Meng Tian, ​​who was filled with righteous indignation, was ready to shoot, so that he could kill them directly, leaving no one behind.
Otherwise, if he is allowed to continue in this way, the whole people will be exploited.
The mind has been made up, Meng Tian must go to learn about this slave owner, behead him, and leave no one behind.
Chapter 870 Stand up and get off the horse, solemnly!
But relying on his own soldiers and horses, Meng Tian was not sure about attacking the slave owners, he was hitting a stone with an egg.
Dedicated to eliminating harm for the common people, it is impossible for Meng Tian to let the slave owner continue to make public like this.
In this tribe, even other people just turned a blind eye to what the slave master did.
They turned a blind eye to it, because they couldn’t afford to offend Arhan, the slave owner.
Not daring to act rashly, that’s why Arhan was able to go on so recklessly in this tribe’s territory.
People in the Man Luo tribe, do they like Arhan? I’m afraid not necessarily! Meng Tian suddenly had a countermeasure.
As long as you can discuss it carefully with the leader of the Manluo tribe, you might have a chance.
This is a serious matter! The lord of the Man Luo tribe might also be able to agree with Meng Tian’s strategy.
Without further ado, these slaves must be freed, and the slave owner Arhan must be killed.
Therefore, Meng Tian obeyed the guidance of the people and went to the territory of the Manluo tribe to meet the leader.
The army is driving straight in, they are going to the tribe’s stronghold, where 007 is built.
In this wilderness pastoral, it is a relatively decent place to camp.
Meng Tian and his men walked slowly, the journey was neither far nor near, only a few miles away.
At this moment, Meng Tian saw a group of people passing by him, they were only a dozen people.
The sharp-eyed Meng Tian didn’t need to say much, he had already seen that they were slave owners, and they were dressed alike.
They also carried a few female slaves on their horses, but they didn’t know whether they were dead or alive.
Unable to stop, Meng Tian looked back and saw that they had come to a remote place.
Without any hesitation, these few people threw the slave on horseback to the ground.
Watching helplessly, Meng Tian knew that those female slaves in scanty clothes seemed to be dead.
And seeing that there are so many bruises on their bodies, there are all kinds of wounds.
The subordinates of the slave owners threw the slaves on the ground, and then they were about to turn around and leave there.
There is no respect for the dead, and they are not even willing to dig a hole to bury them. It is too much.
Seeing this scene, Meng Tian took the rein and turned back, blocking them in front of them.
“Are you slave owners’ horses?” Meng Tian rode on the horse and shouted loudly, “How about those slaves!”
“None of your business!” These rough guys didn’t care about Meng Tian.
Arrogant and arrogant, they waved their hands, “Don’t block our way, or you will be shot to death!”
It’s still too early to make a move now, it’s really not right to startle the snake easily, Meng Tian held back.
With a helpless cold snort, Meng Tian rode on his horse and passed them, avoiding their figures.
Instead of fighting with them, Meng Tian came to the side of these female slaves, he dismounted from his horse, solemnly.
Seeing their miserable appearance, he quickly ordered several people to come over.
“Bury them well!” (affa) Meng Tian couldn’t bear to look at the appearance of these female slaves.
Suffering from bullying, the scars on her body are still bright red, everywhere on her limbs and body, everywhere.
What kind of treatment and inhuman abuse did such a bruised and bruised slave suffer before!
Slave owners did not treat their subordinates well, but exploited them so harshly and ruthlessly, it was too vicious.
Meng Tian made a serious matter and joined forces with several of his soldiers to bury these female slaves.
It’s not easy being a female slave. She was bullied so much during her lifetime, and she was thrown into the wilderness after her death.
It can be seen that they were all humiliated to death, leaving their clothes incomplete.
The humbleness of life and the pain of death, their deaths made Meng Tian feel very sympathetic, and couldn’t bear to look directly at them.
Let the soldiers work diligently, and quickly buried the bodies of these female slaves.
After digging a hole and burying them all in a remote and quiet place, Meng Tian will feel more at ease.
In this way, the mind to kill the slave owner and liberate the slaves is even more determined!
Ready to move, Meng Tian couldn’t wait, and once again led his men to visit the Man Luo tribe.
