If he continued to sit idly by, perhaps one day Arhan would ride on his own head.
Follow Meng Tian’s words and make a quick decision. Only in this way can you have a chance to kill the evil slave owner.
As long as the slave owner’s strength is broken, Chikov’s own tribe will be very stable by then.
Knowing that he is in a passive situation, Chikov will break the deadlock and cooperate with Meng Tian.
With the strength of his own army, coupled with Meng Tian’s talent as a general, Chikov believed that he had an advantage.
Even if Arhan suffered revenge because of this, for the sake of the tribe, Chikov and the others deserved to die.
After careful discussion between Meng Tian and Chikov, they have already decided to fight Arhan.
As long as 020 is to let Arhan die because of it! Then Chikov was very satisfied with everything. He is ready to move.
“I will lend you my troops!” Chikov walked out solemnly, followed by Meng Tian.
Immediately, Meng Tian saw many warriors gathered in the camp, all of them majestic.
After seeing their appearance, Meng Tian nodded contentedly, “Not bad.”
“Go out like a tiger!” With such a force, it is only natural for Meng Tian to take down the slave owner.
Now that a consensus has been reached with the leader of the Man Luo tribe, Meng Tian must join his forces as one.
With all their gear ready to go, the army can crush Arhan’s power in one go, leaving him dead without a place to bury him.
Chikov handed over this part of the force to Meng Tian.
Meng Tian, ​​who hadn’t reunited with Ying Changge for a while, joined the slave owner’s battle now.
Be sure to kill the slave owner, liberate the slaves and the people here, and let them get out of dire straits.
Chapter 874 The figure is very fast!
Reached a consensus with the Man Luo tribe Chikov, which made Meng Tian’s forces stronger.
Without further ado, the arrow had to be fired, so Meng Tian immediately set off for the slave owner’s territory.
The warriors who lead so many tribes, they all put on weapons and put on leather armor.
Approaching silently, Meng Tian and his party entered the territory smoothly.
Arhan, a wealthy slave owner, has many guards to protect his own safety.
Arhan knew that he had done a lot of evil, so he used so many people to save his life.
If he wanted to assassinate Arhan, the slave owner, Meng Tian couldn’t openly attack from the front.
oneOnce the two armies started a fierce battle, it would not be so easy for Wanjun to kill Arhan.
Ready to go, let the warriors behind him lurk in a low-key manner, Meng Tian thought of a plan to attack the west.
Arhan’s camp was huge, once so many people gathered together, they would form quite a force.
Killing Arhan from such a sea of ​​people will make Meng Tian’s assassination even more difficult.
Patiently dispatching several personnel, Meng Tian divided his life forces into two groups to fight together.
Leading a few elite warriors, they went around and came to the rear of the camp.
This is exactly the opposite position to Arhan’s. The distance is a bit far away, which is suitable for shooting two birds with one stone.
Let so many people bring torches, Meng Tian immediately lit the fire at the rear of the camp.
A single spark can start a prairie fire, and facing the green grass in this place, Meng Tian’s plan of attacking with fire will add fuel to the fire.
The fire continued to burn, crackling, and the small fire immediately became hotter.
Watching the fire splash, Meng Tian hid in the dark again, ready to surround Arhan.
The fire immediately attracted their attention, and Arhan’s guards discovered the danger.
Shouting and yelling, Arhan’s guards came in droves to put out the fire.
As long as the fire is extinguished, there will be no danger at that time, and it is inevitable.
A series of guards surrounded the fire, they were in a hurry, and they looked like they were in a hurry.
Seeing that many Arhan’s guards were attracted to this place, Meng Tian knew that the trick was effective.
He immediately turned around to join his men and horses, and then quickly went to Arhan’s camp.
Meng Tian and so many warriors are attacking quickly, their figures are very fast.
Quiet as a virgin and moving like a rabbit, Meng Tian and his gang quickly approached Arhan’s place in a hurry.
However, after all, this is Arhan’s base camp, and many guards are protecting Arhan’s surroundings.
When Meng Tian and his group came out of nowhere, they had already bumped into many guards.
Arhan’s guards were shocked and immediately prepared to call for help, but Meng Tian took a step faster, raising the knife in his hand and dropping it.
Whoosh! The sword edge immediately slashed at his body, sealing the guard’s throat with a sword, and let him die here.
Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to hide it, everything must be resolved quickly.
Anyway, Meng Tian attracted many guards to another distance.
Arhan’s defense was very weak, facing the charge of Meng Tian and his party, he was powerless to fight back.
Quickly charged, moved forward quickly, and soon, Meng Tian broke into Arhan’s camp.
Arhan was concentrating on dealing with a female slave, when he heard footsteps, he flew into a rage.
“Don’t you know I’m practicing! Get out of here!” Arhan turned his head and looked, his expression changed drastically.
He saw that many people rushed into his tent in one go, and the people who came were not good.
The menacing group blocked him, and Arhan was extremely flustered, so he got up immediately.
Throwing aside the female slave under him, Arhan strode aside and grabbed the scimitar.
The shirtless Arhan was very fierce, he shouted, “‘ 〃 who are you!”
“The one who took your life!” Meng Tian glanced at the lonely female slave, who was covered in bruises.
Every slave here was treated inhumanely because of Arhan’s brutality.
Without any hesitation, he rushed forward quickly, and Meng Tian stabbed Arhan’s chest with his sword.
The edge of the sword was so fierce that in an instant (it was) they all approached Arhan, and the sword directly took his life.
Arhan was flustered and fought quickly, and in the blink of an eye, his sword hit Meng Tian’s sword.
The weapons of the two men were intertwined, and their figures were entangled with each other. Arhan looked at Meng Tian with a lot of people.
With so many people, once they approach, I’m afraid that I will be hacked into pieces and quartered!
Showing a look of resentment, Arhan didn’t want to be outdone, so he could only take a step to avoid the sharp edge.
Meng Tian has a large number of people, so many people, and Arhan is not superhuman, how can he guard against it.
Turning around and cutting through the tent with a knife, Arhan reluctantly rushed out, avoiding Meng Tian and his group.
Chapter 875 Unremitting Fighting!
Leading the warriors, Meng Tian didn’t dare to hesitate, and continued to chase him quickly, trying to kill him.
Yelling, Arhan desperately called for help, “Come on, someone! Come and save my life!”
There are many guards around Arhan, but so many people are not by his side.
Obviously there were a lot of troops, but when Arhan shouted, only a few people came.
“Give it to me!” Arhan immediately yelled at the guards, “You guys are getting impatient!”
Several Arhan’s guards rushed forward in one go, and they surrounded each other in groups.
Charged quickly, the guards wished to kill Meng Tian and his party on the ground, leaving no one behind.
But the people behind Meng Tian were also warriors, and they immediately fought fiercely together.
A big fire burned in the distance, and the ferocious flames continued to expand, forming an even bigger fire.
In such flames, there was almost no chance for the guards to have enough manpower to protect Arhan,
It is necessary to take advantage of this opportunity to fight, so the sword in his hand is waving vigorously.
Continuously chasing and fighting, Meng Tian slashed Arhan’s back with a single sword.
Being hunted down by so many people, Arhan was naturally very terrified, he would never stay where he was.
Still running around non-stop, Arhan was full of energy, and he would not fight fiercely with Meng Tian behind him at all.
he knows, his current guard is very weak, it is impossible to fight against it.
If he can’t kill Meng Tian, ​​then Arhan himself will die! He is greedy for life and afraid of death.
Arhan, who has done all kinds of evil, hasn’t fully enjoyed it yet! He wants to be rich and famous.
In the camp (affa), most of Arhan’s guards went to fight the fire and were not by his side.
Falling into danger, it is easy to die, that’s why Arhan wants to avoid Meng Tian.
But Meng Tian is still rushing up quickly, his figure is like the wind, approaching one after another.
hum! The sword edge swung, and easily hit Arhan on the way, intercepting the opponent.
Reluctantly stopping, Arhan had to stop his steps and could not fight with him.
Otherwise, if he continued to move forward, Arhan would bump into Meng Tian’s sword and hurt himself.
Gritting his teeth, Arhan swung his arm, and the blade immediately hit his body.
Forced to do nothing, Arhan had no choice but to kill Meng Tian first, otherwise he would be injured.
Quickly moving forward with a sword, the blade pierced Arhan’s eyes in the blink of an eye.
This is a cruel and ruthless slave owner, so Meng Tian must kill him slowly and punish him.

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