who is that! Could it be that they were the pursuers sent by the slave owners? I really don’t know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!
Meng Tian snorted coldly, and let his army continue to move forward, so as to avoid the enemy’s invasion.
Staring intently at the rapid approach of the army, Meng Tian was riding on the horse, full of murderous aura, ready to go.
“Who is coming, tell me your name!” Meng Tian roared, his voice so resonant.
Standing here with full confidence, Meng Tian easily blocked their group.
But when he got close, Meng Tian realized that they were not ordinary people at all, not a mob.
Because, Meng Tianfa (afej) found that they were all wearing armor and looked menacing, they turned out to be the army!
Whose army is it! Meng Tian soon understood that Zhao Yiming’s army was probably coming to attack him!
Zhao Yiming’s army is different from Cao Youde’s, it needs Meng Tian’s all-out confrontation.
“The whole army is on alert!” Meng Tian understood that there would be a fierce battle, and he had to persevere.
Obeying Meng Tian’s order, a group of people are still persistently resisting,The counterattack began.
It was precisely because so many large armies came chattering, Meng Tian wanted to fight with his troops.
However, so many armies were rampant as before, and soon surrounded Meng Tian.
There was a lot of noise and noise, and the enemy troops came in one go, looking murderous.
What kind of momentum is this? How could he approach Meng Tian so recklessly?
Meng Tian is not afraid in the face of danger, his gaze is extraordinarily calm, watching all directions and listening to all directions.
Seeing the appearance of so many troops, Meng Tian asked, “Who is your leader!”
“Fight with me, do you dare to fight with me?” Meng Tian was full of murderous aura, and his ambition was even higher.
However, with so many troops approaching, Meng Tian didn’t give Meng Tian a chance to speak, and charged directly.
The menacing gang came here without any restraint, and started a fierce battle with Meng Tian.
The army was strong, and the enemy troops swept across. These enemy troops immediately came to besiege Meng Tian, ​​causing a bloody storm.
Meng Tian was calm and calm, he ordered the army to resist, avoiding the sharp edge of the enemy’s charge.
“Shoot an arrow for me!” Meng Tian used the posture of a large army charging, so as to drag the enemy’s charging posture.
So many people came here, Meng Tian was surrounded, drew his sword out of its sheath, and fought back heartily.
The archer behind him didn’t hesitate at all, and always couldn’t wait to shoot the arrow.
A series of arrows came densely and shot into the center of the enemy army, seriously injuring the soldiers.
Meng Tian is sure to win, his face is very resolute, staring at them without blinking.
Even if so many troops are always surrounded by uproar, they can’t kill Meng Tian.
Riding on a horse and charging forward, Meng Tian brandished his sword and killed several soldiers without beheading them.
Seeing that the army is still coming one after another, Meng Tian knows that he will defeat them.
It’s a pity that the enemy’s soldiers are numerous and powerful, so many people came here to try to divide Meng Tian into five horses.
Meng Tian followed by Ying Changge’s side, and they had uncontrollable courage and spirit.
So when the enemy attacked, Meng Tian just swung his sword and killed them.
Raising his own sword, Meng Tian rode his horse in and out seven times, killing them all and leaving a mess.
Loud reprimands, rapid battles, and the figures of the enemy troops are constantly attacking.
Seeing so many armies attacking him, Meng Tian and his army unite as one.
No matter how many people came, they couldn’t suppress Meng Tian, ​​and the enemy army was powerless.
Meng Tian only needs one sword, and he can wipe out the hostile soldiers and make them die.
The quick battle, the sword’s edge sprints, Meng Tian rides on the horse, stands out from the crowd, it is really mighty and domineering.
Dancing the sword in his hand, wherever Meng Tian went, there was a bloodbath.
Chapter 856: With a plan in mind, the chances of victory are assured!
Many people died because of this, and died under Meng Tian’s sword. The enemy army was defeated and unable to take shape.
Today, Meng Tian is only there to escort food and horses, so the army is not sufficient at all.
The troops behind him were only moderate, but they couldn’t resist the invasion of so many troops.
Meng Tian knew that he was short of troops, and they were still escorting food and horses.
Lack of skills, unable to concentrate on fighting the enemy, Meng Tian must protect his own army comprehensively.
How could these armies know their whereabouts? Meng Tian had no way to attack, so he could only retreat first.
He is not a timid person, but is doing his best to protect what he owns for the sake of his own strength.
If the soldiers were all beheaded, then Meng Tian would not have any chance to fight back, which is very important.
