When two people are riding on the same horse, the speed of the fight between you and me is even more dexterous, making it hard to guard against.
Meng Tian lowered his head, exerted force on his neck, and bumped his head against Zhao Lixin’s chest.
Feeling that his chest was heavy, Zhao Lixin was immediately knocked out by Meng Tian and fell off his horse.
Standing staggeringly on the ground, before he could stabilize his body, Zhao Lixin was injured again.
Meng Tian, ​​who was riding a horse, was not to be outdone, and the sword in his hand cut Zhao Lixin’s back.
Covered with scars, Zhao Lixin yelled in pain, and fell to the ground.
Ended up in the posture of a dog eating shit, Zhao Lixin ate a mouthful of dust, looking very embarrassed.
Immediately got up, turning his head angrily, he shot out angrily, and continued to drag Meng Tian.
Riding on the horse, calm and calm, Meng Tian easily swung the sword in his hand.
hum! When the sword edge hit, Zhao Lixin felt a slight pain in his arm, and he lost the strength to hold the sword.
With a cold snort indifferently, Zhao Lixin immediately backed away and ran away quickly, trying to avoid Meng Tian.
But Meng Tian would not give up, he continued to approach Zhao Lixin on horseback, and circled around Zhao Lixin.
Seeing Zhao Lixin’s terrified expression, Meng Tian was sure of winning, and took his time.
Still entangled with him patiently, the sword in his hand came down fiercely and chopped on Zhao Lixin’s head.
He almost chopped off Zhao Lixin’s head, but the opponent’s ability to escape was first-rate.
Even if he was scratched by Meng Tian’s sword, he still continued to retreat, and he would not act recklessly at all.
Different from Zhao Yiming, Zhao Lixin is much more rational and would not be killed so simply by Meng Tian.
Leading his own army to trap Meng Tian, ​​how could Zhao Lixin let them escape!
Impossible, so a group of people are still charging quickly, and they attack recklessly.
He showed his aura and fought swiftly and fiercely. Many people died because of this, and the soldiers fell to the ground.
Meng Tian and Zhao Lixin’s army continued to charge forward, and they had an unusual offensive.
But whenever there is any embarrassment, Meng Tian will resist with his soldiers, exactly the same as Ying Changge.
Ying Changge is a very good general, and Meng Tian is by his side, constantly striving for perfection.
The existence of the army is not to kill, but to stop bloodshed and riots, Meng Tian deeply believes.
Especially when they are always chasing eagerly, the strength of the army has been consumed a lot.
There is no chance to turn defeat into victory, Zhao Lixin will only be tortured by Meng Tian’s sword, and his wounds will be covered with blood and blood.
After several rounds of close attack, Zhao Lixin was knocked down by Meng Tian, ​​and he was in a panic.
But caught in a difficult battle, Zhao Lixin is still fearless, he must arrest Meng Tianqi.
Killing Meng Tian and causing Ying Changge’s army to suffer heavy losses is what Zhao Lixin has to do.
They were all marching bravely. Zhao Lixin would not surrender until all the soldiers died. He continued to fight.
The sword in his hand was still slashing down fiercely, each sword had extra power.
Meng Tian, ​​who was not in a hurry, continued to confront, the sword in his hand stabbed down quickly, and went all out.
Ping-pong-pong, sword strikes, they were very embarrassed after a few rounds of back and forth.
With the fierce non-stop fighting, Zhao Lixin soon felt exhausted.
Chapter 865 Win this battle in one go!
He was out of breath, but his eyes were still wide open, and he continued to catch up with Meng Tian in one go.
Different from Zhao Lixin, Meng Tian was much calmer and more relaxed, his eyes were calm, and he continued to attack with his sword.
Every sword is accurate, very dexterous, and extremely powerful, and hits in a hurry.
This kind of sword made people completely defenseless, fell down directly, and Zhao Lixin was injured.
Looking down at his bleeding arm, Zhao Lixin had a grim face, “Fuck it!”
With Zhao Lixin’s shout, more and more people are still quickly surrounding Meng Tian.
No matter where Meng Tian flees to, he will always be hunted down by Zhao Lixin’s army, it really shouldn’t be.
He wants to get out of here.
Meng Tian wanted to join Ying Changge, that was the only thing he should do.
Otherwise, with so many people chattering, when will Meng Tian be able to fight to the end.
There was a huge army, all of which were Zhao Lixin’s men, and they galloped towards them.
Looking at them calmly and calmly, Meng Tian was ready to retreat.
It is not appropriate for him to entangle with Zhao Lixin, Meng Tian always retreats in spite of difficulties, he has to take care of the overall situation.
If it was just a hasty charge, it would be the most stupid act that wiped out the entire army.
