“This is not something you need to worry about!” Meng Tian didn’t take it seriously, “I came all the way from here.”
“It’s just to draw the sword to help each other, and to do justice for the sky!” Holding up the sword, Meng Tian cut his neck.
There was blood flowing from Arhan’s neck, and his pale face was frightened, “Stop it, stop it!”
“Don’t kill me! What do you want! I’ll give it to you!” Arhan quickly waved his hand.
“Whether you want food, or soldiers and horses! Or money, I’ll give you all〃’!” Arhan was terrified.
He was afraid that he would die under Meng Tian’s sword, so he had to make up for it in time.
However, Meng Tian is impossible to be shaken, he is indifferent and calm, with a calm expression, “Impossible!”
“All I have to do is one thing, punish the evil and promote the good, and kill you, a cruel slave owner!”
“You insist on killing me? I have no grievances or enmities, and I have no grievances with you!” Arhan scolded.
He became angry from embarrassment, “I see that you are also a thick-backed, but why do you have the heart of a Bodhisattva!”
“In this case, I will release all my slaves, how about it!” Arhan bargained.
He didn’t want Meng Tian to be the killer, so Arhan wanted to guarantee and respect his own life.
Panting, Arhan stared at Meng Tian with resentment, “In this way, you can rest assured!”
Teaching people how to fish is worse than giving them fish. Meng Tian knows that this is not a simple matter of cutting grass and roots.
If Arhan continued to live, then these common people would be even more humble and pitiful.
As long as there is such a tyrannical person as Arhan, the people and slaves will be even harsher.
Meng Tian doesn’t want so many people to live a life that is worse than death, he must stand up.
Stop Arhan, rescue these slaves, so that they can live smoothly.
It’s good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, Arhan and his gang are unscrupulous, they simply do whatever they want.
If Arhan was allowed to live on in vain, sooner or later, he would still kill the slaves.
Especially Silver Bear’s narrow Arhan, like a poisonous snake, will bite back sooner or later.
Meng Tian learned the truth from Ying Changge, letting the tiger go back to the mountain will cause endless troubles, so he can’t hold back.
He fights to his heart’s content, willThe blade cut through Arhan’s neck, and the blood continued to spurt.
Clutching his own neck, Arhan shot out angrily, it was unreasonable, it was too deceiving.
Since it is impossible to get Meng Tian’s begging for mercy, then he can only fight back with all his strength.
He had to show his abilities, Arhan was dying, and shouted loudly to protect his life.
The scimitar slashed on Meng Tian’s head, Arhan’s attack was really ferocious, it could be called brave.
In order to survive, he lived to enjoy the glory and wealth, how could he be so short-lived so early!
Swords, lights and swords collided together, coming cracklingly, constantly colliding, colliding forcefully.
It’s really not easy to kill Arhan! Meng Tian’s sword continued to thrust out majesticly.
Fighting with all his strength, Arhan’s scimitar was extraordinarily brave, wishing to behead Meng Tian for public display.
The fierce scimitar has a different kind of attack, almost cutting Meng Tian’s body to pieces.
Fortunately, Meng Tian’s skills are very superb, and he always confronts the enemy slowly and intercepts Arhan’s offensive.
Every sword is so fierce, but it is impossible to defeat Arhan because he is still dying.
Handing out the blades, each of Meng Tian’s swords was extraordinarily brave, and he slapped down heartily.
The ever-changing blade had an unusual attack, and Arhan couldn’t defend against it even with his scimitar.
He fought reluctantly, concentrated on fighting the enemy, and hit Meng Tian with all his scimitar forcefully.
In order to survive, Arhan had to kill Meng Tian, ​​and he couldn’t completely lose his identity.
He is a high-ranking slave owner. Since he has authority, he can call the wind and rain and be invincible.
Chapter 880 Release and leave, escape from birth!
Otherwise, once it was against Meng Tian, ​​Arhan would run if he could, and if he couldn’t, he would have to fight with his back!
The scimitar slashed swiftly, always chopping on Meng Tian’s body endlessly, attacking the vital points.
The tricks are fierce and sinister.
Menacing, showing his teeth and claws, Arhan’s every knife seems to be evenly matched, fierce and vigorous.
But it’s just a superficial attack! Arhan’s knife could not seriously injure Meng Tian at all.
Following Ying Changge’s side all year round, Meng Tian’s sword is extraordinarily fierce, but his swordsmanship is stronger.
The sword collided, you attacked back and forth, Meng Tian blocked every move of Arhan in front of him.
He always blocked Arhan’s knife, and then Meng Tian deftly counterattacked with his sword, piercing Arhan.
