But Meng Tian ignored them, and these slaves suffered. They were whipped and beaten continuously.
One of the tribe’s savages, clad in animal skins, laughed three times and grabbed a slave.
Pulling the slave in front of him, the guy from the tribe immediately trampled the slave under his feet.
Sitting on the slave, and then continuing to insult him, the tribesmen started peeing.
Rough and savage fellows, one by one, beating the slaves, leaving scars on them.
These guys are in vain, and they continue to bully these slaves in a domineering and ruthless manner.
If Ying Changge was here, he would definitely strike directly and wipe them all out.
Now, facing such a surprising number, Meng Tian will not take the initiative to provoke, he must be calm enough.
Combined with Ying Changge’s two swords, Meng Tian will fight calmly and without fear, and fight hard.
But Meng Tian and Ying Changge traveled separately, and now he only has his own army, which is not very abundant.
Continuing to recuperate peacefully, Meng Tian just watched the people in the tribe continue to commit violence.
Every word and deed is extraordinarily rough, and they treat hard work like they treat evil animals.
Such an attack is useless, so Meng Tian is very regretful that he cannot stand up for the slave at this moment.
Let your own people be on guard, they stand guard here to ensure that they will not be harassed by the tribe.
There are many slaves, but in the eyes of the tribesmen, they are as simple as herding sheep.
One of the slaves got up and wanted to run away, but there was no such opportunity to escape.
Many people were imprisoned for this, and every slave tried to escape, but without success.
One of the bound slaves got up quickly, turned around and ran away, panting.
With a look of sincerity and fear on his face, he continued to flee, and the slaves quickly got rid of these tribesmen.
The slave was panting, and he fled desperately, unable to move his feet flexibly.
Jumping and jumping, he fled quickly. At this time, the slave had already escaped ten steps away.
It seems that his movements are very fast, but it is impossible to block the people of those tribes.
The tribe’s people are armed with weapons, and they are strong and vigorous, and they don’t allow any slaves to escape from their faces.
He immediately raised his hand, drew the arrow, whoosh, the bowstring collapsed, and the arrow hit the slave.
The slave who escaped had no chance at all and was shot directly.
Whoosh, staggering down, the slave yelled in pain, but there was nothing he could do.
It was a pity for Meng Tian to see this scene helplessly, he was really helpless.
The back of the slave was shot through, and the arrow made the slave so painful that he could not speak, but kept twitching.
The blood was sprayed, and the slave had no way to start, and even the last chance of escape was gone.
He staggered and fell to the ground. He bled to death like this, and could not be rescued.
The tribesman who shot the slave was still shouting happily, he was very happy.
A bunch of tribe guys areThey were applauding, they thought it was something to show off.
The slaves were constantly beaten, and they were forced to kneel here, always in a state of humility.
Meng Tian saw it in his eyes, he would not sit idly by, he was aggressive and already full of anger.
It’s just that it’s not suitable to go to war today, Meng Tian is not for himself, but for Ying Changge and the soldiers.
I don’t know if Ying Changge is safe or not, Meng Tian needs to contribute his strength now.
What this tribe is best at is raising cattle and horses, and they have a very rich number of livestock.
In particular, this place is extremely exploited by slave owners, and many guys are living in dire straits.
Meng Tian waited patiently for a while, and when he saw these tribesmen, he took the slaves and continued to leave 007.
These slaves are very miserable, without any chance to break free, they can only obey these tribesmen.
Watching these slaves being taken away, Meng Tian finally put down his weapons.
If Meng Tian hadn’t forcibly endured, he would have killed these people’s necks with his sword.
After resting for a while, Meng Tian felt that even his own army could not continue to fight.
Continuing to fight with the tribe will only make Meng Tian fall into a more difficult battle.
Seeing the figure of the slave walking away, Meng Tian was yelling curses, filled with righteous indignation.
He knew that the slave lords must be arrogant and domineering guys, they were vicious and vicious.
Exploiting the people, selfish, such a tribe is too vicious, and everyone can punish them!
After seeing the slave being taken away, Meng Tian lay down and took a rest patiently.
Can’t wait to join Ying Changge’s army, at this moment, Meng Tian knows that haste makes waste.
