Meng Tian took the lead, and his troops were quickly withdrawing, leading Zhao Lixin to a more dangerous place.
As long as they can escape from the vast territory, Zhao Lixin’s army will not be so easy to hunt down.
The army continued to escape in front, and there were almost no soldiers behind them who could chase up and kill them.
With one of his elite cavalry, he was able to distract most of Zhao Lixin’s troops, which was a great success.
Meng Tian kept the food and grass, and also ensured that the horses would not be plundered by Zhao Lixin’s army, so they were very safe.
After repelling Zhao Lixin, leaving his army behind in a hurry, Meng Tian charged first.
He and his soldiers and horses charged with all their strength, and soon, Meng Tian got rid of Zhao Lixin who was behind him.
Even Zhao Lixin’s men couldn’t catch up with him, so Meng Tian continued to retreat, moving forward with the soldiers.
The desperate Zhao Lixin continued to chase, but his army was exhausted.
There were hardly many people who could quickly catch up with Meng Tian, ​​and Meng Tian quickly disappeared without a trace.
Meng Tian didn’t need to pay attention to the army behind him, he was just planning his retreat and strategy, and retreated safely.
Finally getting rid of Zhao Lixin with ease, Meng Tian and his men prepared to take a detour to meet Ying Changgeconfluence.
After running for a few miles, Meng Tian soon saw a narrow terrain and came to the canyon.
Looking carefully at the handwriting, Meng Tian knew where this place was.
Donghao Canyon is a remote place, and there is hardly any trace of Zhao Lixin.
After getting rid of Zhao Lixin’s army, Meng Tian and his soldiers were very safe.
He stopped with his own army and looked back, but Meng Tian didn’t see any pursuers.
Even though his army was charging with all its strength, Zhao Lixin was still chasing aggressively.
But soon, he lost any road, and he lost the trace of Meng Tian in front of his eyes.
This made him very annoyed, and Zhao Lixin was resentful, but he continued to follow Meng Tian’s signs persistently.
However, Meng Tian successfully shuttled into the canyon, and they were very unfamiliar with this place.
I don’t know where it is, but they will continue to move forward, looking for a way.
As long as he finds a way to leave, Meng Tian will join Ying Changge’s army.
After finally getting rid of Zhao Lixin, Meng Tian must cherish this opportunity.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
This place is barren, there is no impregnable city, but there are many fields.
Meng Tian watched all directions with his eyes and listened to all directions, shuttled through the canyon to avoid any sneak attack.
The army was walking vigorously, but they slowed down their journey, no longer fast.
Slowing down, the soldiers continued to go under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​and saw a lot of vegetation.
This place is deserted and uninhabited, it doesn’t look like a place with people, Meng Tian can only continue to move forward.
0 0…….
They need a place with supplies, preferably a soothing rest, and then get ready to go.
Otherwise, so many soldiers will be delayed, which is not a good thing.
Patiently continuing on the road, Meng Tian saw a lot of people, which seemed to be people’s footprints, suitable for staying.
After inquiring carefully, Meng Tian soon found out that this place was the Manluo tribe.
Since he has penetrated into the tribe, he must abide by the rules of the other party, Meng Tian does not want to startle the snake.
Finally found a camp, Meng Tian immediately rested here to put the whole army on alert.
Don’t beware that Zhao Lixin’s army will catch up and attack them, so they are extra calm and need to concentrate.
All the soldiers are conscientious, and they are entrenched here, hoping to protect their own army.
The general army gathered here, and Meng Tian let them have no flaws, forming a large defensive formation.
As long as there are any enemies who want to invade this place, they will be discovered by soldiers and alert Meng Tian.
The road to rendezvous with Ying Changge is far away. At this moment, it is not so simple for him to leave and…
Chapter 867 New discovery, the key road!
Only by finding a key way out and finding Ying Changge, Meng Tian was able to deliver the grain and horses.
After the great battle, the soldiers under Meng Tian’s command were extremely tired, they must have a good rest.
Closing his eyes and recuperating, he would not even take off his armor, Meng Tian just sat and recuperated like this.
Replenish your energy and let your soldiers stand guard day and night, so that they will not be attacked by Zhao Lixin’s army.
The daring Zhao Lixin is still chasing and killing Meng Tian. Could it be that he has forgotten that Meng Tian is Ying Changge’s general!
