He is bound to win, as long as he grasps the edge of the sword, killing Ying Changge will be effortless.
Sensing Guo Hong’s intentions, Ying Changge remained calm, took a step forward, and then stabbed forward with his sword.
A straight sword is the fastest, and generally it will not be guarded against at all, and it is easy to succeed.
Therefore, Ying Changge’s sword pierced Guo Hong’s chest, adding a sword mark to his body.
Feeling the pain, the cunning Guo Hong didn’t dare to continue to fight the enemy, but turned his head and fled immediately, and disappeared immediately.
It was not so easy to distinguish a large crowd of people in the middle of the night.
Since it was impossible to fight the enemy Ying Changge, Guo Hong planned to escape with a golden cicada and escape directly.
Facing the continuous charge of Ying Changge’s army, Guo Hong finally conceded defeat, (afej) he was very timid.
Ying Changge will be his ghost sooner or later, so Guo Hong will let him live a few more days for now.
If you can’t buy slaves, just abandon them, and Guo Hong will make a comeback! He is bound to win.
So, among the many crowds, he charged forward with his head down, so that he could leave.
Fleeing here as soon as possible, Guo Hong and his brothers are attacking hard, trying to encircle the idiot.
This is a rare opportunity, Guo Hong must cherish it, otherwise he will be beheaded!
It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, so many people are always chasing and killing him, how can Guo Hong escape!
Taking advantage of this chaotic situation, Guo Hong left in one go, ignoring Ying Changge behind him.
Guo Hong was still escaping at high speed, submerged in the crowd and disappeared without a trace.
Even if Guo Hong wants to escape, he has to ask Ying Changge if he agrees, at least he is not willing now.
“Where are you running!” Ying Changge yelled, and then continued to charge forward with vigorous steps.
No matter how many people there are, Guo Hong will fight them out abruptly. His every move is very important.
Even if he was blocked by so many people, Guo Hong would not stop, but continued to swing his sword.
After killing several people who stood in front of him, Guo Hong continued to break through, trying to escape from this place.
He walked briskly, wielding the edge of a sword vigorously, menacing, ferocious and sturdy.
And Ying Changge, who was full of energy, continued to chase after him, and his figure kept shuttling.
Crowded in the crowd, Ying Changge kept moving forward to chase Guo Hong’s whereabouts.
Panting, Guo Hongsheng was afraid that he would fall, so he and his other brothers ran away quickly.
Stealing chickens is not enough to lose money, Guo Hong is now screaming every day, and he is very incompetent, very embarrassed.
If Guo Hong had known that Ying Changge had these troops, it would be impossible for him to lead them.
If it is impossible to fight Ying Changge, the worst thing is, Guo Hong will not take the initiative to provoke Ying Changge’s men.
The army is strong, the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong. Once so many guys go, they will definitely die under Ying Changge’s army.
Chapter 841 Outflank from behind and continue to hunt!
Knowing that he was asking for trouble, that’s why Guo Hong concentrated on walking to get rid of Ying Changge and the others.
As the stalemate continued, many people followed Guo Hong and rushed out without stopping.
Such a group of people continued to charge in the midst of the chaos, invincible, and might rush out at any time.
Ying Changge didn’t want them to leave just like that, so he had to stop them, ~this was what they reaped.
Guo Hong made up his mind about Ying Changge. He deserved the crime and should be killed. Ying-Changge immediately reprimanded him.
“Stop them, let them all stay! Leave them all to me!” Ying Changge wanted to live.
Some people’s death is as light as a feather, while some people’s death is heavier than Mount Tai. The realms of the two are different.
Now, facing Guo Hong, Ying Changge can hold Guo Hong hostage and get some benefits from him.
otherwise,If Guo Hong was allowed to bully him unscrupulously, who would Ying Changge become?
He is a decent person, if Guo Hong is not decent, then Ying Changge will help him to be decent.
He fought his way through the many crowds, and he was still chasing Guo Hong with all his strength.
Guo Hong and his party faced difficulties and dangers, even if they escaped, they could not escape smoothly.
Already sensing Ying Changge’s pursuit behind him, Guo Hong panicked and didn’t dare to stay.
Continuing to escape, pushing the crowd, hitting with the blade, he intercepted and killed many people.
A group of people evacuated quickly in a swarm. Their whereabouts were really fast and hard to guard against.
Seeing that the army was gradually thinning out, Guo Hong showed a bright smile on his face.
The sword edge swung, and the corpses fell continuously. Guo Hong, who was covered in blood, was really in a panic.
