Arhan knew that he was in great danger now, but he would not give up his life just because of this.
Holding his wound and suppressing the pain, Arhan yelled, “What do you want!”
“As long as you can speak! I will satisfy you and avoid any conflict!”
Meng Tian smiled calmly, he shook his head without hesitation, “You are wrong, you can’t bribe me.”
With firm faith and determined mind, Meng Tian faced sinArhan, who is extremely evil, will not be merciful.
“I will do justice for the heavens, and I will do my best to kill you, a villain!”
The unscrupulous appearance is really annoying, Arhan stared at Meng Tian, ​​gnashing his teeth in resentment.
“You don’t want this, you don’t want that, I don’t believe it, people have desires!”
Clenching his fists tightly, Arhan scolded, “Have you seen those humble slaves!”
“Those poor and humble slaves also have desires, and their desires are even stronger.”
“Whether it is humble or noble, people will have desires, and so will you!” Arhan said firmly.
He stared at Meng Tian intently, “Finally, don’t hesitate, just face your heart directly!”
“Whatever you want, I, Arhan, can satisfy you!” Arhan did this to save his life.
As long as he can survive, Arhan can give up no matter what the price is.
Meng Tianzai thought carefully for a moment, then nodded seriously, “You are right!”
“I really have something I want!” Meng Tian said in a calm and unhurried manner!
With a comfortable smile, Arhan felt relieved, not afraid of not negotiating the price, but afraid of not communicating 0  …
As long as they can reach a consensus with Meng Tian, ​​when the time comes, they will definitely be able to keep their heads.
“I want your life!” Meng Tian laughed loudly, “This is something I can get at my fingertips!”
With a gloomy look on his face, Arhan knew that he had been tricked, so he scolded angrily.
“Damn you! I must kill you!” Arhan gave up completely.
He doesn’t have any plans to communicate with Meng Tian anymore, he must be beheaded to make him perish.
With a quick shot, the sword edge was rampant, Meng Tian took a step ahead, and the sword edge stabbed Arhan’s chest.
The scimitar swung, and the sharp impact of the blade knocked Meng Tian’s sword away immediately, without any danger.
With a shout of bravery, he walked quickly with the sword in his hand, and the blade of the sword struck down fiercely.
The series of attacks were very powerful, even continuous, which caused him to be injured.
Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Arhan knew that a fight to the death was inevitable.
He made a 5.0 attack with resentment, the edge of the blade gleamed faintly, fighting fiercely with Meng Tian’s sword.
As the sword edge wandered, Meng Tian’s every sword was extraordinarily fast, full of unusual gestures.
In a hurry, Arhan concentrated on fighting the enemy, barely intercepting Meng Tian’s sword.
He can block a blow, but he may not always be able to intercept a series of sword blades.
Even so, Arhan is not to be outdone, he doesn’t want to die under Meng Tian’s hands.
“Come on! Where are all my guards dead! Hurry up and rescue me!” Arhan yelled.
Chapter 878 Protect Your Safety!
Seeing this scene, Meng Tian quickly chased after him, trying to kill him to silence him.
Once more guards came, it would not be easy for Meng Tian to kill him.
Here seven times in and seven out, Meng Tian killed the slave owner Arhan without leaving a piece of him, which was extremely embarrassing.
He had no choice but to dodge and dodge quickly, but under such an attack, it was really impossible to start.
Arhan held his scimitar, facing Meng Tian’s attack, he could only retreat quickly.
Continuing to yell out his throat, Arhan wanted more guards to protect him, so as to prevent his head from falling to the ground.
However, this is not an easy thing to do, and many people come here in one go.
Meng Tian has the mighty aptitude like Ying Changge, he approached quickly, and the sword in his hand was exploiting forcefully.
A sword moved horizontally, and the sword edge was flamboyant, and this 05-like sword pierced Arhan’s body in a blink of an eye.
The embarrassed Arhan had a new scar on his body, the pain was indescribable, and he looked embarrassed.
The cruel and ruthless Arhan never imagined that he would end up like this one day.
He bossed and ordered, criss-crossing the tribe, controlling each and every slave in the palm of his hand.
However, now Meng Tian actually led a group of people to kill him in front of him, and fought hard.
Once upon a time, Arhan would be assassinated! Because no one dares to harm him at all.
Arhan, who possesses supreme power, dominates one side here, and how many people bow down to him.
