Take precautions and concentrate on fighting Ying Changge, but Guo Hong still has no chance of being evenly matched.
He was just going to be beaten, and Ying Changge’s sword pierced out, causing Guo Hong to bleed profusely.
Feeling the pain in his own body, Guo Hong looked down and saw several wounds.
Ying Changge’s sword was so fast that Guo Hong couldn’t detect it for a while, and couldn’t extricate himself.
Seeing that Ying Changge’s army was still resisting under his nose, he had no choice.
Seeing so many people fighting with him helplessly, Guo Hong used all his skills.
Using all the energy in his body, every sword of Guo Hong was extraordinarily hard, fierce and vigorous.
With a sound of ping-pong, Jian Feng broke through Guo Hong’s defenses, causing his figure to sway and lose his balance.
Such a sword is useless, because Ying Changge did not seal Guo Hong’s throat with a sword.
Even so, Guo Hong persisted, stood still, and continued to fight against Ying Changge’s sword.
The figures of the two intertwined, you come and I attack back and forth, it can be called wonderful.
Ying Changge’s sword was still swaying bravely, and the attack was hard to guard against.
Even if it was a direct confrontation with Ying Changge, Guo Hong still couldn’t resist with his own skills.
Under the fierce collision of swords and a series of tricks, Ying Changge caught Guo Hong’s weakness.
The sword edge swept across, drawing a bloodstain, Guo Hong frowned in pain, and staggered to the ground.
Finally subduing the opponent, Ying Changge took a step forward, put a sword on Guo Hong’s neck, “Stop~‖!”
“You overreaching guy, grab it! Otherwise, what awaits you is a dead end! ”
Looking down at Ying Changge’s Jian Feng, Guo Hong showed a bright smile, “I’d rather die than follow!”
Just about to stand up and resist, Ying Changge’s sword edge slid and left a knife on Guo Hong’s neck.
Blood was flowing, Guo Hong was in pain, he could only stare wide-eyed, and knelt down in front of Ying Changge obediently again.
Not crying when seeing the coffin, Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, now he is much more honest.
“Do you really think you are invincible! My skills are not bad either!” Guo Hong was full of confidence.
“If you don’t believe me, let me go, let’s fight another 300 rounds!” Guo Hong shouted madly.
However, Ying Changge didn’t have extra time to play with Guo Hong, he shook his head indifferently, “There’s no need to do that.”
“You are already a prisoner, so there is no need to talk to me.” Ying Changge waved.
“Come on! Tie him up!” Ying Changge waved his hand, and immediately asked the soldiers to tie him up, Guo Hong.
The soldiers were all athletic, and they tied Guo Hong up easily in no time.
Looking at Guo Hong who was kneeling in front of him, Ying Changge questioned, “It looks like you are a rich guy!”
“Even if you are as rich as you, how can you have the opportunity to spend money!” Ying Changge laughed.
“Needless to say, go die now!” Even though Guo Hong was tied up, he still refused to give in.
He immediately raised his head and slammed hard, wishing to knock Ying Changge to the ground and kill him back.
If so, Guo Hong must be able to eradicate him, so as to turn defeat into victory and protect his life.
It’s crazy! Ying Changge shook his head, slid with the edge of the sword, and cut through his skin again.
Guo Hong was covered with scars all over his body. He was unable to fight Ying Changge at all, and he fell down again.
Lying helplessly in a pool of blood, Guo Hong’s expression turned ugly, and he knew that there was nothing he could do.
If possible, Guo Hong wished he could kill Ying Changge alive and let all the slaves fall into his hands.
It’s a pity that Guo Hong is at a loss what to do now, he has been tied up and has no life at all.
Showing an angry expression, Guo Hong lowered his head (Nonuo’s), and refused to say anything in front of Ying Changge.
After finally subduing this guy, Ying Changge can save his time, “` 〃Say it!”
“How to apologize to me!” Ying Changge stared at him condescendingly, “Could it be that you have changed without saying a word?”
“What do you want?” Guo Hong stared at Ying Changge intently with his eyes wide open. He refused to accept it.
Seeing Guo Hong’s unwillingness to show weakness, Ying Changge smiled indifferently, “It’s very simple! I want everything!”
Wicked people have their own way, and Ying Changge’s oppression of Guo Hong is nothing more than a form of retaliation against him.
“What!” Unbelievable, Guo Hong’s eyes widened, but he still nodded, “Okay! I agree.”.
Chapter 845 Uninvited, menacing!
Since it was Guo Hong who came to fight with him, it meant that he had already brought out almost all the troops.
Holding Guo Hong hostage and threatening his subordinates, Guo Hongcai at this moment is like a bully.
