When Zhao Yiming sent his own army to attack, Meng Tian could only temporarily fall into battle.
When surrounded by Zhao Lixin’s army, Meng Tian still broke through the encirclement and continued to attack fiercely.
The archers behind them all shot dense arrows, causing many casualties to Zhao Lixin’s soldiers.
But just in such a state, it will not stop Zhao Lixin’s army from moving forward, he is still going all out.
Dashing forward bravely, Zhao Lixin rode his horse and continued to circle Meng Tian’s side, stabbing straight with his sword.
A sword with a mighty “Zero Zero Seven” attack emerges endlessly, trying to kill Meng Tian, ​​and seeing blood seal his throat.
Immersed in fighting and fighting all year round, Meng Tian’s ability was not developed overnight.
His martial arts are superb, and his swordsmanship is brave. He fought fiercely with Zhao Lixin, and he was not at a disadvantage at all.
Riding on a horse, you fight against each other, and the swords of the two collided with each other, sparking a little.
Evenly matched, confronted vigorously, Zhao Lixin’s soldiers did not sit idle, and continued to kill.
Meng Tian’s soldiers and horses did not stop, but were impatiently counterattacking, giving them heavy blows.
The army came aggressively, forming a rare situation.
Both you and I are fighting to our heart’s content, who will fight for the front? Meng Tian’s army left in one go.
With swords and swords, the situation was chaotic, and Zhao Lixin, who broke out halfway, had already prepared for a long time.
Zhao Lixin came prepared, he did not pay attention to martial arts to attack Meng Tian’s army.
Fortunately, Meng Tian is an experienced general, he calmly let the army counterattack.
With so many people fighting with all their might, the battlefield is full of enemy troops.
Having already figured out Meng Tian’s movements, Zhao Lixin caught Ying Changge’s trace from the slave owner.
Following Zhao Yiming’s order, Zhao Lixin never fought unprepared battles, he planned his strategies well.
Let the army still attack to their heart’s content, and many people broke through Meng Tian’s formation.
Seeing that his soldiers and horses were damaged, Meng Tian gritted his teeth, but insisted on fighting.
Holding his own sword, he rode on a horse and continued to fight against Zhao Lixin, fighting persistently.
The armies are all rampant with all their strength, and their manpower is abundant, and they can always defeat each other.
Not only because he was ordered to kill Meng Tian, ​​but also because Zhao Yiming planned to take revenge deliberately.
Their troops were exceptionally strong, and Zhao Yiming was extremely serious about building their own defense line at the mouth of the river.
He didn’t want himself to escape frequently, Zhao Yiming had to fight back and catch them all.
Unable to control the situation, Meng Tian’s army fell into a fierce battle, blood spraying.
Rivers of blood flowed, corpses littered the field, both Zhao Lixin and Meng Tian suffered casualties, and soldiers died in battle.
Meng Tian was not afraid of his own death, but he was afraid that his army would die in vain.
Fighting only for himself, regardless of the life and death of soldiers, this is not a good general.
Therefore, when he saw many armies coming, Meng Tian would not escape.
He always fights side by side with the soldiers. If the soldiers don’t retreat, it is impossible for Zhao Lixin to retreat.
The only solution is to kill Zhao Lixin and let them allThe army was wiped out and died in battle.
It’s a pity that so many troops are coming in continuously, making it impossible for Meng Tian’s soldiers to fight back.  …
The army was no longer superior in number, and some of Meng Tian’s soldiers and horses were used to escort food and horses.
Then there are really few soldiers left who can attack.
Meng Tian knew that the consequences would be very serious, and his troops were far inferior to Zhao Lixin’s.
He made many troops continue to follow up, eager to resist Zhao Lixin.
Zhao Lixin’s army was sprinting with one heart and one mind, and their figures were in groups, united as one.
The army came and went to confront each other, and on the battlefield, the soldiers were all caught in a fierce fight.
Acting recklessly, Meng Tian led a small team to deal with Zhao Lixin to his heart’s content.
Zhao Lixin saw Meng Tian’s determination to attack, and he knew that Meng Tian might want to fight him to the death!
What a terrible and respectable enemy! Zhao Lixin sneered, he didn’t have much time left.
He must kill Meng Tian, ​​if Meng Tian is not eliminated, he will not be able to complete his mission.
Zhao Yiming’s order is very important, everything is fighting for himself, and Zhao Lixin must fulfill it.
The battle on the battlefield could not be calmed down, Zhao Lixin was always doing his best to take Meng Tian down.
However, Meng Tian remained unhurried, he surrounded Zhao Lixin with his own cavalry regiment.
After falling into the siege of Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Lixin rolled his eyes cunningly, “Retreat!”
Immediately, Zhao Lixin retreated immediately, and immediately continued to retreat with his troops to avoid Meng Tian’s pursuit.
