Otherwise, if such a guy is allowed to get away with it, the people and slaves will be in dire straits.
Meng Tian’s sword struck, but Arhan was also a powerful man, so he resisted immediately.
The edge of the sword was blocked by the edge of the blade, and there was a ping-pong sound, and then Arhan quickly counterattacked, charging forward with the blade.
The scimitar is very fierce, so the scimitar slashes down on Meng Tian’s head without any restraint.
Swords, swords, weapons entanglement, this kind of confrontation cannot be terminated, and they fell into a fierce battle.
Rapidly rampaging, Meng Tian’s sword moves were extraordinarily fast, and smashed on Arhan’s body in one go.
This kind of sword was very fierce, and it moved quickly, piercing Arhan’s throat.
Meng Tian’s sword moves are very dense, and there is no intention of stopping in a series of sword moves.
Approaching quickly, every sword of Meng Tian caught Arhan by surprise, so he could only retreat again and again.
Gritting his teeth, he looked annoyed. How long ago has Arhan been treated like this!
He continued to resist angrily, each of his swords was still piercing Arhan’s vital points.
Arhan was cruel and ruthless, he exploited the people and slaves very meanly, and squeezed them to his heart’s content.
The people were in dire straits, mourning, if Ying Changge were here, he would definitely help him as much as he could.
Now, it’s Meng Tian’s turn to act for the heavens and bring justice, and he must punish Arhan severely.
Otherwise, letting such a sinful person like Arhan continue to enjoy himself will only make Meng Tian unwilling.
It is impossible for him to let such an evil person continue to make this place a mess!
He and his own warriors are charging quickly, Meng Tian has captured Arhan, making him unable to escape.
Still struggling unremittingly, the scimitar in Arhan’s hand is always fighting bravely and aggressively.
Such a sword is really fierce, the blade always cuts on Arhan’s body, with a menacing aura.
Such a sword is deadly, wishing he could directly chop off Arhan’s head.
However, Arhan is full of strength, and he eats popular food and drinks spicy food every day, so he naturally has a domineering ability.
Facing Meng Tian, ​​Arhan’s scimitar is bloodthirsty, and he is always fighting unremittingly.
The entanglement between you and me, the fierce onslaught, Meng Tian surrendered Arhan here.
Shattered by the impact of the sword, Arhan, whose body was out of balance, fell to his knees on the ground, very embarrassed.
Chapter 876 Let them die to their heart’s content!
If Meng Tian could not be killed, Arhan himself would die, he was very worried.
His eyes widened, his expression was cold and stern, his eyes were full of resentment, “You dare to kill me?”
“Who the hell are you!” Arhan held a scimitar in his hand, “Who ordered you to come here!”
“No matter how many benefits you have suffered, I will give you double! No, triple!”
Facing Arhan’s yelling, Meng Tian smiled indifferently, “You are wrong! I won’t charge any money.”
“Because you are domineering and evil, I must kill you before you can die!”
“I came here voluntarily to do justice for the heavens. It is impossible for you to continue to exploit the people and slaves!”
Hearing Meng Tian’s words, Arhan shook his head resolutely, “Nonsense, a pack of nonsense!”
“Who doesn’t know who I am, Arhan! How dare you offend me like this!”
“Aren’t you looking for your own death!” Arhan scolded, “Someone must have ordered you to come-!”
Arhan felt that no one would take risks for no reason, unless they were fools! But it doesn’t look like Meng Tian.
“When death is imminent, you will know!” Meng Tian shot lightly and continued to chase.
Swinging the sword in his hand vigorously, he couldn’t wait to stab Arhan’s body.
Without any defense on his body, Arhan was naked, just a rough, dark flesh and blood.
Being stabbed by Meng Tian’s sword, blood would naturally flow, Arhan frowned slightly in pain, and immediately backed away.
By constantly dodging and quickly dodging, Arhan was able to survive the dealings with Meng Tian.
Otherwise, once he died, so many beautiful slaves in Arhan’s hands would be wasted.
He held his scimitar, and covered his wound vigilantly with one hand to avoid bleeding.
Bleeding, Alhan won’t give up, he just widened his eyes and stared at each other without changing his face.
“Think clearly! If you offend me, you’re just going to die. You might as well give up as soon as possible!”
“As long as I give you a lot of gold and silver treasures, then you will be able to escape completely!”
