Like a wave, Zhao Lixin’s army rushed to Meng Tian’s back in a hurry.
There is no escape, a battle of life and death, this kind of offensive is extraordinarily ferocious, it can be called invincible.
The army came down mightily, surrounded Meng Tian in an orderly manner.
Although there was still a way out to leave, he didn’t have any chance to confront and attack.
Seeing that the army is coming behind him, even if Meng Tian retreats, it is not an option.
He could only continue to fight side by side with his own cavalry, and all the people swarmed forward.
Chapter 859 Draw the sword out of its sheath, shout loudly!
The sword was drawn out of its sheath, and the shouts shook the sky. The charge of the two armies set off a bloody frenzy.
Ping pong pong, the blades collided together, Meng Tian turned around to fight, riding on the horse, quickly back and forth.
The attack and swift battle of each other, Meng Tian leading the army like Ying Changge’s strategy are exactly the same.
No matter how many enemies there are, they must continue to charge and fight rampantly in one go.
Even if he is blocked by so many people, Meng Tian will continue to charge forward.
Taking out his own prestige, Meng Tian vowed to fight the enemy together with the soldiers and advance and retreat together.
Now, with so many guys coming, Zhao Lixin and his troops blocked Meng Tian’s way.
The big deal is to fight to the death, there is nothing to be afraid of! They immediately attacked aggressively.
Following Meng Tian to charge into battle, many people died because of this, and died under Meng Tian’s sword.
But more people are still chasing and killing Meng Tian in one go, trying to take him from the horse.
Zhao Lixin was still charging quickly, and together with his own cavalry, he went to attack Meng Tian with great fanfare.
His own archery was useless in front of Zhao Lixin, which made him have to fight close to him.
Raising his own sword edge, he slashed vigorously, and he slashed on Meng Tian’s back, in a hurry.
Such a sword is really brave, so Meng Tian quickly dodges, avoiding the sword to his heart’s content.
hum! After brushing past Zhao Lixin’s sword, Meng Tian immediately counterattacked and swung his own sword.
In the aggressive attack, Zhao Lixin had a murderous look on his face, and his face was full of madness.
In order to kill Meng Tian quickly, Zhao Lixin used all his skills.
Let your own army come in one go, and a lot of troops are surrounding Meng Tian.
Even so, Meng Tian was not in a hurry, he was a seasoned general and he was not afraid of casualties.
As long as he leads the army like a god, then Meng Tian will be able to escape from Zhao Lixin’s encirclement.
But after they fell into such a struggle, few people could block such an offensive.
The soldiers were all making a fuss quickly, rushing together, impatiently waving their hands to attack.
Moving forward as always, Zhao Lixin and his men blocked the water surrounded by Meng Tian.
If possible, Zhao Lixin will now take his head to Zhao Yiming to receive the reward.
After founding and making military achievements, Zhao Lixin will naturally be able to make a fortune, get promoted and make a fortune.
It’s a pity that Zhao Lixin still couldn’t kill Meng Tian, ​​because there were so many troops.
So many men and horses moved forward in one go, and the place was full of swords, lights and swords.
The crowd was crowded, and a large group of people were trapped in a situation where they could not break free.
Holding the sword in his hand and striking quickly, Meng Tian’s sword beat Zhao Lixin so much that he was sweating profusely.
Concentrating on fighting, the weapons in Zhao Lixin’s hands intertwined with Meng Tian’s and collided with each other.
The back-and-forth offensive was fierce, and Zhao Lixin’s arms were shaking from the shock.
His wrist was sore, Zhao Lixin couldn’t hold his sword, and Meng Tian continued to hit him bravely.
With a crisp ping-pong sound, Zhao Lixin was riding on the horse, but the weapon in his hand fell to the ground.
In the fierce battle between the two armies, the most important thing is the hard work of the generals. They must fight hard evenly.
But now, Zhao Lixin was hit by Meng Tian’s sword, and the weapon protruded from his hand.
He couldn’t hold it in time, and the sword in his hand fell because of this, which was really shameless.
As an upright general, Zhao Lixin couldn’t even hold his own weapons.
Losing all face, Zhao Lixin became angry from embarrassment, his face was full of resentment, and he tried to continue the attack.
Impatiently, he quickly approached and swung his sword.
You fought against each other, fierce confrontation, the sword in Meng Tian’s hand scratched Zhao Lixin.
Zhao Lixin was injured, taking advantage of this opportunity, Meng Tian continued to retreat with his troops.
Because Zhao Lixin’s soldiers and horses are more abundant, it is really difficult to support such a large number of troops.
