However, the most important thing at this time is to escape, instead of continuing to fight with Meng Tian’s army.
A steady stream of soldiers are still chasing after them bravely, and Meng Tian’s soldiers are exactly the same as Ying Changge.
They have a steel-like will, united as one, and they are always persistently hunting down Cao Youde.
Seeing Cao Youde fleeing away, Meng Tian calmed down and chose a horse.
Riding quickly on the horse, and then striding forward, they were charging fast and chasing together.
You chase each other, you fight each other, such a scene is really intense, completely unexpected.
At this moment, Meng Tian came on horseback and tried his best to chase Cao Youde, determined to capture him.
Fortunately, Cao Youde’s speed was dissatisfied, he was out of breath, and continued to escape in a panic.
With a lot of troops around him, he is still fighting persistently to fight his way out.
Cao Youde ignored the chaotic situation when he saw a lot of people running around.
He is very clear that his situation is very dangerous, and he cannot just make do with it.
The most important thing to do now is to get rid of Meng Tian’s pursuit, that’s all.
Most of the people who appeared in front of Ying Changge were good people, of course, there were exceptions.
For example, Guo Hong, and Cao Youde who appeared in front of Meng Tian are all butchers.
They were stained with a lot of blood, disregarded human life, and killed many people to their heart’s content.
Because of this, they are used to bullying, used to bullying the small with the big, and bullying the weak with the strong.
This is deserved, Meng Tian will never let Cao Youde leave this place alive.
Without taking his eyes off, he continued to move forward with all his strength, and he soon found the trace of Cao Youde.
Riding on the horse, Meng Tian followed Cao Youde’s figure, always trying his best to catch him.
This is just a small role working for others, and there are capable people behind Cao Youde.
As the saying goes, there are capable people behind the capable people behind the green hills outside the mountains and the buildings outside the buildings! Everything is a rule.
Can’t wait to go, Cao Youde’s men are trying their best to charge and escape.
Meng Tian let his soldiers 990 scatter, they were all chasing, just like hunters.
You chase after me, Cao Youde, who was chased by Meng Tian, ​​was extremely frightened, he was very flustered.
Gritting his teeth, not daring to stop, Cao Youde had galloped away several miles away.
However, how could Meng Tian give up so easily! He pursued and killed them as usual.
The horses are still approaching, Meng Tian’s riding skills are very superb, even more unpredictable.
During the battle with Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde was a little tired, he was very tired.
All his hands moved in one go, charging continuously, trying to blaze a path.
It’s a pity that Cao Youde’s wishes came to nothing, and they were chased and killed by Meng Tian’s army.
The blood flowed out, the flesh was mutilated, and Cao Youde himself turned into a little red man.
There were bloodstains all over his body, and Cao Youde, who was riddled with holes, almost coughed up blood on horseback.
Chapter 854: Upright and Upright!
Being hunted down by Meng Tian and falling to such a point, it is impossible for Cao Youde to think that he can escape.
But because of this, Cao Youde felt that he would quickly escape from Meng Tian’s grasp.
The wound was painful, and Cao Youde’s face was grim. He became extremely pale due to excessive blood loss.
His face was pale, and he continued to flee helplessly. Cao Youde was tired of fighting and killing.
The two armies confronted the enemy, and the reckless beheading would only make Cao Youde’s people lose even more.
He refused to give up, wobbling on the horseback, trying to get rid of Meng Tian behind him.
As a general, Meng Tian’s sense of smell is very keen, and he can always distinguish the direction.
In a blink of an eye, Meng Tian quickly approached from the side, intercepting Cao Youde halfway, making it impossible for him to strike.
Staring at Meng Tian with wide eyes, Cao Youde’s expression was full of panic.
“What should you do!” Cao Youde glanced back, and found that his troops were intercepted again.
Falling into the siege of Meng Tian again, Cao Youde has no chance of life.
A dead end? Do not! impossible! Cao Youde must bring himself back to life! He drew out his sword angrily.
“Look at me killing you!” Cao Youde yelled, waving the blade in an extraordinarily ferocious manner.
In the shadow of swords, lights and swords, the figure of Cao Youde approached Meng Tian, ​​and he fought hard.
Meng Tian is Ying Changge’s general, and they learned the true biography of Ying Changge through what they saw and heard.
Meng Tian’s army is upright and upright, always chasing and chasing Cao Youde endlessly.
