The situation was under control, at least it was impossible for Arhan’s people to chase these slaves.
With so many slaves regaining their chances, Arhan’s guards had already surrendered and did not dare to move.
Unexpectedly, he killed Arhan with ease, Meng Tian’s move can be described as a complete victory!
After becoming famous in one battle, Meng Tian and the warriors of these tribes returned to the Manluo tribe again.
Hearing about Meng Tian’s feat, Chikov, the leader of the tribe, also expressed admiration.
“It’s amazing! I never expected that your skills are so powerful, and the leader of the army is as good as God!”
“With you coming forward, my tribe will finally have a peaceful and healthy life!”
Chikov was very satisfied with what Meng Tian did, and he admired him very much, “Master!”
“I admire you for solving this chaotic situation, and I’m all in awe!”
Not stingy with his praise, Chikov always praised Meng Tian one after another.
And Meng Tian smiled slightly, now it’s time for him to join Ying Changge’s army.
After all, there are still so many food, grass and soldiers in hand, and they need to be delivered as soon as possible, “It’s easy.”
“Since the place has returned to calm, then I should not stay for a long time, I need to continue on my way.”
Meng Tian immediately returned all of Chikov’s warriors, and now he is ready to set foot on the road and leave to his heart’s content.
However, Chikov waved his hand, “No hurry, I’m going to prepare a sumptuous dinner and come to repay you!”
Having solved his urgent need, Chikov already admired Meng Tian very much and was very satisfied.
Chikov set up a banquet himself, and presented all the delicious mutton as a reward to Meng Tian.
The kindness is hard to come by, and Chikov’s kindness made Meng Tian very satisfied, and he drank three rounds.
At the banquet, they were full of food and drink, and Chikov and Meng Tian chatted and exchanged glasses of wine, it was really lively.
After having fun all night long, Meng Tian was ready to set foot on the road the next day and leave as soon as possible.
Chikov, who was drunk, came out and hooked up with Meng Tian, ​​”Wait!”
“General Meng Tian! I admire you very much, but the troops in your hands are seriously insufficient!”
“I will send my troops and choose many warriors to protect you.”
Chikov waved his hand and let a pair of men and horses stand up immediately. They were all carefully selected by him.
Seeing this scene, Meng Tian was grateful, “Thank you, thank you for your enthusiasm.”
Since Chikov was so warm-hearted, Meng Tian couldn’t shirk it. He wanted to escort the grain and horses.
Therefore, without enough manpower, it is impossible to send these armaments to Ying Changge.
With Chikov’s group of warriors personally following them, Meng Tian and his party were extraordinarily safe.
As a man of righteousness, Chikov is also such an old-fashioned and warm-hearted person.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Chikov was very happy when Meng Tian solved the big trouble of the slave owner for him.
The previous situation was very difficult, but now he has gotten rid of this situation.
No slaves will be oppressed, no common people will continue to live in dire straits.
All this depends on Meng Tian’s battle! It is very heroic to draw a sword to help.
Even though Chikov was the leader of the tribe, he had been oppressed for several years and really didn’t know what to do.
0 .. 0
When Meng Tian’s army came, they always moved forward quickly to attack the slave owners.
Killing the slave owner and freeing countless slaves is a great merit!
Chikov is very satisfied with this, and he will repay Meng Tian’s kindness and show his kindness.
Meng Tian made a move to deal with the slave owner, and Chikov’s situation suddenly became very safe.
Thanks to Meng Tian! Chikov knew that he had acquired an alliance by chance.With Meng Tian’s army, the horse will be successful, so Chikov is very grateful to him, so he will send the warriors.
With so many warriors following Meng Tian, ​​Chikov hoped that Meng Tian and his party would be safe.
Once there is any disturbance, Chikov’s warriors will be able to protect Meng Tian.
Such warriors are very loyal, following Meng Tian’s side and escorting him on the road.
They are still heading quickly, rushing on unimpeded, escorting the armaments to move forward in a hurry.
Ying Changge may have been waiting for a long time, Meng Tian must deliver all the armaments in his hands.
Chapter 882 All of a sudden, the flash of a sword!
Under the protection of the Chikov warriors, so many people are still on their way.
To join Ying Changge, Meng Tian’s army passed through Dongcheng County, and they needed to rest here.
After entering the city, Meng Tian and his men rested here, and then they prepared to settle down for the night.