Don’t chase after the poor, Meng Tian will not let them leave alive! But it will not be in danger.
“Stop!” With a yell, Meng Tian ordered his army to stop, lest the entire army be wiped out.
Chapter 858 Thousands of troops, marching rapidly!
However, just after Zhao Lixin escaped a few steps, he no longer continued to fight close to Meng Tian!
He didn’t have such an opportunity, Zhao Lixin noticed the difference between himself and Meng Tian, ​​it was difficult to achieve.
So, he quickly yelled, “Archers get ready! Shoot arrows! Shoot them!”
Never expected that Zhao Lixin was so despicable and shameless that he even ignored his own soldiers.
Meng Tian stopped his troops to avoid being shot alive by Zhao Lixin’s archers.
Following Zhao Lixin’s order, the archers quickly pulled the bowstring, and the arrows came in groups.
Throwing it in mid-air, and then quickly falling down, the arrow rain directly shot and killed Meng Tian’s soldiers.
Seeing the arrows shooting down, Meng Tian asked his soldiers to keep retreating 05.
Every soldier is under Ying Changge’s command, and Meng Tian will not just watch their casualties.
But the arrows continued to shoot and kill, and a series of arrows shot at Meng Tian’s body heartily.
He has already made preparations, Meng Tian will not let them sacrifice with himself, “Retreat quickly!”
If you can’t hunt down Zhao Lixin, then at least you can’t die in Zhao Lixin’s hands.
This was an unparalleled battle, and Meng Tian quickly avoided Zhao Lixin’s arrow.
The arrow had no eyes, even Zhao Lixin’s own soldiers were shot and killed, it was really ruthless.
I have long wanted to see how capable Meng Tian’s leader is! Now Zhao Lixin saw it with his own eyes.
It has to be said that if Meng Tian’s leader had divine help, they would not have been wiped out so easily.
When Meng Tian led his own army to come, Zhao Lixin himself was hunted down and fled.
Ordering his soldiers to shoot arrows, Zhao Lixin watched his soldiers also fall into a pool of blood.
Panting, riding on the horse with lingering fear, Zhao Lixin stared wide-eyed to search for Meng Tian’s whereabouts.
Among thousands of troops, seeing Meng Tian’s trail, Zhao Lixin immediately raised his bow and arrow.
Draw the bow and shoot the arrow, aim at Meng Tian, ​​he can’t wait to shoot the arrow, the arrow is so sharp.
As fast as a gust of wind and lightning, the arrow pierced in front of Meng Tian’s body in a blink of an eye, revealing his murderous intent.
Such an arrow is very powerful, Meng Tian was in a hurry to avoid the pursuit, he was at a loss what to do.
Meng Tian, ​​who was at a loss for what to do, felt an inexplicable crisis attacking him.
He looked up and saw Zhao Lixin’s arrow hit his head.
Backstabbing and hurting people is really a villain’s act! Meng Tian was furious and immediately waved his arm.
In the blink of an eye, Jianfeng broke through Zhao Lixin’s arrows, cutting off all his arrows.
Seeing that his arrows were all destroyed, Zhao Lixin was not to be outdone, and he continued to confront.
Hit and hit, do it again! Zhao Lixin pulled the bowstring, whoosh! Arrows came one after another.
A series of arrows shot at Meng Tian’s body, wishing to shoot him to death.
Being forced to such an extent by Zhao Lixin’s army, even Meng Tian felt his own powerlessness.
You can’t fight for a long time, you must flee quickly, Meng Tian and his soldiers are retreating quickly.
Under the shooting of Zhao Lixin’s archers, Meng Tian rushed back hundreds of steps.
“Want to run? It’s not that easy!” Almost all the archers were on board, and Zhao Lixin was bound to win.
He shot and killed a lot of Meng Tian’s soldiers, and seeing them flee in a hurry, Zhao Lixin gave an order.
“Catch me! Catch up and kill them all!” He chased after him.
After knowing Meng Tian’s interests, Zhao Lixin would not let himself take risks easily, and he quickly chased the enemy.
Not only that, but also dispatched a lot of troops separately to encircle and suppress Meng Tian from all directions.
Knowing that Zhao Lixin came here for himself, Meng Tian would not leave any opportunities to take advantage of.
He retreated together with his own cavalry, in a hurry, the horseshoes were frantic, and there was a deafening sounddeafening sound.
Behind Zhao Lixin’s army, Meng Tian avoided the shooting range of the archers, so they were considered safe.
007 saw that his archers were useless, Zhao Lixin immediately yelled, “Cavalry!”
“Follow me to charge!” Back and forth, fighting fiercely, Zhao Lixin soon continued to charge with his sword.
A large group of soldiers followed behind Zhao Lixin, and they went to chase and kill Meng Tian and his party.
The situation on the battlefield is unpredictable, and it is difficult to control the changes in the situation.

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