Originally, Guo Hong only went for hundreds of slaves of Ying Changge, but now it is impossible to give them.
Because there was no chance of snatching those hundreds of slaves, Guo Hong had no chance of winning.
The only thing he can do is to continue to escape and avoid the killers of Ying Changge’s army.
Still persevering in leaving, Guo Hong felt that sooner or later he would be able to break away from Ying Changge’s shackles.
However, Ying Changge was not to be outdone, they always came quickly and surrounded Guo Hong.
No matter where Guo Hong escaped to, he still couldn’t escape Ying Changge’s Wuzhi Mountain.
A group of people were moving forward quickly, Ying Changge took the lead and quickly intercepted Guo Hong’s men.
With the winning ticket in his hands, with a quick charge, he beheaded a small group of people, leaving no one behind.
Blood was sprayed on the ground, and Guo Hong’s men suffered heavy losses again, losing many people.
Seeing his soldiers and horses being blocked here, Guo Hong shouted angrily, it is really unreasonable.
It’s just a gang of mobs chasing and killing him for several miles, it’s too much.
Angry and angry, the dog jumped over the wall in a hurry. At this time, Guo Hong turned around and stared at Ying Changge without blinking.
Walking with the sword in hand, Guo Hong jumped to Ying Changge’s side, and stabbed bravely with the sword.
The sword’s edge twists and changes, and such a sword has a powerful lethality, opening and closing.
Watching Yijian’s offensive, Guo Hong’s face showed a look of certainty.
You must kill Ying Changge. If you kill him, maybe Guo Hong can go back and snatch the slaves.
As he vowed to charge, Guo Hong’s sword pierced Ying Changge’s neck in an instant.
The vicious and vicious Guo Hong has not changed at all, and always wants to cut off the head of Ying Changge.
As long as Ying Changge can be killed, then the dragons will have no leader, maybe they will have a chance!
This is a rare thing! Therefore, they are still charging bravely and continuing to confront.
The delusional Guo Hong was still fighting back quickly, the sword in his hand was tinkling 0…
Although Guo Hong was full of murderous intent, his skills were average, and he really couldn’t kill Ying Changge.
Even if he came aggressively, every move of Guo Hong was within Ying Changge’s expectation.
He quickly took precautions, and blocked Guo Hong’s sword with the edge of his sword, and the fight was very fierce.
No matter what, Ying Changge couldn’t be killed. He was very capable and dealt with Guo Hong calmly and calmly.
With the sword in hand continuing to approach, Ying Changge and Guo Hong fought close to each other, both fiercely attacking not to be outdone.
If Ying Changge’s men go to intercept them, they are not afraid that they will escape from here and disappear.
He was still chasing the enemy patiently, and Ying Changge stopped Guo Hong and his party halfway.
The distribution of troops, Ying Changge’s men surrounded Guo Hongdu in one go, leaving them with no way out.
Ying Changge was intact, but Guo Hong was different. He was bruised and bruised all over his body.
If he knew that this place is not so easy to explore, Guo Hong would not come to covet Ying Changge’s slave.
In just one day, Ying Changge bought 4.9 many slaves, which shows that he is rich and powerful.
With such a harvest, how could Guo Hong just sit back and do nothing? He had to take the risk.
Not only for the sake of fame and fortune, but also for the hope that he can make a fortune. He has something lacking.
As long as Ying Changge can be killed, who can stop Guo Hong then? He is bound to win!
Therefore, seeing Ying Changge blocking in front of him, Guo Hong raised his sword and continued to fight.
Not afraid of Ying Changge, Guo Hong’s every move is extraordinarily brave, and he can’t wait to kill Ying Changge.
Chapter 843: The whole army is wiped out!
He thrust out his sword aggressively, but Guo Hong’s every move was extraordinarily mediocre, without any advantage.
Fighting fiercely with Guo Hong, Ying Changge’s figure was inseparable from him, and he showed a lot of skills.
Running rampant in one go, Ying Changge set off a bloodbath wherever he went, and he was extraordinarily powerful.
Guo Hong saw it in his eyes, but it was difficult to guard against it. His brave offensive was nothing but a show.
With both offense and defense, Ying Changge didn’t care about Guo Hong’s offensive.
He defended his sword sharply in one go, Ying Changge seized the right moment, and hit with every hit.
hum! The sword’s edge stabbed down quickly, and directly opened a bloodstain on Guo Hong’s chest, and the blood sprayed.
Shaking in pain, Guo Hong looked troubled, he knew that 05 really couldn’t defeat Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge was always chasing after him chattering, which left him no room to fight back.