His chest was injured, the sword marks were bleeding profusely, Arhan frowned slightly in pain, he really didn’t dare to continue to offend 020.
Clutching his own wound, trying to stop the blood, Arhan held the knife in one hand, panting.
Eyes wide open, staring straight at Meng Tian, ​​Arhan was still thinking about making the final bargain.
As long as he can save his own life, Arhan will pay no matter what the price is.
It’s a pity that Meng Tian doesn’t want to get in, no matter what kind of conditions Arhan puts forward, he has no chance to accept.
Meng Tian just begged for death, begging Arhan to die, this matter will never stop! Meng Tian is bound to win.
The cruel and ruthless Arhan who deprived the people and slaves, such villains must be eradicated.
Stopping his attack, Meng Tian’s sword directly hit Arhan’s head.
The cold and sharp blade pierced his forehead, and it only took a little force from Meng Tian to kill him.
Sensing Meng Tian’s murderous intent, Arhan panicked, his face pale, “Please!”
“I can’t die! So you must let me go!” Arhan knelt in front of him and begged for mercy.
“I will free all the slaves in my hands, how about it!” Arhan pleaded.
“Impossible!” Meng Tian shook his head resolutely, “You are a dog who can’t change eating shit, and you will never change your nature.”
“When I’m gone, I’m afraid you will continue to deprive the people and slaves, damn it.”
“What you said is not unreasonable!” Arhan nodded, he had completely given up.
“Then, let’s die together!” He immediately stood up and struck out angrily.
Holding his scimitar firmly, he continued to slash towards Meng Tian with all his strength, vowing not to give up.
Such a blow was so fierce that it almost made Meng Tian’s figure unsteady, so he dodged in time.
Knowing that Arhan wanted to kill him, Meng Tian was more calm and unhurried.
With swords colliding and weapons running rampant, it is impossible for Meng Tian to be merciful when facing Arhan.
He swung his sword vigorously, ping-pong-pong, and the edge of the sword was flaring on Arhan’s body.
(affa) Even if Arhan continues to fight with the scimitar, it is still impossible to kill Meng Tian, ​​the strength of the two is very different.
This kind of battle is really useless, I always rush to do it, but it is to give Meng Tian a chance.
The calm and calm Meng Tian held the sword and always stabbed quickly, each sword was extraordinarily cold and harsh.
The impact of the sword’s edge is so domineering, each sword has unexpected lethality, and it is hot and fast.
A sword was broken, and the edge of the sword cut Arhan’s arm, making him unable to hold his weapon anymore.
In severe pain, Arhan immediately let go of the scimitar, letting it fall to the ground.
Looking down at his weapon, Arhan had a ferocious face and cursed, “I’m going to kill you!”
“It’s you who deserves to be damned!” Meng Tian, ​​who stood up for the heavens, rushed forward again, sweeping across with his sword.
Whoosh! The sword edge cut through Arhan’s throat in a blink of an eye, and seeing the blood seal his throat, the blood spattered for five steps, which was extremely bloody.
Seeing this scene, Arhan couldn’t stop him, he could only clutch his neck and fell to the ground.
With a plop, he fell to the ground in great pain. Arhan, who was dying with regret, widened his eyes, and because of this, he fell to the ground.die.
After finally killing this cruel and fierce slave owner, Meng Tian finally did something great like Ying Changge.
Very satisfied, Meng Tian cut off Arhan’s head, and then went around the camp.
“Arhan is dead! Disarm and don’t kill!” Meng Tian walked quickly in the camp, shouting to his heart’s content.
After hearing the bad news, Arhan’s guards all turned pale with fright and panic.
Only Meng Tian’s men and horses are still chasing aggressively, continuing to quell the chaos here.
He shot as much as he wanted, quickly deployed his men and horses, Meng Tian was still trying his best to kill Arhan’s people.
Many people died because of this, and with Arhan’s death, Meng Tian’s men took control of this place.
Finally killed this cruel slave owner, Meng Tian immediately went to free the slaves.
Crowds of slaves rushed out of the dungeon, and they were free.
After making such a righteous act, Meng Tian released many slaves and escaped.
Chapter 881 All the armaments in hand are handed over!
The autocratic slave owner died because of this, and the slave was freed from any oppression and regained a new life.
Seeing the figures of these slaves leaving with all their might, Meng Tian was very satisfied, and he had done a great deed.
Meng Tian, ​​who acted on behalf of the heavens, allowed so many slaves to escape Arhan’s control, and they were chic and happy.
There was a huge crowd of people, the slaves were all in black, and they fled outwards desperately, leaving heartily.
With so many people, there was no opportunity for them to take advantage of, and Meng Tian suppressed Arhan’s men to his heart’s content.

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