Otherwise, if Ying Changge catches them all, Guo Hong and his brothers will die here.
This was not what he wanted, so Guo Hong ordered his men to charge forward in one go.
More and more people went to surround Ying Changge, and many people were fighting against Ying Changge.
With swords and swords, many people surrounded Ying Changge in one go, wishing to kill him.
Guo Hong, on the other hand, was extraordinarily calm. He and his brothers killed Ying Changge together.
Still motionless, with a calm expression, Ying Changge fought back vigorously in the face of the encirclement.
The sword edge swung vigorously, sweeping away thousands of troops, and Ying Changge stabbed several people to the ground.
Seeing Ying Changge’s unfathomable ability, Guo Hong was also very afraid, which was unexpected.
Originally it was just to snatch the slaves, but now Guo Hong didn’t see the slaves, and he was in danger instead.
Surrounded by Ying Changge’s men, Guo Hong tried to fight back, so as to catch them all.
However, Guo Hong’s people are all lazy ruffians, and their killing skills are really average.
Without the need for Ying Changge to lead, Meng Tian and the others continued to resist and counterattack in an orderly manner.
973 Confronting with all his strength, Guo Hong used his brothers to block Ying Changge’s other troops.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Guo Hong came in front of Ying Changge. He held a sword in his hand and fought with his teeth and claws.
Ying Changge was as motionless as a mountain. He was fighting back quickly, and the sword was swung full of sharp light and shadow.
Guo Hong came here just to behead him, but he didn’t expect that Ying Changge’s abilities were strong.
It seemed that it was four or two strokes, but Ying Changge easily blocked Guo Hong’s offensive with a single sword strike.
Guo Hong, who was overconfident, continued to run wildly and approached Ying Changge in one go.
Sensing Guo Hong’s killing intent, Ying Changge was calm, he let him be strong, and the bright moon shines on the river.
When Guo Hong attacked again frequently, his sword fell on Ying Changge’sneck.
Every sword is aimed at the vital point of Ying Changge, Guo Hong can’t wait to kill Ying Changge immediately.
But Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is superb, and he always defuses Guo Hong’s onslaught with ease.
Chapter 839 Candlelight flickers in the darkness!
A series of sword edges came to him, but they couldn’t pierce Ying Changge’s flesh and blood.
The figures of the two turned around, you came and I fought fiercely, and Jianfeng confronted endlessly.
Facing the enemy head-on, Guo Hong’s own arms were slightly sore from fighting, and it was difficult for him to raise his sword.
In the middle of the night, a large group of people are still fighting in chaos, and they will not let it go.
Seeing Ying Changge always one step away from him, Guo Hong was very resentful.
He is just an opportunistic businessman, and his skills are very mediocre, so he cannot easily deal with the enemy.
Guo Hong is quite good at such things as domineering, bullying more and less. He bullies the weak.
But once he was facing such an influential figure as Shang Ying Changge, he had no choice but to be very passive.
If he let himself fall down like this, then Guo Hong would be too useless, and he wouldn’t let it go.
Persevere and stand with the sword, Guo Hong will not stop here until he kills Ying Changge.
Showing his aura, Guo Hong continued to approach Ying Changge in a vigorous manner.
Swinging his arms, the fierce sword continued to stab Ying Changge, and Guo Hong’s sword moves were ever-changing.
An Ran didn’t move, his expression was calm, and Guo Hong’s eyes revealed a cold resentment.
Getting rich is the most persistent thing for Guo Hong, and he is resolutely striving to realize his dream.
With great ambitions, Guo Hong couldn’t wait to continue chasing and killing Ying Changge, his sword was exceptionally fast.
Ping, ping, ping, and swords were coming in an endless stream. Ying Changge was always on guard in advance and blocked with a sword.
After defusing a lot of offensives in one go, Ying Changge and Guo Hong still couldn’t tell the winner.
It’s just that the postures of the two are different. Guo Hong is out of breath, while Ying Changge looks calm.
Before Ying Changge could use his full strength, Guo Hong was already sweating profusely.
With such a posture, how could he continue to fight Ying Changge in a stalemate! It’s so funny.
Smiling, Ying Changge stood where he was, with a calm look on his face, “Let’s call it a day~‖.”
“Before you make mistakes again and again, rein in the precipice, and stop here.” Ying Changge scolded coldly.
“Otherwise, I will kill you all and let you all die here.”
After hearing Ying Changge’s threat, Guo Hong still didn’t change his mind, he insisted on going his own way.
“Impossible! In order to get rich, for the glory and wealth, I will, as always, go all the way to the dark.”
Sworn to death, at this moment, Guo Hong must take down all the hundreds of slaves of Ying Changge.