Being bullied by the strong, Ying Changge grabbed Guo Hong and yelled at him in a low voice, “I want money! I want horses!”
“Food and grass!” Ying Changge put forward three conditions at once to threaten Guo Hong.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Guo Hong nodded immediately. After all, he wanted to save his life!
If you don’t agree to Ying Changge, I’m afraid Guo Hong will be divided into five horses, and the corpse will be separated! He’s scared.
Afraid of life and death, I am afraid that I will die like this! Guo Hongcai immediately nodded and agreed, “Okay!”
“Since it is your request, I will definitely satisfy you! I will give you everything!” Guo Hong replied quickly.
With Guo Hong’s words, Ying Changge was also very satisfied, “Good! A child can be taught, very good!”
Coercing Guo Hong 990 and bringing him here, Ying Changge quieted Guo Hong’s subordinates.
“Shut up! Your leader is in my hands now, why don’t you still keep chattering!”
With Ying Changge coming forward, this chaotic battle was immediately terminated, and everyone dared not continue to fight.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge pushed Guo Hong to the ground, “Don’t let your people stop!”
“Stop!” Guo Hong yelled hoarsely, “Stop it all, be nice!”
“Yes!” Finally, Guo Hong’s men stopped, and they did not dare to continue to defy Ying Changge.
At this moment, Ying Changge asked them to evacuate one by one, leaving only a few horses behind.
Seeing so many horses staying in front of him, Ying Changge still felt dissatisfied.
“How much food and grass do you have?” Ying Changge asked, (afej) “It can be seen that you have enough people.”
“If you want to feed so many people, you must have plenty of money and food.”
“That’s right! There are quite a few!” Guo Hong nodded. He was very honest now that he was afraid that he would die.
“There are still a few horses, and even a lot of dry and clean food and grass, all for you!”
Guo Hong flattered and smiled apologetically, looked up at Ying Changge, “Just treat it as me paying you off!”
“You should kowtow and plead guilty.” Nodding calmly, Ying Changge urged, “Go!”
“Go and deliver your horses and food, and by then, you will have made up for it!”
“Yes, yes, yes!” Guo Hong nodded again and again. Being tied up, he dared not complain at all.
As the saying goes, you will learn a lot from a pit.
Guo Hong’s subordinates indeed raised a lot of people, especially the food and grass were very abundant.
Without hesitation, Ying Changge took it as his own, taking all their food and grass together.
This can be regarded as Guo Hong’s apology to Ying Changge. After all, Guo Hong agreed.
AlthoughAt that time, Ying Changge’s sword was on his neck, and Guo Hong nodded in agreement.
But there is no difference or disparity between the two, Ying Changge is very satisfied.
Taking Guo Hong’s food, grass and horses as his own, Ying Changge finally returned with a full load and left with all his heart.
The troops were divided into two groups, and Meng Tian needed to transport the food and grass, so he called himself an army and left first.
As long as there is enough food and grass, it will be easy to attack Zhao Yiming.
On the way home, Meng Tian escorted the food and grass, and then the whole army marched forward, and the black army did not stop at all.
Although Ying Changge defeated Guo Hong, Guo Hong would not give up so easily! He became angry from embarrassment.
In order to retaliate and fight back to his heart’s content, Guo Hong notified all the news about himself!
The grievances between Ying Changge and Guo Hong immediately spread to everyone, and a scandal arose.
But even so, the slave owner who controls the largest slave business is going to fight for Guo Hong.
He summoned a lot of people and tried to snatch those things back from Meng Tian’s hands.
Whether it is food, grass or soldiers and horses, they are very precious materials, and it is impossible for slave owners to give up.
Therefore, he sent a lot of men and horses to chase and kill Meng Tian, ​​in order to get back his face and things.
The leader is named Cao Youde, he fights in all directions, has his own troops, and can be said to be invincible.
Serving the slave masters, the number of people killed is countless, really numerous.
Cao Youde knew Meng Tian’s whereabouts, because Meng Tian’s army was mighty and mighty, it really stood out from the crowd.
After casually inquiring about their movements and locations, Cao Youde galloped forward.
He led a group of his brothers, recharged their energy and stored up their energy, and came to chase and kill Meng Tian with excellent equipment.
No matter where Meng Tian retreated, he would be discovered by Cao Youde’s men, and they would be quick.
He galloped his horse and pursued with all his strength, and Cao Youde’s figure came with all his strength in a short while.
If Meng Tian led the army with divine help, he watched all directions with his eyes and ears and listened to all directions, and he soon noticed the abnormal movement.
So, when he turned his head, Meng Tian saw someone chasing and killing him, coming uninvited and aggressive.
Chapter 846 The resources snatched from his subordinates!

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