The only thing he can do is to continue to fight bloody, otherwise he will die among Ying Chang singers.
every timeAll attacks were done with all their strength, and Guo Hong’s blows were all extra forceful, with all his strength.
A sword that goes all out is very brave. When Ying Changge collided with Guo Hong, his wrist was prone to soreness.
It is impossible to kill yourself if you face the enemy head-on, Guo Hong believes that his ability will last.
Ping pong, Jianfeng hit again, Jianfeng almost broke Ying Changge’s chest.
Fortunately, he is very dexterous. In the dark night, Ying Changge is always dancing and dodging.
Guo Hong struck out with every sword force, just to cut off Ying Changge’s head.
But Ying Changge won’t die, at least he can’t die now, he will support it.
Walking around quickly, raising his sword and waving, Ying Changge was always chattering to deal with Guo Hong.
The figures of the two were still fighting each other, and Guo Hong was surrounded by Ying Changge’s army.
Unable to leave, unable to escape, the only thing Guo Hong has to do is to fight with his back.
No matter how many Guo Hong’s men rushed up, Ying Changge would easily defeat them.
This is the battle that I most swear by, fighting for money and slaves!
But would Guo Hong retreat so easily! Ying Changge didn’t even give him this chance.
Chapter 837 The Crowd Is Vulnerable!
Ready to go, guarded all night, Ying Changge’s people all have unexpected unity and might.
Continuing to attack in an orderly manner, Guo Hong had already swung dozens of swords, all of which were full of murderous aura.
However, in these dozens of rounds, Guo Hong failed to kill Ying Changge smoothly.
They were tempting each other and confronting each other vigorously, Ying Changge always dealt with it with ease.
Even if he met Guo Hong, Ying Changge still restrained his swordsmanship and let him continue to stalemate.
Otherwise, if there are other disasters, how will Guo Hong escape? He has no chance.
At the stalemate, unable to kill “Nine Seven Three” Ying Changge, Guo Hong was very tired at this moment and worked very hard.
With weak arms and sore eyes, Guo Hong coughed and slowly stopped his sword attack.
Quickly stood his figure firmly, facing Ying Changge, Guo Hong was still on guard cautiously.
He was afraid that Ying Changge would continue to attack bravely, and he would die at that time.
With a bright smile, Ying Changge stands out from the crowd in this dark night, just like the bright moon in the sky.
“No matter what, you can’t defeat me, so you might as well catch me without a fight!”
“Impossible!” Guo Hong shook his head, he was bound to win, “I will not submit to your lust!”
“Even if you are strong and strong, so what! My life is not weak, and everyone is alive and well.”
“As long as you let them all attack to their heart’s content, within a few rounds, all of your troops will be wiped out!”
Roaring hoarsely, Guo Hong looked so crazy that he was bound to win, “I can win!”
“You people are like a mob in front of me, vulnerable to a single blow.”
As it happened, Guo Hong was still talking nonsense. He was talking nonsense just to kill Ying Changge.
If you win Ying Changge, you will be able to break out of the siege, Guo Hong firmly believes in this.
Guo Hong made a lot of money by reselling slaves, a sudden windfall.
It is precisely because he knows that Ying Changge has hundreds of slaves in his hands, so Guo Hong must come to snatch them.
Hundreds of slaves were sold one by one, and they all got a good price, and the harvest was rich.
Evil is born on the edge of courage, and Guo Hong led a group of himself to come here with all their might, aggressively.
It’s just that he never expected that he was still trapped, and Guo Hong couldn’t break out of the encirclement.
He was surrounded by Ying Changge’s men and horses, and he couldn’t leave here easily.
To snatch Ying Changge’s slaves and buy them all at a good price, Guo Hong is bound to win.
However, Guo Hong was really impulsive today, and he himself entered the siege of Ying Changge.
The men and horses including Ying Changge were all on guard, Guo Hong really couldn’t easily kill them.
The densely packed people gathered together quickly, many of them died in battle, and Guo Hong lost his brothers.
Many brothers died, Guo Hong saw it, and naturally he was very anxious.
He snorted coldly, his face was extraordinarily ferocious, Guo Hong even had a murderous look on his face, “Looking for death!”
Even though he was surrounded by so many people from Ying Changge, he still fought unremittingly.
Rapid charge, unscrupulous fighting, so many people are fighting in one go, you come and go.
