This situation was broken, and Meng Tian’s arrival seemed to be to help Chikov solve this problem.
Concerned, Chikov didn’t know what to do, but he already said, “Say it!”
“What do you want to do, these people of yours can’t fight against Arhan’s men!”
Meng Tian nodded, “Of course I know this! Because the slave owner must be rich and powerful.”
“He can be arrogant and domineering here, probably because he has a lot of contacts and troops!”
Staring at Chikov helplessly, Meng Tian asked, “Don’t you want peace and stability in the tribe?”
“If you let them oppress your head, your people will become slaves sooner or later.”
“Don’t talk nonsense! He doesn’t dare!” Chikov said.Very proud, “I still have strength!”
“We don’t interfere with each other, and we will never stop each other, or even lead to war.”
“It’s wrong to start a war, I can’t let my brother die for no reason!” and.
Chapter 872 Responding to all calls, slightly better!
Meng Tian shook his head slowly, feeling that this is not a lasting situation, “You are very wrong.”
“If the situation continues to be deadlocked, I’m afraid you will all die because of this, and the entire army will be wiped out!”
“Right now, Arhan’s power is not enough. When he grows stronger, he will kill you with ease!”
Hearing Meng Tian’s warning, Chikov looked calm, but he was thinking carefully.
After pondering for a while, Chikov knew that what Meng Tian said was still very correct, very right.
“You are right, but your suggestion is probably meaningless!” Chikov stood up.
After taking a sip of his wine, “Zero Twenty” Chikov sighed, “What do you want! It’s nothing more than starting a conflict.”
“Either you die or I live. Such a situation will only bring turmoil to my tribe.”
What Chikov said was simply deceiving himself and others, Meng Tian shook his head, “Wrong, wrong, wrong!”
“Do you think it’s a good situation now! Arhan’s people are oppressing the slaves.”
“Not only will it hurt them, but it will also make the people of your tribe even more uneasy.”
“Tell me, you, the leader of the Man Luo tribe, how can you ensure that your place is safe and sound!”
Meng Tian said a lot and was very sincere, which made Chikov think deeply.
After thinking carefully for a while, Chikov looked up at Meng Tian, ​​”You said it lightly!”
“Just ask Arhan’s slaves, or even the people in the tribe, who would not want to resist him!”
“But they don’t have such strength. Fighting against Arhan is nothing more than hitting a stone with a pebble and using a mantis’ arm as a cart!”
It can be seen that Chikov surrendered without a fight. He was very frightened, for fear that his entire army would be wiped out.
But the more you don’t fight, the more you can’t get rid of this situation. Meng Tian is different from Chikov.
He is very masculine and brave. In order to be able to kill the slave owner, he must join forces with Chikov.
“If you and I fight side by side, we will definitely win every battle.” Meng Tian is very sincere.
Moreover, Meng Tian had the chance to win, “You and I have two hands, and it is inevitable to take down the slave owner.”
“This is not a good thing, I don’t agree with fighting and killing!” Chikov still refused.
However, he was dubious, “You have the talent to lead the army? How can you ensure your victory!”
“Because I will be the first to fight, and my men will also charge forward.”
“I can see that you are very brave!” Chikov laughed loudly, “I want to try!”
“I’ve heard about your name, Meng Tian, ​​but I don’t know if you are living in vain!”
Chikov waved, “Go! Come out with me!” He quickly led Meng Tian out.
Arriving in the camp, Chikov yelled, “Come on, gather for me!”
Seeing so many black and large people standing in front of him, Meng Tian looked calm.
He understood that Chikov wanted to try his own skills, so he was naturally fearless.
“Which one of you is slightly better at martial arts, stand up and compete with this general!”
Chikov responded, and quite a few people stood up, shouting and shouting, their blood was surging, and they were very excited.
Meng Tian saw it in his eyes, facing them, he was still full of confidence, “Come on! Let’s go together!”
Such a battle was really exciting, and many warriors of the tribe rushed forward aggressively 0  …
Since it was Meng Tian who uttered wild words, there would be no warriors to show mercy, and they came straight to Meng Tian.
“Take a move from me!” The warriors in the tribe are still charging quickly, they can’t wait to knock Meng Tian down.
However, Meng Tian has been fascinated by Ying Changge’s side, and he has already practiced martial arts, which is really powerful.
He quickly shot out with a fist and hit it hard, already hitting one of the warriors.