The movements of the soldiers were all under Zhao Lixin’s control, they stepped forward one after another, moving aggressively.
Many soldiers charged unswervingly, trying to intercept all of Meng Tian’s army and trap them.
It’s a pity that under such a battle, almost no one can stop Zhao Lixin’s soldiers.
Groups of soldiers came in one go, (affa) their momentum is really brave.
Unexpected attacks always come in mighty force, Meng TianMany soldiers were defeated because of this.
Seeing that the armies of both sides were still confronting quickly, Meng Tian wanted to block Zhao Lixin’s charge.
Raising his own sword, Zhao Lixin stood in front of him, barely blocking Meng Tian’s sword.
Meng Tian’s sword, which was bound to win, was so powerful that it almost hit Zhao Lixin’s figure staggeringly.
With a disdainful smile, Zhao Lixin gritted his teeth, “I’m going to kill you! Let you know how powerful I am!”
He is still attacking quickly, and will not retreat in the face of evil killing, but will continue to attack forward as usual.
The sword in his hand was swinging chaotically, it seemed that Zhao Lixin was powerless to fight.
Meng Tian would not fall for the trick, he could see that Zhao Lixin seemed to be a scheme to wait for the rabbit.
Once he rushed up by himself, he would be beaten all over his body easily and be at a loss what to do.
Staring at Zhao Lixin intently, Meng Tian turned and mounted his horse without any surprise, “The whole army retreats!”
Seeing that Meng Tian didn’t fall for the trick, Zhao Lixin became even more annoyed, and he quickly chased after him.
But his horse has already fled away, and now Zhao Lixin only has this horse under Meng Tian’s crotch.
Meng Tian wanted to fight Ying Changge quickly, but he didn’t care about Zhao Lixin’s siege.
Zhao Lixin and his gang are mobs, if Meng Tian goes all out, he can kill them.
It’s just that this will delay Meng Tian’s itinerary, so that his food and horses cannot be guaranteed.
Walking recklessly, Zhao Lixin tried his best to wield his weapon. The sword was too fierce.
The sword edge came roaring, almost touching Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian dodged in time.
He was riding on a horse, his figure turned around, and the sword in his hand was waving at the edge of Zhao Lixin’s sword.
The two figures collided, causing the swords to collide, and neither could kill the other.
Zhao Lixin, who is bound to win, must complete his task, because that will be the easiest thing.
If even a mere Meng Tian couldn’t be killed, how could Zhao Lixin follow Zhao Yiming to fight against Ying Changge!
Ying Changge was not here, his army came without any support, and had no chance to help Meng Tian.
Meng Tian can only rely on his own efforts, he and his soldiers are doing their best to fight.
Even if he was surrounded by Zhao Lixin’s army, Meng Tian easily blazed a path.
Leaving quickly, turning around and fleeing on horseback, Meng Tian and his soldiers all retreated at the same time.
Seeing Meng Tian’s disappearing figure, Zhao Lixin certainly couldn’t give up, so he chased after him.
A group of people are still moving forward quickly, they put out their own efforts, and are chasing in one go.
Wandering quickly, a group of people are still chasing each other, they are aggressive, and there is a big crowd.
So many people always come from behind aggressively, but Meng Tian always goes ahead quickly.
Ignoring Zhao Lixin’s pursuit behind him, Meng Tian was calm and unhurried, and would not be frightened by Zhao Lixin’s men at all.
This is not escaping, Meng Tian is just using tactics to act, soldiers are not tired of deceit on the battlefield, he knows it well.
Under Zhao Lixin’s pursuit, Meng Tian had no choice, he just wanted to continue to charge and avoid the enemy.
Chapter 866 Must obey the opponent’s rules!
He clearly knew that Zhao Lixin was coming for him, so Meng Tian only needed to keep moving.
Changing directions constantly, Meng Tian had to escort the food and grass to reach Ying Changge’s place safely.
Otherwise, despite Zhao Lixin’s mob behind him, he will be trapped sooner or later! This is especially inappropriate.
In the previous battle with Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Lixin knew that the opponent’s swordsmanship was strong, and it was difficult for him to escape.
Now, Zhao Lixin understands that it is useless to rely on his own actions, this is not the time to be a hero.
Together with his soldiers, he continued to sprint, so that Zhao Lixin had a chance to take down Meng Tian.
This is Zhao Yiming’s order to himself, and Zhao Lixin must carry it out seriously.
He felt fear in his heart, fear of Meng Tian’s ability to lead the army, and the shock of Ying Changge, Zhao Lixin was very flustered.
Because once it is impossible to kill Meng Tian, ​​maybe Ying Changge’s army will come.
I hope that I can make a quick decision, Zhao Lixin’s army is always moving forward, chasing Meng Tian.

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