“You continue to escort the food and horses away, and I will lead them away myself!” Meng Tian raised his arms and shouted.
But soon, a general came riding aggressively, lying down dozens of steps away and stopped.
“You are Meng Tian!” The man snorted coldly, “I am General Zhao Yiming’s – Lieutenant General Zhao Lixin.”
Although he looked majestic, Zhao Lixin really seemed to be dishonest.
“Remember today, it was I, Zhao Lixin, who took your head off!” He immediately raised his arm.
He drew the bow and shot the arrow, and then the arrow shot out, piercing Meng Tian’s forehead with a murderous look.
Such an arrow is very powerful, but Meng Tian was on guard, he immediately raised his arm.
The sword edge waved, easily broke through the arrows, and immediately cut off the incoming arrows.
Riding on the horse, he didn’t take it seriously, Meng Tian scolded, “So bold? It’s really ordinary!”
Facing so many troops, Meng Tian is also very down-to-earth, he has a well-thought-out plan, and he has the chance to win.
With Meng Tian’s ridicule, Zhao Lixin’s expression became even more sinister, “Don’t be so complacent!”
In the distance, Zhao Lixin didn’t dare to approach Meng Tian, ​​he just raised his bow and arrow and continued to shoot.
Arrows were shot out densely, wishing to take Meng Tian’s life away.
But who is Meng Tian! He is a majestic general, and he immediately waved his arms.
The sword edge trembled with perfect precision, Meng Tian cut off Zhao Lixin’s arrows one by one, leaving none behind.
The broken arrow fell to the ground, and Meng Tian, ​​who was not injured at all, was still riding on the horse with a proud look on his face.
Seeing that his superb archery skills were not able to kill Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Lixin could only catch up.
Zhao Yiming’s task is very simple, that is to assassinate Meng Tian and cut off Ying Changge’s strength.
Knowing that Ying Changge’s army was invincible and invincible wherever they went, Zhao Yiming was very afraid.
Therefore, Zhao Yiming planned to cut off Ying Changge’s left and right arms, making him even more embarrassed.
It was Zhao Yiming’s whim to kill Meng Tian. It was a wonderful plan for a sneak attack.Policy, it is unexpected.
Sure enough, under such a situation, Meng Tian was caught off guard and insisted on fighting.
Coming here on orders, Zhao Lixin charged quickly, he must take away Meng Tian’s head.
This is a good opportunity to make meritorious service, and it is also for the purpose of being able to get promoted and make a fortune.
With the chatter coming, Zhao Lixin is sure to win, he has already made a promise to kill Meng Tian.
Zhao Lixin shot and killed Meng Tian, ​​but he still couldn’t kill Meng Tian, ​​so he threw away his bow and arrow.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Coming with a sword in hand, a galloping horse, a series of figures quickly approached him.
With a swift charge, from far to near, Zhao Lixin soon arrived in front of Meng Tian.
Both of them are riding on horseback, their figures are swift, and they are on the verge of firing, you come and attack each other.
The figures intertwined, Zhao Lixin drew out his sword, his sword edge had a murderous offensive, and he was bound to win.
Meng Tian didn’t panic at all, he raised his sword and took shelter in front of him.
There was a sound of ping-pong, and the blade struck, but Zhao Lixin was still sitting firmly on the horse’s back, neither hurrying nor slowing down.
0 0…….
Zhao Lixin smiled contemptuously, “I have heard for a long time that under Ying Changge’s command, you, General Meng Tian, ​​are highly skilled.”
“But now it looks like it’s nothing special, is it just that!” Zhao Lixin shook his head and sighed.
Arrogant and conceited, Yelang arrogant, Zhao Lixin’s appearance is really annoying.
A mere kid dares to bark and bark in front of him! Meng Tian pursed his lips and smiled disdainfully.
Since Zhao Yiming’s army is all coming towards him, he has to show his momentum and fight back vigorously.
The archers were shooting arrows, and Meng Tian tried to delay Zhao Lixin’s army and prevent them from chasing and killing him.
On the contrary, it was Zhao Lixin who led his own troops and always rushed to surround Meng Tian.
War cannot be stopped, and ending war with war is the most overbearing war!
Ying Changge’s wish is that the world is peaceful and stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, under Ying Changge’s suppression, there are still a steady stream of man-made rebellions.
These rebel armies are coming one after another, wishing to overthrow Ying Changge, behead him and…
Chapter 857 If this continues, the entire army will be wiped out!
A bunch of idiots who overestimated their capabilities really thought that killing Meng Tian would cut off Ying Changge’s left and right arms!

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