“Brothers, charge with me. Those who killed them will snatch and sell all the slaves!”
With Guo Hong’s yelling, a group of people responded fiercely, and they were still charging in an endless stream.
Walking vigorously, attacking in groups, the battle became more intense, and there was no way to rest.
In the gloom, with candlelight flickering, a large group of people were still fighting unremittingly.
Ying Changge did his part, and he put a series of people at the forefront to charge forward.
Trying to make ill-gotten gains, Guo Hong must annihilate them all and wipe them out.
Even if he faced someone like Ying Changge, Guo Hong still refused to give up and always attacked quickly.
Holding his sword, Guo Hong gritted his teeth and continued to approach while shouting.
The edge of his sword was full of light, and every sword stabbed at the vital point of Ying Changge.
Such a sword was really fierce, but Ying Changge controlled it to the fullest, and quietly defuse the offensive.
No matter what kind of attack came in front of him, Ying Changge used a sword for both offense and defense.
You come and go, you fight against each other, Ying Changge Jianfeng broke through many of Guo Hong’s battles.
Don’t look at Guo Hong coming here with murderous intent, but he couldn’t easily kill Ying Changge.
Not only that, Ying Changge pulled a thousand catties four or two times, intercepted Guo Hong’s offensive and then stabbed back with his sword.
This sword was so powerful that even if Guo Hong watched it helplessly, he had no chance to guard against it.
boom! The swords staggered, Guo Hong hurriedly used the swords to defend, but he couldn’t block Ying Changge.
A sword struck bravely, hitting Guo Hong’s body directly, causing him to stagger.
Gritting his teeth and looking resentful, Guo Hong supported his arm vigorously, and the sword edge stood in the air.
(Nuo Zhao is good) Barely resisted Ying Changge’s attack, but Ying Changge was not idle, he continued to approach.
Wielding his weapon with all his strength, Guo Hong tried to counterattack Ying Changge and took him down.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge had already noticed Guo Hong’s thoughts in advance, so he acted first.
Ping pong, the sword edge hit forward, and Ying Changge shook Guo Hong’s wrist so that it went numb and swollen.
His fingers were unsteady, and the sword in Guo Hong’s hand almost fell, so he quickly grabbed it with the other hand.
Killing enemies on the battlefield, swinging as much as you want, Ying Changge punches and kicks, he uses both hands and feet, and he is not idle at all.
When Guo Hong’s hands are not free, it is a good time for Ying Changge to chase and fight hard.
Chapter 840 Turn around and flee, disappear immediately!
He kicked up, and his foot hit Guo Hong’s abdomen, kicking him out heavily.
Losing his balance, Guo Hong fell in front of Ying Changge, rolling and doing several somersaults.
Seeing Guo Hong in such a state of distress, several younger brothers immediately rushed up to help, and fought against Ying Changge.
Still motionless, with a calm look on his face, Ying Changge held up his sword and continued to sweep.Wu domineering.
Several of Guo Hong’s brothers were still rushing forward, eager to kill Ying Changge together.
However, Ying Changge’s sword was so fast, it was even easier to wipe them out in one fell swoop.
A sword stabbed out, the edge of the sword fell, and blood was sprayed on Ying Changge’s clothes, so bright it was about to drip.
None of the three were able to touch the sword edge to Ying Changge, and then he killed him back.
Standing where he was, Ying Changge’s appearance was very calm, and even more unhurried, he walked up and down.
While continuing to approach Guo Hong, Ying Changge asked, “Is that all you have?”
“Don’t worry! I will definitely let you all die in my hands!” Guo Hong grinned.
He showed a resentful expression, and then charged forward bravely, fighting back with all his might.
The sword in his hand was still stabbing fiercely, and Guo Hong was still using all his strength with each sword.
Such sword skills are very masculine, and a series of sword skills stabbed Ying Changge’s body.
But Ying Changge didn’t slack off, he was calm and calm, and the sword’s edge came down in one go, which was really terrifying.
Whoosh! As if thousands of troops and horses were coming roaring, Ying Changge’s sudden sword strike was full of murderous aura.
Watching Ying Changge’s sword stabbing down helplessly, Guo Hong panicked and quickly raised his hands to defend.
As soon as the sword edge was protecting his neck, Guo Hong saw Ying Changge’s sword break through his own.
The sword in his hand was shaken by the impact, and he couldn’t hold it firmly. Guo Hong’s hand loosened the edge of the sword.
The fallen sword immediately stabbed the ground, flustered, and quickly raised his hand to continue holding the sword.
Without a sword in his hand, how could Guo Hong face the enemy! It was even more difficult for him to deal with Ying Changge!

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