The tribal lord is strong and strong, and when the time comes, it must beThere may be many people who can support themselves.
The combination of two swords, the two sides join hands to kill this hateful slave owner, wouldn’t it be easy to catch.
With a determined look in their eyes, they all quickly evacuated and continued to the camp.
If he didn’t know what the slave master did, Meng Tian would have passed such a villain.
The slaves and common people must be rescued and let them escape from this miserable life.
Walking quickly, the whole army hurried on their way in an orderly manner, and soon, Meng Tian arrived at the destination.
The plan to reunite with Ying Changge has been temporarily delayed, and now, Meng Tian has to start important things.
Chapter 871 Let others bully you, stand up and resist!
The fight against crime is urgent, Meng Tian wants to wipe out the entire slave owner’s forces, leaving no one behind.
The camp of the Manluo tribe is very huge, and there seem to be quite a few figures inside, a sea of ​​people.
When Meng Tian led his troops approaching, the people in the camp immediately became alert and shot an arrow.
Whoosh! The arrow shot directly at the foot of Meng Tian’s horse, stopping the advance of Meng Tian and his party.
Meng Tian raised his head, looked at the camp, and immediately shouted, “I need to see the leader of the Manluo tribe!”
“Who are you!” The guard of the walled city shouted loudly, “On the bulletin – your name!”
Hearing what they said, Meng Tian was upright and imposing, “I am General Meng Tian!”
Monty? The people in the camp chattered and immediately went to report to Chikov, the leader of the Manluo tribe.
Chikov is from a remote tribe, and he has only heard of the names of Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Immediately, he stepped out and stood on a high place in the camp. Chikov stared intently at Mengtian’s men and horses.
His face was expressionless, and Chikov scolded in a deep voice, “You can only enter alone!”
“Let your soldiers and horses stay under the camp, otherwise, you will be shot to death!”
After hearing Chikov’s words, Meng Tian nodded calmly, he was fearless, “Okay!”
Since it was my uninvited visit, I had to express my sincerity.
This is a solo trip to Longtan, but Meng Tian didn’t panic at all, he continued to walk up patiently.
He got off his horse and let his soldiers stay outside, while he himself entered the camp.
Meng Tian looked around and listened to all directions, and saw many people guarding this place.
All the guys are very loose, but they are well armed, just lack of training.
Coming in front of Chikov, Meng Tian signaled, “I have something I want to discuss with you.”
“Really!” Chikov nodded lazily, “Come in! Let’s see what kind of words you have.”
Following behind Chikov, Meng Tian saw a dazzling array of things in his tent.
As soon as he came in, there was a strong smell of alcohol. It could be seen that Chikov liked drinking very much.
Standing aside, Meng Tian glanced at Chikov, was ready to speak!
But Chikov did not give Meng Tian this chance, he just poured the wine quickly with a smile on his face.
With a look of tranquility on the rough face, Chikov invited, “Come! Try the milk wine I brewed!”
Meng Tian stepped forward, took a sip slowly, then nodded, “Good wine!”
“If you like it, drink more!” Chikov sat down slowly, “What’s the matter with me!”
“It’s just because of the slave owner’s affairs, you must be anxious about it too!” Meng Tian cut to the chase.
Hearing Meng Tian’s words, Chikov immediately raised his head, “It’s a matter of course!”
“But what do you want!” Chikov asked. “Of course we know what Arhan is doing.”
In this three-acre land, who doesn’t know anyone! They all know each other’s words, deeds and styles.
Chikov was the leader of this tribe, but he couldn’t catch them all and kill Arhan.
You know, Arhan fought against these slaves, exploiting them to his heart’s content, and oppressing the people.
He has known about his ugly behavior for a long time, but Chikov wants to break his power, but it is also wishful thinking.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Arhan is rich and powerful here, and his own abilities are even more brave and cruel.
The cruel slave owner will not have any attitude of showing mercy, but will continue to fight against competition.
Sitting idly by as always, Chikov is also trying to save his own life!
If it weren’t for Chikov’s independence, he wouldn’t have let his tribe develop to such a large scale.
A tacit consensus has already been reached, Chikov and Arhan will not interfere with each other, and will not pay attention to each other.
0 0…….
But today, all of this seems to have completely disrupted the plan because of Meng Tian’s appearance.

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