It’s already a close combat with Ying Changge, if you don’t fight bravely at this time, you won’t have any chance.
With back and forth attacks and chattering stabs, Ying Changge’s sword was already stained with a lot of blood.
This was not Ying Changge’s blood, but Guo Hong’s, who was seriously injured.
Gritting his teeth, Guo Hong always raised his sword and tried his best to hit Ying Changge.
The movements of the two are vigorous, Ying Changge is superb in martial arts, while Guo Hong is powerful in martial arts.
He traveled all year round, buying and selling slaves, and his feet were also very flexible.
At the beginning of the battle with Ying Changge, Guo Hong attacked fiercely as always, showing his full murderous aura.
But no matter how Guo Hong attacks, he can’t kill Ying Changge.
Especially Guo Hong, who was always sprinting quickly, waving the sword in his hand continuously.
But when did this sword hurt Ying Changge at all? He is safeWell!
Showing a satisfied smile, Ying Changge stood there, temporarily slowing down his offensive.
All eyes were on her for her abilities, and if Ying Changge made a move, it would definitely set off a bloodbath.
The stalemate persisted, and the battle continued. In the blink of an eye, Guo Hong was already scarred, and he was no match for Ying Changge.
Everywhere that can be seen, there are wounds one by one, which are all given by Ying Changge.
Singer Ying Chang raised his sword and held it in front of Guo Hong, “Aren’t you going to catch him with your arms tied!”
“If you continue to persist in your obsession, I’m afraid that you and your party will be wiped out completely.”
Hearing Ying Changge’s threatening words, Guo Hong still didn’t change his face, “Don’t try to persuade me!”
“I fell into your hands, wouldn’t it be a dead end! I will continue to make a fortune trading slaves!”
Many people have been beheaded at the same time, Guo Hong is really bruised and bruised, and there are not many opportunities.
If the confrontation continues, many people will die because of it, and Guo Hong is no exception.
The army was rampant here, and a series of soldiers surrounded Guo Hong chattering.
Taking advantage of the victory to pursue and continue the fierce battle, the figure of Ying Changge and Guo Hong are both entangled.
They are inseparable, the swords collide, you come and go, it is very intense.
Guo Hong had known for a long time that their abilities were more than that, so Guo Hong would be extra careful, for fear of changes.
But even if he escaped non-stop, Guo Hong was no longer Ying Changge’s opponent for a while.
Even if Guo Hong ran to the ends of the earth, there would still be people chasing and killing him every step of the way.
How can Guo Hong bear this? Without doing anything, Guo Hong simply wiped out Ying Changge.
Therefore, the sword in his hand will be extra sharp if he attacks quickly and bravely with the intention of killing.
A sword was forced downwards, the blades criss-crossed, and Guo Hong retreated steadily in a blink of an eye.
He should have trained his soldiers and horses well, but Guo Hong was hunted down in a mess and panicked.
The sweaty Guo Hong is willing to continue to confront, so that Ying Changge can be killed.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s ability is very brave, and he can always fight endlessly.
With unremitting struggle 973 and vigorous blocking, Guo Hong resisted Ying Changge’s several sword strikes.
However, Guo Hong’s ability is limited, his martial arts are mediocre, and he has no chance of turning defeat into victory.
A sword is so irritable, as swift as a gust of wind, and contains Ying Changge’s killing intent, it is really brave and unrestrained.
Even after fighting Guo Hong for so long, after several rounds, Guo Hong still couldn’t kill him.
If the confrontation continues, Guo Hong will be bruised by Ying Changge’s sword without a few moves.
Although he is sinister and vicious, Guo Hong also has self-knowledge, he knows how to be hostile to Ying Changge.
If you want to get rid of Ying Changge, you must use all your troops to kill the opponent.
It’s a pity that many of Guo Hong’s troops were lost and died under Meng Tian’s invasion.
In this way, there are hardly enough people to fight against Ying Changge? Guo Hongyi died easily.
His face was pale, but Guo Hong still refused to retreat, just to be able to fight Ying Changge to the death! .
Chapter 844 Staggering, Unbalanced Body!
However, how could Ying Changge let Guo Hong go away so easily on the dark night of the murderous night?
Still holding the sword, he continued to confront the enemy, hitting Guo Hong’s body with precision.
Without a little bit of defense, without any worries, what Guo Hong has to do is to fight bravely and fearlessly.
It is a pity that Guo Hong will not stop there, he is always hostile to Ying Changge’s Jianfeng.
It is very easy to kill Ying Changge, but Guo Hong has more heart than strength, so it is difficult to resist.
If possible, Guo Hong would break through Ying Changge, and then sell those hundreds of slaves.

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