Any offensive may disintegrate, Guo Hong does not want his people to be wiped out here.  …
Not daring to act recklessly, Guo Hongsheng was afraid that his group would die under the surprise attack of Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Fight hard, people come and go, so many people can’t stop Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s surprise attack.
Holding the sword in his hand, he was still in a persistent stalemate. Guo Hong had already made his brothers charge forward.
The pale-faced Guo Hong was surrounded, unable to fight his way out, and he was terrified.
He had known for a long time that Ying Changge was not something in the pool, but Guo Hong didn’t expect him to have so many people.
Especially Ying Changge’s soldiers were all alive and well, fighting openly.
Seeing Ying Changge fighting among his brothers, he won’t sit idly by.
Watching Ying Changge kill several of his brothers, Guo Hong became even more annoyed.
He pushed and shoved a few people away, and rushed to Ying Changge at full speed.
Raising his sword, Guo Hong slashed down on Ying Changge’s neck.
Janus is fast, but not able toStabbed Ying Changge to death with a sword, the sword move was very weak 4.9.
Unable to wait to approach, Guo Hong stabbed Ying Changge with his sword one after another, with murderous intent.
The murderous Guo Hong wanted to tear Ying Changge into pieces, because he knew he had no way out.
He and his own troops were trapped here, and Guo Hong put himself in for hundreds of slaves.
Caught in the struggle of Ying Changge, the only thing he can do is to continue to confront.
No matter how many troops Ying Changge had or how many troops he had, Guo Hong would fight his way out.
He moved forward recklessly, wielding his weapons indiscriminately, slashing and killing Ying Changge one after another.
Chapter 838 Standing still, looking calm!
Ying Changge is highly skilled in martial arts, his abilities are unpredictable, and he can always deal with them calmly.
Even if Guo Hong tried his best, he couldn’t hurt Ying Changge at all. There was a huge gap between them.
The unremitting Guo Hong continued to confront each other, swinging his sword vigorously, with afterimages flickering.
With ease, the sword edge continued to sprint, and it was about to stab Ying Changge’s chest in a blink of an eye.
Responding calmly, Ying Changge’s sword edge continued to strike, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping.
Under such an offensive, Ying Changge was not in any danger, but Guo Hong was exhausted.
Because at the beginning of the battle against Ying Changge, Guo Hong used all his strength to intimidate Ying Changge.
Confronting with full strength, chasing and killing impatiently, 05 Guo Hong showed his heroic side.
Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he didn’t show any signs of anxiety at all, and he was still dealing with the enemy cautiously.
A sword edge flickered, and the cold light came leisurely, and Ying Changge’s sword instantly pierced Guo Hong’s hand.
Although Guo Hong has a large number of people, he cannot be compared with Ying Changge’s soldiers after all.
Soldiers are trained for excellence, they are well-trained, and it is reasonable to kill enemies on the battlefield.
However, Guo Hong’s gang of little brothers are just playing small fights, and they can’t get on the stage at all, and they can’t face the enemy head-on.
A bunch of rotten fish and rotten shrimps, street rogues, but they couldn’t get entangled with Ying Changge’s men at all.
Let Meng Tian’s men continue to charge, and at this moment, Ying Changge also came behind Guo Hong.
Killing all the guys who blocked him, many of Guo Hong’s brothers were damaged.
Seeing Ying Changge’s murderous appearance, Guo Hong became even more resentful! He had a fierce look in his eyes.
Combining one blow with left and right, Guo Hong attacked Ying Changge with two prongs.
His weapons are extraordinarily powerful, but they cannot put Ying Changge to death, he is brave and fearless.
Although Guo Hong himself was very tired, he continued to confront Ying Changge and refused to relax.
Ying Changge stood with his sword in his hand, his face expressionless, “You have already committed a capital crime, so you might as well arrest him without a fight.”
“Arrest with nothing? Impossible!” Guo Hong laughed three times, “I will kill you all!”
“Not only that, but I’m going to snatch hundreds of your slaves and buy them for a good price!”
“They are all innocent people!” Ying Changge said solemnly, “They are all living people!”
“I have bought them, they are my people, and they have regained their freedom!”
“If you continue to hold these slaves hostage, then it is really outrageous! Humans and animals are inferior!”
After being held hostage by Ying Changge’s army, he didn’t have many chances left.
In case Ye Changge had more dreams, Guo Hong had to forcibly fight his way out from the invasion of Ying Changge’s army.

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