Arhan is still persuading Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian, ​​like Ying Changge, is upright.
To punish the evil and promote the good, Meng Tian must let Arhan know the consequences of his mistakes.
He charged swiftly, swiping a sword with such haste as the wind, Arhan couldn’t defend against him.
Unknowingly, Arhan was struck by the sword again, his body was full of new wounds, blood spattered five steps.
With a cold snort, Arhan’s face became even more ferocious, and his eyes were particularly blood red, full of resentment.
Quickly attacking, the blade of the sword flaunted, and in the blink of an eye, the sword pierced Arhan’s chest again.
Not wishing to get hurt again, Arhan could only stand guard in front of him with a scimitar.
The blade is flamboyant, always going down unscrupulously, so Arhan can only defend but not attack.
He completely gave up his offensive stance, otherwise Arhan would just be injured and die.
He cherishes his life like gold, but he doesn’t want to die because of it. Arhan must grasp the last straw.
Meng Tian, ​​in particular, has high abilities and superb swordsmanship, and such a sword always strikes fiercely.
The chattering blade scattered into a light and shadow, almost surrounding Arhan.
Under the impact of the sword’s edge, Arhan’s body was covered with cuts and bruises in an instant.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Under Meng Tian’s series of attacks, Arhan had no way to escape, and he was cut full of sword marks.
Of course Arhan wanted to escape, but he couldn’t escape from Meng Tian’s sword.
If he could, he could run away now and be a deserter, but he has no chance.
Because Meng Tian’s sword is always chasing quickly, stabbing Arhan constantly, the situation is anxious.
This kind of sword is really mighty. Facing such an attack, Arhan was extremely devastated.
0 .. 0
Panting, sweating profusely, blood continued to flow down the wound, it was really sad.
Not wanting to die because of this, Arhan gripped his scimitar tightly, always stalemate against the enemy.
Unable to kill Meng Tian, ​​Arhan can only rely on his own troops and ask the guards to save him as soon as possible.
Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a shame for Arhan to be killed by a group of unknown assassins in his own camp!
He didn’t want to make fun of himself, on his own territory, Arhan had to fight with all his might.
The other guards were fighting against Meng Tian’s men, and the rest hid in the distance to fight the fire in a hurry.
For a while, the situation was tense, and it was impossible to casually clone to rescue it.
Without enough guards to rescue him, Arhan faced Meng Tian, ​​trembling with uncontrollable fear.
With a cold snort, he struck out angrily, raised the sword in his hand, and struck it hard.
The sword’s edge is so mighty, full of impatient attacks, Meng Tian will not stop.
The reason why he brought so many troops is to wipe out the slave owners and let them die to their heart’s content.
Chapter 877 Have a chance to make peace!
Otherwise, let Arhan continue to act arbitrarily, and many slaves will be tortured.
Standing in front of Arhan, the upright and majestic Meng Tian had extremely cold eyes.
“Aren’t you going to catch him with your hands tied up!” Meng Tian’s sword dripped with blood, and there were many scars where Arhan was pierced.
This kind of sword is really mighty, every sword of Meng Tian made Arhan hard to guard against.
Shaking his head in disdain, Arhan yelled, “I can’t possibly die! You are like a mantis!”
“In my camp, with so many guards shooting to their heart’s content, they will be able to catch you all in one go.”
Arhan knew that his “020” troops were very abundant, and with such a sufficient force, he would definitely be able to fight.
It is a pity that there are not many guards around Arhan now, and they have all been scattered.
Meng Tian’s strategy of attacking from east to west was still very subtle, defeating Arhan’s guards one by one.
Without the help of the guards, Arhan, who was fighting alone, could only fight desperately with Meng Tian.
He tried to be courteous before fighting, but Arhan’s strategy was of no use to Meng Tian.
Will not be bribed, will not be deterred, Meng Tian is always doing his best to kill Arhan.
The other guards did not arrive in time, but Arhan saw that Meng Tian had a lot of people.
These people continued to charge, stabbing Arhan’s few guards.
Those people didn’t know who they were, but Arhan could tell that they seemed to be soldiers and horses here.
Is it tribal? Arhan stared intently, trying to guess what Meng Tian was coming from! “stop!”
“What benefits do you want! Tell me! I’ll have a good communication with you!”
Arhan, who is very serious, just wants to have a chance to make peace with Meng Tian.

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