If they confronted Ying Changge, there would be almost no good end, they would definitely die.
As long as “Zero Zero Seven” charged in one go, Meng Tian would be able to break through the encirclement and return to Ying Changge’s side.
However, after coming to this Man Luo tribe, it is not so simple for Meng Tian to want to leave.
He had to overcome all kinds of difficulties, let Zhao Lixin back out of difficulties, and make Ying Changge’s army strong and strong.
After resting in this tribe’s camp for a while, Meng Tian saw a group of people passing by.
This is a group of people escorting slaves. They brought weapons and took the slaves farther away.
Seeing so many people passing by in front of him, Meng Tian sighed, feeling filled with emotion.
He didn’t know what to do, but Meng Tian didn’t like to intervene, he didn’t want to set off a battle and bloody storm.
Because once it is reckless and hasty, it will make your soldiers fight fiercely.
Having just gone through a big battle, Meng Tian didn’t want to put himself in a more dangerous situation.
No matter how many troops Zhao Lixin had, at least for now, Meng Tian still got rid of them.
Now, Meng Tian has seen the tribes escorting the slaves, they are all in groups and have a lot of background.
Once the fierce battles with these tribesmen started, it would not be easy for Meng Tian to get out of such a predicament.
He was very sensible, just watched all this in silence, watching the slaves pass by in groups.
So many slaves are very miserable, they are very embarrassed, they can only obey orders.
If Meng Tian had a strong army, now he would wipe out all the tribes that escorted the slaves.
It’s a pity that this is someone else’s slave, it’s not up to Meng Tian, ​​he can only wait patiently.
Waiting and watching, Meng Tian wanted to recuperate, and then continue to join Ying Changge’s army.
People from these tribes also traveled long distances. They worked very hard and planned to take a rest.
They were far away from Meng Tian’s troops, and the people of these tribes stayed not far away patiently.
These tribes are not trying to cause strife, they are controlling their slaves to bring them all to their knees.
These bound slaves knelt down on the ground, very delicate and pitiful in front of Meng Tian.
It is impossible to see how many of these slaves there are, but Meng Tian knows that this is a huge area.
so many guysThere were countless of them, and each of them looked starved, looking really weak.
Sitting cross-legged on the spot, Meng Tian put one hand on the edge of his sword, ready to attack at any moment.
Especially seeing that the guys from these tribes are still eyeing him, it is even more dangerous.
Afraid that they would attack in groups, Meng Tian would concentrate on guarding and wait patiently.
Meng Tian’s army continued to be on guard, so many people were still on guard.
The members of the tribe are all menacing, wishing to cut the slaves to pieces 0  …
Fortunately, they are all elite soldiers, and many soldiers are still on guard.
For the time being, the tribesmen did not take any offense, they were just teaching their slaves a lesson.
None of the slaves seemed to be able to move around because they hadn’t eaten for a long time and were starving.
Many people were extremely weak. They fell to their knees, begged for mercy, and struggled.
Meng Tian doesn’t care about these, the most important thing for him is to take good care of his soldiers, which is very important.
Once it is time for his army to fight fiercely again, Meng Tian is not sure that he can kill them.
Patiently staying here, Meng Tian lowered his head, as if closing his eyes and resting his mind, actually he didn’t think so.
He watched all directions and listened to all directions, paying attention to every move of these slaves, Meng Tian was ready to go.
The most important thing for him is to reunite with Ying Changge, and other things are out of his will.
This is not a good thing to measure, because Meng Tian does not want to encounter other dangers.
5.0 stared straight at the surroundings, and Meng Tian saw the slaves being beaten, struggling and crying.
It is too cruel! Meng Tian who frowned slightly was very displeased, everyone was human!
Whether it is a slave or not, it is a living life, but now it is so humble.
The people of these tribes are very cruel, they are constantly whipping the slaves, using knives, guns and sticks together.
“Rest!” Meng Tian sighed, it is impossible for him to initiate an attack now!
Although Meng Tian really wants to shout out when Lu Jian is injustice, but he has to take care of the overall situation, he is not alone.
Chapter 868 Haste makes waste, come slowly!
Not only because of the strength behind Meng Tian, ​​but also because he wanted to pay attention to Ying Changge’s plan.
Ying Changge’s itinerary cannot be delayed, any change will delay the crisis on the battlefield.

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