When Ying Changge was busy, Zhao Yiming became restless and sent troops to attack on his own initiative.
This is a stupid thing, many acts of unrighteousness will lead to self-death, but Zhao Yiming doesn’t understand such a truth.
A series of people are running rampant with all their strength, and many people are chasing Meng Tian closely.
He galloped his horse, and drew his bow to shoot arrows. Many arrows shot at Meng Tian’s back densely.
Meng Tian didn’t want to delay, he and his soldiers continued to flee in a hurry and evacuated from this place.
Not to be outdone, Zhao Lixin continued to chase, their figures always overlapping rapidly.
Concentrated and meticulous, Zhao Lixin continued to shoot with his sword, and the arrows came continuously.
Groups of arrows stabbed quickly, wishing to kill Meng Tian and become a hornet’s nest.
But even with such a confrontation, Meng Tian was still in a hurry and fled without stopping.
The people in my hands are not very capable, but if there is a chance to escape, it is really first-class.
Many people walked lightly, and many soldiers splashed dust here.
The more the pursuit continued, the farther away Zhao Lixin and his party would run, which was really wrong.
Although Zhao Lixin knew the reason why the poor should not chase after him, he would not stop there.
He put all his troopsTurn around, and go all out, just to carry out a surprise attack on Meng Tian’s army.
It’s just a pity that so many troops were unable to kill Meng Tian, ​​and let him escape.
It’s really unreasonable! Zhao Lixin gritted his teeth, raised his bow and arrow but continued to shoot.
Chapter 861 The top priority, catch them all!
A series of arrows went one after another, just to severely damage Meng Tian’s army.
Under Ying Changge’s command, Meng Tian has acquired a lot of skills, including loyalty, righteousness, and perseverance.
Faced with such a setback, Meng Tian remained calm and calm, he didn’t panic at all.
After being chased by Zhao Lixin’s cavalry, the sound of horseshoes continued for a long time, which was really hard to calm down.
The sound of horseshoes, the beating of war drums, who did Zhao Lixin convince on the battlefield?
Persevering, they continued to gallop, and many people rushed towards Meng Tian aggressively.
However, when they saw Meng Tian, ​​they had no choice but to retreat hastily and dodge.
Swinging the sword edge made people unable to dodge, but Zhao Lixin’s cavalry could not assassinate Meng Tian’s soldiers at all.
Their riding skills are superb, and the horses of Meng Tian and his party are also well-tested horses.
Just continue to charge forward, when the time comes, nothing else will matter, there will be no danger at all.
Meng Tian lowered his head and pressed on the horse’s back, the whole person and the horse were retreating together.
Wherever the horse swept, it kicked up dust, which made Zhao Lixin behind him almost unable to open his eyes.
With a cold snort of resentment, he continued to charge, and soon Zhao Lixin shot his own arrow.
The arrows didn’t stop at all, they always went unscrupulously and shot at them.
Several of Meng Tian’s soldiers were injured because of this, but they would not ignore it.
Such an arrow is useless, at least, it is impossible for Meng Tian and his party to die.
With a firm gaze and contentment, Meng Tian continued to move forward calmly under the arrow.
They charge at the same time as their own cavalry, and their people have a different kind of tenacity and reason.
There were many people who charged out, but few who could really kill Meng Tian.
Zhao Lixin saw that his soldiers were all rushing forward to pursue and kill them, but they had no chance to attack.
It’s a pity that the arrows can only disturb Meng Tian’s soldiers, but they can’t kill Meng Tian and others from their horses.
Several soldiers who were charging ahead even raised their weapons and waved them with murderous aura.
However, Meng Tian and his group were running too fast, and they could not be intercepted casually.
There was a large group of people, they were still behind Meng Tian, ​​attacking by all means.
Ignoring the pursuers behind him, the most important thing for Meng Tian now is to attract Zhao Lixin’s troops.
Because Meng Tian’s army is still escorting food, grass and horses, which are the most important things in marching and fighting.
Zhao Lixin couldn’t be allowed to plunder armaments, that’s why Meng Tian was separated from his main force.
After the troops were divided into two groups, at the very least, Meng Tian would not lose so much of his food, grass and horses in vain.
With peace of mind and a clear conscience, Meng Tian then continued to charge forward, walking vigorously.
He dispersed more than half of the troops in his hands, and now there are not many people in Meng Tian’s hands.
Only a small group of cavalry followed Meng Tian, ​​and they were able to escape Zhao Lixin’s pursuit.