Otherwise, Meng Tian’s men and horses will continue on their way, and it will be even more tiring and exhausting.
You can’t exhaust your team, because Meng Tian, ​​like Ying Changge, has a kind heart.
Only when the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong and they get rest can they continue to fight on their way.
Meng Tian and his own staff can only enter the East “020” city county, and they can finally rest their feet.
However, the city looked very empty and unusually quiet, as if there was nothing there.
Escorting food and grass here, Meng Tian naturally needs the army to help him, so Meng Tian can go and meet him.
But when Meng Tian and his group filed in, no other soldiers or troops were found.
The soldiers and horses of Dongcheng County were not stationed here. He was very puzzled and didn’t know why.
You must know that with so many people, you are not enough. After all, you still need to protect these food and grass.
Meng Tian hoped that at least no one would come to harass him. If the army is rampant, it will inevitably be injured and die.
Many people know that they will die easily, but they may not be able to sit idly by and persevere.
In the world, there are many vicious and vicious people, and they are all guys who take risks for their own interests.
In order to beware of these people, they must do their best to defend and protect the food and grass escorted along the way.
Let a small group of soldiers stay here, and Meng Tian needs to communicate carefully with Dongcheng Junzai.
Walking unimpeded with his men and horses, crossing the road, Meng Tian went to meet the army here.
It is clearly a city, but there is no army guarding it, and even the barracks are empty.
Arriving late, he arrived here, and soon after, Meng Tian entered the barracks and shuttled through it.
There must have been soldiers stationed here, so there are traces of camping here.
Even many tents were not dismantled, but Meng Tian didn’t see anyone.
Where did the soldiers here escape to? Was it a tactical retreat or was it deliberately done?
Meng Tian didn’t know, but since there were no soldiers here, he made room for himself.
All the soldiers in Dongcheng County disappeared, Meng Tian could only settle down temporarily, and then go to investigate.
With so many guys disappearing quietly, there must be something unexpected.
With grain and grass in his hands, Meng Tian must protect these, and avoid thieves and thieves from plundering them.
There is no guarantee that some mob will choose to fight in this place to rob food and grass.
He and his own troops settled here, and at the same time, he was going to prepare to investigate the army here.
It’s a new arrival, and it’s night. At this time, the place is very comfortable, the night is quiet, and the sound of needles falling.
Meng Tian fell asleep, after all, he traveled long distances with his own army and always came continuously.
Many people were exhausted because of this, Meng Tian naturally wanted to have a good rest before meeting Ying Changge.
Ying Changge must have been waiting for a long time. In order to be able to attack Zhao Yiming, his army is ready to move.
Without food and grass, without armaments, we will not be able to attack and start a war at that time, food and grass are the most important thing 0  …
Therefore, with so many people all ready to go, Meng Tian prepared to continue on the road the next day.
In the dead of night, there was no sound, Meng Tian lay down, and only a group of soldiers stood guard to guard the food and grass.
At this moment, what Meng Tian didn’t know was that a small group of masked men in black approached quietly.
They knew where the food and grass were, so they rode their horses and came straight, as if they were doing it for the food and grass.
Meng Tian’s soldiers guarded the place loyally, but at this moment, there was no chance to make a move.
The soldiers stood on guard, stood in a row, and immediately blocked the men in black, “Stop!”
“Who are you, stand down! Otherwise, you will be killed!” The soldiers shouted bravely.
These men in black masked their faces to hide their identities. It seemed that the visitors were not friendly, and there must be some kind of conspiracy.
The soldiers drew their swords out of their sheaths in unison, guarded carefully, guarded the place coldly, full of murderous intent.
But these men in black were not afraid at all. They came prepared and confronted the soldiers 5.0 like this.
There was no need to answer the soldier’s words, the men in black were still approaching quickly, fighting and attacking.
All of a sudden, the man in black was so bold that he dared to snatch Meng Tian’s food.
They clearly knew that this was food and grass escorted by the army, but the men in black still masked their faces and behaved fiercely and brutally.
“Kill me!” Meng Tian’s soldiers didn’t need to stop any longer, they directly resisted the attack and tried their best to fight back.
Quickly charging, walking recklessly, the crowd collided, and a group of them fought together.
Fighting, attacking heartily, in the shadow of swords and swords, it is all this cold and severe offensive.

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