Chapter 869 Fight for victory, continue to fight!
Not only because of the insufficient strength of our own troops, but also because of the long distance, it did not happen overnight.
Set up camp here, Meng Tian and his soldiers rested patiently, preparing to rectify well tonight.
During the period, Meng Tian saw many common people, they were all poor and poorly clothed.
In the place controlled by the Man Luo tribe, all the slaves looked like they couldn’t eat enough. They were miserable.
It was so miserable that there was no way to fight back. The end of the common people was no different from that of the slaves. They were very embarrassed.
Meng Tian searched for a few people and questioned them carefully, and he knew that it was very difficult for them.
Their life is very difficult, not only because they do not have enough to eat, but also because they have to pay tribute from time to time.
No matter how many cattle and horses there are in the family, or how much grain, they will always have to pay.
These are all required by the slave owners, so that they can further exploit the people and suck their blood.
Seeing it, Meng Tian condemned what they had done and was very angry.
After waiting patiently for a while, Meng Tian inquired about more things, and some people came here to complain.
The people couldn’t wait to tell, and told Meng Tian about the situation of the Manluo tribe one by one.
Only at this time did Meng Tian understand the details of the Man Luo tribe. They did not do evil for evil.
It’s just because the Man Luo tribe has little contact with other tribes, so they can’t be involved at all.
At this moment, Meng Tian thought of a relatively good strategy to deal with the slave owners.
Since all the slave owners are arrogant and domineering people, why not get rid of them soon!
These guys deserve what they deserve, and Meng Tian must save the people in dire straits.
He couldn’t just watch the slaves being bullied one by one, so he was ready.
As long as they are killed one by one, Meng Tian will be able to free those poor slaves.
Desperate to go his own way, it is inevitable to win, Meng Tian began to think day and night, to fight against the murderous slave owner.
Exploiting his slaves, what slave owners did was really abhorrent.
He was full of righteousness and righteous indignation, so Meng wanted to find a better way.
From the mouths of the people, Meng Tian knew the detailed information of the slave owners here.
The slave owner has been doing this slave business for decades, and he is a ruthless person.
His name is Arhan, and he is a greedy guy who has an eye for money and disregards human life.
It is precisely because of the slave owner’s inaction that this place has become extraordinarily barren.
It was a sad cry, the slaves had no life, they were played by Arhan in the palm of their hands, and they could not survive.
When Meng Tian listened carefully to the complaints of the people, there was also a storm in Arhan’s camp.
Because Arhan was celebrating, today, he sold two hundred and fifty slaves, which was a windfall.
Overwhelmed with joy, Arhan gathered many of his subordinates, drank and ate meat, and danced to his heart’s content.
This is a forest of wine and meat, and nothing can stop him from celebrating, which is unexpected.
A lot of people gathered together, and they were all cheering and cheering, having fun and making noise.
Arhan had a white beard, but his face was extraordinarily indifferent, revealing a vicious air of prey.
Even after being so noisy, Arhan still looked absent-minded, because he had one thing on his mind.
Among the many slaves abducted and sold today, there was a pretty one, which made Arhan very excited.
So he got up immediately, left the lively party, and went to the dungeon.
The dungeon is very spacious, and there are many slaves who are imprisoned together, and there is no way to escape.
Arhan strode forward in a hurry, and immediately opened one of the dungeons.
Inside lay a few ragged female slaves, all of whom looked very miserable.
With a contemptuous smile, he walked up quickly, and then Arhan grabbed one of them.a female slave.
Immediately pulling her out, Arhan couldn’t wait to take off his pants.
Arhan, who does all kinds of evil, is not afraid at all, he is the king here, and no one dares to disobey him.
In the continuous tugging, Arhan immediately took the female slave to the wilderness.
Arhan smiled brightly, and immediately pressed the female slave under his body.
Just as Ah (the Zhao) Erhan was acting recklessly, Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge’s subordinate, was already ready to go.
Meng Tian has made up his mind that he must behead Arhan and knock the mountain to shake the tiger.
He failed to rendezvous with Ying Changge, but Meng Tian saw the common people and slaves being oppressed.
It’s really too much, these slave owners are arrogant and domineering one by one, which makes people really hate it.

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