Even if there are so many people who are willing to shoot, Arhan’s guards will settle down one by one.
Stab out the sword in his hand vigorously, such a sword is going forward mightily.
The domineering and powerful sword is really passionate, and Arhan can hardly resist every offensive move of Meng Tian.
Reluctantly confronting Meng Tian, ​​Arhan swung the scimitar, but his own body was torn open and full of scars.
Seeing this scene, Arhan backed away in fear, fearing that he would die because of it.
It’s useless to have Arhan’s yelling, Meng Tian’s strategy of slamming east and west is very successful.
Because of this, many people avoided this place to fight the fire, and there were not many guards standing beside Arhan.
Arhan, who is alone and helpless, can only try his best to escape, because his guards are really scattered.
However, it is impossible for Meng Tian to let him go, he is always chasing and running with all his strength.
Carrying the edge of the sword, he quickly caught up, and each of his swords slashed down vigorously, hitting Arhan right in the middle.
Arhan’s arm was cut, he didn’t dare to delay, he continued to flee and disappeared in an instant.
Such a figure is not agile, but it is walking with all its strength, Arhan is very desperate.
Still fleeing recklessly, Arhan didn’t stop breathing in order to survive.
Walking like flying, his figure is not stopping, he is still running away quickly, trying his best to avoid Meng Tian’s attacka sword.
Meng Tian is a man of justice, he knows that Arhan is ferocious and brutal, he can be called heartless and ungrateful.
Many people were killed in battle, and there were only a few guards around Arhan, all of whom were restrained by Meng Tian’s men.
This is a rare opportunity, so Arhan must be killed to deal with this slave owner.
As long as this fierce slave owner dies because of this, the slaves will be able to live a good life.
Still impatiently moving forward, the sword in his hand stabbed hard, hitting Arhan’s body.
Every sword is extraordinarily sharp and fast, almost making Arhan completely unable to guard against it.
He was in a hurry and was covered in bruises.
For so many years, Arhan has used his tyranny to exploit the people and slaves to a horrible extent.
Still moving forward quickly, chasing each other, Arhan’s figure panicked and looked extremely embarrassed.
Shuttle through the camp, the only thing he wanted to do was to escape from this place and protect his own safety.
It’s a pity that this is not Arhan’s final decision, because there is a tiger approaching behind him, and that is Meng Tian.
Meng Tian came here with his sword, and always pursued him swiftly. Arhan’s blood remained on his sword.
As long as the sword edge is not dried up, Meng Tian’s sword will be able to drink blood sooner or later if he continues to attack.
With a quick collision, coming with all his heart, Meng Tian’s figure was getting closer and closer to Arhan.
Lifting his own sword and swinging it quickly, the edge of the sword always chased Arhan, never leaving him.
Such a sword is really mighty, but even Arhan doesn’t have any chance to guard against it.
He fled in a panic, but was one step too late, and was stabbed by Meng Tian’s sword again.
hum! The sword edge broke through Arhan’s back, causing him to grin his teeth in pain and fall to the ground.
Almost fell into the tent, at this moment, Arhan rolled over and was about to continue fleeing.
However, the sword in Meng Tian’s hand lay across Arhan’s neck, “Where to run! I think you want to die!”
Raising his head, he glanced at Meng Tian, ​​and then at the sword in his hand, Arhan’s complexion was very pale.
There was no blood, and Arhan was afraid, but he could only stand in a stalemate, not daring to get up.
Chapter 879 Seriously talk about the plan!
Once he raised his neck, Arhan would bump into Meng Tian’s sword by himself, it really shouldn’t be.
Killing Arhan, and then joining Ying Changge’s army, this is what Meng Tian will do next.
“You used to abuse those slaves in every possible way, now you know you were wrong! Your fate is the same as theirs!”
Facing Meng Tian’s scolding, Arhan snorted coldly indifferently, “You are nothing!”
“It turns out that I am compared with a few mere slaves. I am a slave owner and a strong man!”
Shaking his head indifferently, Meng Tian said, “This was not done by a strong man, you are a coward.”
“Cowardly and cowardly, no different from those slaves, you don’t look like a slave owner now.”
With Meng Tian’s ridicule, Arhan naturally shook his head contemptuously, “You underestimate me!”
“Since I’m a slave owner, it’s impossible for me to be like this. My rights are very strong!”
“After you kill me, you won’t be able to escape directly from my territory!” Arhan had the chance to win.

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