battle.
Chapter 888 A web like a spider’s silk!
But at this moment, Zhang Zhaonan retreated immediately, he avoided Meng Tian’s sword, and he panicked.
“Okay! Don’t do anything, my men will never kill you! I admit defeat!” Zhang Zhaonan begged for mercy.
He looked menacing before, but he may not be able to start a fierce battle with Meng Tian.
Meng Tian personally leads so many people, if there is a big fight, Zhang Zhaonan’s government office may be crushed.
Therefore, he quickly begged for mercy, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he no longer had the arrogance and domineering flavor he had before.
“You said that I robbed you of food and grass, but that’s not necessarily true! That’s my own food and grass!”
Still defending, continuing to refute, Zhang Zhaonan hoped that he would survive and avoid Meng Tian’s fight.
Holding his own sword, Meng Tian looked cold and stern, “You said it belonged to 05? Don’t talk about nonsense!”
“The grain and grass I escorted are marked, if I check it out, I will know it!”
With such a simple thing, it is possible to distinguish between a true and a false. Meng Tian held his chest up and looked upright.
After Zhang Zhaonan heard it, he nodded immediately, “Okay! If that’s the case, let’s go and watch it together!”
“If there is a mark, then I am willing to be punished, otherwise, please apologize in person!”
Turning around and heading to the backyard, Zhang Zhaonan and Meng Tian and his party were all heading in groups, with the same footsteps.
Seeing Zhang Zhaonan’s confident appearance, Meng Tian was very curious, so confident?
You must know that the grain and grass delivered to Ying Changge is really very important, and there cannot be any loss.
It’s really too much to rob one’s own food and grass and pretend to be nothing now. Meng Tian must investigate!
Zhang Zhaonan is leading the way ahead, Meng Tian and his men are following behind, they want to go together.
Not afraid of cheating, Zhang Zhaonan has so many people, he is no match for Meng Tian’s manpower, he is full of confidence.
Meng Tian, ​​who is not afraid, will start to resist with all his strength once he encounters anything.
Zhang Zhaonan, who was leading the way, always refused to bow his head, as if he had been slandered by Meng Tian.
Looking innocent, Zhang Zhaonan is very innocent, but Meng Tian knows that this person must be insidious and cunning.
“Be careful!” Meng Tian whispered to his subordinates, must make them be careful.
Otherwise, Zhang Zhaonan’s people will catch them all before they know it, which will be very dangerous.
Going to the backyard, Meng Tian saw a lot of food and grass piled up in theThis place is like a small hill.
Are these your own food? Meng Tian walked up quickly, wanting to inspect it carefully.
Zhang Zhaonan stood aside, calm and relaxed, without any signs of panic, very indifferent.
“Check carefully! I hope to return my innocence, and I don’t want to beg for mercy!”
Hearing Zhang Zhaonan’s words behind him, Meng Tian ignored him, thinking that he was just putting on a show.

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