Having gone through hundreds of battles, Meng Tian has killed countless enemies on the battlefield, his body is full of murderous aura, he is really brave, like a tiger out of a cage.
Charged at a quick pace, Meng Tian faced several warriors and tried his best to resist.
Punching and kicking, punching to the flesh, the mighty force of each punch hit the warrior’s body.
In a quick fight and a brave move, Meng Tian knocked down several people with ease.
This so-called warrior under Chikov was also powerless to fight back against Meng Tian, ​​and kept falling down.
They retreated steadily, and it was difficult to form a formation. Their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. 5.0 was defeated by Meng Tian just like that.
The aggressive Meng Tian didn’t stop, and continued to wave his fists, fighting chaotically and fiercely with them.
Recklessly walking forward, Meng Tian’s fist was very brave, hitting the bodies of these warriors.
Don’t look like a warrior in the hands of Chikov, but if you really want to siege them all at once, there is no chance of winning.
They are numerous, and the warriors of these tribes are strong, but they cannot fight back.
Meng Tian walked vigorously, his fists were very fierce, leaving afterimages one by one.
Knocking down a warrior with one punch makes Meng Tian invincible, seemingly mighty.
Chapter 873 Fighting to the end, the water is in dire straits!
Chikov saw it, and admired Meng Tian’s skill very much, it was really amazing.
Meng Tian counts one as ten, facing the siege of many warriors, but still fighting back with all his strength.
Turning the tide with their own efforts, they were all defeated by Meng Tian, ​​and they were all in a very embarrassing situation.
In less than a moment, Meng Tian beat them all and defeated them bravely.The soldiers all backed away like this.
Watching Meng Tian defeat all his warriors, Chikov showed a look of admiration.
“Good! It’s really good!” Seeing it with his own eyes, Chikov knew that Meng Tian’s ability was very brave.
If there is such a general to fight, maybe there is a way to wipe out the slave owners!
This is a good way. Since it is done because of this, we must go all out.
Patting his palms, Chikov nodded, “Okay! It’s really amazing, I admire 05 very much.”
“Come in and talk!” Seeing Meng Tian’s ability with his own eyes, Chikov was very relieved.
Sitting down slowly, taking another sip of wine, Chikov asked Meng Tian, ​​”How will you attack the slave master?”
“Lend me your manpower, so that my troops will be sufficient!” Meng Tian vowed.
“At that time, go straight in and attack the slave owner, maybe you can kill him.”
Meng Tian’s strategy is that there is no strategy, and he will be able to wipe out the power of the slave owner in one go.
Hearing Meng Tian’s plan, Chikov felt very headache, “Are you sure you can?”
“Although the troops in your hands are very abundant, you can’t be sure!”
Chikov was worried. He had a lot of soldiers in his hands, but once the war started, there was no turning back.
At that time, it would be a dangerous thing to let myself and Arhan’s forces tear their faces apart.
Everything is the same, there is bound to be something wrong. Chikov did not want to break the stalemate and was in a dilemma.
The difficulty is even more difficult, and I really don’t know what to do. Now Chikov can only look to Meng Tian.
It’s a mule or a horse, take it out for a walk! Chikov waved his hand, “Okay! I will lend you my soldiers!”
“Are you going to lead the army yourself to attack Arhan’s forces! Be careful that you will never return!”
Standing in front of Chikov, Meng Tian nodded calmly, “It’s a matter of course!”
“Since we are all working together to kill the slave owner, it is inevitable.”
“Okay! I’ll trust you just once!” Chikov gave it a go, and was very satisfied.
After hearing his words, Meng Tian was even more satisfied, he felt that he had a chance to win.
Allowing his tribe to be so flustered, many people died because of it, and the slaves were even more humble.
This kind of thing made Chikov swallow his anger for a long time, and he didn’t wish that he would bear the humiliation like this.
Especially in the face of Arhan’s chattering and domineering, Chikov must suppress him.
Cooperating with all his staff, Chikov hoped that Meng Tian could win the battle.
There is no arrow to turn back when you open the bow. Since you want to attack the opponent, you must fight face to face.
For the sake of his own tribe and the safety of the people, Chikov began to cooperate with Meng Tian.
Let your own soldiers and warriors follow Meng Tian, ​​maybe there is still a chance to break the slave owner’s power.
Under Meng Tian’s persuasion, Chikov understood that his situation could not be stalemate.

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