Forced to do nothing, Cao Youde could only continue to fight, so as to wipe them all out.This was originally Cao Youde’s task! He will kill them all, and then take their food and horses.
As long as these things are under his control, Cao Youde will be considered a great achievement.
Cautiously and cautiously facing the enemy, he can’t wait to come, and the sword edge stabs straight out.
A single sword almost damaged Cao Youde’s chest, but his figure was still very flexible.
Continuing to dodge and retreat quickly, Cao Youde dodged Meng Tian’s sword, flustered.
Just a single sword couldn’t make him die for it, so Cao Youde fought with all his strength.
However, Meng Tian would not let Cao Youde escape so easily, and his sword edge continued to chase and kill him.
A galloping attack with a sword is useless, on the contrary, Meng Tian’s sword moves come one after another.
A set of swordsmanship is densely packed, so that Cao Youde has no chance to dodge and resist.
He was very hasty and flustered, and in a blink of an eye, he was knocked down to the ground by Meng Tian’s sword.
Staggering down, Cao Youde fell off the horse, but got up quickly.
As soon as he raised his head, Cao Youde saw Meng Tian’s sword approaching to his face.
hum! The sword edge scratched Cao Youde’s cheek, making him completely disfigured.
Blood immediately flowed down his wound, Cao Youde was furious, really resentful.
Staring at Meng Tian intently, Cao Youde continued to chase him, brandishing his knife.
A fierce attack with a knife will only make Meng Tian entangle with him for a while.
Cao Youde’s eyes were sharp, and the knife in his hand was always aggressive like him.
A murderous sword pierced Meng Tian’s head in a blink of an eye, almost breaking him.
It is useless to fight back and forth between you and me. Quick counterattacks, rampage with all your strength, and swords are rippling.
Such a sword was really bright, and the light shone, and Cao Youde was pierced by Ying Changge’s sword.
Annoyed confrontation, the sword in his hand is always moving fiercely, wishing to kill Cao Youde.
However, Cao Youde’s ability is more than that, his eyes revealed layers of killing intent.
With cold eyes, Cao Youde quickly brandished his knife, trying to chop Cao Youde into pieces.
Cao Youdekong had the intention to kill, but he couldn’t break through Meng Tian’s defense, he was very brave.
All the energy in his body was wasted, Cao Youde was just attacking recklessly, it was useless.
But Meng Tian who was concentrating on his concentration was still fighting back bravely, his sword cut off Cao Youde’s saber.
The blade hit, but Cao Youde’s moves couldn’t attack Meng Tian, ​​so he was defeated like this.
He tried his best to strike (Nonuo’s), but in the end he asked for trouble. Cao Youde used too much force and fell off his horse.
Knowing that Cao Youde’s blade is very brave, but Meng Tian’s swordsmanship is slightly better, suppressing the opponent even more.
A sword trembled, rippling sword flowers, and then pierced Cao Youde’s chest.
Blood sprayed, Cao Youde yelled in pain, and fell to the ground, unable to fight back.
The horse was frightened, and immediately raised its hoof, trampling on Cao Youde’s body. There was a click, crisp and sound.
It turned out that the horseshoe broke the bone in Cao Youde’s chest, causing him to vomit blood and die.
Ying Changge wanted food, grass and horses, marched and fought, and defeated Zhao Yiming must need such a force.
Chapter 855 In the center of the enemy army, seriously injured soldiers!
Once so many troops march forward, they will definitely be able to break through Zhao Yiming.
But it is a pity that Ying Changge has not waited for Meng Tian, ​​because he was intercepted by the assassin.
With the plan of the slave owner, Cao Youde marched with the whole army, trying to kill Meng Tian and rob him of his supplies.
It’s just that he never expected that Meng Tian’s ability is really superb, and Cao Youde is completely defenseless.
Unprepared for a moment, he fell off the horse, and was trampled on his chest by the horse’s hoof.
He died because of this, his eyes widened, and he died with regret. Meng Tian won easily.
Seeing Cao Youde’s miserable appearance, Meng Tian was very relieved and left immediately.
Leading his own army to leave in one go, Meng Tian must join Ying Changge as soon as possible.
He and his army embarked on the journey in 990, which was escorting food and horses, and the horses couldn’t wait.
Just when Meng Tian thought that he was safe and sound, he realized that he was completely wrong.
After marching for more than ten miles with his own army, Meng Tian found another large group of people coming from behind.

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