Zhao Lixin was stabbed with a sword, the most important thing is for Meng Tian to join Ying Changge quickly.
Zhao Lixin ignored his injuries, he continued to chase and kill Meng Tian, ​​and he was bound to win.
Leading his own soldiers continued to chatter away, Zhao Lixin’s men were extremely arrogant.
Unhurried, Meng Tian retreated quickly, and escaped with his men from the pursuit of the army.
For Zhao) Zhao Lixin’s premeditated scheme, Meng Tian was well aware of what they wanted to do.
Nothing more than intending to kill himself! It is impossible for Meng Tian to die here with his own army!
Divide into two groups! This is the only strategy! Meng Tian wants to ensure the safety of food and horses.
Continue to be patient and disperse with his own army, while Meng Tian himself is going to attract Zhao Lixin’s attention.
Following Zhao Yiming’s order, Zhao Lixin came all the way, just to kill himself!
Ying Changge and Meng Tian split into two groups, so Zhao Yiming naturally came for him. He has long been used to it.
To protect so many troops, Meng Tian will not be buried here with his thousands of troops.
Chapter 860 Combination of Soldiers and Horses, Overlapping Quickly!
The brave and fearless Meng Tianyi was so bold that he separated from his own army and retreated completely.
Watching the army retreat, Zhao Lixin ignored those remnants and defeated generals, but only paid attention to Zhao Lixin.
There was an order early on that Zhao Yiming only needed Meng Tian’s head, or his whole body.
Zhao Lixin obeyed Zhao Yiming’s order, raised his sword and was about to kill Meng Tian.
It’s a pity that Meng Tian fled too quickly, and their figures immediately disappeared in front of Zhao Lixin.
How could it be possible for Meng Tian to escape! Zhao Lixin raised his hand and shouted, “Give it to me!”
“I can’t let Meng Tian escape from me, anyone who chases him will be killed!”
Riding on the horse, Zhao Lixin yelled loudly, but he really ignored Meng Tian’s other soldiers.
When Meng Tian and his army dispersed, Meng Tian chose a path to retreat.
007 does not want to sacrifice fearlessly, but to preserve all his troops, which is particularly important.
He chose a small group of people to go with him, and Meng Tian chose elite cavalry.
It is only necessary to hunt down Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Lixin only needs his head, that’s all, without exception.
So the army is still impatient to move forward, Zhao Lixin and his men are going all out to chase.
Both armies and horses were still chasing quickly, and they circled each other, refusing to leave any traces.
Because there are not many people led by Meng Tian now, it is impossible for him to fight Zhao Lixin.
Facing the enemy head-on and charging with his troops, Zhao Lixin will definitely kill Meng Tian in one go.
You can’t act recklessly. At this time, Meng Tian must avoid the invasion of Zhao Lixin’s army as soon as possible.
He and his own elite cavalry are still escaping quickly. This is Meng Tian’s tactic to slow down the troops and get out of the predicament.
As the so-called thirty-six tactics are the best strategy, if Meng Tian gets entangled with Zhao Lixin, his life and death will be unknown.
A large number of people are still chattering and chasing, but they can’t get close to Meng Tian.
Meng Tian was able to avoid Zhao Lixin because his soldiers were well-trained.
After getting enough distance from Zhao Lixin’s pursuers, Meng Tian was about to join Ying Changge.
The most important thing to do now is to get rid of Zhao Lixin, so as to protect the food, grass and horses.
Meng Tian didn’t want to get hurt, nor did he want to see his soldiers die in battle.
Therefore, they all rushed forward in one go, and they couldn’t wait to go to the distance, speeding up.
Even with Zhao Lixin’s troops chasing after him, Meng Tian could not be killed in a short time.
Meng Tian rushed forward with his soldiers in one go, and gradually left Zhao Lixin behind.
Even if Zhao Lixin and his men approached aggressively, they caught up directly.
All of them ran to their heart’s content, bumping on their horses, and their figures were all the same.
Not wanting to lose Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Lixin widened his eyes and asked his cavalry to continue chasing.
A series of cavalry came on horseback, they couldn’t wait to go, and quickly followed Meng Tian’s army.
With so many people, few of them can be killed casually, because they are far apart.
Zhao Lixin is eager for merit, and he wants Meng Tian’s head to go to Zhao Yiming to receive a reward for meritorious service.
Ying Changge wanted to eliminate Zhao Yiming, the rebel army, so he continued to kill with endless chatter.
However, such people are always insidious and cunning, and they cannot be easily wiped out in one fell swoop.

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