But no matter how difficult and dangerous the front is, Guo Hong will continue to escape from this place in a reckless manner.
With Guo Hong’s troops, it is impossible to confront Ying Changge head-on! Because he knows his own shortcomings.
Although it seems that there are many people, but Ying Changge’s soldiers are vulnerable to the enemy and are prone to loopholes.
After a moment of stalemate, Guo Hong knew that his men could not fight against them, so he had no choice but to flee from this place.
Regardless of Ying Changge’s pursuit behind him, Guo Hong went his own way so as to avoid Ying Changge’s soldiers.
In the dark night, a large group of people continued to attack, but they were unable to kill Guo Hong.
Consciously that his fate is too high, Guo Hongdu smiled brightly, and continued to get rid of the pursuers behind him.
No matter how many people came, Guo Hong would turn a blind eye to them and abandon them.
It was a stumble today, but Guo Hong would not go head-to-head with Ying Changge’s army.
Guo Hong doesn’t want to die here, Guo Hong still wants to continue his dream of getting rich! He perseveres.
Fleeing quickly, fleeing with all his strength, his movements are fast and unexpected.
A small group of people are on the edge, and they are about to break out of the encirclement and be able to escape.
With all his strength, Guo Hong’s troops didn’t stop, and soon avoided the fighting of Ying Changge’s soldiers.
During the encirclement and suppression, Guo Hong, who took the lead, blazed a path with both hands, and blazed a trail of blood.
Under Ying Changge’s order, a group of people were transferred to try to block Guo Hong’s way out.
But it was too late, Guo Hong and his party found a breakthrough and killed them directly.
How could Ying Changge let the meat from his mouth fly away! He is also persistently chasing and killing.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Holding a sword in his hand, with a sigh of relief, Ying Changge was so brave, and continued to pursue Guo Hong’s retreat.
Offended Ying Changge and wanted to run away, what did Guo Hong think of this place as? It’s hard to get in here.
Since Guo Hong came here uninvited, the group of them could only stay here, with no way out.
Joining forces with his own troops, Ying Changge is no ordinary person, he strategizes and leads his troops like a god.
Some of the soldiers were sent to intercept the opponent. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge surrounded him from behind and continued to chase and kill him.
But Meng Tian’s main force continued to fight against Guo Hong’s brothers, killing them to death.
Strengthening vigilance, Meng Tian must ensure the safety of Ying Changge, so they are all cautious against the enemy.
With one heart and one mind, the big guys are all very serious. They are fighting bravely with a murderous spirit.
Panting, fleeing with all his strength, Guo Hong was able to escape from this place and leave this place.
Behind them are Ying Changge’s pursuers, and a series of people are still persistently chasing them.
Guo Hong is like a bereaved dog, and Ying Changge’s soldiers and horses are like hunters hunting, they cannot be mixed together.
If possible, now Guo Hong wants to gallop away, stir up dust and disappear.
But what he never expected was that Ying Changge approached really quickly, and soon caught up with Guo Hong.
Since it was impossible to fight them, Guo Hong wanted to escape, otherwise, he would surely die.
It is not so easy to leave this place, Guo Hong was chased by Ying Changge’s men.
Looking around, Guo Hong is also a rich and powerful person, but he turned out to be so down and out.
Chapter 842 A windfall, rich in wealth!
So many people couldn’t stop Guo Hong. Originally, he thought he could escape from this place and survive.
But it’s a pity that these people are always chasing after him, unable to let Guo Hong escape comfortably.
Otherwise, if they met Ying Changge, Guo Hong would kill them all, leaving no one behind.
He retreated while running, but Guo Hong couldn’t get rid of the army behind him no matter what, with a lot of momentum.
Looking back in a hurry, he saw that many people were a few steps away from him.
With so many people unable to stop Ying Changge, Guo Hong allowed his brothers to suffer casualties without daring to be careless.
“Continue to retreat following the “September 73″! All go!” The bluffing Guo Hong was very noisy, and he was very anxious.
If he died in the hands of Ying Changge like this, I’m afraid that Guo Hong himself will be completely defeated, and there will be no one left.
Almost all his brothers were brought out tonight, how could Guo Hong let them all die!
Now it is discovered that Ying Changge is a guy who cannot be offended, and the strength of his subordinates makes Guo Hong admire him very much.
Guo Hong has always been living a good life, but all of this is obtained through buying and selling slaves.
Burning, killing and looting everywhere, Guo Hong took a lot of silver, made a windfall, and became rich.
It’s just that he never expected that Guo Hong would encounter a thorn in his side now, and that would be Ying Changge and his party.
I want to save the world with my second illness
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