Horses are good horses, and soldiers are elite soldiers. As long as Meng Tian leads the army to fight, it is impossible to fail.
Not to be outdone, Zhao Lixin was still chasing and entangled, but refused to give up.
As long as Meng Tian can cut off his head, Zhao Lixin will be able to make a great contribution!
Otherwise, if Zhao Lixin continues to be so mediocre, when will Zhao Lixin become a general!
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
For Zhao Yiming’s mission, for his own glory and wealth, Zhao Lixin will definitely kill Meng Tian.
No matter how capable Meng Tian was, Zhao Lixin knew that he had reached a dead end.
With no way out and stuck in a corner, Meng Tian’s army is like a bird in a cage, it can’t fly far at all.
Therefore, Zhao Lixin and his own cavalry followed closely behind, not daring to delay for a moment.
“Kill! The whole army charges, break through as soon as possible!”
Zhao Yiming sent an army to attack Meng Tian, ​​trying to wipe out Meng Tian’s army.
0 0…….
This is completely underestimating Meng Tian! Because he is the leader of the army.
No matter how many troops come to attack, he can always charge and counterattack quickly.
After blocking many soldiers, he continued to retreat, Meng Tian wanted to ensure the safety of his army.
Asking other soldiers to escort the food and horses away, Meng Tian fought against Zhao Yiming’s army by himself.
Zhao Lixin, the deputy general under Zhao Yiming, was aggressive and persistently pursued and killed him from behind.
The army came in mighty force, they were in groups, and many people surrounded Meng Tian from all directions.
Seeing so many troops coming here, Meng Tian calmly retreated calmly.
Let a lot of troops continue to retreat, and a few people fight persistently, trying to take down the enemy.
Blindly retreating will only result in being beaten, which will make Zhao Lixin’s army attack more fiercely.
Accompanied by such a situation, the chaos was overwhelming, and the two armies were fighting back and forth, fighting constantly.
Zhao Lixin took the lead, raised his own bow and arrow, aimed at Meng Tian’s figure and continued to shoot and shoot.
Chapter 862 Quick chase, reorganize immediately!
The top priority, Meng Tian needed to join Ying Changge’s army, but he was still blocked.
Because Zhao Lixin was chasing after him endlessly, it was not easy to provoke.
Meng Tian didn’t want his own army to be wiped out, so Meng Tian would only focus on it.Dedicated to retreat, leave this place.
Otherwise, once there is any danger, they will all die, and it is easy to die because of this.
The battlefield is ruthless, fighting and killing is a normal thing, even Meng Tian can’t guarantee his own soldiers.
Just like Zhao Lixin, even though he was aggressively chasing and killing Meng Tian, ​​he was still injured.
Many soldiers died because of this “Zero Zero Seven”. They died under the resistance of Meng Tian’s army and suffered a crushing defeat.
At the expense of his own strength, Zhao Lixin was not afraid at all, and he wanted to continue chasing and killing him.
As long as Meng Tian is killed, Zhao Lixin will complete his mission and receive a reward from Zhao Yiming for his meritorious service.
The army was chasing, horseshoes were like thunder, always chasing quickly, the two armies were not far behind.
Holding a bow and arrow in his hand, aiming at Meng Tian’s back, Zhao Lixin always shoots arrows quickly.
The arrows flew away, Meng Tian tried to block the arrow, but found that the arrow missed.
Zhao Lixin’s riding and archery skills were mediocre, Meng Tian felt relieved and continued to sprint.
Facing the enemy patiently, Meng Tian led his army to retreat in an orderly manner.
Once he finds any danger, he will do his best to fight back. This is how Meng Tian leads the army.
Not only because of Zhao Lixin’s mediocrity, but also because of Meng Tian’s extraordinary intelligence and quick wit.
Riding on horseback and galloping, he is always charging quickly and leaving quickly.
It was Zhao Lixin’s regret that he could not catch Meng Tian, ​​but he had made a solemn promise to Zhao Yiming.
Even if they came here with all their strength, they couldn’t stop Meng Tian’s army from retreating.
He was still chasing quickly, Zhao Lixin looked at Meng Tian’s figure helplessly, very panicked.
Continue to pull the bowstring, the arrows can’t wait to go, and the arrows are shot out densely.
So many arrows tried to kill Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian was riding on a horse, and his tracks were fast.
Going around, dodging left and right, Meng Tian avoided many arrows and escaped successfully.
Meng Tian continued to ride the horse and gallop, without stopping for a moment, he would not be beheaded by Zhao Lixin.

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